Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 27, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ? Chapter 12

It has been just over two months since Anthony left. Scott had come to terms in some ways with what had happened. Scott was busy in the kitchen when the door bell rang. As he walked to the door he had to tug on his jeans to keep them up. "Hey buddy what brings you up here ?" Scott asked. Bo stood in the door with a package and some empty boxes.

"Come on in. You can put those over there on the counter." Scott said. "Damn Bro you need to eat. You loose much more and these mountain winds will blow you away." Bo said. Scott still had no appetite. Scott was in shape when he met Anthony. He wasn't gym fit but had very little body fat. He had stepped on the scales that morning and it showed he had lost twenty eight pounds since Anthony left.

"I eat." Scott laughed. "Yeah one brussel sprout a day maybe." Bo said. "Marshall send you up here to pick on me ?" Scott laughed. "No my Uncle and I have been saving you some boxes plus this package was delivered to the store. That cute FedEx guy said it needed to be signed for and no one answered your door. Scott thought it may be an auction return. It would have been his first. As he looked at the label he saw that it was from Anthony's company. "Here you can have it." Scott said.

"Nope dude it has your name on it not mine." Bo said. "I will open it later." Scott said. "I wish you would change your mind." Bo said. "It's time for a change. I can't get him out of my house." Scott said. "I can understand that. I also know that he would be a hard one to forget." Bo said. "I know it sounds crazy to sell my house but I am at a point in my life that I don't need this stress. New place, new beginnings. That is why I moved here." Scott said.

Scott had tried to cope with the house after Anthony left. He was finally able to get rid of the Pepsi and the tooth brush. The pillow case ended up in the trash and he had been able to start moving on. Two weeks ago he had walked out into the storage room to pick some items to auction and he found the clothes that Anthony had worn that day and left in the storage room. That was his breaking point. He didn't cry, he just sat most of the day in the great room looking at the wall until he decided it was time to pack, sell and move on.

"Dude you got a beautiful place here though." Bo said. "Thanks. I know it sounds dumb but all I see is Anthony." Scott said. "I guess he did get under your skin. A lot more than I realized." Bo said. Scott pulled out his phone and pulled up the picture of them kissing under the rainbow. "Fuck Bro. Makes more sense now. I am so sorry." Bo said. "I will delete this pic when I leave." Scott said. "I wish you would stay though." Bo said.

"Well the realtor will be here today to look at the house and discuss listing it. I am putting a stipulation in the sale contract. They have to have a hot teenage son that Bo can play with. If you know what I mean." Scott laughed. "I had rather have you stay. I do alright on my own. Hell have you seen all the hotties that show up to go rafting. Little Bo gets plenty of action." Bo said laughing. "Well I am going to put in the contract that they have to have a lifetime play mate for you." Scott said. "I sure will miss you Scott." Bo said and walked over and hugged Scott. "Damn man how many ribs do you have? I can feel every one." Bo laughed.

"Well I want him a little shorter than me. Blonde hair would be great. Cute firm ass a must. Oh yeah got to have puffy lips oh and no offense but I like them with smooth skin. When I get older maybe hairy but not now." Bo said. "Eye color and dick size preference ?" Scott laughed. "Blue or green eyes and nothing near Anthony's size. More than a mouth full is a waste." Bo laughed. "I will be sure to put all of that in the contract." Scott laughed. "Damn why can't Doc. Marshall be here ?" Bo said. "Why him ?" Scott asked. "He told me over a month ago that he would give me twenty bucks if I made you smile. I told him to make it fifty and I would make you smile and laugh. I did both and he wasn't here to see it." Bo said laughing.

"I know that I will be talking to him. I will make sure he knows that you made me laugh and smile a few times." Scott said. "No need dude. I had rather have the smile and the laugh than the money." Bo said and hugged Scott one more time. "OH hold on. I found something for you." Scott said. Scott went into the storage room and came back out and handed Bo a wrist band.

Scott had found one of the sweat wrist band about a year ago that was black terry cloth. In the middle was lines only two thread wide of the LGBTQ rainbow. It was subtle but it was noticeable. "I see you wearing these during the summer when you are setting up the rafting trips. You may not want to wear it but it may help with those that want to flirt but are afraid too. " Scott said. "Damn Scott I love it. You are fucking awesome. Please don't move." Bo said. "Don't worry I have the list of what the new owners son has to look like. He may not let you wear it." Scott laughed. "You are awesome Scott. I got to run but don't forget he has to have a cute bubble butt." Bo said laughing as he walked out the door.

Scott's cousin called and ended up talking to Scott for two hours. "Well the sooner I can pack up these few things and get the realtor on the ball the sooner I can come visit. If I stay on the phone with you I will never make it. " Scott said. "O.k. smartass get back to packing." she said. "Love you too cuz. I will call you back after the realtor leaves." Scott said.

