Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 20, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ gmail.com and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

"Who am I ?" Chapter 11

Scott made his way past the two men and took a seat in the recliner across the room from the sectional. Bryson was still crying and kissing all over Anthony's face. Anthony watched as Scott sat in the recliner and looked directly at the deputy. He would not look in his direction.

"Are you Anthony Schwartz ? the deputy asked. "Yes I am. My name is Anthony Schwatrz." he said. "Are you the CEO of Schwartz and Copeland ?" the deputy asked. "Yes I am. Our office is in Charlotte." Anthony said. Every word from Anthony's mouth pushed further down into Scott's soul. "What did this mean man do to you ?" Bryson asked looking at the fading bruise on Anthony's face. "Sir if it had not been for Scott over here Mr. Schwatrz would probably be dead." the deputy said. "Don't worry baby. We can sue him for what he did to you." Bryson said. "Shut up Bryson. The deputy just told you he saved my life." Anthony said. "I am here now. That mean old man can go away." Bryson said.

Scott had still not made a sound. He heard them talking. The deputy told him that they had run his finger prints through the system. When they came back they called his home phone to see if anyone would answer. The housekeeper answered and put Bryson on the phone. " I was headed to tell you but he insisted that I wait until he could get here." the deputy said.

"I called Brad and told him that you were found." Bryson said. "You called Brad ?" Anthony asked. "Yes I had not called him to tell him you were missing. I wanted to find you first." Bryson said. "Why didn't you file a missing persons report ?" the deputy asked. "Anthony is filthy fucking rich. I thought he may have just taken a short trip." Bryson said. "Without telling you ?" the deputy asked. "He is found now and I have him back. That is all that matters." Bryson said.

Scott had finally looked over at the other men. Chris, I mean Anthony seemed to be staring a hole through him. He noticed that Bryson was all over him but Anthony had not touched Bryson. "Can we go now. I have the Mercedes at the station waiting to take us home." Bryson said.

"I will get your things." Scott said as he stood from the chair. "His things. I thought you had nothing when they found you." Bryson said. "I bought him some clothes." Scott said as he walked by. "I will help." Anthony said. "No you just stay there. Bryson needs you it won't take but a minute.

Scott could hear Bryson complaining that Anthony did not need any of the cheap shit that Scott had bought. He owned his own clothing company. "Schwartz - Copeland sports wear. Oh fuck." Scott thought as he heard that realizing what the company was. "I even have some of their clothes." he thought. Scott made it as far as the bed before his legs gave out on him and he landed on his knees beside the bed. Scott took a couple of deep breaths. "You are strong. You can do this. You are strong. You have been through crap all your life. You can handle this." Scott kept telling himself as he got up and grabbed a duffle bag from the closet.

Scott made sarcastic remarks and gestures as he could hear Bryson arguing with the deputy every time he asked a question. "Feel like I need to go spank a school child and teach them some manner. Not your business Scott." Scott whispered.

Scott had the clothes and shoes in the duffle bag and started down the hall. Anthony met him half way with Bryson clinging on to him. "I told you that you don't need that cheap shit." Bryson said. Scott did chuckle to himself as he sarcastically said to himself. "You don't need that cheap shit." Scott looked up and saw that Anthony was about to speak.

"Everything is in there I think. I put the pills in there. You only have one left anyway." Scott said reaching his arm out to hand the duffle to Anthony. Before Anthony could take it, Bryson grabbed it and threw it to the floor. "Come on we need to get you home so I can get you proper care. The sooner we are away from this dump the better." Bryson said trying to pull on Anthony. Anthony reached down and picked up the duffle and followed Bryson.

The deputy stepped up to Scott. "I am so sorry for how I acted the other day." the deputy said. "I should say I am sorry. It looks like he is use to being treated that way. We are all good though. Don't worry about it." Scott said. "Thank you Scott." the deputy said.

"Take us back to the station. If you have any more questions you can ask them there." Bryson said. Scott made his way to the door. The deputy went out first followed by Bryson pulling on Anthony. Anthony turned around and looked into Scott's eyes. "Thank you for everything. You saved my life." Anthony said. He moved like he was going to hug Scott but Scott took a step back and held out his hand. Anthony took his hand and looked quickly up into his eyes. He could feel Scott's body shaking almost beyond control. "Please don't baby." Anthony whispered before Bryson could get between them and push Anthony out the door.

Scott stood with the door open as he watched the deputy pull away with Bryson and his life. Scott pushed the door too and locked it just as his legs gave out and he slid down the door and pulled himself into the fetal position at the foot of the door. His mind and his body were both in too much shock for him to even cry. All he could do was shake as if he were having chills.

