White Slave Boy in Africa

By Josh Ness

Published on Oct 30, 2015


White slave boy in Africa part 3

Nicky was so exhausted after the anal battering he had just taken from Luangas personal guards he fell into a dazed stupor. He was still bound to the wooden box with his small ass in the air and his tiny cock exposed. The hut that he was being held in was dark and musty and had slivers of evening light shining through the gaps in the walls. As far as he was aware he was alone in the hut. He could hear the sounds of the men outside laughing and shouting in their strange language. He knew that they would soon come in and rape him incessantly. As soon as he was resigned to this fate he started to go limp and let his body relax.

Nicky could feel the huge quantities of Left and Rights cum oozing out of his rectum as his anus spasmed. After 20 minutes or so he felt his anus had stopped opening and was now somewhat tightly closed. It was throbbing with each heartbeat now and although he couldn't use his hands to feel his behind, he knew his anus was swollen like a pair of juicy lips.

He felt someone by his feet and realized they were scraping the cum from his legs where it had dripped. Suddenly this person was fingerings his anus roughly and scooping out cum into what felt like a bowl. Nicky's feelings were correct.

The person collecting cum was another former slave called Leo. He was never a sex slave or a warrior but Luanga recognised Leo's medicinal skills as a tribes person and now Leo was in charge of Luanga's slaves well being. Slaves were worth a huge amount and a white sex slave boy was an unbelievably valuable commodity.

Leo was an athletic tribal medicine man and was in perfect health. He knew that in order to keep Nicky in prime condition as a sex slave to 22 of the strongest, most viscious and we'll endowed men in Africa, he would have to be strict about how Nicky's body would be used and cared for. Leo correctly estimated Nicky's age at around 15 and by that calculation Nicky could feasibly be a sex slave with the guards for 25 years. After that period...

We'll it had been known for sex slaves to be sold back to the white men to be put onto the slave ships in the cargo hold with the male slaves to keep them satisfied. There they would be held trip after trip until they were either sold for a pittance in a New Orleans brothel to spend their days as a washed out ladyboy. Or, most likely, they would succumb to the conditions in the slave holds. More often than not, normal slaves were fed reasonably well but the sex Slaves on the slaving ships would have to survive on a diet of cum alone for weeks at a time.

All of this was a moot point for now as Nicky was in his prime, decades away from being sold back to the Captain. And also several hundred thousand anal rapes away. Leo estimated that Luanga's guards would roughly split their time with Nicky in two with ten men using him in alternate shifts. Left and right would have him in the evenings alternately too. By those rough calculations Leo estimated that Nicky would be fucked around 50 to 60 times a day. The guards, unlike most soldiers, rarely were involved in combat. They spent most of their time training and keeping guard. Part of their training was the art of forcing themselves sexually and Nicky would be the one they would practice on.

Of course when the guards were all on duty, Nicky would be given some time to rest and recover and Leo intended to make sure that Nicky was healthy and strong enough to survive the non stop sex. But Leo was also keen to keep Nicky sufficiently weak and timid enough to be utterly submissive. Leo was a master of sexual psychology and knew that if Nicky was sufficiently weak, he would settle into his role and become the helpless sex slave he was destined to be.

Leo had extensive experience of this with Luangas other soldiers. Luanga was in command of over fifty thousand troops which was unheard of in Africa at that time. One of the many reasons for this was his his of sex slaves deployment in his military. He would have one sex slave per hundred soldiers usually. All of his soldiers were unmarried and had no family and so the sex slaves fulfilled the carnal desires of the men. The sex slaves were always skinny feminine boys who had been captured. Leo's first observation was that the boys had to have gone through puberty and had to be as feminine as possible otherwise they would be rejected. They would also have to be whole. If eunuchs were used, they would often just lay there and not react to sex or gang rape and the men's deepest desires would be unfulfilled. Therefore Leo knew that the slaves had to occasionally enjoy their predicament as the "wife" of many men.