It was mid afternoon and Scott had taken a break. He had walked through the house and looked at the things he planned to leave and offer with the sale of the house. The realtor was suppose to be there around four p.m. Scott looked at the clock and it was two thirty. "I guess I need to do something with these boxes in case they want to take pictures." Scott thought.

Scott was cursing and grumbling as he moved the boxes. He almost had to shuffle his feet trying to hold his legs together to keep the jeans from falling down. In the third week after Anthony left Scott began to develop a body image complex. He was fairly sure it was because of the weight loss but he stopped walking around the house naked. The only time he was naked was in the shower. He had started sleeping naked when he was about twelve but even refused to sleep naked. He now slept in shorts and t shirt.

As he put the boxes in the corner he stood and tried to pull the jeans up to his chin. "Enough of this shit. The realtor will just have to meet me in warm up pants." Scott said to an empty room. There were a few more boxes to move but he knew that he had to change first. Scott walked across the great room with one hand holding up his jeans when the door bell rang. "Well shit. They are early. I can change later." Scott said and turned towards the door.

Scott was not looking up as he opened the door. When he started to look up he gasp. Before he got to Anthony's face he knew exactly who it was. Anthony stood at the door wearing the running shorts that Scott had bought for him. There was nowhere near enough cloth to cover his package. Before he saw his face he saw one of the large balls creeping out of one leg and the tip of his cock poking out of the other. "Scott." Anthony said.

Scott almost passed out. He lost his balance but quickly caught himself with the door. "Anthony." Scott whispered. "Can I come in ?" Anthony asked. Scott stepped back and swung his arm out motioning Anthony to come inside. Charlie was in the road in front of the house bouncing up and down and barking. Scott could not remember him barking at all in the last six weeks or so even if he remembered to feed him.

Scott began to tremble again. The pain in his chest and knot in his stomach were back. He had not had either in over six weeks. "Thank you for letting me in." Anthony said. "I don't mean this rude but what are you doing here ?" Scott said. "You wouldn't take my calls and when I sent you a package with a note it showed that Bo signed for it." Anthony said. "I really don't think we have anything to talk about." Scott said and looked out the side window beside the door. "He is gone. He is not here." Anthony said. "Who ?" Scott asked. "Bryson. He is gone." Anthony said. "I hope you did not do that on my account. If so you need to go catch him real quick." Scott said.

"That is one thing I needed to talk to you about." Anthony said. "Talk then." Scott said as he tugged on his jeans. "I need to use your computer." Anthony said. Scott pointed towards the office. His heart sank as he watched Anthony walk away. With every step the cloth would move exposing the bottom of one ass cheek and then another. Scott went back into the kitchen and began to wrap items and put them in the box. His hands and body were shaking so bad he finally had to stop in fear of dropping something and breaking it.

"Scott. I have something you need to see." Anthony said calling from the office. When Anthony had first woken the computer he had to sit and look for a second. He ran his hand over the screen that had the picture of the two of them kissing under the rainbow.

Scott walked in the office holding his jeans by a belt loop with one hand. Anthony got out of the chair and turned it for Scott to sit in. Scott had to take a deep breath. As Anthony went to stand the cloth lost the battle and his entire package came free of the shorts. Anthony looked up at Scott and smiled. "You bought them for me." Anthony said. "My hope was to have this view under different circumstances." Scott said. "Just look at this please." Anthony said.

Scott sat down and faced the computer. Anthony reached over and tapped the mouse to make the video begin. Anthony had pulled up a news release from the Charlotte television station. The speaker blared out. "Tonight's top story. Three men arrested in the kidnapping and beating of local CEO." the speaker said. Scott watched and at some points gasped. There were a couple of security camera clips from businesses. Scott was motionless when the reporter said. "We are working on more information for our update on ten p.m. news. Stay tuned." the reporter said.

Scott still sat motionless. Anthony turned the chair so that he could see Scott. Large tears were running down Scott's cheeks. "I am so sorry." Scott whispered. "Oh no baby. You had nothing to do with this. If you and Charlie had not found me they would have gotten their wish and I would have been dead." Anthony said getting to his knees and pulling Scott to him.

"Are you alright ? Are you sick ?" Anthony said quickly getting up and pulling Scott to his feet. Anthony had noticed the weight loss in Scott's face and could tell his clothes were a little loose but the t shirt had hidden Scott's ribs until he put his arm around him in the chair. As Scott stood he lost the fight with his jeans and they fell to the floor. Anthony placed his hand on Scott's hip and gasp.

