Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 9, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ?" Chapter 1

The aroma of fresh coffee brought the mountain house to life. A fresh blanket of snow added another two inches to the already twelve inches on the ground. Scott stood in the large window of the great room looking out across the beautiful mountain landscape with his first cup of coffee for the day.

A chill ran up his spine as he looked at the snow as he stood there naked. The coals from the fire in the fireplace the night before still glowed. The house was quite comfortable temperature wise but just looking at all the snow gave him a chill.

Scott had bought the house almost five years ago. He was skeptical about buying the house because it was bank owned and had been for three years. A developer had bought over three fourths of the mountain and had built huge mountain mansions or sold the lots for others to build mansions. The house had been owned by one of the heirs of the family that originally owned the mountain. When you turn off the main road onto the mountain you now go through gates. Less than a mile up the mountain you turn off the main paved road leading into the subdivision. The small paved road was about two miles long leading up the mountain but only had two houses on it. Scott's house was at the end of the road.

Scott had spent three years upgrading the older home. Unlike the rest of the houses on the mountain his only had three bedrooms and two and half baths. The first year he was there he woke one morning to a freezing house. The HVAC company came out to inspect and told him the system was more or less dead. Scott knew that one day he would have to replace it so he had a new system installed.

One of the men that came out to install the new system took Scott out on the deck and explained how sad it was that the family did not keep the property up. "This house use to have the most beautiful view in all the mountains." he said. Scott thought that he would have to be content with looking at tall trees from his living room. He had the property surveyed and found out he owned the property all the way down to the road below.

After a long search he found a timber company that was willing to cut a few trees off the side of the mountain. Scott was amazed at the view that opened up from his window. The company only took out eight large trees and cleared the under growth to the road. Once they were finished Scott could see five different mountain peeks and also see Lake Fontana in the valley of one of the mountains prompting him to add on to the house and turn the living room into a great room. His mountain home dream was all but complete. His main issue now was that he saw this view daily, alone.

Scott stood in the window with his coffee and smiled realizing that if the bank had only spent the money to remove the trees they would have only had the house possibly a day or two instead of years. "Their loss, my gain." he whispered to and empty house.

Scott had just celebrated his forty fifth Birthday. Originally from Georgia he considered himself lucky. His world seemed to crash around his feet during negotiations with the power company. The power company had contacted him about purchasing his house and land in Georgia. When they approached him he was less than five years away from having that house paid for. The final deal was that they would pay him the high end fair market value of his home and they would also purchase a new home for him at, or close to the value of his current home.

Scott had gone to the companies corporate offices in Alabama for negotiations. His partner could not take off work to go so he stayed behind. They had been together for eight years. Scott was so thrilled with the final offer he drove home one day early. He arrived home at two a.m. to find his partner and his best friend naked in the bed. At one point his partner thought he was going to have to call the law to the house that night. Scott went crazy. By the time the sun came up Scott had found out the affair had been going on for three years and that his partner had also never stopped sleeping with his ex partner that he claimed he hated.

The town held too many memories and the power company gave him six months to find a new home and vacate the property. He had gone with some friends to Cherokee NC for a long weekend and decided to look around while he was there. Scott's main source of income was owner financed properties. Before the real estate market crashed he had flipped houses. Once it crashed he was stuck with twelve houses that he could not sell. He owed very little on each house but still had payments. He rented each house until they were paid off, refreshed the houses and then sold them but owner financed them. He did hold three more properties as rentals though. Twelve were sold and three were rented for a total of fifteen. The tenants in those three had been long term and could not but for one reason or another. Scott did not have the heart to sell the houses out from under them.

The houses were only financed for fifteen years. The last house would be paid off the year he turns fifty. Scott had put all the money the power company had paid him in savings. He borrowed the money on the new house to do the renovations. He only had two years left and all of the money from the houses went into savings also except on short months. Scott's eBay sales from estate sales and yard sales in the mountains brought in enough to pay all of his utilities, taxes, insurance and usually groceries. He was a long way from being rich but with his calculations he would be able to retire and do the things he wanted on his fiftieth Birthday .

Scott had thought that he would end up with a life of solitude but that quickly changed. To leave the mountain you have to cross a bridge over the Nantahala river. Just as you pull out onto the main road the Nantahala Outdoor Center store was on the right. This is one of the largest white water rafting companies in the area. Scott also lived about thirty minutes from Cherokee NC and less than an hour from Gatlinburg TN so there were many times he wished the house had more than three bedrooms. Friends and family made his new home their vacation of choice.