He had developed several solutions to these issues and now, with Nicky, he was going to put them into practice. One of the most useful things Leo learned was what to do with the slaves penis. Leo recognised that if a slave were to experience pleasure during repeated anal sexual intercourse, it was very useful if their penis were to be stimulated passively during sex. Leo had tried various techniques and he found that if the slaves penis were to be forcibly held against the tummy then during missionary sex or double penetration the penis would be stimulated. Leo set to work doing this to Nicky.

Nicky was given the bowl of cum to drink while he was still bound. The cum was laced with a potent sedative. As Nicky drank he felt numb inside then his thoughts started to become foggy. Leo waited until Nicky was limp then he unbound him. He checked the white boys penis and to his amazement it was barely a half inch long when flaccid. Just a tiny nub of a cock. It had shrunk since the captain had seen it which was most likely due to the diet if semen that Nicky was consuming which often had this effect. However Leo's experience with black cocks had never yielded such a tiny adult penis. However a half inch was all that was needed. Leo pulled the shaft and managed to stretch the penis to its full length of two and a half inches. He then used a hot needle to Peirce the tip of the shift through the urethral opening. Leo had such skill and the tools he used were so specialized that barely a drop of blood was shed. He then ran through the hole with a

small metal ring through the hole. He then sealed the ring in place forever using a primitive solder.

A chain was then put through the ring and then pulled so Nicky's penis was taught but not too much. Then the chain was attached to the ring that was attached to Nicky's choker collar on his neck. Leo tested the taughtness of the chain by extending Nicky's back. There was enough slack so that Nicky's penis wasn't too stretched. If Nicky were to become aroused, the chain would loosen a touch then tighten again holding his cock upright against his lower abdomen.

Leo also realised that with so much anal sex the anus had to be looked after otherwise it would become raw and chapped. Leo insisted on the boy having one day free from anal sex per week. His mouth could be used on that day but the anus and rectum would be soothed with salves and massages in preparation for the next six days of hardcore anal fucking.

Nicky started to stir. Leo quickly reattached Nicky to the box and bound him as he had been previously. Almost 12 hours had passed and the men were getting to fever pitch. Leo quietly left and unlocked the door...

Nicky came to with the sensation of choking on a huge cock and the feeling of a warm, almost hot cock, raping his tight rectum. His last memory before this was of drinking a large bowl of cum and feeling an odd sensation on his penis. He still had that sensation now as he was being violated on both ends. It felt like there was a weight hanging from his cock that swung after each thrust. He couldn't imagine what it was but it felt good and painful at the same time. The pain was unusual though. It was as though his penis had something attached to it. The sensation was masked by the strong feeling of his asshole being wrenched open and closed by the cock that was fucking him with long deep thrusts.

He felt the huge cock fucking him increase in pace and reached a fever pitch. The man fucking his mouth was allowing Nicky to breath between thrusts but the effect was Nicky was always on the verge of being gagged. Suddenly the man at his bottom came and the final thrust held the cock so deep inside Nicky. This cock was one of the smallest of Luangas guard at 9 inches. But of course it was very thick and at the hilt, Nicky was stretched tightly. The Cumming lasted several seconds but as soon as he was done, the cock was yanked out of his ass. Just as suddenly, the oral rapist pulled out and almost ran to Nicky's bottom and thrust his cock inside without a pause. Suddenly another man replaced the cock in Nicky's mouth. Nicky then realized what was happening. His mouth was being used as lube for the main event. Raping his tiny white ass.

Luangas men had awesome staying power and it took almost three hours for the first ten men to have their fill of his asshole. What surprised Nicky was that his cock had almost stayed hard throughout the whole time and he had cum every few minutes like clockwork. Nicky was so spent and exhausted he just lay there limp. After the first hour he tried to ask them to stop but there was no chance of that happening. Finally after six hours of oral and anal rape, all twenty men were done. Of course, Leo knew that the first cum was just a warm up...

