Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 18, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ gmail.com and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

"Who am I ?" Chapter 15

Scott began cleaning the kitchen after everyone left. "I will do that." Anthony said. "I am fine so stop fussing. Plus you made me eat too much and I need to move around so my stomach will stop hurting." Scott said laughing. "Your stomach hurts ?" Anthony said as he began to strip once again.

"Yes you made me eat too much. That's all." Scott said. Anthony walked into the kitchen and reached over and pulled the warm up pants down. "What are you doing ?" Scott asked. "House rule. Clothes off at the door unless there is company remember ?" Anthony said smiling. "That rule changed a few weeks ago." Scott said. "Well some rules are meant to bring back." Anthony said as he grabbed the hem of the t shirt and began pulling it over Scott's head.

Anthony placed his hand on Scott's bare back and pulled him close for a kiss. " Did you hear Brat call you Uncle Scott ?" Anthony asked. "Yes and he is Brad Jr." Scott said. "He use to call himself Brat when he was learning to talk so he will always be Brat. I think Claire loves her new Uncle. She sure as hell doesn't care for me." Anthony laughed. "She is a doll but we need to chill this Uncle bit." Scott said. "I think it's cute." Anthony said. "It is cute but we have a lot to talk about." Scott said. "Are you upset ?" Anthony asked. "Not upset but confused. There are too many bits and pieces of plans. We have not talked about anything." Scott said. "Let me help you finish cleaning the kitchen and you need to lay down and rest. When we lie down I promise I will answer any question you have." Anthony said.

Anthony plopped down on the bed and Scott had to smile as he watched the large cock and balls juggle for a comfortable resting place. Scott moved to walk around so that he could get in on the other side but Anthony reached up and caught his hand before he could move far. Anthony took his free hand and tapped himself on his chest. "What ?" Scott asked. "Lay that beautiful body on top of me." Antony said. Scott crawled into the bed and straddled Anthony's waist. Anthony pulled his upper body down for a kiss and then had Scott rest his head under his chin.

Anthony lightly ran his fingers up and down Scott's back. " You fed Charlie didn't you ?" Scott asked. "Sure did. He even came up and touched Brat with his nose." Anthony said. "He finally did that to me a couple of months ago." Scott said. "I would have loved to see his face when Charlie touched him." Scott laughed. "Oh he was thrilled. He wanted to pet Charlie but I told him that Charlie was wild so he had better not touch." Anthony said.

"Are you alright baby ? You have had to process a lot of information in a short period of time. Being so weak could not have helped." Anthony said. "I just want the truth. I want to know what your plans are when it concerns me. Right now I can't take huge surprises." Scott said. "Ask me anything you want." Anthony said.

"Before we go any further. Do you really love me or is this guilt ?" Scott asked. "Baby I love you more than life itself. It tore my heart in half when I had to leave that day. When all the memories rushed back the first thing I could think was that I needed to protect you. I remembered how Bryson could act. I needed to get him away before he really caused a scene. I handled it all wrong and I am so sorry about that." Anthony said.

"My main question about that is why didn't you tell me ?" Scott asked. "I tried to tell you part but you would not take my calls, emails or texts. I even wrote some of it in a letter but the letter came back unopened. I could not face you until I had everything in order so that there would not be any issues." Anthony said still rubbing Scott's back and ass cheeks. "I have to give you that part. I didn't answer and I could not open the letter." Scott said. Anthony spread Scott's ass cheeks wide causing cool air to brush across the ring. "You know Marshall said that sex would be alright." Scott whispered. "You need a little more rest baby. Don't get me wrong I would like nothing more than to make love to you right now but your health is my biggest concern." Anthony said.

