White Tail Lodge

Published on Apr 16, 2000


White Tail Lodge Part 4

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@excite.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and no gesture toward common sense too. This story follows on my earlier stories, Snow on the Mountain and Preaching to the Choir. They aren't required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. I am re-describing the characters in this story so that it will stand on its own. Another story, Uncle Jake, deals with Clyde and Wilbur, the twins. If you have any suggestions or comments, please e-mail me.

I was ready to get to know Gil a lot better when I heard a car drive up. Since Vince said that he wasn't going to be there for a few hours, I was afraid it might have been the mailman, so I pulled on my shorts and went to the front of the house to investigate. There was a silver Corolla there with a young man at the wheel. I walked up.

"Can I help you?" I asked as the man rolled down the window.

"Yes, I'm looking for Wally Jones' house." He said. "I was supposed to meet some friends there. Is this the place?"

"You found it!" I said. "Are you looking for Clyde? He said a friend of his might be coming here."

The young man got out of the car. He was blushing and obviously uncomfortable. "Yep. Clyde and Wilbur asked me to come, but I feel odd barging in on the party. Are you Wally?"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Max MacAfee. Are you Art?"

He was six feet tall, with black hair and a mustache, with pale skin. "Did he tell you about me?" He asked. "I'm not sure I should stay."

Gil walked from the rear of the house wearing only shorts. Art took one look at him and glowed. It was as if he had taken a shot of rush. "Don't worry Art. Everyone is both friendly and casual around here." I said. "You'll have a great time."

Gill introduced him self, and the two men obviously had a chemistry. "We're in the back at the hot tub. Care to join us?" Gill asked.

"Sure." Art agreed readily. "Where is the bathroom? It's been a long drive." I took him in the house, pointed out the tub in the back and rejoined Gil.

"Nice looking kid." Gil said. "He reminds me of some of my graduate students."

"You like them young?" I asked. He smiled.

"I like to look, but can't touch." Gil said. "He's not a boy."

"A solid twenty-five, I would guess." I said. "Nervous as hell. Clyde said he was uncomfortable with his sexual preferences."

"Shit." Gil said. "I'm uncomfortable with my tastes. I never dreamed I would like sex with men. If it wasn't so enjoyable, I wouldn't do it. I'm new to this. Wally has been teaching me."

"St. Wally?"

"I had never done much more than look until Wally asked me if he could give me a blow job. I had had several drinks, was horny and figured what to hell. By then end of the night he had sucked me dry twice. I took his load and had spent some time in his ass." Gil said. "I didn't know sex could be that good."

"You didn't know?"

"Didn't have a clue." Gil said. "But I know now."

Art joined us. Gill stripped and got back in the tub. Art watched every movement and clearly liked what he saw. I joined Gill. "Come on Art. Join us." Gil said. "We're all boys here, there is nothing we haven't seen before."

Art took his shirt off. His skin was pale, but healthy looking with a breastplate of hair connecting his pink nipples. A trail of hair bisected his torso. He was well built but not muscular. When he dropped his pants, his briefs were tented. He blushed. Gil stood and showed him his own cock at half staff. "Come over here and sit beside me." He said. Art took off his briefs and got in the water.

Art's cock was six inches, not quite erect, and he had an impressive set of balls. They hung low and were very evident since his cock was sticking out. He sat beside Gil. We talked for a few minutes. Clearly Gil and Art were hitting it off and I felt like a fifth wheel. There was a loud honking.

"Shit, who is that?" I asked.

"It's the UPS man. That's his signal." Gil said. I got out of the tub and started to put my shorts on again. "Don't worry about that. He's a member of the fraternity. This is his last stop of the day and he's ready to unwind." Gill explained. "He'll join us back here."

I stood as a tall thin man in an UPS uniform turned the corner of the house. "Is Wally here?" He yelled.

""Nope, but he'll be back shortly." Gill said. "Like to join us?" The UPS man had already unbuttoned his shirt and had it off. He had a runner's body, heavily tanned, spare and muscular. He had a short cropped hair cut and his body was covered in short reddish brown hair. He looked at me, and checked out my cock, then dropped his pants.

"I'm John." He said introducing himself. "Wally sure has some hairy friends!" He had a long thin cock, uncut. I noticed that his chest hair and pubic hair were as closely cropped as the hair on his head.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"Not at all." He said cheerfully. He cupped my balls in his hand. "I like it." I looked at his balls and cock and must have looked puzzled. "I had a shaving experience to see what it was like." He explained. "Interesting for an hour then itched for a month. Not worth the effort." I was about as horny as I could get and John was just as ready. I was going to suck his cock, but was too slow. John was on his knees and my meat had disappeared into his mouth.

