Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 25, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ?" Chapter 16

"Do you Anthony take Scott to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, till death do you part ?" The minister said. "I do." Anthony said. "Do you Scott take Anthony to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, till death so you part ?" The minister repeated. "I do." Scott said. "By the power vested in me by the state of North Carolina I now pronounce you husbands. You may kiss your spouse." The minister said. "Friends, family, distinguished guests and loved one. May I be the first to introduce you to the Misters Anthony and Scott Schwartz." The minister said.

Scott had stood through the ceremony with the largest smile. Part was due to pride and the other was watching how nervous Anthony was and how he was acting. Anthony had been able to purchase the remainder of the mountain. At the crest of the mountain was a large clearing. It seemed at some point that it may have been cleared for a home that was never built. Claire had been the flower girl to which Scott had ended up holding the entire ceremony. Brad and Amy had both tried to get her from him but she would have no part of it.

Anthony felt like his knees were knocking the entire time. Brat (Brad junior) had been the ring barer and at some point to stop him fidgeting, Anthony had picked him up and held him. Anthony let out a deep breath when the minister pronounced them husband and husband. He loved Scott and trusted him with all his heart but being a business man he could not relax and enjoy until in his mind he knew the contract was signed.

Before the kiss Amy and Brad had retrieved their children under protest of both the children and the grooms. Scott was calm for once and Anthony was the one that was shaking. Tents had been set up on the mountain for the reception. When the wedding planning started Anthony had a list of about three hundred. By the time Scott, Amy and Gwen were finished the guest list was party of around fifty.

Scott had kept telling Anthony not to be concerned about the weather. If it did rain they would move it to the house. Scott had found out the night before that on Anthony and Brad's instructions that they had paid contractors almost double to have part of the mill remodeled in time for decorators in case it was needed.

The night that Scott said yes Anthony had grabbed his phone and called Gwen. "He said yes Gwen. I need you to get on a guest list, venues, caterers, wedding planners. " Anthony was saying. Scott took the phone from Anthony mid sentence. "Gwen this is Scott. Do not start making any of those calls yet. We will talk next week. Another thing. When your office is officially moved down here my future husband will work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from ten until five. If he calls you any other time unless it is an emergency you have my permission to hang up on his ass. He promised to cut back so these are my terms. I know there will be times that has to change but for the majority of the time unless it is an emergency you don't need to call him either." Scott said.

Anthony was listening and trying to get the phone back. "I am going to like my new boss." Gwen laughed. "We will talk about all that later." Anthony said once he got the phone back. "No we won't. The boss has spoken and you better not fuck this up you idiot." Gwen said. "I guess I have new hours then." Anthony laughed.

Scott stood and looked over the crowd gathered. There were a few friends and a few family members. He had to smile as he watched his cousin talk to Anthony. He knew her too well. She was six months or so older than him and they had been more like brother and sister than cousins. Scott chuckled as he mouthed the words to himself that she was saying. "Anthony I gave you my cousin but if you hurt him all your money will not save your ass from me. Got it ?" Scott knew her well enough to almost read her mind. Anthony hugged her tight and Scott laughed as she was hitting him on the back telling him to let her go. Her husband looked over at Scott and smiled and shook his head.

Bo came up to Scott and introduced his date. "So this is the man with the platinum card." The young man said. "Not me. That tall one over there being scolded by my cousin is." Scott laughed pointing at Anthony. Anthony kissed Scott's cousin on the forehead and headed towards Scott. "Are you guys talking about me ?" Anthony said grinning. "He asked if Scott was the one with the platinum card and Scott pointed at you." Bo laughed. "Well his was suppose to be here by now but I haven't seen it." Anthony said. "Who's card, mine ?" Bo asked. "Not on your life turd. Scott's." Anthony laughed. "I already have credit cards." Scott said. "Well you have a few more now." Anthony said and leaned over and kissed Scott.

Gwen had well acclimated to the move. They decided that renovating the house and adding on some more rooms would work just fine. The house was complete and Gwen moved in three months before the wedding. Gwen was now in a quite serious relationship with the main security guard for the subdivision. Scott and Anthony had noticed that the man's truck would be parked at her house for four or five days at a time without moving. He could easily walk to work. When he reached the top of Gwen's driveway he could see the guard shack. They had also taken out a few trees so that the house had a nice view. Nothing like Scott's but a nice view. Gwen had mentioned building a house at the crest of the mountain but Anthony squashed that thought quickly. "Nothing will be built beyond our driveway the rest of the way up this mountain unless I build it for me and Scott." Anthony had said.

There were plans for some addition to Scott's house and the completion of the upgrades but Anthony lost the argument of building a new house. "If it's paradise why would you want to tear it down and build something else ?" Scott would remind him. Anthony had no argument with that except to say "What ever you want baby I am happy with."