"I guess the best thing to ask next is what all plans and changes have you made. I read the letter to employees but I want to know the rest." Scott said. Anthony began by giving an abridged version of the company change. He told Scott that he had bought a building locally to put his office in. Gwen was ready for a change and wanted to move also. Brad's idea was to buy the house at the end of the road and remodel it or tear it down and build a house for Gwen that would have enough room for them when they visited. His plan to buy Scott's house was a spur of the moment idea. He also told Scott that he knew Gwen was probably on the phone right now trying to find the owners of the rest of the mountain and make them an offer.

"Anthony. I don't want nor need your money." Scott said. " You are going to have to be patient with me. I have never had anyone in my life other than Brad and his family that were not out for money. This is new to me." Anthony said. "If I don't sell the house I will have it paid for in about two years and the payment is cheap." Scott said. "I want you to have the money. I don't want you to stress over anything." Anthony said. "I don't have your type money but I don't stress over money." Scott said. "I am sure you don't baby but please take this money. I want us to enjoy life and not have to worry about a mortgage or anything else." Anthony said.

"So you plan on staying ?" Scott said. "If you will have me. We can tear this house down and build a mansion that will make those on the other side weep or we can leave this house and build a mansion on the peak once I buy that." Anthony said.

"Slow down. Besides I thought this was already paradise. I am not quite through with the updates but I will start them when the house is paid off." Scott said. "This house is perfect baby but you deserve a mansion." Anthony said. "I don't need a mansion. I don't need money. That is not what my life is all about." Scott said. "I will give all my money away then." Anthony said. "That's your choice." Scott said. "You really don't care about the money do you ?" Anthony said.

Scott lifted his head and looked down at Anthony. "I fell in love with a man that at the time was penniless and only had the clothes on his back. I did not know you were a multi millionaire. If I had I would have probably kept my distance because you would have never been interested in me. So no, money does not rule my life." Scott said. "Why would you think I would not have been interested ?" Anthony asked.

"Bryson." Scott said. "Bryson what ?" Anthony said. " I am not arm candy or a trophy like Bryson. I am not in my mid twenties and skinny. I don't look like a go-go boy." Scott said. "Point taken. I was not really attracted to him. He was someone to be in my house. Someone to go to the boring corporate things and I had money for him to blow to keep him there." Anthony said. "You didn't love him ?" Scott asked. "It wasn't love. I liked him enough to move him in my house but I never loved him. I was too busy working to care." Anthony said.

"I am glad you mentioned working. It scares me to say this but I am deeply in love with you. With that being said if you plan to continue to work like you did before then you need to move into that house Brad bought and let me get on with my life. I have worked too hard for too many years to get to this point. I don't want to be tied down to long hours or dealing with someone that works long hours." Scott said. "I have one more confession so that all the cards are on the table." Anthony said.

"When I got back all I did was mope around. Brad pulled me into his office and made me tell him what was wrong. I told him that the few days I was with you were the happiest of my life. He didn't say much then. When the check came back unopened he did some investigating. I promise I did not know or approve of him doing it. Brad was concerned that once you found out who I was that he would hear from some lawyer. I did not know until last week that you sent the check back. Are you mad about what Brad did ?" Anthony asked. "No I can understand why he would. Neither of you really knew anything about me." Scott said.

"He and Amy invited me to dinner one night. My plate had been full with the investigators of my abduction. Brad asked me how I really felt about you. I told him that my body actually hurt because I wanted you back so bad. I almost punched him when he pulled out a folder. He had found out that not only had you bought me clothes but you had also paid the doctor and hospital bill for my tests. He said that he had put feelers out and there had been no new lawyers checking into me or the company. We always have the usual. He said that you had earned your money the hard way. He and I both had fairly wealthy families but he said you earned yours from your own hard work and wit."

