Whitey Tighties

By gay slave

Published on Dec 22, 2019


From the sixth chapter:

I smiled, appreciating how much I had changed since meeting Master Taylor. I put the clean pair of whitey tighties onto my now-clean body, laid down on my cot, and fell promptly asleep.

"Get up, slave," I heard Master Tim demand. I opened my eyes, feeling surprisingly rested, to see Master Tim standing in the doorway of the shed. It was still dark outside, so it must have been around 5 a.m. I started to get up off the cot, and I noticed that my muscles both ached and looked more defined than they ever had before. My cock started to harden thinking about how I looked.

"Let's get a move on, slave," Master Tim said, as he threw me some clothes. "You need to get a workout in before your morning shift at the gym. Take off those underwear and put these on."

I took off my whitey tighties and started to put on the clothes Master Tim had given me. The shorts were from my middle school years; they had been cut to be shorter, about an inch-long inseam, as well as ripped along the side seams up to the waistband. The shirt, if you could still call it that, was barely one connected piece of fabric. The bottom few inches of it had been completely cut off, and the back was essentially gone too. Only an inch-wide strip of fabric held the back of the bottom hem up to the collar. The front was cut too, with a direct cut from the sides of the collar all the way down to the waistband.

You could barely make out what was on the shirt before: text that had read "Property of Taylor Fitness". Instead, a sharpie had been taken to the shirt. "Fitness" had been crossed out, and "Master" had been written above "Taylor". I smiled at the idea of being marked as Master Taylor's property.

I put on the clothes, and realized, not surprisingly, that I was still very exposed. My cock and balls hung slightly from one side of the shorts, and any movement exposed the sides of my legs and my ass. The shirt sat just inside my nipples, exposing them for everyone to see.

"Hurry up, boy, or you'll be late," Master Tim yelled. I followed him to his truck. He motioned for me to get in the passenger side, rather than the back, which caught me off guard. I got in and sat down, my cock and balls flopping out one side of me shorts.

Master Tim started driving toward the gym, intermittently reaching down to fondle my balls or over to twist my nipples. I started to get excited, and my cock began to harden and leak pre-cum on the seat. Master Tim noticed, and hit me across the face. Another drop of pre-cum fell out of my cock at the physical contact.

"Don't get my truck dirty, boy, or you'll ride in the back again," he warned.

"Yes, Sir," I responded, "this slave will not get Master Tim's truck dirty."

As we drove along, I could see the gym coming up on the side of the road, but Master Tim didn't slow down.

"We're running a little early, so I think we can run a quick errand," he said, as I gulped in anticipation of what would come next. "My truck needs gas, and we need to get some snacks and drinks for later."

We drove another mile or two down the road to a gas station/general store. It looked fairly deserted except for the cashier inside. Master Tim pulled up to the pump closest to the road and furthest from the store. He reached into the center console and grabbed his credit card out of his wallet. He handed it to me as he unlocked the doors, turning the cab lights on.

"Fill up my car, slave," he commanded. I blushed, realizing I would be out in public in my revealing gym clothing.

"Now!" He yelled, raising his hand to strike me again. I quickly opened the door and stepped out of the truck. I walked over to the pump and started filling up the truck. Even though it was essentially deserted, I was still excited about being showcased to the world as a slave. My hardening cock started leaking pre-cum onto the ground.

I stood, getting more and more turned on the longer I was exposed. Every small breeze exposed my ass and nipples more than they already were. Passing cars sent a jolt of electricity straight to the tip of my cock. Finally, the gas handle clicked and the tank was full. I finished the transaction and went to get back in the truck. Master Tim had locked the door, but kept the window rolled down.

"You need to get some supplies for later, boy," He stated, handing me a grocery list, which contained several cases of beer, some soft drinks, some party snacks, and several bags of ice. It took me a few seconds to realize that I had to go inside to get everything. I wondered what the cashier would think and if anyone else would come into the store while I was in there.

I walked into the store as another truck drove up and stopped at a gas pump. Embarrassed at my state of dress, I quickly ran inside. As the bell above the door rang, I noticed the harsh light of the store lights highlighting my revealed state.

"Welcome to the store, cal," I heard a familiar voice say, as my heart skipped a beat. I realized that it was Corey, whose family owned the store and gas station. He chuckled from behind the cash register. "I'm not surprised to see you in here like this. You better hurry up and grab what you need before anyone else sees you."