Leo realised that the guards would have to be trained how to use Nicky so he had given them specific instructions as to how he wanted Nicky used on a particular day. After the 20 men had had their first use of Nicky's bottom they were to ensure that as much cum as possible were collected. The cum that had dripped down Nicky's legs was scraped into a bowl and then the bowl was placed under his asshole. Then the guard told Nicky the only word of English he knew. "Push" he said to Nicky. At this point the bound sex slave was barely conscious and all he could do was offer a gentle push. Even this was enough to squirt the bulk of the cum that had been dumped inside his rectum. Cum oozed out of his rectum and into the bowl.

Luangas men were such heavy cummers that half a pint of cum had been transferred to Nicky. Of course a lot of this was wasted but at least 300mls of thick gooey man seed filled the bowl. This would be topped up later but Leo knew that feeding Nicky would never be a great concern given the amount of seed he would consume. Leo hadn't even begun Nicky's oral training which would mean that almost no cum would get wasted. But that would happen soon.

For now though, Nicky needed to service the men again. The bowl was put aside for the next fill. Leo had asked the men to untie Nicky and let him lay on the mat in the hut. This was done.

Nicky's tiny weak body was laid on the mat and a guard dried the moisture from his legs. His tiny cock had been dripping his pathetic cum too. Over time Nicky's seed would be collected as a beauty potion for Luangas wives. They had it in their heads that the cum of a white boy made their skin stay young. For now though, Nicky's cum was irrelevant. He had also urinated himself several times due to the non stop anal stretching.

Once he was dried, he lay limply on the floor. His cock chained forever to his choker and resting against his abdomen pulled long by the chain. His cock was semi erect leaving it just under two inches. His long lithe limbs each had the leather anklet or bracelets to the ankle and wrist respectively and each of these had a heavy metal ring attached to them. Again these bindings would be with him forever so that he could be bound in any position in an instant.

Leo gave a nod to the guards. This was the signal to begin part two of their intercourse with Nicky. One guard lay on his back next to the boy whore. His cock began to rise up to full erection in seconds. His cock was around ten inches and solidly thick. Nicky could see this and he was almost beside himself with pity. He started to sob as he knew his ordeal was far from over. The guards laughed heartily at this. Suddenly another guard picked Nicky up with ease and put him in the cowgirl position on top of the guard laying down. The lower guard adjusted his large penis to point at the boy's hole and slid inside Nicky with relative ease but there was still some resistance at the internal sphincter. Nicky moaned between sobs. His legs were spread across the guards great pelvis. Nicky couldn't hold himself in the cowgirl position and so he rested his torso against the man's chest. Again this was met with laughter as this is what Leo had explained

would happen.

Now the best part. The second guard stood behind and was in the perfect position to commence double anal penetration. Guard two would be entering Nicky in a kind of doggy style position and his cock would sit in Nicky's rectum parallel to the first guard's cock. As the second guard lined up his cock with Nicky's already filled hole, he could tell he would have to use some of his considerable strength to force his massive cock inside the boy.

As the second cock pushed at the lads anus, Nicky gasped as he realised he was going to be double teamed. "please sirs! Have mercy!"

Of course the guards had no idea what he was saying. In fact to them it turned them on even more! The second guards cock settled at the entrance to Nicky's bottom and finally he started to push. Nicky yelped. The second guard lay his considerable body on top of Nicky sandwiching the small white boy between the two powerful black soldiers. Guard two thrust harder and soon both monster cocks were balls deep inside the slut.

With perfect African rhythm, the guards thrust in and out of Nicky. The slut started to pee as his body gave up any form of resistance. As soon as he did this, Nicky's cock got hard. The in out in out of the massive members, stimulated Nicky in a way he could never imagine. The sensation of being held firm by two of the most masculine of men as their oiled bodies rubbed his cock and slender frame was too much for Nicky. No one could hear Nicky cum as he was held between the men in their embrace. Both men had only just cum and so the double anal sex was only just beginning. It would last around 20 minutes for each pair of men and of course there were ten pairs. Nicky's long night was just starting....

Next: Chapter 4

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