Pushing Scott back a little he pulled the t shirt quickly over Scott's head exposing his full naked body. "Oh my God baby are you sick ? What has Marshall said ?" Anthony asked as he quickly ran his hands over Scott's body. It was not a sensual search but a concerned one. Scott at one point had the sexiest hips Anthony had ever seen. What he saw rocked him to his core. Scott's hips bones were protruding and he could see that the skin over Scott's ribs seemed to be hanging on for dear life. "What's wrong ? What has he said ?" Anthony asked. "I am fine." Scott said. "No you are not." Anthony said picking Scott up as if he were a dish rag and walking to the great room.

Anthony grabbed the cell phone from the counter as he walked by carrying Scott. Anthony sat down on the sectional and had Scott in his lap. Scott's body had begun to shake. When Anthony was there earlier he was not ashamed of his body. Now he felt more vulnerable and exposed than he ever had in his life.

Anthony scrolled through the phone and found Marshall's cell number. "Hey Scott is everything alright ?" Marshall said instead of hello. "Marshall this is Anthony." Anthony said. "Anthony ?" Marshall said. "Yeah Anthony or Chris which ever name you want to use." Anthony said. "I have patients in here so I can't use the name I want too." Marshall said. "I deserve that." Anthony said. "What are you doing with Scott's phone. Is he alright ? What's going on ?" Marshall asked.

"That is why I am calling you. I am at his house. He is nothing but skin and bones. Is he sick ?" Anthony said. "It's his heart." Marshall said. "Oh my God. What is wrong with it ?" Anthony said. "You broke it mother fucker. I will bet you he has not eaten a full plate of food combined since you left. He won't let me help. I know he is dehydrated. He is even selling his house and moving away." Marshall said. "Selling his house ?" Anthony said looking down at Scott in his lap. "Hell yes. He said that you were there for less than four days but he can't get your ass out of it. If you are there just for a social visit then you need to leave right now." Marshall said. "Marshall I need him to talk to me and hear me out." Anthony said. "Well if you hurt him anymore you better hide where I can't find you. I am a doctor and I won't half way do the job like those other guys." Marshall said and ended the call.

"Baby you need to eat something. I am so sorry that I have put you through all of this. It is killing me to know that I did this to you." Anthony said hugging Scott tight. "I did this to myself and I will be fine." Scott said. "No you didn't. I did this to you. When they walked in my memory came back. I should have pulled you in the back and told you what was going on with Bryson but I knew he was such a drama queen it would make matters worse." Anthony said. "I felt like I died when you walked out the door. I feel like I am dying all over again." Scott said as Anthony felt a tear drop land on his arm.

Anthony began to fill the blanks in. He told Scott that he had told Bryson to be out of his house by the time he returned. His accountant had found where he had been stealing money from him and paying rent on an apartment for his lover. He traveled a lot with the company so Bryson had plenty of time to spend at the apartment.

He had decided to go to the casino in Cherokee. Bryson, his lover and a friend of the man followed him. Bryson never touched him but the other two jumped him. The cameras showed Bryson there and Bryson drove his car and the other two brought him up here and dumped him out. He also told that he found out that Bryson had hired a lawyer in case he did not come home. He felt like being Anthony's lover that he was entitled to part of the estate.

"I am so sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that." Scott said with tears still streaming down his cheek. "No baby I am so sorry that you got caught up in all of this." Anthony said. "I will be fine. I better understand it now." Scott said. "I was sure that you would have heard on the news. It was on every news station for two weeks." Anthony said. "I haven't turned the television on." Scott said. "You have been held up in this house for two months in silence." Anthony asked. "Quiet can be your best friend sometimes." Scott said.

"No baby. Silence can drive you insane." Anthony said. "Bo has been by." Scott said. "I know. I stopped at the store. His Uncle had to pull him out onto the deck in the back. That boy sure can curse." Anthony laughed. "Why was he cursing ?" Scott asked. "When I walked in he saw me and started throwing things at me and cursing. I never got to explain anything to him because he would not stop long enough for me to speak." Anthony said. "I hope you weren't dressed this was when you went in." Scott said and chuckled. "No way. I wore a pair of warm up pants over the shorts." Anthony said and laughed.

"Oh I almost forgot. Wait right here." Anthony said as he lifted Scott and placed him on the couch. Anthony came back through the front door with a large wrapped package. Scott did not want a gift and could not imagine what Anthony was trying to prove. Anthony quickly stripped and grabbed the box and came back to the couch placing the box in front of Scott.

"Open it." Anthony said. Scott reached out and pulled the paper away. He opened the box and as he reached in and began to pull the contents out he began to shake again. Anthony quickly reached out and pulled him back into his lap. "Finish pulling it out." Anthony said. Scott pulled the remainder from the box. Anthony had bought the dream catcher that Scott had looked at for all those years. On the bottom rim there was a brass plaque that read "Dreams in Paradise."

Next: Chapter 13: Who Am I 13

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