I quickly walked through the aisles and grabbed everything on the list. I hesitated grabbing the beer, as I was still under 21, but I assumed that Corey would let me check out. After collecting everything into a hand basket, I walked up to the counter to pay. Corey grabbed the basket and began ringing everything up. When he got to the beer, he asked for an ID. I stuttered, not sure what to say, but he started laughing.

"I'm just messin' with you," he said, chuckling at his "joke". I glanced down at my feet, uncomfortably waiting for him to finish up. As he went to finish the transaction, I realized I needed to get some ice.

"I need to get four bags of ice, Sir," I stated. Corey looked at me, and I saw gears moving in his head, as if he was planning something. "I'll ring you up for them, but we'll have to get some from the back freezer," he said. "Why don't you run all this out to your step-dad and then come around back for the ice?"

"Yes, Sir," I responded, as I handed him the card to pay. He finished the transaction, and followed me out of the store as I carried everything to the truck. The truck that had pulled up was leaving as I walked toward Master Tim's truck, and it honked as I passed it. I turned to see Master Clark. He yelled out to me "see you soon for your workout and shift."

I explained the ice situation to Master Tim as I put everything in the back seat, and he reminded me of our schedule. I quickly walked over to meet Corey out at the back of the store. He hadn't yet gotten the ice.

"Come inside the freezer and help me," he instructed. I followed, feeling chilled as I entered. Once we got inside, he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down. My knees hit the cold floor as he pulled down his pants. "I've been needing a bathroom break," he stated matter-of-factly, as he moved one hand to open my mouth. "Drink my piss, slave boy."

I took his cock in my mouth as he started to unleash a stream of warm, pungent piss. I swallowed as quickly as I could, but a few drops leaked out the sides of my mouth near the end. Corey finished pissing and grabbed the bags of ice.

"Good job, you nasty toilet. I might have to do that again soon," he said, as he accompanied me back to the front of the building. He handed me the ice, sent me off with a "see you later," a wink, and a laugh, and headed inside. I put the ice in the truck and got in the cab.

"Wipe that piss off your face, boy," Master Tim instructed, "you really are a pig slave."

I smiled at my situation as we drove back to the gym. I went inside to meet Masters Clark and Taylor, while Master Tim went to put the ice and drinks in a fridge. The workout was similar to the previous day, both the exercises and the fondling of me by my Masters. Like the day before, I serviced all three of them in the locker room after the workout: Master Taylor and Master Tim both came in my ass, and Master Clark fucked my throat until he came straight into my stomach. We all showered together, then Master Clark gave me the same outfit as the previous day, including the jockstrap that was still dirty from my cum.

The shift was short: a couple classes at 7 and 8 a.m., and then free gym until noon. Masters Taylor and Tim brought me a couple protein shakes as snacks, and all of my Masters pulled me aside one at a time during the free gym time to use me as their personal urinal. By the time the last person had left the gym just before noon, I was ready for a break.

As the clock hit noon, Charlie walked in the door. He was as hot as ever, wearing a white tank top and red swim shorts. His long blond hair made him look like the lifeguard of my dreams. Master Taylor walked up to greet him.

"Charlie here will be taking you over to his place for a pool party this afternoon," Master Taylor explained. "Go get changed; I've left your pool clothes on a bench in the locker room. Matt and Tim and I will help Charlie load up the supplies you brought earlier. I headed to the locker room to get dressed. I wondered which swimsuit my Masters had selected for me. Was it one of mine? Had Master Tim or Master Taylor gone through all of my clothes? I didn't really have any good swimsuits; they were all bought by my mother, who thought long loose boardshorts were still in fashion, rather than the well-fitting and shorter swimsuits guys wear now. I entered the locker room and looked around for a swimsuit. On one of the benches near the showers, I saw a folded-up white piece of clothing.

As I got closer, I recognized it as a pair of my whitey tighties. This one was marked with "POOL SLAVE" around the waistband and signed by my three masters and the six lacrosse guys all over the rear. Thankfully, there was no modification of the fabric outside of the markings. I stripped off my shirt, shorts, and jockstrap, and picked up the whitey tighties. I put them on, the put my shorts and shirt back on as well. I headed back out to the front desk with the jockstrap in my hand. Master Taylor and Charlie were waiting.

