White Tail Lodge

Published on Mar 5, 2000


White Tail Lodge Part 2

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@excite.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and there are no gestures toward common sense either. This story follows on my earlier stories, Snow on the Mountain and Preaching to the Choir. They aren't required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. I am re-describing the characters in this story so that it will stand on its own. I have started a new story, Uncle Jake, that deals with Clyde and Wilbur, the twins. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

I went with Wally inside the cabin to help getting dinner ready. Bill stayed with the new arrivals and caught up on the news of his friends.

"It's unbelievable that we have fallen into the old grove as easily as we have." I said. "The Fourth of July seems like yesterday."

"My ranger friends seem to fit in well?" Wally asked. "You and Rex seem to have hit it off."

"We sure did! And I think that Bobby has found true love." I said.

"Is that going to be a problem for you?"Wally asked. "You and Bill have been together for over a year now."

"I don't think so. I'm afraid I have been thinking of Bill as a patient more than a lover. That must drive him crazy. He is not a good invalid. You can only have one wife at a time, but as many friends as you can have. Our friendships in this group have always had a sexual component."

Wally laughed. "I thought I detected an ever so slight suggestion of sexual tension in the air!"

"I thought it is was a cock in my ass that you noticed!"

"Now that you mention that, you might be right." Wally said. "How was Rex? We never progressed to fucking in our relationship. He has a hair trigger."

"I enjoyed it. The hair trigger may explain his fucking technique. He likes to leave his meat lodged in the ass and only makes slow movements." I said. "Enjoyable if unorthodox."

"The first time my mouth touched his meat, I had cum all over my face." Wally said. "Bobby is much younger and more excitable, but slow to climax. He was really excited by Bill today. If you are a cock sucker, Rex is an appetizer. Bobby is the main course."

Clyde and Wilbur joined us. "That tub is great, but it's getting colder out there." Clyde said.

"The sun is warm, but the minute the sun sets, you know its fall here." Wally said. "Can you guys help me get a fire going?"

"Sure. We'll get a raging inferno going in no time!" Wilbur said.

"No raging infernos here. It forest fire season." Wally said. "The chimney has a spark arrester on it and when its working right, keeps the whole house warm, without burning down the forest." Wally gave them instructions on setting the logs and soon the place warmed up. The stone fire place dominated the interior. Half of the room was two stories high, the other a sleeping loft. There were two bedrooms on the lower floor and the kitchen, and then a bath for the loft. The bedrooms and baths were heated, but the big room and loft were heated only by the fireplace. "My aunt liked it rustic, but no frozen pipes." Wally said. "The roof is concrete, so the place is a lot closer to being fire proof than you would guess."

The concrete roof shingles is astoundingly wood like, and the illusion of being a rustic cottage was perfect. Everyone gathered in the big room at six for a drink before dinner. Clyde and Wilbur's fire was perfect, giving of warmth and a flickering light. Rex and Bobby, the only new members of the group, seemed comfortable and the smell of dinner filled the space.

Wally cooked a hearty stew, a conventional American dish and smothered it with a generous infusion of red wine that gave it a slightly fruity smell and distinctive taste. "I've watched Julia Child hundred's of times and never cooked one of her recipes, But I do like her way with wine!" Wally said.

Dinner was pleasant and extended. The wine at dinner had an effect and Wally brought out some beer. Conversation centered on hunting and conservation. Templeton, Wally and Scooter were hunters, Bill and Bobby hunted once in a while and Rex, the twins and I had no interest.

"For country boys, I am surprised you don't hunt?" Wally said to Clyde.

"We were born two miles from Capitol Square in Richmond." Clyde said. "I admit that we have maintained our laid back ways, and spent a lot of time in the woods with our uncle, but we ain't country."

"Red-neck, but not country!" Scooter suggested.

"We think of it as an alternative cultural expression." Wilbur said. "We don't watch PBS for nothin!" The room burst out in laughter.

"I can truthfully say that I can't understand how some people can be so tolerant of Asian or African traditions, and so intolerant of some aspects of our own." Wally said.

"It will be a cold day in hell when the Virginia Museum does an exhibition of NASCAR Art." I said. "I would love to see an exhibit on "Turn of the Twenty-First Century Van Painting", or visions of Elvis."