I was briefly concerned that this would bother Art, but he had Gil's cock in his mouth. Clyde said that he didn't suck cock, he tried to swallow it, and that was the case. He was like a man dying of thirst in the desert who discovers water. He was frenzied. I realized that John, the UPS guy was no slouch in that department either. I got down on the paving of the terrace and we 69ed.

John liked to deep throat. He would get my entire cock in his mouth and hold it. I have a fairly thick cock and it filled his mouth fully. His nose was nuzzled in my balls. His cock was long and thin and his cock head was tickling my tonsils. When I pulled off I pulled the skin back over his head. He was one of those guys who has enough foreskin to cover the whole cock when fully erect.

I swirled my tongue around the cock head inside the skin then deep throated him again. He moaned "Oh baby!" and swallowed my cock in one movement. At first I had thought that he was one of those guys who show no sign of reaction until he shoots his load. But every time I got my tongue inside the skin he reacted. After doing this several times and deep throating him between each trip into his skin, he began to ooze buckets of pre cum.

He gave as well as he took, and we worked up together. He suddenly pulled off and grabbed his cock. He pulled the skin over the head and pinched it so that all the cum would be saved in his foreskin. I was close to being ready to pop myself, and was relieved he had stopped, since I wanted to save my first load for later.

He twitched every time he ejaculated but held the skin tight so no cum escaped. When he calmed down, I took hold of the skin and held it. He relaxed and I began licking his cock and letting small drops of his juice escape. He moaned, so I took the whole cock head and foreskin in my mouth, got my tongue into the skin, licking his head in its bath of cum. He was like a limp dishrag by this time, but when I found a good spot on his ultra sensitive head he would convulse and shoot another drop of cum.

"That was incredible!" He said, "Just great. No one has ever eaten it after I came before."

"You liked it?"

"Shit yes! Couldn't you tell?"

I laughed. "I did have a clue or two." On the other side of the tub, Gil and Art were 69ing. Art wasn't quite as frantic as he had been and I had the sense that they were making love not just having sex. Normally I would have gone over and helped them out, but that seemed unnecessary.

"Are you and Wally old friends?" I asked John.

"No, I'm fairly new to this area." John said. "I do this area and the Wintergreen resort so there is a lot of hard driving here. Last spring I got caught in an ice storm here, so I had to send the night."

"John, you might not believe this but snow storms and floods are the centers of my sex life." I said and explained my weekends on Afton Mountain and on an island in the James.

"It's funny. UPS men are hit on all the time." John said. "Housewives mostly. Wally never did that. I guessed that he was gay, but appreciated his hands off approach. I ended up making a pass at him." He paused. "Wally said that he was having a hunting party here this week. Is it all hunting or all sex?"

"Some hunting, some sex, and some men hunting for sex." I said. "Or at least that is my best guess." We both laughed. Gil and Art came over. Gil was still dripping some cum, so they must have climaxed.

"I can't believe that my wife picked this week to be away." Gil said. "If anyone needed proof of predestination, this is it. The stars are in alignment. You and Max hit it off?" He said to John.

"That's one way to put it." John said. "My girl friend is off to a wedding in Virginia Beach. Won't be back until Monday."

"Are you guys bi?" Art asked.

"I used to think I was straight, then was afraid I was gay. I think I am omni sexual now." John said. "No cats and dogs though!" We all laughed.

"You were afraid you were gay?" I asked pointedly.

"Old thought patterns die hard." Gil said. "You get so conditioned to being afraid or embarrassed or ashamed of being gay that you find yourself reverting to old patterns unconsciously."

"We need to reinvent the confirmed bachelor." John said.

"That's it. The confirmed bachelor who cannot seem to find the right woman. Or can't seem to settle down." I said. "It's still possible to be a spinster lady. I had bachelor great uncles who were considered to be a normal part of society. Today you would be under deep suspicion."

"I have a sociologist friend who blames the current anti gay hysteria on population growth." Gil said. "Up until a century ago the prime objective of society was to produce enough babies who would survive child hood to continue the family or the tribe or the clan. Today the need is to control population so that we don't eat ourselves out of our planet's resources."

"The barefoot and pregnant part of our society wants it all to be the way they think it should have been. Working women, gay men, childless couples are all a threat to their fantasy world." Gil said. " They are the people who thought that the invention of the abacus was a threat to traditional finger counting."

"The world is a terrible and depraved place today." I said. "Things were much better in the good old days with Auschwitz and Stalin's concentration camps."

"And really great when Attila the Hun was on the loose." Gil added. "Ah for the Golden days when Virginia was a Christian place and blacks and women knew their place."

"And everyone knew that a cock belongs in a cunt, not in a buddy's ass, giving him the ride of his lifetime!" I said.

"Max, you are a fucking philosopher!" John said. "And close to being a poet!" We all laughed and heard a car drive up.