"I thought I told you to change, boy," Master Taylor stated.

"I did, Sir" I responded, and was met with a glare.

"Then why are you wearing a shirt and shorts?" He questioned. "Take them off now."

I felt stupid for not realizing I was supposed to just wear the whitey tighties. I quickly stripped off my shirt and shorts and handed them to Master Taylor, along with the jockstrap. He threw them behind the desk.

"We'll have to punish you later for that, boy," he stated. "But you can head out with Charlie now. Matt and Tim and I have some stuff to finish up here, and then we'll head over.

"We'll take good care of him for you," Charlie responded, slapping me on the ass. He walked out the door, and I followed. The hot summer sun beat down on my almost-naked body. Charlie opened the passenger door of his truck for me, and I got in, feeling the warmth of the seat as I sat my bare thighs on it.

"I don't think you need to wear those in the car," Charlie suggested as he got in and turned the truck on. I slid the whitey tighties down to my ankles and kicked them off. My cock sprung to attention, and Charlie chuckled. He started driving, and would reach over at every stoplight to stroke my cock and keep it hard. After about fifteen minutes, we arrived at his place: a large house with a huge pool.

After he stopped the car, Charlie reached over and grabbed my head, pulling me in for a giant kiss while continuing to stroke my cock. After a minute or two, I moaned loudly and started to cum. Charlie quickly pulled away from the kiss and bent down to suck the cum out of my cock. I was surprised that he would do that, but I wasn't going to argue. After I finished cumming in Charlie's mouth, he pulled his mouth off my cock and kissed me again.

"Pull up your underwear and let's go party," he said, as he got out of the truck. I pulled up my whitey tighties and got out, quickly following him and trying to get out of sight of the road. We walked around to the back of the house, where the other five lacrosse guys were all already lounging on the back porch under the awning. They were all wearing nicely fitted swim trunks of various lengths, and Corey and Zach were already shirtless.

"Where's the snacks and drinks you got this morning?" Corey asked me. I realized that we still had them in the truck, and that I would have to go get them.

"this dumb slave left them in the truck, Sir," I responded. "It will go get them now." I started to walk back toward the front of the house, but Charlie stopped me.

"We can all grab the supplies, right boys?" He said, motioning for the other guys to head out to his truck. "Cal could use a little break, since he'll be serving us all afternoon. And besides, I need to grab a snack for him." Charlie went inside and returned shortly with a shake, presumably made with his cum and piss. I downed it, enjoying every sip. The guys returned with all of the food, ice, and drinks, and I started putting everything either into the fridge on the patio or out for consumption.

The early part of the afternoon was fairly chill. I brought the guys beers and sodas as they asked for them. I had to remind myself to not just stare at the six hot guys, tan and muscular, who were all in and around the pool. They all asked me to put sunscreen on them, and I enjoyed massaging the lotion into their hard muscled bodies.

About an hour into the party, Charlie called me over to his lounge chair. I walked over as he got up. Suddenly, he grabbed me and picked me up, walking over to the edge of the pool. I screamed as he threw me in, surprised. I quickly found my bearings and started treading water.

"You looked like you needed to cool off a bit," he said, laughing. "Figured I'd help you out." He jumped in right next to me, cannonball-style. The other guys all jumped in as well, and we chilled out in the pool.

Nolan suggested we play chicken, and motioned to Hayden to come get on his shoulders. Charlie picked me up and set me on his shoulders. Fully out of the water, I realized that my whitey tighties had become see-through. Hayden realized it too and started laughing.

"Look at the pool slave!" He yelled, calling everyone else's attention to my situation. "He might as well not even wear those." Charlie agreed, and set me back into the pool. Brian swam over and pulled down my underwear, rendering me completely naked. Then, Charlie picked me back up so we could play chicken. As I wrestled with Hayden, I felt my cock hardening.

"You're poking me in the back of the head with that thing," Charlie joked, throwing me off guard and giving Hayden an opening to push me off Charlie's shoulders. I fell into the pool as everyone laughed.

"I think that's enough cooling down," Zach remarked. "I need a new beer," he said, shaking his empty can. I got out of the pool and went to grab him a new one. Still naked, I brought it back, and then continued to bring various other items as requested. The guys started slapping my ass, cock, or balls as a thank you.

