Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 13, 2018


"Who am I?" Chapter 10

Scott and Chris kissed and petted until the pills took over. Scott lay there watching his new lover sleep. Chris had been so horny all day that he had not had a chance to do some of the exploring he wanted too. Scott got between Scott's legs and began to lick and fondle the two large balls. He only spent a few minutes but realized that he would not be able to get both in his mouth at the same time. "I will have to do this when he is awake." Scott whispered as he released the last large ball from his mouth. Before laying down to sleep himself he took a warm wash rag and wash his spit off the balls.

Scott woke before Chris' pills had time to ware off. He prepared a breakfast quiche and placed it in the oven. Back in the bathroom he made sure that he was prepared for a horny Chris to wake up. Scott stood in the bathroom doorway as Chris began to wake. "I am alone in the bed. What type of good morning is that ?" Chris said as he yawned. "Looks like you were having a good dream." Scott said as he pointed to Chris' morning wood standing hard and proud. "Yeah it was a good dream about a sexy man that lives on a mountain. Then I wake up and he is feeling neglected." Chris said with a smile. Scott's heart fluttered and he felt his ass ring twitch as Chris flexed his cock and it seemed to wave at him.

Chris got up and quickly relieved himself. He brushed his teeth quickly and made his way back to the bedroom. Scott was standing in the doorway to the hall at this point. Chris looked at him and then looked at the bed. "No proper good morning ?" Chris said with that sexy grin. "You will get a proper good morning after breakfast. Your stomach has been growling for the last three hours." Scott laughed. "I guess I could use and energy boost before my proper good morning. I may need the calories." Chris laughed.

Chris praised Scott over the quiche. The two men chatted about different things. "So what are the plans for the day other than staying in the bed naked making love ?" Chris asked. "I have a few packages that need to go out from my eBay sales. I also need to go into Cherokee for the weekly thrift market. I find a lot of things there to sell." Scott said. "So no all day in bed making love huh ?" Chris said and smiled. "Tomorrow is Saturday. If you play nice you can have two days naked in bed making love." Scott said. "Oh I can play really nice when I need too." Chris laughed.

Scott had loaded the dishwasher when Chris brought the dish cloth back in from washing the table. Scott stood at the sink rinsing the cloth when Chris got down on his knees behind Scott. Scott froze for a second when Chris reached up and parted his ass cheeks. Chris leaned forward and pushed his tongue through Scott's ass ring. Scott quickly placed his hands on the counter to balance himself. "We are going to Cherokee." Scott moaned. "It will still be there. I can't have my baby going shopping on an empty tank." Chris said. "You mean you can't fit in those jeans with a hard on." Scott laughed. "That too." Chris laughed.

Chris took his time on his thorough rim job being careful to loosen Scott as much as possible. Chris got up and reached over and took the oil dispenser off the counter. "Got to slick me and my baby up real good. Can't have him shopping on and empty tank. " Chris whispered as he applied oil to both his cock and to Scott's ass. Chris began to nibble on Scott's neck as he pushed the mushroom head of his cock into Scott's ass. The second the mushroom head pooped through the ring Scott gasp and lost his balance. Falling back, Chris' cock quickly forced it's way up Scott's ass balls deep. Chris gasp and wrapped his arms around Scott. "You alright baby ?" Chris whispered in his ear. Scott just shook his head yes.

Chris pulled Scott's head to the side so that they could kiss as he began to fuck up into Scott's ass. The moans from both men rang out through the house. Scott was thankful that he had kept himself limber. Chris pulled one of Scott's legs up and placed his foot on the counter. Chris moved around a little giving him even better access to the stretched hole. In this position it was earlier to reach his lovers lips too. After a few minutes Chris lifted the leg to place it back on the floor. He could tell that Scott was a little unsteady after the leg stretch. "That's alright baby. I got you and with little Chris deep up that sweet ass you wont fall." Chris whispered.

Chris began to pick up his pace. Each time he would bottom out and stretch Scott a little wider it would bring Scott to his tip toes. Scott ran one hand up and down the front of Scott's body while the other rubbed up and down Scott's neck. Scott's neck was stretched back with his head laying on Chris' broad shoulder.

