Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 4, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ?" Chapter 13

Scott was still visibly shaken. Just the return of Anthony was shock enough but for him to once again be naked in his house and bringing him such an expensive gift was about to push his fragile nerves over the edge. "I sent you a check for the clothes and the doctor's bill but it came back unopened." Anthony said. "I don't want your money." Scott said. "I know you don't but it was money to cover what you spent on me." Anthony said.

Scott got up from Andrew's lap. "Why are you here ? Short of selling the house I have done all I can to get you out of my life and that's next." Scott said. Anthony heard Marshall when he said Scott was selling the house but he wanted Scott to tell him why. "Why are you selling the house ? I thought you loved it." Anthony said. "You call it paradise but now I call it hell." Scott said.

Scott went to walk past Anthony and lost his balance and fell onto the coffee table. Anthony quickly picked him up and headed towards the bedroom. Scott began to dry heave. Anthony quickly carried him to the shower. As he placed Scott on the seat in the shower he heard the door bell ring. "Fuck. Don't move I will be right back." Anthony said.

Anthony grabbed a robe from the back of the bathroom door and headed for the door. "You must be Scott." the lady said. "No sorry. Scott is not feeling well I am Anthony how may I help you ?" Anthony said. "I had an appointment to talk to him about listing his house." She said. "Um. Tell you what. Do you want the quickest and easiest sale of your life ?" Anthony asked. "If it were only that easy. I told Scott that his house would probably not be on the market for a week though." She said.

"Come with me." Anthony said directing the lady towards his car. If the lady was not so entranced in the man in the robe she would have probably laughed at him walking across the cold ground bare footed in a robe. Anthony opened his car door and reached in and pulled out a card holder. "Get the highest appraisal you can for this house. Add another hundred thousand to that. Send the contract to this lady on this card. She is my assistant. She will issue you a check for full asking plus a hundred thou." Anthony said.

The lady took the card and turned it over. "Oh Mr. Schwartz. I knew you looked familiar from the news. I am so glad that you are alright." she said with a flirty smile. "Get the price or hell just make up one. Send her the contracts and she will next day them back to you with a full payment cashiers check. Now if you excuse me I need to check on Scott." Anthony said. "But Mr. Schwartz there are many things that I feel like we could discuss." she said running her fingers through her hair and smiling. "You want the sale or not ?" Anthony asked in a stern tone. "Well of course." she said. "Then you have all you need. Have a great day." Anthony said as he left her standing there and hurried back to the house.

Anthony grabbed Scott's phone on his way back to the bathroom. "Is this Anthony or Scott this time ?" Marshall said. "It's Anthony. I need to bring Scott in to see you now." Anthony said. "I have already left for the day but I will meet you there." Marshall said. "Good. How do I get there ?" Anthony asked. "Just meet me at the guard shack and follow me." Marshall said. "I will be there as quick as I can." Anthony said.

Anthony hurried back into the bathroom. Scott was laying in the floor with the water showering down on him. Scott dropped the wet robe on the floor as he pulled Scott up and picked him up. He quickly tried to dry Scott off but Scott was not really responding. He lay Scott on the bed and looked around for clothes. "To hell with this. He can be mad later." Anthony said as he wrapped Scott in the bed sheet.

Anthony used his foot to pull the door too behind him. He placed Scott in the passenger seat of his car and buckled him in. Anthony ran around to the trunk of the car and opened it quickly. He grabbed another pair of warm up pants, t shirt and pair of Crocs. He dressed quickly and was in the driver's seat and backing out of the driveway.

As he reached the guard shack he saw the silver Range Rover setting to the side. He blew his horn and flashed his lights because at this point he was scared for Scott's life and did not want to stop and chat. Once at the office Marshall met Anthony at the passenger door to the car. "I got him. You unlock the door and please hurry." Anthony said.