"Then Amy spoke up. She asked if you lived an extravagant life. I told her that it was not bare essentials but not exotic from what I could tell. She asked what type vehicle you drove. I told her you had a four door Ford pickup. Brad chirped in that you had paid cash for it. Amy then asked where I was headed with my life. I told her that I was not sure. I knew I wanted to be as happy again as I was when I was here. She turned and pointed at both of us and said "Then fix it." and walked off. I asked her how. She said that Brad and I had practically been Siamese twins since middle school and that if we could not put our heads together and come up with a solution then we needed to turn the company over to her and Gwen. You have to understand. Brad and I have always been able to throw money at an issue and fix it. Amy warned us that if we did that towards you that you would never accept it and I would die a lonely old man." Anthony said.

"It makes more sense now but we will still need to discuss the money part. " Scott said. "I would love to shower you with gifts and anything your heart could desire but Amy said that money would be an issue." Anthony said. "Smart lady." Scott laughed.

" She even fussed when I sent someone to buy the dream catcher. I promise I wanted to do it myself but I was in court all that week and I was so afraid that even though it had been there for years that I would walk in the door and it would be gone. So I sent an employee." Anthony said. "I don't want to be showered with gifts." Scott said. "I realize that but she also said that you would have an issue with me being a millionaire and you not." Anthony said. "Very smart lady." Scott laughed. "Baby I will give it all away if that helps. For the first time in my life I don't care about the money. I only care about you." Anthony said and pulled Scott's head down for a kiss.

Scott fell asleep still on top of Anthony. About an hour later he woke. Anthony was sound asleep but Scott had to use the restroom. Relieved that he had not seemed to damage his intestines by not eating he also took the opportunity to use some of the saline that had been in the cabinet of the bathroom for a couple of months. Once he was satisfied he was clean he rinsed well in the shower just for safe measure. Once dry he went to the kitchen and began a pot of coffee. The sun was starting to set and for the first time in months he stood and enjoyed the view that he had always loved.

"Yeah he is around here somewhere." Anthony said rubbing his head with one hand and holding a cell phone with the other. "Tell Marshall to start using office hours." Anthony laughed with the phone against his chest. He leaned over and kissed Scott before handing him the phone. "I am doing much better. I am still a little weak but I will get there." Scott said. "No I am not." Scott laughed. Marshall had asked if he was leaking from afternoon sex. "Just tell him to come on up when he gets ready. Just add it to my bill and I will send you a check. Thanks Marshall." Scott said.

"What now ? " Anthony asked. "He dropped some multi vitamins off with Bo and asked him to bring them by here when he had a chance." Scott said. "When is Bo coming ?" Anthony asked smiling. "I guess he will be here in a few minutes. What are you grinning about ?" Scott said. "You mind if I have a little fun with the kid ?" Anthony asked. "It's according to your definition on fun." Scott said. "No just a little tease to rattle the boy." Anthony laughed. "Tease on just don't touch." Scott said. "Baby I never plan to touch another man but you." Anthony said and walked over for a kiss.

Scott went and got the robe that Anthony had been wearing. Anthony prepared for Bo the ring the door bell. Anthony partially opened the door. Bo could tell from the little he could see that Anthony was naked. Trying to balance two carry out trays in one hand and a bag in the other was proving to be difficult. Just as the trays started to fall Anthony snatched the door open and grabbed the trays. Bo's mouth dropped open and he dropped the bag. Anthony stood in the doorway in front of him stark naked and his cock hard as a rock. "Oh uh. Um sorry." Bo said as he leaned down to retrieve the bag. Anthony stepped a little closer anticipating Bo's next move.

As Bo looked back up as he began to stand he found his face close enough to the hard cock that he could have stuck his tongue out and licked it. "You alright there buddy ?" Anthony asked. Bo didn't say a word but also didn't take his eyes off the hard cock as he stood back to his feet. "Vitamins." Bo whispered gesturing the bag to Anthony. "Come on in." Anthony said. Scott saw the display and Bo being completely out of sorts and fought back the urge to laugh. Bo took the bag back and held it in front of him as he came in trying to hide the fact that his cock had sprung to full attention in his tight jeans.