A short while later, my Masters showed up. Master Taylor entered the gate, chuckling as he saw me naked and serving the guys.

"He certainly looks good as a pool boy slave," he commented, as he, Master Tim, and Master Clark sat down and took their shirts off. I lathered them up with sunscreen and brought them all drinks. When I returned with the food they requested, Master Taylor stood up. "On a hot day like to day, we need to keep you from overheating as you service us," he began. "Grab a bucket of ice and bring it back over here." I did as he commanded.

"One of the best ways to cool someone down on a hot day is to cool down an area of their body with blood vessels that go to the core, like wrists and armpits," he explained. "and also the groin," he said, with a chuckle.

"slave, we want to keep you cool. Whenever you're not serving anyone, you are to stand here and keep your cock and balls submerged in the ice." Although I needed to cool off, the thought of ice directly on my cock and balls sent shivers up my spine. Master Taylor continued, "Anyone who needs this slave to do something for them can just come over and slap its ass. Then, it will remove its cock and balls from the ice and fetch you whatever you need or service you however you like."

Master Taylor looked over to me, and I responded with a "Yes, Sir. This slave understands, Sir." I lowered my cock and balls into the ice and took a sudden breath in. I hoped someone would need something quickly.

Corey was the first to come over, slapping my ass and telling me to get him a beer. After another few minutes in the ice, Hayden asked me to get him a soda. Zach was the first one to ask for a sexual favor, slapping my ass and telling me to suck him off. After I returned to the ice with a mouthful of Zach's cum, I felt Master Tim walk up behind me. He shoved a finger in my ass, starting to stretch me out. I started to get up and take my cock and balls out of the ice, but he pushed me back down.

"I didn't slap your ass, boy," he noted, "keep your cock and balls in there. I want to fuck you like this." I felt him enter me, the warmth of his cock contrasting with the cold on by cock and balls. He started to fuck me, pushing me into and out of the ice as he did so. After a few minutes, he came in my ass, grunting loudly.

What followed was the logical culmination of the party: each guy lined up to fuck me or have their dick sucked, returning to the pool or lounge chairs naked afterward. I collapsed into the ice after taking Master Taylor's load last. He grabbed me, stood me up, and then threw the half-melted bucked at me, dousing me in icewater.

"Needed to clean you up after all of that," he remarked, chuckling. "Why don't you take a break and lay down on one of the chairs to dry off." I sat down and relaxed. The late afternoon sun warmed my naked body as I started drifting off into a nap.

I awoke to a stream of warm piss in my face. The sun was now setting, and it seemed like the party was coming to a close. The piss was coming from Brian, but the others quickly joined in as well. I opened my mouth to enjoy some of the piss, and everyone started laughing. I was proud of my ability to serve all of these men.

As the piss streams trickled off, the guys started to get dressed and leave. A few minutes later, it was just me, Charlie, and Masters Tim and Taylor left.

"I hope you had a nice afternoon, boy," Master Taylor said.

"I did, Sir," I responded, "Thank You for giving this slave the opportunity to serve you and everyone else here today."

"Oh, you'll have a lot more opportunities to serve," he remarked, chuckling. "You should get home though. I'll see you in the morning." Master Taylor slapped me on the ass and walked over to his truck.

I followed Master Tim out of Charlie's backyard, still naked and covered in piss. Without asking, I climbed directly into the bed of the truck. Charlie followed us, throwing my now-dry pair of "POOL SLAVE" whitey tighties in with me.

"Have a fun day tomorrow, cal," he yelled. "Mr. Taylor told me he has some interesting things planned for you."

I wondered what he was talking about as we drove home. Tomorrow was Thursday, and the big party at Master Taylor's wasn't until Friday. Maybe I'd be helping him set things up? That didn't sound very interesting though.

I was still in thought as Master Tim pulled the truck up to the house. I waited outside as he brought me a shake, which I quickly drank. "Would you like me to clean you up, or would you rather sleep in piss, boy?" he asked.

"this slave likes being covered in piss, Sir," I responded, barely thinking about what I was saying. Master Tim chuckled and walked back inside. I walked over to my shed and laid down on my cot. I could feel the stickiness of the piss and smell the delicious scent as I drifted off to sleep, thinking about what the next day would hold.

Whatever it was, I was excited for it.

Thank you for reading chapter 7. this slave hopes to provide more in this series soon.

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