Scott had finished his steaming shower and stood in front of the large mirror. "Not the best but not too bad for forty five." he said. Scott stood about six foot. He had never been a fan of the gym but he kept himself in shape. Hiking had never interested him until he moved to North Carolina. More often than not when he needed to mail a package or pick up a couple of small items he would walk the little over three miles down the mountain to the Nantahala Store and then back up the mountain to his home. Refusing to buy split firewood also kept him in shape by swinging his axe. His shoulders and arms were more defined than his chest and stomach but there was no fat or love handles. His chest and stomach was covered with hair with just a little beginning to grow on his back. His butt cheeks were firm from all the hiking and covered with hair also.

Dressed in warm clothes and his parka, he stepped out into the garage. His pickup was four wheel drive but was still no match for the roads this morning. Scott pulled his snow shoes off the rack on the wall. The mountains got snow during the winter but never enough for Scott to invest in a snowmobile. It just wasn't practical for him. A few on the mountain owned them but as you got up into the subdivision you had bankers, doctors, lawyers and surgeons. They had a reason to possibly get off the mountain where Scott did not.

Scott walked over to a small rock wall and lay some scrap steak from his supper the night before. "Where is that crazy ass Charlie ?" Scott said. Charlie was a fox that had taken up at his house during the winter months. If Scott did not put out some small scarps every day Charlie would stand outside the garage and bark until Scott fed him. The bag of dog food near the door was for Charlie since Scott did not have any pets. "I guess he will find it. The bears are hibernating so I don't have to worry about unwanted company." Scott said as he picked up his two small packages and walked up the drive to the road.

The brisk cold air filled his lungs making him realize that he was alive. The snow shoes made it easier to walk through the fresh snow. He was in site of the main road into the subdivision when he noticed dips in the snow. It looked like someone had tried to drive up his road during the snow storm but ended up backing back out.

The main road in had been plowed. The home owners association paid a company to come in and plow when needed. Scott knew a lot of the residents and got along very well with them. Sometimes they would have the snow plow come up his road also even though he did not have to pay HOA fees since he was not part of the subdivision.

As he opened the door to the store he could hear laughter coming from the back. "Hey Scott. What brings you out in all this shit ?" an older man said. "Hey Doc. Needed to drop off a couple of packages for UPS and stave off cabin fever. What are you doing out ?" Scott asked. "Office is closed today but I had a couple of patients at the hospital I needed to check on. I needed to stave off the wife's honey do list." the man laughed. Marshall was Scott's doctor who also lived on the mountain.

The young man behind the counter handed a steaming cup of coffee. "Thank you." Scott said to the young man. Scott smiled at the cute but rugged young man. "If I were twenty years younger." he had always thought to himself. Scott thought the owner's nephew was cute as a button. At nineteen he could tell that he was a lady killer. Being so young he was not one of Scott's jack off fantasies but it was always warming to see the cute sexy boy smile.

"I told that bastard on the snow plow to plow your road but I see he hasn't yet." The doctor said. "That's alright. I don't really need to get out and I think my neighbors are on a cruise or something." Scott said. "If he knows what's good for him he will come back and plow it before he is done though." Marshall said. "Enough of the fun guys. Guess I need to get home to that list before the wife sends out a search party. Need a ride back to your house ?" Marshall asked. "No thanks I can do with the walk." Scott said. "Suit yourself. Don't come in tomorrow with frost bite though." Marshall laughed as he waved and headed out the door. "He loves that snowmobile." The young guy said "That he does. Thanks Bo. Stay warm." Scott said as he headed or the door. He was not sure what the boy's real name was but he had always heard him called either Bo or Bud, so he chose to call him Bo.

Scott smiled as he walked across the bridge headed back onto the mountain. "I bet all the girls get wet when he smiles." Scott thought. He moaned as he leaned down to put his snow shoes on. "I guess the cold will start talking to my bones now." Scott thought. The cold wind was beginning to work its way through the parka.

As Scott rounded one of the corners he saw Charlie in the middle of the road. "There you are. I put you some food out you little shit and you are way down here." Scott said laughing. Charlie began to jump and bark. Scott stopped for a moment because he had never seen Charlie act this way. Charlie hoped over the snow bank and back into the woods still barking. Scott was startled when Charlie jumped back into the road within a few feet of him and began barking again. An uneasy feeling came over Scott has he heard crows in a nearby tree begin to squawk. Charlie jumped back over the snow bank and began to bark again.