"It can't be another UPS truck!" I said as I pulled my shorts on again. I went to the front of the house and found a red blazer with the City of Richmond Fire department logo on its side. Two men were getting out.

"Fire hose, Bob! Welcome to White Tail Lodge!" Vince, Fire hose, Desoto and Bob were old friends from Richmond. Bob was a big bear of a man, and an assistant city manager. Vince was a fireman, with a cock that had given him his nickname.

We greeted and I told them that most of the group was on a hike. I told then where to stow their gear and to join us at the hot tub. I rejoined the group in the rear. There was barking as Bach returned in advance of the hikers. Bob and Fire hose joined us at the tub as Clyde, Wilbur, Skeeter, Templeton, and Wally returned. John was naked on a chair, and Art and Gil were nude but back in the tub.

The part nude and part dressed arrangement didn't last for long. Wally, always the perfect host stripped and everyone followed suit. Art was visibly relieved. His experiences had been with Clyde and Wilbur, and with Bob. They were big guys, but not huge. Templeton, Wally and Fire hose were a revelation to him. Classic little boy in a candy store. He wanted to stare, but was afraid to be rude.

"Shit. I feel like I woke up in the land of the giants!" Gill exclaimed. "How big is that thing?" He was looking directly at Fire hose.

Vince laughed. "If you can tell me how deep your ass is, I can tell you how long my cock is. I can do some anal measuring!"

"Can anyone take it?" Art asked. "It looks like it would rip you in half." At that moment I guessed that Vince's horse cock would be fully lodged in Art's ass at some time in the next few days. Art obviously loved cock, and his twenty-five years of denying it had just stored up a reservoir of lust.

Vince had his cock at Art's eye level and the temptation was too great. Gil joined him. I had joked with Vince that he was big enough for two, and that was the case here. Wally had turned down the heat in the tub and turned on the whirlpool feature. There was a lot of activity under the swirling water. The sun was getting low and the temperature began to drop.

John said he had to get his truck back to the distribution center, and Wally asked him to drop in any time. He said that he had obligations for that night , but he could get by the next night. Wally told him to plan to spend the week end with us, and John agreed with enthusiasm.

"Enough fun guys, we need to get some work done here!" Wally announced. "Tomorrow is the first day of hunting season and anyone who plans to shoot needs to get their guns out and make sure they are in good condition. There has never been a gun accident here, and there isn't going to be one this weekend."

"I'm going to shoot this weekend but not a gun!" Skeeter volunteered. "Cocked and ready."

"Well, Skeeter. You can bring your cock and ass into the house and help me with dinner." Wally said. "Bad jokes are punished by kitchen duty. Anyone else who wants to help is free to do so."

"Skeeter's providing the cream for the coffee" Wilbur said.

""Off to the kitchen, both of you!" Wally ordered. Templeton, Art, Bill, Bob, Skeeter and Wilbur went off to either clean their guns or cut vegetables. That left Gil, Fire hose and Clyde in the hot tub with me. Wil returned a few minutes later with a two six packs of beer.

"A care package from the lodge." He said as he returned to the house. "Dinner is an hour or two away!" As the evening got cooler the tub felt better and better. After a beer the night became downright idyllic.

"I can't believe that I have gotten all the way to five in the evening without a single cock in my mouth or ass!" Clyde said. "We all must be getting old!"

"I got close but no cigar." I said. "And it's time to do something about it." I had my left hand on Vince's cock and right on Clyde's. Clyde was ready to play.

"Why don't you sit on my lap?" Clyde asked. I didn't know if that would work in the swirling water without lubricant. I wasn't too interested in Clyde at that point, hoping to try out Gil or Vince, but I didn't want to insult Clyde. I stood up to relocate, straddled Clyde's hairy body and then sat back on his erect member. The warm water relaxed me and the cock slid in without effort.

Clyde's club cock hit a direct bulls eye on my prostate, and I was over whelmed by wave after wave of extraordinary pleasure. I couldn't think, only moan and twitch. I couldn't remember if Clyde had ever fucked me doggy style before, bur something special happened.

"Look at the expression on that boy's face!" Gil said. "This is the happy hour." Vince relocated next to me and played with Clyde and my balls. Usually my balls tighten up when I am erect, but in the hot water they hung low next to Clyde's nuts. He kissed me and seemed really excited. I opened my eyes and saw that Gill must have been fingering his prostate. Vince moaned as Gil's cock followed his fingers into the fireman's ass.

"I'm shooting!" Clyde cried. I felt his convulsions as he ejaculated. As his cock deflated, I came back to earth. We all broke apart. Vince was next to me and his cock was at full extension. I looked at him and he at me, and I got up and sat on him. It was turning out to be a good night.

Next: Chapter 5

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