Anthony went over and sat beside Scott. Setting on the edge of the couch and leaning back allowed his cock to stand at full mass sticking straight up. "Thank you for bringing those vitamins." Scott said. "Uh yeah Uh not a problem. My Aunt sent two plates for you two for supper." Bo said barely able to speak. "You should have brought a third and stayed for supper." Anthony said reaching down and pulling his large balls up.

"Thanks but I have another date tonight." Bo said. "Need date money ?" Anthony asked smiling. "Hell I only spent twenty dollars last night and he was screaming hallelujah by the time I was done. Oh shit. Sorry Scott." Bo said and blushed still staring at the huge hard cock. "That's alright by the time I am done Scott makes up new words." Anthony said reaching down with his fist and giving the hard cock one slow jack. "Um ah enjoy your supper. I got to go." Bo said standing quickly. "Looks like you are packing enough to make him sing there buddy." Anthony said. Bo was blushing too bad at that point to try and cover himself.

"You are so bad." Scott said as Anthony closed the door. "I had to rattle the boy a little to get him prepared for his date." Anthony laughed. "You just won't do. I am going to have to keep an eye on you two." Scott laughed. Outside in the car Bo desperately tried to rearrange his cock in his jeans. He quickly picked up his cell phone and went through the contacts. "Hey man. You up for a repeat of last night ?" Bo asked. Bo smiled as he heard the voice on the other side. "Don't worry. I buy them bitches in bulk. We won't run out of condoms. About an hour good for you ? See you then." Bo said as he ended the call. "How the fuck do you take that thing Scott?" Bo whispered as he started to back out of the drive.

"You hungry baby ?" Anthony asked. "I'm hungry but not for food." Scott said. Anthony had a funny look on his face as he looked at Scott until Scott reached down and wrapped his hand around Anthony's softening cock. "Was that show for me or for Bo ?" Scott asked leaning towards Anthony. "Well it started out for Bo but if it work for you then I get a bonus." Anthony said as they kissed. Scott smiled while their lips were still together because the monster cock grew back to it's steely hardness in his hand.

"Baby are you sure we don't need to wait ?" Anthony said. "Marshall asked me if I was dripping your cum already from our sexual exploits." Scott whispered. "I like your doctor." Anthony said. Anthony stood and picked Scott up and headed to the bedroom. "Be right back." Anthony said after placing Scott's naked body on the bed. Scott could hear him relieving his bladder and then brushing his teeth real quick. Anthony turned to corner in the bedroom to see an empty bed. Looking around surprised he spotted Scott lying on his back in the window seat holding a bottle of lube in the air. "There is more room on the bed." Anthony said.

"We only need this space. I call bottom." Scott laughed. "Baby you can call bottom anytime you want." Anthony said. Anthony crawled onto the window seat and in between Scott's legs. He leaned forward to kiss Scott. Scott had put lube in one hand and reached down and began to apply the lube to Anthony's cock. "I think my baby is horny." Anthony said. "Only for one man. Now fuck me." Scott said lifting his legs around Anthony. "Not so fast baby. In time. You may not remember but it takes a little prep for me to make it home." Anthony said. "Home." Scott whispered. "Yes home baby and I am almost home." Anthony said.

The kiss turned from passionate to almost animal. Anthony smiled at how much fluid Scott's cock was leaking. Anthony reached down and took the precum and began to insert a finger inside Scott's ass. After about five minutes, four finger stretch and Scott pleading Anthony leaned over and sucked Scott's bottom lip in between his. He lightly sucked on the lips as he began to push his cock into Scott's ass.

Anthony had to close his eyes and breath deep because the second his cock head popped through the ring Scott jumped forcing Anthony's cock head to rest against Scott's prostate. Anthony tried counting window blinds or tree limbs out the window because the second he flexed his cock against Scott's prostate Scott screamed and began a earth shattering orgasm. Anthony was on edge himself and tried to find anything he could concentrate on to stave off his own orgasm.