Chris growled as he began to pick up speed. His other hand was playing with Scott's hard cock. Scott was leaking precum at this point like a dripping faucet. Chris rubbed the precum all over Scott's cock and balls. Chris could feel Scott's cock begin to grow tighter and the ass ring started to contract some. He took his fingers and squeezed the base of Scott's cock so that when his orgasm did start it would last even longer because he would not be able to release the seed. Scott's body began to vibrate and almost jump trying to get the hand to release his cock so the seed could escape. The quick and almost violent contraction of his ass ring caught Chris by surprise. Chris quickly released Scott's cock and grabbed his hips.

"FFFffuuuccccccckkkk bbbbaaabbbyyy.... fffuuucckkkinggg heell." Chris shouted and his hips pounded his cock as fast and hard as he could up into Scott as his cock flexed and shot it's load deep inside. Scott shouted as his cock was finally able to release but as hard as Chris was pounding his prostate his load was hitting the cabinet door and splattering back onto his legs.

Chris pulled them to the floor with his cock still buried in Scott. Lying on the floor he stretched Scott's body out on top of his. Scott could feel the steel rod rearranging his insides and they made it to the floor. "I thought only teenagers stayed hard twenty four - seven." Scott said. Chris flexed his still hard cock inside Scott. The flex caused another bead of precum to leak from the tip of Scott's cock. "My opinion is that little Chris has the perfect inspiration to stay hard. I think someone else likes it too. I have never met a man that leaks as much as you do." Chris said as he collected the bead on his finger and quickly brought it to his lips.

In a flirting manner Chris acted as though his feelings were hurt when Scott insisted on him showering alone. "If we get in there together we will never leave the house." Scott laughed. Both men laughed as Scott took his shower last. it was a constant fight to keep Chris from getting back in the shower with him.

Both men were getting dressed. Scott had picked a pair of black jeans. He did not wear underwear so he knew that he had to had dark pants because Chris' wondering hands would have precum leaking all the way down to his shoes before they got back. As he went to tuck the button down shirt in his pants Chris stopped him. "Nope. No tucking and no belt." Chris said. "And why is that ?" Scott asked. Chris walked up and finished buttoning Scott's shirt. Chris took his hand and ran it under the shirt across Scott's hairy belly. He then turned his hand and reached his fingers down the front edge of Scott's pants. "For this reason. No tucking, no belt." Chris said and leaned over to kiss Scott.

Cherokee North Carolina is mostly a tourist town. The town borders the tribal reservation of the American Indian Cherokee tribe. The shops are full of mass produced American Indian souvenirs. On the outskirts of town every Friday they have a local farmer's market. One Friday a month the locals and a lot of the Cherokee families set up a yard sale style area at the market. This is where Scott buys many of the items he sells on eBay.

Chris kept his hand under the edge of Scott's shirt all the way there. Lightly running his fingers along Scott's sides causing goose bumps all over Scott's body. It is about a twenty minute drive in the off season from Scott's house to Cherokee. Scott was enjoying the feeling so much that he really wanted to keep driving.

"We are here. If you see any vegetables you want just grab them" Scott said. "Don't run off and leave me." Chris said and smiled. "I can't. Remember you said you needed to finish filling my tank later." Scott said. "That's true. I am safe from being left behind then." Chris said. As Scott unbuckled his seat belt, Chris leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "Time to take my baby shopping. Love you." Chris said and lightly kissed Scott again. "Uh. yeah.. Ummm.. Love you too." Scott said.

Scott's head was swimming. His emotions were about to get to the point that he could not control them. "He said he loved you. He said it first. You didn't ask him to say. He said it." Kept running through Scott's mind.

Scott watched closely to see if anything may spark a memory for Chris. There were a couple of things that Chris would pick up and look at very carefully before putting it back down. "Look familiar ?" Scott would ask. "No but look at the craftsmanship. Some of these things are breathtaking." Chris would say.

Scott was pleased with his finds and placed them all in the truck. They went back and found a few vegetables and apples to buy. Scott got even bigger goose bumps because every stall they stopped to look at Chris would either run his hand under his shirt and place it on his belly, side or wiggle his fingers into the waist band of his jeans. Scott began to play the same game with Chris. If he had to go un tucked he made Chris do the same.

