Whitey Tighties

By gay slave

Published on Dec 17, 2019


From the fifth chapter:

"Welcome, boys," Master Taylor said to them. "I'm glad you're all able to join us for a special session: a workout, followed by some service from our new boy here."

The lacrosse guys laughed. Corey looked at me, menacingly, with a smirk. "We're more than ready."

"Let's get started," Master Clark declared, as the lacrosse boys headed fully onto the gym floor. Corey glanced over at me with an evil look in his eye.

"It looks like Callum could use a workout too," he remarked. "Why don't you join us and we can help you build some muscle on that little body?"

I looked over at Master Clark, who nodded in agreement and beckoned for me to join. My body was sore and I was tired, but I managed to walk over to the gym floor and join the group. I was heading toward the back of the group, but the biggest of the lacrosse guys, Charlie, pushed me to the front. Another guy, Zach, suggested that I was overdressed, chuckling as two more guys, Brian and Hayden, pulled off my shirt and shorts.

"That looks like a suitable work out outfit," Zach remarked at my jockstrap, the only thing I was left wearing other than my shoes. My small cock hardened in embarrassment, being surrounded by six of the hottest guys in school while wearing only a jockstrap. Charlie, now behind me, smacked my now-bare ass with his strong hand. I yelped in surprise.

"We're gonna keep you on your toes during this workout," Charlie stated, winking at me. I shuddered in fear of what was to come. We started with a light warm-up, and I started to get re-energized. My body warmed up, and I could feel my muscles coming alive. Although I had seen all of the lacrosse guys around school, I had never been this close to them while they were wearing this little clothing. All of them wore thigh-length shorts. Corey and Zach wore regular tank tops, while Charlie, Brian, Hayden, and Nolan had all cut the sides off of t-shirts to various depths. Nolan, who was right next to me, had the deepest cut shirt, and I could barely keep from staring at the side of his built chest.

I noticed my cock starting to leak pre-cum, and my embarrassment re-emerged. I was horny and surrounded by guys that I'd been fantasizing about for years. Master Clark blew a loud whistle right in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Listen up, boy," he demanded. "It's time to start the workout. We've set up three stations for you all, so you'll split up into groups of two. Corey and Charlie will start with me out here on the main floor with barbells, Zach and Nolan will start with Matt over at the free weights, and Hayden and Brian will start with Tim at the machines. Callum, you'll start here with me and then rotate the opposite way of the other groups, so you work out with everyone at once."

"Yes, Sir," I stated, out of habit, soliciting some laughs from the team. We all got to our places and started going through various exercises. Corey, Charlie, and I alternated between barbell exercises and short cardio/abs workouts. A few minutes in, while we were holding planks, I felt something warm on my exposed ass. Corey had crawled forward and started eating my ass as I was planking. "Hold your position," Master Clark directed, as a moan left my mouth. During the next round, as we were about to start some crunches, Charlie stripped off his shorts and positioned his body over mine, dangling his large cock in front of my face. Master Clark blew his whistle to indicate that we should start crunches, and I realized what Charlie wanted me to do. I took his dick in my mouth each time I raised my head, and he began to pinch my nipples.

This continued at each station. The lacrosse guys modified my workouts so they could access my ass or mouth. At the free weights, while I was doing dumbbell bench presses, Hayden and Brian each grabbed a dumbbell and set them aside. As I started to get off the bench, Hayden pressed me down. He pulled my head backward off the bench, took his dick out of his shorts, and began fucking my face. I felt Brian pushing my legs out and up, opening my ass for him to fuck it. They fucked my two holes for several minutes, before Master Taylor blew the whistle for us to move on.

At the machines, while I was working my triceps, I curved my back to help isolate the muscle group. When I started the first movement, I felt a finger enter my ass. Zach was behind me, and he rubbed my prostate as I tried to continue the exercise. Halfway through the set, he replaced his finger with his cock. On the fourth or fifth thrust, he put me over the edge. I let the triceps grip go, and the cable machine pulled it away from me. My cum filled the pouch of my jockstrap and began to leak out the sides.

"Fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK," Zach screamed as my ass tightened around his cock, pushing him to orgasm inside me. I moaned as I felt him keep pounding, fucking his cum further inside me. Nolan walked over and pulled down my jockstrap, exposing my shriveling post-orgasm cock and the load I had emptied into the jockstrap pouch. He placed his hand on the outside of the pouch and lifted it to my mouth. I opened my mouth, ready to eat my cum, but Nolan smeared the cum down my face and onto my chest. He threw my jockstrap to the side and pushed me down to my knees.