The doorbell and someone banging on the door brought Scott out of his trance. He had not been asleep but his body was just numb. "Scott open up. I know you are in there." Marshall called. "I am fine." Scott whispered. "OPEN the damn door." Marshall shouted. Scott leaned up on his elbow and took a deep breath. "Not now Marshall I am fine." Scott said. "Open the door Scott." Marshall pleaded. "I am fine Marshall I just don't feel like visitors." Scott said.

"You have scared the hell out of me. I have been calling since yesterday afternoon and you would not answer. I told the wife I would give you until dark on Sunday and I was coming over here." Marshall said. "Please Marshall. I promise I will call you tomorrow but please not right now." Scott said. "Alright I expect to hear from you tomorrow. I fed Charlie for you." Marshall said. 'Thank you." Scott said. "He is just sitting on the road. He won't come eat." Marshall said. "He will when he gets hungry. He may have caught a rabbit or something." Scott said. "Well get some rest and call me tomorrow." Marshall said.

Scott could hear the car pull off. "Sunday ?" he thought. "They left here Saturday afternoon." he thought. He went to move his leg and could feel the hair pulling where Anthony's cum had leaked out and dried on his leg. His chest got tight again and he could feel himself getting dizzy. "Get up Scott. You need to shower and get in the bed." He told himself.

Scott stopped at the refrigerator to get a glass of tea. He drank half the glass before stopping. He noticed the dish rag on the counter and remembered why it was there. He almost choked on his tea. He took the tea pitcher and went to place it back in the refrigerator. There on the next shelf were the remainder of Anthony's drinks. Scott dropped the tea glass causing tea to splatter everywhere. "Fuck it." Scott said as he turned and walked towards the master bedroom.

Scott stood in the warm shower and let the hot water breath a little life into him and wash away the soreness. He started to lather himself but his heart just could not let him touch the area where Anthony's seed had leaked out and dried in the hair. He stood and let the hot water finally wash it all from his hair and skin.

After drying off he stood looking in the mirror. His eyes were dark with very heavy bags under them. Without looking down he reached down and picked up the tooth brush. His mouth felt like he had been eating saw dust. As he looked down he realized that he had picked up Anthony's tooth brush. He just dropped the tooth brush in the sink and his body began to shake again. He was able to hold himself together enough to get his brush and finish the job.

Scott walked into the bedroom and flopped on the bed. It had never been made up from Anthony's stay. He moved himself around and pulled the covers up to his head. He pulled the pillow close to him and the scent hit his body like a bomb. He was hugging Anthony's pillow and it smelled just like him. Scott thought about tossing the pillow but after a couple of seconds the scent seemed to calm him and he fell asleep.

Scott woke again and the sun was up. He looked over at the clock and it said three twenty. "Damn it's already Monday and it's almost over." Scott said. He got up and walked to the kitchen. He tossed the dish rag in the trash and started a pot of coffee. He looked at the refrigerator but remembered the Pepsi in it so he could not bare opening it. He took a pack of crackers out of the cabinet.

As the coffee finished he looked at his phone. There were twelve text messages and sixteen voicemails. Most of the voicemails were from Marshall. There were a couple from family members, two from a tenant and one from a close friend. He hit the one from his friend and put in his password. "Hey Bro. Hope you are having fun. I ran into your tenant on Gose Road and they said they had a burst water line. I had the shit to fix it so when you get their message I went ahead and fixed it so don't call a repairman. Call when you are going to be in town. We can all have dinner. Careful in all that snow. Later Bud." the voice message said.

Scott wanted at that point to be back home around friends and family but he knew that if he showed up in his current mind state there would be a lot of fussing and cussing. He scrolled through the contacts and called Marshall. After about ten minutes he assured Marshall that he was fine and that he was not going to hurt himself. He assured him that he just needed some time to get himself back together.

Scott lay the phone back on the charger and decided to check his emails. He fixed a fresh cup of coffee and grabbed the pack of crackers. He was not hungry in the least but he had a dull headache that he needed to try to fight off. He usually got those when he went without food for too long. If this was Monday then he had not eaten in two days.

Scott opened the crackers and ate one washing it down with the coffee. He placed a second cracker in his mouth when he moved the mouse to wake up the computer. The screen came to life with a full seventeen inch picture of him and Anthony kissing under a rainbow. Scott had to grab the trash can beside the desk because the coffee and crackers refused to stay down.

Scott stood up and placed the trash can on the edge of the desk. He never made it to the emails he just felt numb and left everything there and headed back to the bed. "Less than four days. He was here less than four days and he is in every part of my life. Everywhere in my house, everywhere in my mind. Only fucking four days." Scott shouted to an empty house.