The truck was loaded but they left it parked at the farmer's market. They walked through the alley way towards the bridge. The Oconaluftee River runs down the boundary of the Cherokee Nation reserve and also through downtown Cherokee NC. Chris stopped Scott half way across the bridge. He put his arms around Scott and stood behind him with his head on his shoulder as they watched the rushing water. "I see more and more every day why you live here." Chris said as he kissed Scott's neck.

Scott got Chris to go over to one of the areas so that he could take a picture of him with his phone. Scott leaned against a huge rock but you could see the rushing water behind him. A couple on the bridge watched as Chris had Scott do the same thing. "Would you like for us to take a picture of the two of you ?" The young lady asked. "Would you please ?" Chris asked handing her the cell phone. "My phone." Scott whispered as Chris drug him over to the rocks. The young lady took two pictures and held the phone back out. "One more please. Just wait until we are ready." Chris said. Chris turned Scott quickly and ran his hand under his shirt and partially down his hip. Some of Scott's skin was clearly visible. Chris leaned over and kissed Scott on the lips as the young later began snapping pictures.

Once back on the bridge the young lady and her husband or boyfriend handed the phone to Scott. She had pulled up one picture to show them. "This should be on Cherokee's postcard." She said. Scott's mouth came open as he looked at it. The nearby water wheel on one building was causing a mist. When the young lady took the picture the sun light was just right to create a rainbow just over Scott and Chris' heads as they kissed. We need to have that printed and hang it in Paradise." Chris said.

They walked around the shops. Scott got a text message and pulled out his phone. Marshall was texting to ask how the patient was. "I want to see those other pictures too." Chris said. "We will look at them later." Scott said. Scott answered the text while Chris looked at the trinkets in the store. He pulled up the pics on his phone real quick to sneak a peak. His heart stopped when he swiped to the next and realized that he had taken some nude pics of Chris while he was unconscious. Scott quickly emailed the eight photos to himself and deleted them from the phone. The last thing he wanted Chris to see was a pic that he had taken of himself with Chris' cock halfway down his throat.

They went into the third shop to look around. Chris walked over to a shirt rack and pulled out a shirt and held it up and kept looking at it. "You want that shirt ?" Scott asked. "No it just looks so familiar. I am trying to figure out why." Chris said. "Well you look. I will be over in the corner at the clearance section." Scott said. "Oh in the corner. Is it private >" Chris said and winked. "Not that private." Scott said. Scott turned to walk off. "You forgot something." Chris said. Scott turned around a with a puzzled look on his face. Chris leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "I will be over there in a minute. Love you babe." Chris said.

Scott did not see a single thing on the table. He picked up a couple of items that he normally would have bought but his mind was racing so fast that he could not pay attention to what he was doing. Chris brought him out of his trance when he walked up behind him and reached under his shirt and rubbed the hair on Scott's belly. "That's pretty cute." Chris said. "What ?" Scott said snapping out of his trance. "Don't they call it a dream catcher ?" Chris asked. Scott was holding a small dream catcher key chain. "Yeah it is." Scott said.

They window shopped for the rest of that block. "Now that is beautiful." Chris said as they looked in a window. "Yes it is but follow me." Scott said pulling Chris into the store. On the back wall was the most beautiful dream catcher Scott had ever seen. "I have almost bought that ten times probably to put over the fire place. " Scott said. "Why don't you get it ?" Chris asked. Scott turned the price tag over and it was over four thousand dollars. "That's why." Scott laughed. "Yeah I understand now." Chris laughed.

It was mid afternoon by this point and they had browsed many of the shops. "I am sorry. You must be starving. There is an all you can eat buffet around the corner. " Scott said. "I am fine. Maybe we can grab a sandwich and have an early supper. Besides I carry my all you can eat buffet with me." Chris said reaching down and squeezing one of Scott's ass cheeks.

They were standing at the red light waiting for it change so they could cross the street back to the bridge. "There they are. Hey misters, can you hold up a minute ?" came a young ladies voice. The young lady and three guys crossed from the other side. "This is my brother and his boyfriend, Can I please show them that picture I took of you two ?" she asked. Scott pulled out his phone and pulled up the picture.