Scott was usually not an inquisitive type person but something seemed to have the wildlife all upset. All the bears were asleep so he knew it was not that. Taking a deep breath he walked toward the snow bank and stepped over it. A few unsavory words escaped his lips as he moved the tree limbs out of his way and the snow fell on his head. Scott made his way about twenty feet off the road when he saw something large on the ground partially covered in snow. "OH SHIT" he shouted as he lunged forward to pull the snow from the man laying in the woods.

Scott brushed the snow away but was afraid to touch the man after seeing all the blood in the snow. Pulling his phone out he accidentally dropped it since he had not removed his gloves. Removing his glove he leaned over to pick up his phone and saw the man's back move as he took a breath. Quickly scrolling through his phone he found Marshall's cell phone number.

"Hey buddy. Need me to come back and give you a ride home ? Please say you do." Marshall laughed. Scott could barely get his words out as he tried to speak to the doctor. "Calm down Scott. You found what ?" Marshall said. Scott tried his best to repeat what he had said. "Stay right there. I am on my way. I will call 911 and have someone meet us there." Marshall said.

Scott and Charlie were both in the road as Marshall pulled up on his snowmobile. On the back of the snowmobile was one of the county deputies. Marshall could tell that Scott was truly shaken. "Any word on the ambulance ?" Marshall asked the deputy. "Is he alive ?" the deputy asked. Pulse is still strong but he is visibly suffering from hypothermia." Marshall said. "Who is he ?" the deputy asked. "No idea but we have to get him warmed up and then we may be able to ask him." Marshall growled.

The deputy stepped back out onto the road and had to walk a little ways down to get his radio to connect to his cruiser. "They are still trying to get an ambulance out of Bryson City but it may take a while. The roads are still closed." the deputy said. "Well he can't stay here. Scott's house is closer. Do you have a problem with that ?" Marshall asked. Scott just shook his head no. Marshall examined the man the best he could before trying to move him.

"Alright you two. I need your help. Nothing seems to be broken, at least from the surface. I need help getting him onto the snowmobile and getting him into Scott's house. "I need to look around for any type clues." the deputy said. "The ground is not going anywhere I assure you now help me get him up." Marshall said.

There was a slight moan from the man as they moved him out on the road to the snowmobile. Scott's heart began to beat again realizing the man was truly alive and he had not found a corpse. Scott quickly opened the side door and helped the doctor and deputy bring the man into the house. "We need to strip him and get him warm. We need a tub of warm water. No more than about ninety six or seven degrees. His body temperature is down to ninety four and we need to get it up very fast. " Marshall said.

"I have the hot tub." Scott said. "Too hot. Has to be under one hundred degrees." Marshall said. "Mine is set on ninety seven. I can't take the water hotter than body temperature." Scott said. When Scott remodeled the house he took a double window out of the master bedroom and had French doors put in. He had a screened in porch with a fireplace, swinging bed and hot tub.

"I need to undress him and check him over good. Where can we take him ?" Marshall asked. Scott pointed towards the master bedroom and helped carry the man in. Scott quickly pulled the covers back so they could put the man on the sheets. Scott quickly went out and pulled the shades down on the screen porch to block any wind. He started a fire in the fireplace and turned the hot tub on.

Scott busied himself getting towels and such while Marshall examined the man and the deputy examined the clothing for any clue as to who the man was or what happened. Scott felt restless. Yes the man was alive thank goodness but now he had a stranger that had been close to death in his home, in his bed.

"Alright you two. Nothing seems to be broken just badly bruised. I need help getting him out to the hot tub. We need to be quick about it." Marshall said. Scott stopped in his tracks as he moved to the far side of the bed. Though battered, bruised and bloody, Scott lay eyes on the most gorgeous naked man he had ever seen in his life. Scott took a deep breath and was shocked to feel just how cold the man's skin was.

"Strip and get in. Someone has to make sure his head stays above water." Marshall said looking at Scott. Scott had the deer in the headlights look. "Come on man. You can leave your underwe........ uh, go grab a bathing suit but be quick about it." Marshall ordered. Marshall knew that Scott was gay and being his doctor he knew that Scott refused to wear underwear.

Scott hurried into the bedroom and stripped quickly and pulled on a bathing suit. "Are you sure ?" Scott asked. Marshall leaned over and whispered. "Scott I know you are gay but you are a good man. This man needs this now or he may die. Now sit down." Marshall said. Scott said on the hot tub and Marshall and the deputy lowered the half frozen man into Scott's arms.

Next: Chapter 2: Who Am I 2

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