Scott lay back in the bed and pulled the covers over his head but he also pulled Anthony's pillow under the covers with him. "I want to hate you Chris. My bad. Anthony. I want to fucking hate you. I am too old for this shit. GOD why can't I hate you." Scott said and for the first time was finally able to sob.

Scott did not immerge from the bed again until Wednesday morning. He had gotten up a couple of times to relieve his bladder but that soon ended since he was not taking in fluids. His body ached and his muscles felt like they were seizing. The one muscle he did not need to feel was his ass ring. The sad thing is that it still felt like it did on Saturday when Anthony pulled his cock out of him for the last time.

Scott realized that he was still wearing the same shorts and t shirt he was on Saturday. He also realized that he and the bed both stank. He went to strip the bed and saw a small spot of semen that had apparently escaped during one of their sexual sessions. Scott ripped the sheets from the bed and took them to the trash can. The only thing he could not bare to throw away was the pillow case Anthony slept on. There were fresh sheets on the bed and Scott had showered when he put on a pair of warm up pants and a t shirt. If Charlie had barked for food he had not heard him.

Scott walked out of the garage with some food for the Fox. "CHARLIE" he shouted. Before he could finish the fox's name the fox appeared in front of him in the corner of the yard. "I am so sorry buddy for forgetting you. Please forgive me. He really fucked me up." Scott said and began to shake a little. For the first time in as many years as he had been feeding Charlie the fox came up and touched his leg with his nose before turning to the food bowl. "You miss him too huh ?" Scott said before turning and going back inside.

Scott took a bottle of sports drink from the pantry. He did not want any food but he knew he had to re hydrate or he would have Marshall all over him. It was cool outside but not that cold and the sun was warming everything up. He went out and turned the ports on the hot tub. The heater had been left on so the water was warm. Scott stripped and sat down in the warm water hoping that the jets of the tub would wash all his worries away.

It was Friday before Scott ventured away from the house. His last two auctions had ended. One had paid but the other still had not. At that point he did not care he just wanted them gone so that he would not have to turn the computer on. He turned it on long enough to print the shipping labels and postage.

Bo tried to strike up a conversation with him but was not offended when Scott was not talkative. Scott decided that he needed to be around hordes of people so he headed to Cherokee. As he drove up to head to the farmer's market he saw the bridge to his left. A car horn behind him brought him out of his trance and he drove on past the turn off and took a back road around the back of town and headed back home.

The next week Scott tried to tell himself that he needed to drag himself up and get on with life. He had a couple of good days until he opened the mail one day. There was a bill from the hospital for the blood work Marshall had done. "MAIL IT TO FUCKING BRYSON IN FUCKING CHARLOTTE." Scott screamed at the paper. Scott calmed himself and pulled out his check book and wrote a check to the hospital and put it back in the mail. The bill alone set him back quite a few days.

Scott stayed in the house the remainder of the week. The only one he spoke to until that Saturday was his cousin. His cousin had called and left a few messages. Her last message was that if he did not call her back she was coming to North Carolina and as soon as she found out he was alright she was kicking his ass.

Scott had decided he needed some exercise so he took a short walk down the road. Not far behind was his buddy Charlie. He made up his mind that he was going to call his cousin when he got back to the house. Maybe that way she would leave him alone for a while. Scott stopped at the site where he had found Anthony and stood frozen in place for a couple of minutes.

As he walked in the door he heard the answering machine beeping from the office. "Bitch I was going to call you in just a minute." Scott said and smiled for the first time as he headed to the office. Touching the button he almost had a panic attack. "Scott baby. It's Anthony. Please call me back. We need to talk. Please baby call me." Anthony's voice rang out through the house like a bull horn. "This has to fucking end. It has too." Scott screamed out.

Scott knew that at this point his cousin was the only one that could talk him down. They were only a couple of months apart in age and had grown up almost as close as brother and sister. The on slot of fowl language when she answered the phone in most cases would have made Scott laugh. After the voice mail all he could do was cry.

Scott looked at the clock and realized the he had been talking to her for four hours on the phone. She had talked reason to him but he only caught part. "I know you are hurt but you have to understand. He had amnesia. If he had been in his right mind I would go kick his ass myself." She kept saying.

She had convinced him that he needed to come and visit for a few days. She lived a couple of hours south of the town he had moved from. "I will I promise. I just need to get a few things in order here. Give me a few weeks and I promise I will be down there." Scott said. She finally let him go with a few more threats to his life if he did not come and visit.

Scott lay the phone beside the bed and drifted off to sleep telling himself that if Anthony had not had amnesia that he would have never treated him that way. He was finally becoming mad at himself for allowing this to happen.

Next: Chapter 12: Who Am I 12

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