Marshall's eyes grew wide when Anthony lay Scott on the exam table and opened the sheets. "Before I do anything I am going to start a bag of fluids in one arm and nutrients in the other. I was pissed off that you came back after what he went through but if you had not come today he might not be with us tomorrow." Marshall said. Anthony held each arm for Marshall to place the needle in and start the bag.

"Why didn't you call me before he got this bad ?" Anthony asked. "You are the fucking reason he is this bad so why the hell would I call you ?" Marshall said. "I know, I know. I'm just scared right now." Anthony said. "Yes. Almost as scared for him as he was for you." Marshall said. "Was he scared for me ?" Anthony said. "The poor guy was scared half out of his mind and you had never opened your eyes or spoke. I don't think he left the bed you were in except to answer the door for me for almost two days." Marshall said. "I didn't know all that." Anthony said. "He force fed you broth when you didn't want it. He forced the pills down you that I told him you needed. It takes a special person to care for someone they don't even know as well as he cared for you." Marshall said.

Anthony walked over to the table and leaned over and kissed Scott on the lips. "You have to get well baby. I love you too much to let you go." Anthony whispered getting a moan from Scott in return. " My question is what is he going to do when you leave again ?" Marshall asked. "If I have to leave he is leaving with me." Anthony said. "So this was not just a social call or better yet a booty call ?" Marshall said. "I had to get everything in place before I came back and asked him to forgive me for what happened and give me a chance." Anthony said still leaning over Scott.

The bag of nutrients was completed and the fluids bag was close. "Do I need to admit him to the hospital ?" Marshall asked. "You are the doctor so you tell me." Anthony said with a puzzled look. "What I am asking is are you going to take him home and just drop him off. If so I need to put him in the hospital. If someone will be with him then he will be good to go home. He needs one more bag of fluids and that takes about four hours. If you are going to stay with him then I can follow you there and set up the last bag. Then I can come back and remove it." Marshall said.

"I am not going anywhere. Marshall it took me two months to get everything in order. I could not come back and face Scott until everything was in place." Anthony said. "What was so important it took two months ?" Marshall asked. "First I had to get that mess taken care of with my ex partner and the other two guys. Then I had to sit down with my cousin and talk about business and some changes." Anthony said.

"Maybe you can convince Scott to move to Charlotte. Since he is selling his house he will have to decide where to move." Marshall said. "The house is already sold." Anthony said. "When did that happen ? Scott has not said anything." Marshall said. "It happened today. Scott does not even know yet. I met the realtor at the door, gave her my card, told her to send the contracts to my assistant. I bought the house." Anthony said. "You are bold. Scott may not like that." Marshall said smiling. "I will cross that bridge later. Right now getting him well is the important thing." Anthony said. "Well I personally am glad you bought it." Marshall said.

"Well I also bought the old Mill building back towards Cherokee." Anthony said. "The one with the antique store in it ?" Marshall asked. "Yes. They can stay. I wanted the rest of the building. I am moving my office, not the corporate, just mine here into that building." Anthony said. "So you are coming here permanently ?" Marshall asked. "If Scott will have me. We never got that far before we ended up here." Anthony said. "Let's load him up and I will follow you to the house." Marshall said. "Grab another one of those milk looking bags if you think that will help. I want him to get everything he can to help." Anthony said.

Anthony had carried Scott back in the house and got him situated in the bed by the time Marshall go there. "I am fine I just got weak for a minute. Stop fussing over me and let me get up." Scott said. "Not on your life. When Doc. says you can get up then we will talk about it." Anthony said. Marshall brought in sports drinks and the bag of fluids and nutrients. "You have gotten a lot of your color back already. You are not getting up for at least four hours. That's how long it will take for these bags to drip." Marshall said. "At least let me pee first." Scott said. Marshall felt his eyes water up when he saw Scott stand to walk naked to the bathroom.