"I kind of like those big breasted Goddesses rising over the ruins of post industrial America." Templeton added. "It can do wonders for a Ford Econoline."

"Do you think that my VW Vanagon may become art?" Scooter asked. "It sports a classic collection of Grateful Dead bumper stickers."

"And I don't think that particular shade of green, has ever been seen on a car since." I said. "The "if I'm rocking, don't come knocking" bumper sticker is a classic of sorts too."

"That's a souvenir of the previous owner. You boys know I'm a sucker not a fucker." Scooter said. "They were real power to the people, and give peace a chance hippies. It was a bargain. They didn't think it could be repaired anymore. Five hundred bucks and a blow job."

"The hippies were gay?" Clyde asked.

"No, his wife fell asleep and he was, I guess you would call it, exploring the possibilities." Scooter said. "He was so high on pot, I almost got high draining his balls. It was a rich mixture of sperm , pot and maybe a little coke."

"Scooter, I had forgotten how much shit you sling!" Bill said. "At least you are getting more imaginative though. I do believe the part about the blow job."

"Well, its close to being true." Scooter admitted grudgingly. "It would have been better if he hadn't been so wasted. Would have been a good cock if he could have gotten it all the way up."

"You are a romantic!" Wilbur said. "I didn't know if you looked at the guys you blow."

"I am wounded!" Scooter said. "I almost always look at the face, and positively look at the cock. At least since I stopped going to the rest stops on the interstate. I don't seem to remember you being that interested in a meaningful interpersonal relationship when we played the last time!"

"I don't see how you can have much more of a relationship than shooting your load into a friendly gullet." Clyde said. "So see, I am a romantic too. I have never tried hippy cock. I do have some experience with born-again preacher men."

"Tell us more!" Bobby said.

"Well, one was definitely not a do unto others as you would have done to you kind of guy. Small cock, bad attitude, slam bang thank you ma'am guy. The other guy I converted."

"He became a druid?" Bill suggested.

Clyde laughed. "No, but I think he might have considered if I had asked. He was a nice guy, just didn't have a clue about sex, hetro or homo. I was working on the gas lines in his neighborhood and having lunch in my truck in front of his house. He was watching when my coke slipped and broke, and he offered me some water."

"One thing lead to another, and I gave him a blow job. He was very appreciative. An incredible load, it must have been a year's supply. I asked him to help me out. He looked embarrassed and said that he had lost interest after he popped and he was sorry. I took that as a genuine sorry, and know that you can loose interest after a great climax, so I let it go at that."

"I parked a block away the next day, since I didn't want to force the issue. Different strokes for different folks, I figured. Well, around one, at the end of my lunch period he wandered by with his dog. He wasn't exactly drooling, but I knew what he wanted. He said his name was Art and wondered if I could drop by. I told him that I didn't have time, and that I needed to get back to work. He asked if I could come by after work, and I said maybe. Then he told me that he thought he could help me out some. I told him that might work."

"I got there at five or so." Clyde continued the story. "Art was frightened, excited and nervous. He offered me a beer. We went to the kitchen and both had a couple of beers. I saw that the bag it had come in was from a supermarket clear on the other side of town. He didn't want to be seen."

"I asked him if he wanted to do it right, naked and in bed. He thought for a moment and said yes. I guessed that being naked was the last thing he wanted, but he really wanted a blow job and was afraid that I might not do it without him doing what I wanted."

"We took our beers into his bedroom, blinds shut and curtains pulled and then we stripped. Art was good looking, not a bear, but not a twink either. He just stared at my cock."

"Dazzled by your manliness?" Bill asked.

"Maybe, but I had been working in a trench all day and was a bit ripe. I asked if I could take a shower, and he said yes. I told him to join me. I washed and he just stared at my cock. I washed it real good, and his eyes bugged out when I pulled the skin back and he saw my cock head."

"Art asked what it was. I said it was a foreskin. I'm uncut. It turns out that Art had never seen a natural cock before, and not many cocks period. He had gone to one of those "Christian" academies and then to one of those Acme School of Theology of the Apostolic, Evangelical Church of God in Christ and the Virgin Mary places. The boy knew nothing. Absolutely nothing!"