The four began looking at the picture. The girls brother was more interested in looking at Chris. Scott watched as he licked his lips and moved his eyes from head to toe and back. In the tight jeans there was no way for Chris to hide his enormous package. Scott watched the boys eyes follow his hand as he slipped it under Chris' shirt. The boys eyes got bigger and licked his lips faster. They stood talking to both Chris and Scott for a couple of minutes. Scott had his phone back. He looked at the girl's brother and asked if he wanted to see the picture again.

The young boy mumbled a yes and Scott moved over so that only he and the boy could see the screen. Scott pulled up one of the pictures he had emailed himself of Chris laying naked in the bed and his cock at full mass pointing towards the ceiling. Scott chuckled at the shocked reaction of the young boy as he looked at the picture. "Fuck." He whispered. "Four or five times a day and that's on busy days. Lazy days I loose count." Scott said as the boy seemed to stumble. The young boy looked up at Scott and mouth the word "fuck" again.

After they crossed the street Chris put his arm around Scott. "I saw what you did ?" Chris whispered. Scott froze and Chris' arms slipped. "What do you mean ?" Scott said. "I saw how that boy was looking at me. I saw you watching him. Was it being jealous that caused you to reach under my shirt ?" Chris asked. "Oh that. No I wasn't jealous. If nothing else I was boasting a little. I wanted to see his expression when I more or less showed him I could touch but he couldn't." Scott said laughing. "Well for whatever reason it was sexy." Chris said.

They stopped at a sandwich shop just outside town to get submarine sandwiches for supper. Scott felt even more at ease when Chris quickly told the server how he wanted his sandwich prepared. There were a couple of out of the ordinary request. "He remembers things like this so he is not totally lost and he told me he loved me. He loves me and said it more than once." Scott thought.

"Who am I ?" Chapter 10

"You forgot your little hero." Scott said as they pulled up in the driveway. Charlie was running from the driveway to the road and back. When he got near the house he would stop and bark before turning and running back towards the road. Chris reached over and squeezed Scott's cock through the jeans. "I need to keep both my heroes happy." he said laughing.

Scott just shook his head as he listened to Chris talk to Charlie like they had been best friends for years. Chris poured some food in the bowl but squatted beside it. Charlie made his way slowly with his nose high in the air sniffing. When he got close to Chris he was very cautious but eventually touched Chris' knee with his nose. Charlie then moved away as if everything was normal and began to eat. Scott watched nervously in case Charlie tried to attack Chris. He himself had been close to Charlie but never that close.

"You know he could have attacked you." Scott said as Chris came through the door. "Who, Charlie ? Nah." Chris said. "How do you know ?" Scott asked. "If he was rabid he would not be near the house for one thing. Plus it is very rare for a fox to attack a human. And thirdly if he was not sure about me he would have left me in the woods." Chris said and quickly kissed Scott on the lips and slapped one of his ass cheeks.

The days haul was inside and safely put away. Chris was the first to strip off his clothes. "You know that boy would have died of a heart attack if you had walked down the street like that." Scott said. "I do believe my baby is jealous." Chris said with a grin as he slowly walked towards Scott. "Why would I be jealous. You came home with me, not him." Scott laughed.

Scott left Chris in a storage room off the garage looking at the items he had on shelves to sell on eBay. He quickly went to the master bathroom for a refreshing douche knowing that it could be any minute that he would be impaled again on Chris monster.

Scott returned to the storage room. "You have some really nice things in here. You must do fairly well." Chris said. "I do pretty good with it. I pay all my bills and my mortgage from this. I don't touch the rental income or the money from the sale of my house unless I have too. I had saved the money I was making from it before I moved and paid cash for my truck." Scott said. "Did you rent before you moved here ?" Chris asked. "No I owned my home. I did not owe that much on it and the payments were very low. I had thought about paying it off with the money but did not think I would ever move so I figured there was no need to hurry." Scott said.

"So the sale of your house is what brought you to North Carolina ?" Chris asked. "I would have probably stayed there and bought or built a house but after I found out my partner was cheating on me I had to leave. Luckily I found this place." Scott said. "Well I hate that you were cheated on but I am glad that you found paradise." Chris said.