Claire was a doll in her little dress. She was beginning to get a little fussy and came walking towards Scott and Anthony. When Brad called out her name she knew that he had to be somewhere behind her in close pursuit. Scott picked her up and she turned quickly to see how close her father was behind her. Scott could see in her eyes that it was nap time. Brad walked up and held his hands out. "Come her little girl. The grooms need to mingle." Brad said. Claire quickly moved to the other side of Scott and put her arms around Anthony's neck and pulled herself to him. "She is so sleepy." Brad said. "Oh hell no Bro. You aren't blaming this on sleepy. She finally wants her Uncle Anthony so you just need to suck it up and move on." Anthony said as Claire lay her head on his shoulder and looked at her father.

Anthony still held Claire when it was time for the toasts and to cut the cake. Amy came up and tried to take her daughter from Anthony. Claire was comfortable and almost asleep. She would have no part of her mother. "You don't want her in your wedding picture." Amy said. Scott gave her a stern look. "I have seen that look Sis. Best you leave that alone." Gwen said laughing. There were a few small children around so Brat was having fun playing with them.

"May I have your attention ?" Brad called out. The crowd quieted and turned to face him. "We are here to celebrate the wedding of Anthony and Scott. My hat is off to your Scott. I never thought Anthony could be house broken but you have done it. " Brad said. "Watch it Bro." Anthony laughed.

"On a more serious note. Less than a year ago Anthony and I thought that we had one of the best companies in the country. We had blinders on. I hate that my cousin was kidnapped but out of a nightmare came a dream. Scott nourished him back to health and made us take a long hard look at our company. We did not realize just how close to failure as business owners we were. Scott did not sit in an office or a board meeting but he brought our company to it's knees and made us take a long look at where we were and where we were headed. I myself want to thank him from the bottom of my heart. I credit Scott for saving not only my company but my family." Brad said. "I did not do a thing." Scott said blushing.

"This may not be the right place or time for this discussion but I just want everyone to know just how blessed we feel welcoming this amazing man into our family. As company owners Anthony and I thought that we had to have a finger on everything in our company. We had built a winning team for many years but had not realized that we had built that team for a reason. For Scott to accept Anthony back he had to agree to let go a little and work less. Anthony and I have turned to the talent we had employed and for the last six months we have had less employees turn over, we have almost doubled in size and profit while we spent more time with our families. We owe this all to you and the company has a gift for you. Everyone I would like you to meet Scott Schwartz our new Vice President. Don't worry you won't have to work in the company unless you want too." Brad said. "I appreciate it but I can't accept. The only thing I know about your business is how to wear the clothes." Scott laughed.

"Please raise you glass to Anthony and Scott Schwartz. May your years be filled with love and laughter. May you not tire of trying to train Anthony. Welcome to our company but most importantly welcome to our family. I know that we are only cousins but Anthony is like a brother to me so I can truly say that I am proud to have you as my brother in law. May life bless you both here in paradise." Brad said. "Here, here." the crowd shouted.

Scott's cousin stepped up next. "I am Scott's favorite cousin. We have shared each other's joy and pain our entire lives. I want to thank Anthony for making my cousin the happiest I have ever seen him. We as a family would like to welcome Anthony and look forward to getting to know him even better. I don't have a company position to give you but I can promise you the love and support of Scott's family. We may not be rich but we are tough so my threat still stands. You hurt my cousin and your money won't help when I hunt you down." She said. "If he messes this up I will help you hunt him." Brad laughed. "Thank you Brad but if he hurts him I can handle him all by myself. " She said. "I will say this. I am not joking when I say that I fully believe you could." Anthony said and raised his glass. "Here, here." the crowd shouted and raised their glasses.

The cake was cut and Scott put a little frosting on Claire's lips as she was almost asleep. The little girl smiled and her eye lids won out and she was fast asleep. Brad, Amy and Gwen all tried to relieve Anthony of the sleeping beauty but were turned away with a growl from Anthony. Scott just laughed when his cousin walked up and reached for the sleeping little girl. Anthony once again growled. She reached out and pulled the little girl from Anthony's arms getting a little louder growl. "Growl all you want just remember one thing. I don't growl I bite." She said before sitting in the chair and getting the sleeping baby comfortable. "Boy she is a tough one." Anthony said. "I learned years ago to just say yes honey." Her husband said laughing.

Marshall and his wife attended and for the first time in all of those years Scott was introduced to her. Scott had seen here with Marshall and in the grocery store in the past and they had acknowledged each other but that was the extent. "I think you two are Marshall's favorite patients. His answering service sends most of his calls to whoever is on call but they know if it is Scott or Anthony to put it through." She said laughing. "Well if either of these call I know it's serious. They don't call because they have a runny nose." Marshall laughed.