"He knew nothing until that afternoon?" I asked.

"You bet!" Clyde said. " I had to call Wilbur and tell him to have dinner without me. I had missionary work to do."

"You should have asked Wilbur over." I said.

Clyde laughed. "There's only so much manliness and virgin can take! I figured two hairy stud fuckers were too much for Art on our first date."

"I was so lonely I had to drop in on Templeton and Scooter and partake of their hospitality." Wilbur said.

"If I recall rightly." Scooter said. "Templeton left some manliness ten inches in your ass that night."

"And I provided you with desert!" Wilbur said.

"Don't leave us in suspense Clyde." Wally said. "How did Art take it?"

"Art was a good learner." Clyde said. " I told him to get on his knees in the shower and take a good look at it. "You can touch it." I said. "Just slip the skin back and forth over the head." He did that and I told him about circumcision. It hadn't been much emphasized in his schooling. I gave him a nice little Sunday School lesson, Uncle Jake was good on the Bible, and Art began to lick my cock."

"Art didn't know nothing about sex, but he sure did know what he liked. He went from a quick flick of the tongue to deep throating me in thirty seconds. If he could have bitten it off and swallowed it whole, he would have done it. Art didn't gag, he didn't scratch me with his teeth. He just ate cock. I finally got him out of the shower and onto the bed, and we sixty-nined for a while."

"He mirrored my every move. When I sucked his balls, he sucked mine. When I tried to force my tongue into his piss slit, he did the same. Even when I opened his legs and rimmed him, he copied my moves. He was a natural."

"He didn't shoot?" I asked. "He sounds too good to be true."

"Well I thought he was the guy with the most stamina in Virginia." Clyde said. "We had a rest period and Art told me he had jerked off after he saw me at lunch. He had relived the pressure and so now he was just having a great time. He was over excited so I straddled him and held him to hold him still. It turns out his cock was next to my ass so I sat on it. His cock was well lathered up and a good size."

"As his cock head popped through my ass ring and traveled up my chute, I have never seen a happier expression on a face in my life. Pure, unadulterated bliss. I took it all and had him so he could just enjoy the feeling of his cock in my ass. I would grind my ass once and a while just to remind him I was there."

"Did he need much reminding?" Bill asked.

"Not much at all." Clyde said. "I was a bit afraid I was rushing his education, but I was wrong. He was ready. It was like a new world opened up for him. You know last year I went to the Balkans as part of a reconstruction team. I came back and stopped in Venice and Paris for a few days. There's a big world out there."

"Did you feel out of place?" Wally asked.

"Enjoyed it too much to care. Just like Art. You're feeling so many new things and are so excited, you don't know if you are going or coming. Or care. He popped in my ass and got weepy when his orgasm finished. I didn't know if it was because his orgasm was over or because he had sinned. But I kept my seat and we talked. He was up again in ten minutes."

"Did you fuck him?" Scooter asked. "He sounds like he was ripe. Ready to do it again."

"Nope. I though that his first blow job and first fuck was enough for one day. I did make him finish me off. He and Scooter share the same tastes."

"I was the first to fuck him!" Wilbur said. "He dropped in to see Clyde, and Clyde hadn't mentioned having a twin. Clyde had mentioned him, so I knew what was going on. This was one of those cases when it was wasn't more blessed to give that to receive. He received really well."

"I walked in on them so poor Art thought he had been fucked so hard he was seeing double." Clyde said. "I turned him from being a Bible thumper to a cock loving man!"

"I love a story with a happy ending." Wally said. "And he lived happily ever after."

"If you are agreeable, you may have a chance to find out. I told him about our get-together and he would like to come if there is room." Wilbur said. "Bob got to know him at our place and could bring him on Friday."

"After that story, it seems like my Christian duty to help him find himself." Wally said. "The more the merrier. It's time for me to get to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to give you a tour of the property. I am not going to be looking for lost hunters this weekend. Be ready to walk your asses off."

"I had hoped for a romantic night by the fire." Templeton said.

"Well you all may have a chance to get romantic tonight." Wally said. "The big room gets cool by about three in the morning. I recommend sharing a bed with a warm friend."

Next: Chapter 3

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