Scott and Chris made their way back into the house. Scott went into the kitchen and made himself a glass of tea and a glass of Diet Pepsi for Chris. Chris had picked those up at the grocery store but had not drank any. Chris was sitting on the couch when Scott put the drinks down. Scott rubbed both arms quickly. "You cold baby ?" Chris asked. The storage room is well insulated but not heated or cooled. "Just a little chilly from the storage room. Let me check the thermostat." Scott said.

When he returned to the great room Chris was nowhere to be seen. As he walked around the sectional couch he had to stop and smile. "What are you doing ?" Scott asked. "Come here baby. Get comfortable and talk to me." Chris said. Chris was laying on the rug. A bottle of olive oil beside him and he was waving his hard cock back and forth. "What are we going to talk about ?" Scott said smiling. "Anything your heart desires." Chris said.

Scott moved over as Chris lubed his cock. Straddling Chris' hips he began to lower himself onto the raging cock. "Warming up baby ?' Chris asked. "Forgot all about the cold." Scott said and smiled. Chris and Scott carried on a simple conversation while Scott slowly moved up and down Chris' cock. Chris pressed him about the cheating partner.

Scott took a deep breath and looked down into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. While he told Chris about his past he was pulled down to rest his head on Chris' chest. Chris began lifting his hips and pushing himself in and out of Scott. Scott began to nibble on Chris' chest. After a couple of minutes he sat back up and looked into Chris' eyes.

"That was odd. Why would you want to talk about my ex while we are fucking ?" Scott asked. "I could tell that it still haunted you a little. What better way to get bad memories out in the open and gone than to say it aloud while a man that is madly in love with you had you impaled on his cock ?" Chris said. "Are you a psychiatrist ?" Scott said smiling. "I doubt I am that smart." Chris laughed.

Scott began lifting and dropping onto Chris' cock and about five minutes later Scott lay on Chris' chest as Chris lifted them both off the floor dumping his load deep inside Scott. When Chris' breathing was close to normal again. "Boy I need that Pepsi. Where is it ?" Chris smiled. Scott lifted himself off of Chris' cock which made a slurping sound. "That sounded gross." Scott said and blushed. "Gross ? That was music to my ears. Makes little Chris want even more." Chris said and winked.

Chris got up and sat on the couch and drank half of his drink. "You are not going to sit by me ?" Chris asked. "Not until I am sure I am not going to leak little Chris' all over my couch. " Scott laughed. "Mmm.. My baby is full of baby Chris' " Chris laughed. "Well two loads so far today." Scott laughed. "Don't worry baby. I will make up the difference before bedtime." Chris laughed.

"What needs to be done ?" Chris asked. "What do you mean ?" Scott asked. "You promised me Saturday and Sunday, naked in bed with us permanently locked together. I don't want to hear I need to scrub the toilet I will be back." Chris laughed. "I do need to wash sheets and towels. I also need to sweep and mop. I am sure there are traces of our love making all over the house. I know the kitchen cabinet still has some." Scott laughed. "I will start the laundry." Chris said as he stood and kissed Scott. A light slap on Scott's bare ass cheek and Chris was headed to the bedroom.

Chris came out first with the sheets from the bed. Scott had washed the kitchen cabinets and was running water for the mop. Scott was enjoying house cleaning more than he ever had before. His ex would always have an excuse to go to town or run check on a friend. Chris had washed the sheets and began the towels. Every time he came through a room that Scott was in he would either walk up behind him and rub his semi hard cock into Scott's crack as he turned Scott's head for a kiss or he would walk up and kiss Scott as he slid a finger inside Scott's ass and wiggled it.

Scott's mind had finally calmed down. "This man seems to get horny every time he looks at me. He tells me all the time that he loves me. He is the sexiest man on two feet and he is here in my house and in my bed." Scott told himself. The chores seemed much easier and faster after he had this conversation with himself.

The laundry and cleaning was done. "For the next two days we just need enough food to keep from passing out. No big meals please. I want you in bed, legs spread and me doing all types of fun things to your body." Chris said. "No big meals I promise." Scott laughed. "Speaking of meals. Are you ready for your sandwich ?" Scott asked. "I could probably use the calories. That session on the floor worked up an appetite." Chris said lightly squeezing one of Scott's ass cheeks. "So much for all the mopping." Scott said as drop of pre cum moved through the head of his cock. "Caught it." Chris said as he quickly swiped it with his finger and put the finger in his mouth. "To hell with the sandwich. I just found supper." Chris said and smiled.