Claire had woken from her nap and was playing with the other children. It was about time for the caterers to start packing up and cleaning up. The owner of the catering company prepared a to go box of the finger foods for Anthony and Scott.

"May I have everyone's attention." Anthony said. The children played but the adults gave their attention to him. "Scott and I want to thank each and everyone of you for joining us today as witnesses to the declaration of our love and dedication to each other. Scott, Amy and Gwen have a sit down dinner planned at the mill house this evening for everyone here. We both know that some of you have traveled a long distance to be here and hope that the accommodations that we were able to provide were to your liking. I am not sure of the menu but I was assured that there would be plenty of variety so that everyone will have something they like. I was also told that Scott's best friends from Charleston had contracted with a local bakery for a dessert spread that is worth going just for it. Believe me I have not had anything from them that was not absolutely delicious. We hope you enjoy. Just a little thank you from us to you for being apart of our special day." Anthony said.

"I would like to add that I have purchased enough tickets for the Great Smoky Mountains Railway for everyone to ride if they would like. Please see Gwen to get your tickets. Also for those that may want to go Whitewater rafting I have purchased tickets for that. Please see Bo over here for those tickets and rafting times." Scott said. "Yeah I am the cute one." Bo said raising his hand. "Careful there shrimp." Gwen shot back at him causing the group to laugh.

"When are you leaving for the honeymoon ?" Someone called out. "The honeymoon begins when we get the last person off this mountain and I park Scott's truck across the road." Anthony said. "No exotic island ?" Someone asked. "He tried but we already have paradise here. No need to go anywhere. " Scott said. "He picked the honeymoon but I get to pick the anniversaries." Anthony laughed. "Once that truck goes across the road anyone trying to walk past it for the next week will be shot on site." Anthony laughed. "And what if I want to come see my cousin before I go home tomorrow ?" Scott's cousin said jokingly. "Honey you bite but I shoot on sight." Anthony laughed and blew a kiss her way.

The guests began to leave and the caterer began to clean up. "Are you guys coming for dinner ?" Brad asked. "Oh I plan on cumming quite a lot but not for dinner. I have my all you can eat buffet right here." Anthony laughed. "TMI there Bro." Brad laughed. "We thought about it but we just want to be alone so we can celebrate by ourselves." Scott said. "Well you two have fun. I will talk to you tomorrow." Brad said. "No phones and no visits for a week. Scott said. "But I can call can't I ?" Brad asked. "Week after next." Scott said. "I will just crawl over the truck and walk up here. " Brad said. "Anthony told my cousin that he didn't bite he just shot. I grew up on a farm and I don't miss." Scott said. "I guess I will have to do without you for a week." Brad said and pretended to pout. "Don't worry. If I catch him attempting to call he will be in a hole he can't dig himself out of. You two enjoy your honeymoon." Amy said.

Scott and Anthony entered the house and found a note. Bo's aunt had put some prepared meals in the refrigerator for them on her way up to the wedding. Scott excused himself to freshen up for what he hoped would be a busy night. The weather was warm and they had both changed in to shorts and t shirts. Anthony watched as the last catering truck pulled past the house. "Come on baby let's take the truck down to the end of the road and walk back." Anthony said. "You were serious about the truck then weren't you ?" Scott said laughing. "Hell yes. But I did give Gwen the spare key in case of emergency and the truck needed to be moved but rest assured there is not a soul alive cunning enough to talk her out of the key or try to take it from her. Plus I talked the HOA into giving her new boyfriend the week off with pay so she won't be coming out of the house either." Anthony said laughing.

The truck was in place and they began the walk back to the house. About one hundred yards up the road Anthony stopped and pulled his shirt and shorts off. Standing there in nothing but flip flops. Moments later he had his new husband in the same attire. They walked home holding hands. They were almost home when Charlie appeared beside the road ahead of them. "They are all gone little buddy. I am sure there is a feast for you and your kids up on the hill." Anthony said. They had learned in the spring that Charlie was really Charlene. Now they had three mouths to feed every few days when they showed up. During the summer they hunted for themselves. The slim days Charlie and the kids would show up and bark for supper. Charlie barked at Anthony and headed up the hill. Moments later her two offspring came from the woods and followed their mother.

The sun had begun to set. As they walked up the drive Anthony took Scott's hand and pulled him around to the front deck. Anthony pulled Scott onto the deck and then turned him to face him. Anthony leaned down and began to kiss Scott. As he did he spread Scott's ass cheeks. He reached around and collected fluid leaking from Scott on his finger before reaching back and inserting it into his ass.

Next: Chapter 17: Who Am I 17

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