Scott's breathing calmed and the spasms of his ass ring had stopped. Anthony moved up a little causing his cock to finish sliding up Scott's ass until the base of his cock stretched Scott even wider. The ass ring began once again clamping around his cock. "I am home baby. Daddy is all the way home." Anthony whispered. "Yes you are home." Scott whispered.

Anthony tried to make slow passionate love to Scott but his second head took over. Scott's head was push back into the pillow every time Anthony pulled back and shoved in balls deep moving his entire body with every thrust. "Oh ffuuuuccckkkkkkkkk........ " Anthony shouted as Scott wrapped his arms and legs tight around the man he was impaled on and his second orgasm squeezed the orgasm out of Anthony. Anthony's face was blood red and all the muscles and veins in his neck bulging as his cock began to unload deep inside Scott. Anthony could not breath. The only thing he could do was growl as his cock flexed and filled Scott.

"Baby I love you so much." Anthony said when he could finally breath again. He lie on top of Scott with his cock still flexing inside him. "I love you too baby." Scott said. "You really do love me ?" Anthony asked. "Yes baby I really do." Scott said. "Hold on tight." Anthony said as he picked Scott up from the window bed still impaled his cock. Scott whimpered with every step. Anthony's cock did not allow wiggle room in his gut due to the fact that it had to stretch it's way into him. Anthony sat on the edge of the bed. As Scott settled a little he flexed his cock again and caused Scott to shiver. Anthony reached down and pulled his overnight bag onto the bed. Scott had his nose in the pit of Anthony's neck while he dug in the bag. Scott heard a click but did not think anything about it.

"Baby, look at me please." Anthony said. He smiled at the glazed over look of ecstasy in Scott's eyes. "Baby I love you with all my heart. This is not how I had planned this but I just can't wait." Anthony said. Scott leaned back a little causing Anthony to moan at the change of pressure on his cock. "I had something romantic planned but I can't wait. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming Scott Schwartz ?" Anthony said producing an open ring box.

"I can get down on one knee if you want" Anthony said. Scott's eyes got big as he looked at the large band ring with a large diamond floating in the middle. "Are you sure ?" Scott whispered. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life. Please make me the happiest man in the world and say yes." Anthony said with a tear in each eye. "I bet there are very few people that have been proposed to with a cock deep inside them." Scott said.

"Fuck I messed up again." Anthony said. "NO baby. You look at me this time. " Scott said. Anthony's eyes met Scott as he leaned over and lightly kissed Anthony's lips. A couple of tease ass squeezes around Anthony's cock brought a couple of moans. "Baby there is nothing in the world I had rather do than marry you." Scott said.

Anthony jumped to his feet and shouted "YES". He spun around as if they were dancing with Scott still impaled on his cock. Anthony chuckled a little. "What's so funny ?" Scott asked. "I moved us to fast. I can feel a little bit of me leaking out and running down my leg. "Well we can't have that now can we ?" Scott said. "Don't worry I plan to keep my baby filled and happy." Anthony said as he kissed Scott passionately and began to slowly lift Scott's body up and down on his cock.

Meanwhile on the next mountain over. "HHHHhhhooollllllyyyyyy ffffucccckkkkkk.... Take that load bitch." Bo shouted as he filled the condom covering his cock while it was buried deep in the young man he had pressed tight to the wall. The young man whimpered as Bo would lower his hips a little and jab quickly back up into the boys gut.

This fantasy was a little different. He fantasized that he was fucking the boy he had pinned to the wall with a cock as large as Anthony's. Bo leaned over and nibbled at the boy's neck. "I'm still hard. Think you can take another round?" still jabbing his cock into the boy. "Fuck me harder this time. I want to walk funny for two days." The boy whispered. "Fuckin' A I can do that." Bo said as he pushed the boy to the floor for a doggie style pounding session.

Next: Chapter 16: Who Am I 16

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