"Time to make me cum, bitch," he declared, as he pulled out his cock and shoved it into my mouth. My cock started hardening again as I sucked off Nolan, who was close to cumming within a matter of minutes. By this time, everyone else had finished their workouts and were gathering around, cheering us on. Nolan grunted as he emptied the first volley of his seed into my mouth. He pulled out, spray the rest on my face and shoulders.

"Don't make too much of a mess in my gym, boys," Master Taylor asked jokingly. "You boys should take him to the showers for the rest of your activities."

Charlie picked my up in his big arms and carried me to the showers. He placed me in the middle of the shower room and left to undress. The other guys entered, already naked, but didn't turn on the water.

"Mr. Taylor told us about the kind of showers you like, little pig boy," Hayden said as he started pissing on me. The other guys joined in one by one, covering me in their sweet-smelling piss. When Nolan and Zach finished up, they moved to showers on the outer sides of the poles and began cleaning themselves, careful to keep any clean water away from me. Corey kneeled down and pulled my face onto his cock, while Hayden lifted up my ass so he could fuck it. Corey came first pulling out to cum on my face and chest. I could barely catch my breath before he was replaced by Brian, who forcefully shoved his cock down my throat.

I hear Hayden start to moan as he finished in my ass, pulling out to spray the last bit of cum on my back. Brian finished shortly thereafter, filling my throat with cum.

"I assume you like to eat cum too, you pig," he remarked, spitting in my face as he got up.

"I love it, Sir," I replied, horny again and excited to keep serving these hot guys.

There was one last person who needed to cum: Charlie. He hadn't come back after he dropped me off in the showers, but I waited in the showers for him even after the other five guys had finished up. Finally, he walked in.

"I'm a little more adventurous than the rest of my team," he stated as he walked over to me. "I like fucking my girls outside, and I figured that you'd probably enjoy it to, based on what your Masters have all told me."

I nodded "yes" as he lifted me up onto my feet. He towered over me and had at least a hundred pounds on me, all of it muscle. He had kept his workout clothes on: loose shorts through which I could see a cock the size of a water bottle and a shirt with the sides and part of the back cut out. He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me to his chest, instructing me to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his back. He carried me, still covered in piss and cum, out the side door of the gym and into the golden light of the late evening.

Luckily, the gym was a stand-alone building, previously used as a warehouse. Charlie walked me around to the back of the building, which faced a corn field. Still carrying me, he pushed my back up against the wall of the building and pushed his shorts and underwear down with one hand. He positioned his cock on my open asshole and started entering me as his other hand let me fall further onto his cock. I had never had anyone this deep inside me, and it felt wonderful. I leaned my head back against the wall as Charlie started to piston his giant cock in and out of my ass, rubbing up against my prostate and causing me to moan in passion.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time," he stated, as he looked into my eyes. He leaned toward me and closed his eyes. It took me a second to realize what was happening. I closed my eyes too and leaned into the kiss. Of all the lacrosse guys, Charlie was the one I had fantasized about the most. I couldn't believe he was kissing me, a cum- and piss-covered pig slave. Charlie continued fucking and kissing me as the sky darkened and the sun began to set. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. He was holding me up with his strong body and his giant cock.

Finally, he leaned back from the kisses moved his hands lower on my waist. He quickened up, and I knew he was close to cumming. I moaned as he fucked me even faster, and I felt his cock spasm inside me, filling me with his seed. He grunted as he pushed the last bit of cum into my ass, and then he kissed me again as he picked me up off his cock and set me on my feet. He continued to kiss me, and I stood on my toes to kiss him back. After a minute of kissing, Charlie broke away to pull up his shorts.

"Wait here for a minute or two, then come around front," he instructed, as he walked back around to the front of the building. I wondered who would still be here and how I would end up getting home tonight. I heard a truck turn on and shift into drive, speeding off. After waiting another minute, I walked around to the front of the building.

Everyone's cars were gone.

Darkness had enveloped the sky, with the only light from the moon and the security lights in the front of the building. Still naked, I was conscious about being seen by someone driving by. I looked around for any clues left about where everyone had gone, but I couldn't see anything. Then, I noticed a small white item on the ground right under the security light. It was a pair of my whitey tighties.

I walked over and picked it up, standing fully naked under the security light. The whitey tighties had been marked like one of the other pairs, but this one just had "gym slave" written all over the waistband. As I went to pick up the underwear, I noticed a piece of paper underneath. I picked it up, still holding my whitey tighties in my hand.