They sat at the table eating their sandwiches. "I have a question." Scott said. "Shoot." Chris said before taking another bite. "I am not complaining at all. In fact I am flattered but are you always this horny ? I mean usually teenagers have less testosterone than you." Scott said smiling. "Is it too much ?" Chris asked. "Hell no. I am not saying that at all. I have just never had anyone want to touch me or fuck me as often as you do. Believe me I am thrilled with every second of it." Scott said. "Not sure. I think it's just the present company that turns me on so much. I can back off." Chris said.

"Don't you dare. I just love the idea that if I want a little in between other sessions all I have to do is reach out and touch little Chris and he responds to full mass without argument." Scott laughed. "Don't you worry your pretty little ass about little Chris. He is always ready to say hello to you." Chris said as he placed the last bite of sandwich in his mouth. "Dessert time." Chris said and clapped his hands. Scott was caught off guard and tried to figure out what he may have in the pantry that would work as a dessert.

Scott was shocked back into reality when he felt his chair move. "What are you up to ?" Scott asked. "Dessert. I thought you heard me when I said it was dessert time." Chris said as he leaned over and took the soft cock into his mouth. Moments later the cock had grown to it's full capacity. "You don't have to do that " Scott whispered between gasps. Chris moved to lick and suck on Scott's balls. Releasing the second ball Chris looked up at Scott. "You didn't cum earlier." Chris said. "Baby I am a bottom. You don't have to cum to have an orgasm. It's a totally different type orgasm." Scott said.

It only took about five minutes and Scott was holding onto the side of the chair as his hips bucked up into Chris' mouth as it sprayed his throat and tongue. Chris chuckle as his tongue on the sensitive head of Scott's cock would make him shiver. Chris moved up and kissed Scott's chest and lightly bit one of his hardened nipples causing another shiver and moan. "I love you baby. I hope you believe me." Chris said as he leaned over and kissed Scott. Scott could taste his own seed still in Chris' mouth. "I love you too and yes I believe you." Scott said.

Chris found a ball game on television that interested him. He moaned and argued when Scott got up. "Enjoy the game. I need to check my eBay and make more saline." Scott said. "Saline ?" Chris asked. "It's a bottom thing. Can't use tap water every day to get ready for you." Scott said. "Don't be gone long then." Chris said pulling Scott down for a kiss.

Scott quickly measured the salt and water in a stock pot on the stove. "Normally this much would last me for months. I bet I have to make more by Tuesday." Scott whispered and then laughed. After placing a lid on the pot and turning the burner down he moved to his home office. The house could easily have four bedrooms but he used one of the smaller rooms to make a home office. Scott moaned as his bare ass touched the cold leather of the chair.

Scott started his computer up and while it was loading he took his phone so that he could email himself the rest of the pictures. Once his computer was up he opened his emails. A couple of family members had sent emails. He quickly replied to those but purposely left out the part about Chris. He downloaded the pictures that he had emailed himself and pulled up the picture of them kissing under the rainbow. His heart melted once again as he looked at the picture on a the larger screen. He quickly went into his computer and changed his screen saver to that picture.

Checking his eBay sales he saw that he only had two items left in his store. Usually on Friday he would reload his store but he was pleased that he only had two items left to sell. "I need to lay off this for a week and see what happens with Chris next week. Those last two items don't end until late next week. This will give me time to balance my Pay pal too." Scott thought. Pleased that he would not have to worry about much there for at least a week he closed out that account. Next he went onto a search engine and pulled up any missing persons photos he could find for his state. There were non that were even close to Chris. "It's only been a couple of days. I will check again Monday." Scott thought. As he closed that screen he immediately saw the picture of he and Chris kissing again. His cock began to grow a little. "Not you too." Scott said looking down into his lap.

That night they made love twice in front of the fireplace. When Scott came back in the great room the ball game was gone and Chris had changed the channel to a music station. They lay on the rug and said very few words. They both screamed and shouted through their orgasms but between times just lay their looking at each other and using their hands to explore.