Anthony lay in the bed beside Scott while the fluids dripped. "I heard you tell Marshall that you were moving your office here." Scott said. "I bought a building. My assistant wanted to move too so we are helping her find a place." Anthony said. "I also heard that you bought my house. At least that is what I thought you said." Scott said. "Baby I hope that it will be our house. I was going to wait until you had more strength to talk to you about that." Anthony said. "You don't have to do that." Scott said. "Baby to me this is paradise as long as you are here with me. I should have come back sooner and I wish to God I had now but I wanted everything in order so I could prove to you I was serious. If you don't want me to live here with you I can even deal with that. You stay here and I will buy another house." Anthony said.

"Please don't take this wrong but this time I need to make sure that this is real. I don't think I would survive round two of this. I thought I was strong but apparently not as strong as I thought." Scott said. "Baby you are strong. You saved my life without any regard to how it would affect you. I just wish that I had come to you and told you what was going on and how I planned to fix it. I was not sure you would let me in. I sent you a check for the doctor's bill and the clothes but you sent it back unopened." Anthony said. "I didn't want your money. I wanted you." Scott said.

Scott and Anthony both napped while the fluids dripped. Anthony was a little concerned because Scott's stomach looked a little bloated. He remembered that Marshall had said that would probably happen so he drifted back off to sleep. The door bell startled him awake.

Anthony grabbed the wet robe and put it on. He held the robe together when he opened the door. "It's you." Bo said. "Yes Bo it's me. " Anthony said and smiled. "My Aunt made some chicken soup and wanted me to bring some up here." Bo said. "Come on in." Anthony said. Anthony remembered the discussion of Bo being gay. "Put that on the counter. I need to throw this wet thing in the dryer." Anthony said and headed into the laundry room. Bo may have been mad at Anthony but he was enjoying looking at the hairy chest coming out of the robe.

Bo gulped hard as Anthony came back in stark naked. His large cock and balls swaying as he walked. "Fuck me." Bo whispered. "Sorry buddy. A little too young and this belongs to Scott and Scott only." Anthony said as he reached down and fondled himself. "What are you two talking about ?" Scott said walking in wrapped in the sheet carrying the two drip bottles. Anthony quickly moved Scott to the corner of the couch and hung the bags on a lamp shade. "Are you sure you should be up ?" Anthony asked.

"Just sit down and stop fussing. I have company and I wanted to come out and talk to Bo. So chill." Scott said smiling. "Yes sir." Anthony said and smiled. Bo sat and tried to talk to both Anthony and Scott. Being a teenager it was tough for him not to stare at Anthony. "How long before you have to be back at the store ?" Scott asked. "I am off the rest of the day and tomorrow too. " Bo said. "If you don't have any plans you should stay for supper." Scott said. "Thanks but I have a date. Doc. told me that Anthony bought your house so I can't wait around for the boy with the cute ass. It was bought by an old cute ass. He may have a cute teen nephew though." Bo laughed.

"What in the hell are you two talking about ?" Anthony asked. "Bo had stipulations to go in the contract of the house sale. They had to have a teenage son with a cute ass. There were a few other stipulations but that was the main one." Scott laughed. "Sorry buddy. This cute ass is spoken for if he will still have it." Anthony laughed. "The part of him buying the house has not been discussed so you may not be out of luck." Scott said. "Hey I had rather have you and an old cute ass here than a teenage one. Did I just say that ?" Bo said laughing.

Luckily the robe had dried by the time Marshall arrived to remove the needles. He listened to Scott's heart, lungs, stomach and even bowels. "I think you are out of danger but you HAVE to eat. I also want you to eat yogurt every morning and even as a snack for a few days." Marshall said. "I don't have yogurt." Scott said. "You will." Anthony said.

Anthony walked into the great room. "You interested in making some date money ?" Anthony said asking Bo. "I need you to run pick up some groceries for me." Anthony said. "Sure just make a list." Bo said. Anthony opened the refrigerator. "Damn." He said. "What ?" Bo asked. "Not a damn thing in here. Tell you what. Just get eggs, milk, bread, sandwich meat and anything you think Scott will eat." Anthony said opening taking his wallet from the counter and opening it.