"Great job today, slave," it read, in Master Taylor's handwriting. "You worked hard and served all of your Masters as well as some of your new friends. We've got a lot more to do before the big party this weekend, but I think you deserve a little relaxation. Master Tim will let you know our plans for tomorrow when you get home. No one wanted to take you, covered in cum and piss, in their car, so it looks like you'll be getting an extra work out in."

I looked forward to the relaxation, but the task of getting home was still ahead of me. I put on the whitey tighties to cover myself up, only to discover that the sides been cut out. They kept my cock and ass covered, so they would be fine. I had to get home, and I was barefoot as well. I had an idea of how to make it home, and I started off, staying off the road near the edge of the corn field.

I jogged for about 15 minutes, making it the intersection where the road the gym was on intersected with the road that ran by the woods behind my house. As I approached the intersection, a truck sped up behind me. I started to head into the corn field, but I heard a familiar voice shouting. It was Zach, in the truck with Nolan as well.

"Look at you, pathetic slave boy," Zach shouted. "You're nothing anymore. Just a warm body for us to use as we please."

"And I think we wanna get a little more use out of you, boy," Nolan added.

They pulled the truck over and got out. Zach pulled my underwear off, exposing me to the world again, and lined his cock up to my ass. Still lubricated with multiple guys' cum, his cock slid right in. Nolan pulled out his phone and started taking video of Zach fucking me by the truck. I wanted to yell at Nolan not to video this, but part of me was ok with it happening. Who knows who would see the video. Millions of horny guys could cum, watching me get fucked outside.

After a few minutes, Zach started grunting and pushed his cock as far inside me as he could. I felt it spasm as it painted my insides with cum. No sooner had Zach pulled out than Nolan had entered me, using Zach's cum as more lube. He kept fucking me as Zach bent down to pick up my underwear.

"I really like how these looked on you, slave boy," he said. "You know, I'm the one who suggested we cut out the sides. Now that I've seen it on you, I think we need a little bit more modification."

Zach grabbed a pocketknife out of his truck and pressed it into the bottom part of the underwear. He ran the knife along the width of them, separating the front and back into two separate flaps. The whitey tighties were now more like a loincloth.

Nolan's breath quickened as he pulled out of my ass and shoved his cock all the way in. I yelped, and I fell to the ground. He followed, laying on top of me and fucking me into the dirt. I was pressed fully into the ground, with some dirt sticking to the areas that were still wet from the cum and piss. Nolan finally orgasmed, pulling out to spray his cum over my ass and back. He and Zach then began pissing on me as I lay in the dirt. As they pulled up their shorts and started to move toward the truck, they both spit on me as well.

"You're nothing but a dirty pig slave," Nolan remarked, chuckling. "This is what you were really meant to do."

As they drove away, Zach threw my underwear into the middle of the intersection. With night fully set in, the streetlights of the intersection felt like a stage. I made sure no cars were coming from either direction before running out to grab my underwear. I put them on, and despite being cut into a loincloth, they still felt like they provided enough coverage not to make me completely obscene. The fact that I was covered in cum, piss, and dirt, however, gave me away.

I kept in the shadows as I jogged the rest of the way home, as my loincloth tended to flap in the breeze as it wished. I made my way through the forest behind the woods, arriving at the back of my house. I could see Master Tim inside the back door, so I knocked politely.

"I'm glad to see you made it back, boy," he stated. "Let's get you cleaned up."

He grabbed the hose and washed me down, then led me inside the shed I had been staying in. He pointed to a bowl on the ground that was filled with what looked like the shakes I'd been eating. Hungry from the long day, I ate it quickly, slurping up every last drop. After I finished, I noticed that all the underwear Master Tim had taken were set out on my cot.

"You've more than earned those back, boy," Master Tim declared. "Take care of them, as it seems like this is all the underwear you have left, and they tend to have a habit of getting destroyed. Now get to sleep. You'll get a little break tomorrow, but we still have to wake up early for you to work out at the gym and work the morning shift."

"Yes, Sir," I responded, adding "Thank You, Sir," to the end. I looked at the four pairs of whitey tighties I now had. They were all changed in some way from their state less than a week ago: two were soiled, one was marked with "gym slave," cut up, and soiled, and the only clean paid had my servitude showcased on the waistband with the words "these WHITEY TIGHTIES and the SLAVE BOY in them belong to MASTER TAYLOR."

I smiled, appreciating how much I had changed since meeting Master Taylor. I put the clean pair of whitey tighties onto my now-clean body, laid down on my cot, and fell promptly asleep.

This slave apologizes for the long delay between chapters. it hopes to keep pleasing its readers, and it will be writing more soon.

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Next: Chapter 7

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