Chris argued about taking his pill that night until Scott reminded him that he only had one left after that one and if he didn't do exactly what Marshall said that his punishment would be sleeping in the guest bedroom.

Scott woke early the next morning. He was sure that by now his ass would be extremely sore but other than a little puffiness everything was fine. Quick use of his saline and he was off to the kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast. Returning to the bedroom Chris had woken. He had emptied his bladder and brushed his teeth. True to his word he was already hard and ready for a weekend of sex. The made passionate love in the bed. After breakfast they made love in the window seat of the bedroom.

Around two in the afternoon Scott got out of bed telling that he was going to cut up some fruit and cheese real quick so that Chris could rebuild his energy. Chris came into the kitchen while Scott was preparing the fruit. Walking up behind him he slowly slid his now raging cock balls deep into Scott at the kitchen counter. Scott lay the knife down and leaned back into Chris' chest. Chris reached around Scott and slowly started cutting fruit as he moved his cock in and out of Scott's ass. Scott began to contract his ass ring around Chris' cock. "Damn baby you feel so fucking good. You know just what to do to set me off too." Chris moaned as he lay the knife down and began to run his hands up and down the front of Scott's body.

Scott reached one arm back over his head and put it on the back of Chris' head as Chris began to fuck up into Scott as fast as possible. "Oh fuck baby.. I'm about to cum. I am about to put load three deep inside you. Oh fuuucckk... Oh baby by the time night gets here I want to see your belly bloated with my cum.. Oh FFFfffuuuuuuucccckkkkkk." Chris shouted and he pushed his cock deep inside Scott and began to unload again. Scott whimpered as his cock had been pressed against the edge of the counter top and his load arched up and landed on the counter.

Chris was slowly moving his cock in and out of Scott and kissing his neck when Charlie started barking. "He will have to wait." Chris moaned into Scott's neck. "That's a different bark." Scott said still trying to catch his breath. Scott turned and looked out the window to see the deputies car pulling into the driveway. "Damn the deputy is here and this house wreaks of sex. Run jump in the shower while I let him in." Scott said. Scott moaned at the quick exit of Chris' cock from his ass. He could feel some of Chris' cum leaking down his leg. He grabbed the dish rag and quickly wiped his leg and then the counter top.

Scott always kept a pair of shorts and t shirt near the door in case of emergencies. Scott was dressed before the deputy was able to ring the door bell. "Hey officer. What brings you out ?" Scott said and his words trailed off as he saw a young man that looked to be in his late twenties standing behind him. "Come inside." Scott said. The deputy and the young man entered the house. The deputy did not seem to sense anything but the young man sniffed the air and gave Scott a stern look.

"What can I do for you ?" Scott asked. "We need to see your patient." the deputy said. "I told you his name is Anthony." the young man said. "I think he is in the shower. I will go check." Scott said. "I will check." the young man said. "Not in my house you wont." Scott said in a stern voice.

Scott went to the bedroom and had to stop and take a deep breath. His chest was hurting and he felt like he was going to be nauseous. "What did he want ?" Chris said as he walked in naked toweling his head. "He needs to talk to you. Oh and he brought someone with him." Scott said. "Who is with him ?" Chris asked. "Not sure who it is." Scott said. Chris grabbed a pair of the shorts that Scott had bought. Something in Scott's gut told him this might be the end. "No baby. Put on a pair of jeans and polo shirt." Scott said. "Oh o.k." Chris said.

Scott stood watching Chris dress and could barely stop his body from shaking. To make matters worse he could feel a little more of Chris' cum leak out in between his ass cheeks. "Baby you look scared." Chris said as he walked up to Scott. Scott could not speak. "No matter what it is we will handle it. I love you baby." Chris said and lightly kissed Scott.

Scott followed Chris down the hall. As they entered the great room the young man jumped from the couch. "ANTHONY. Baby I was so scared and worried. Everyone was . You are alright." He shouted. "Bryson ?" Chris or well Anthony said as the young man leaped at him with his lips crushing again his. "Anthony, Bryson ?" Scott whispered

Next: Chapter 11: Who Am I 11

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