Bo took the credit card and looked back up at Anthony. "Fuck. This is platinum." Bo said. "Yes so if your car won't make it and you need to buy another one just get it." Anthony said. "I wouldn't do that." Bo said. "Well it's platinum so if you want to buy one of everything in the store then there is no spending limit. And here is some date money." Anthony said handing Bo some folded bills. "Dude this is way too much." Bo said. "You need date money." Anthony said. "Dude if I spend five hundred dollars on a date he better have his legs in the air screaming hallelujah while milking my dick all night long." Bo laughed. "Take the money. It's worth every penny. I may need more errands before this is over so there is more where that came from." Anthony said.

"Marshall what do you think ?" Scott asked. "After you eat something other than the IV's I gave you, you should be good for some not so wild sex. Swinging from the rafters may take at least twenty four hours." Marshall said. "I was talking about Anthony coming back." Scott said and smiled. "Well if I didn't think he was sincere I would have told you to keep your legs closed. We have had a couple of long talks. It sounds like he and his cousin almost restructured their company just for you." Marshall said. "I am scared." Scott said. "Understandable. Let me just say that while I was getting you hooked up to the bags he was on the phone having an emergency helicopter put on stand by in case it was needed. The man loves you. Just try to go slow this time." Marshall said.

Marshall said his goodbye's and even commented to Anthony that sex was fine but not to push too much until Scott got some strength back. "Slow and easy does it." Marshall said. "I definitely need a new doctor." Scott laughed. Anthony followed Marshall out to his vehicle. Marshall assured him that Scott would not break but just no wild stuff. Anthony took that opportunity to get his luggage from his car.

Bo seemed to have given the platinum card a work out. After his fourth trip in the house with arm loads of groceries he had finally emptied the car. "Thank you so much buddy. I hope they did not give you any trouble with the card." Anthony said. "Nah. They have a cute guy as one of the cashiers I did take a little extra time so I could go through his line. I handed him that platinum card and I think his dick leaked a little. Looks like there may be a new one in the pool for me to play with." Bo said laughing. "You two just won't do." Scott said laughing.

Scott had argued but lost when it came to eating. He did not eat any of the solid food in the soup but Anthony would not let him stop sipping the broth until his stomach was bloated and aching some. "Just wait until you eat four things of yogurt for breakfast." Anthony said as he leaned over and lightly kissed Scott on the cheek. There was no sexual suggestions or advances as Anthony pulled the two naked men's bodies together and spooned Scott as they fell asleep.

"Yeah take that big dick boy." Bo shouted. "Take that big dick. Make that sweet ass sing to it." Bo kept saying. "That's right bitch squeeze that ring around my fat dick and make it sing." Bo said as he pounded his cock into the boy underneath him doggie style. "Yeah make those ass cheeks sing when my cock buries inside you." Bo moaned. The sound of skin slapping together got even louder and quicker. "Yeah boy tell me how much you love this fat dick." Bo growled as he arched his hips again and pounded into the boy. "Harder Bo harder.. Fuck me." the boy shouted.

"That's it. Fuck yourself back on my cock like a bitch in heat." Bo shouted. "Ohhhh fuuu.....fffuuuuuu..fffuuuuccckkkkkkkk." Bo shouted as he pulled his cock out of the young boy snatching the condom off before jacking quickly.

"Ohhh ...ohhh. Ooooohhhh here it comes . Gonna paint that sweet back.... ooohh... ffuuuu. ffuuuckk Cccchhhrriiiss." Bo shouted before falling onto the young boys back. "I am not Chris." the boy almost shouted. "I was trying to say Christ but that sweet ass was so good I couldn't get it out." Bo said. As he lay on the boys back humping his still sensitive cock against the young pale ass cheek he could not believe what had happened.

Bo had to try to clear his head. He had never been a bottom but he had closed his eyes while he was pounding his cock into the young boy. To his surprise he was fantasizing about Anthony being behind him and pounding his huge cock up his ass while he pile drove his cock into the unsuspecting boy.

Next: Chapter 14: Who Am I 14

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