White Slave Boy in Africa

By Josh Ness

Published on Feb 8, 2015



All work is fictional. Please feel free to send your comments to josh_ness@ymail.com

White Slave boy in Africa part 1

Captain Smyth knew exactly what type of boy he needed and he wasn't leaving Southampton without him. It was 1790 and as a slave trader for 30 years he knew that the hardest part of slaving was dealing with the African nobility and merchants on the West coast of Africa. He also had an unparalleled relationship with the most notorious but wealthiest of them all, King Luanga, the head of the Watusi. Smythe had spent years developing this relationship and he knew that Luanga was as dependent on Smythe as He was on Luanga.

Luanga was a brutal but effective King and he knew what the Western and American buyers needed. They needed people that could work without question for days on end but in the fields, digging and picking cotton. The type of men (and women) for this were the rural peasants who were brought from way inland often from as far east as what is now know as Uganda or even Kenya. But what Luanga needed was different. He needed warriors. He had his own army but the most important men to him were his bodyguard. He had 30 men at least in his guard and they key to the Kingsguard is loyalty. Eunuchs were not popular in Western Africa so the Kingsguard were often very well built and powerful men who had their full sexual powers. In fact one of the key aspects of being a Kingsguard member was being well endowed. It was considered almost impossible for anyone to join Luanga's guards if they were not endowed with at least a ten inch penis as anything less would be too feminine. The downside to uncut guards is that they were a liability if they got anywhere near the Queen or the Kings daughters. At least 2 had been executed for rape (after considerable torture) and so keeping the guard satisfied was a priority. And that is where Smythe saw his opportunity.

Smythe suggested that he could provide Luanga with a boy slave. He had heard of cabin boys being left to African traders as part of a trade but Smythe had decided to make this a part of his trading routine. He had created an image in the mind of Luanga that in Europe, there exists a kind of boy who will never mature into a real man but is destined to be a submissive cross between man and woman. Luanga was intrigued as he found that the whores and girls he gave to the men often became pregnant and undesirable very quickly. The thought of a feminine boy made sense. Their bodies were hardier than girls and of course they would not have a womb so could be used as a sex slave indefinitely. Smythe mentioned that some of these boys were very slim and long limbed and had very small penises and could easily be mistaken for a girl. Smythe also mentioned that usually they would crave men and in fact would beg to be protected by strong powerful men which of course Luangas guards were. Luanga thought this was a perfect solution and decided to request a boy such as described by Smythe for the next trade in exchange for an extra 10 slaves. Now Smythe was used to dealing in hundreds of slaves but each was worth almost a hundred pounds, enough to buy a small house, and so an extra thousand pounds worth of slaves for a boy would be a bargain. Especially as he knew he could get hold of as many boys as he liked for free.

Smythe was in the seedy bar called the bakers arms in Southampton docks. The bakers was where the dockers would come for beer and whores between lucrative trips. Most men couldn't afford high end whores but would be more than satisfied with a few goes with a cheaper girl. However there were plenty of boy whores here too. Many of the sailors had gotten used to the pleasures a cabin boy could offer and as gay sex was still taboo (and technically illegal) they offered their wares at a much cheaper price. Often the boys were local orphans and could make enough money when a ship came in to be comfortable for months. Most boys that whored themselves were not gay by nature but circumstances dictated that a few minutes of pain would be worth the money that whoring offered. However Smythe knew that he would need to find a boy that was not only a whore for pay but also for pleasure. He would need a younger boy but one who would not be averse to an adventure. And of course, Smythe had proclaimed the femininity of these half boys to Luanga and so the boy would need to look very girl like and have a small penis so as not to offend the Kingsguard.

Not one for conversation with the lower classes, Smythe asked his first man Jones to fetch him three boys that filled the following description: Very pale, very slim and willing to be buggered hard for a shilling. Jones did not disappoint as he brought the boys to Smythes room. The first was a tall but broad shouldered lad. Despite being slim he was a little too manly for what Smythe needed. The second was pale and slim and slighter built but when examining his penis Smythe realised that an average penis would still be too offputting for the proud men of Luanga. The final specimen was perfect. At a mere 5'0 he was small enough. He was barely 7 stone (98lbs) if that and had a cock that when floppy looked little more than a nub. Certainly less than an inch. Smythe stroked the boys shaft and it stretched to about 3 inches but had the girth of a pencil if that. His balls were tiny too. Barely a couple of peanuts in a small sack that contracted as Smythe stroked the inside of his thigh. "what's your name boy?". "Nicky" said the lad. And how old are you? I'm not sure sir, said the boy, but I think I'm 16 or so. This was common with street boys. They were usually orphans and had no idea as to their birthday. Nicky did have a small bush of pubic hair and so he certainly could be telling the truth.

Nicky, have you ever been buggered? Yes sir, he replied. Many times but I prefer to give my mouth if possible. Smythe laughed heartily. Ha ha! You'll do lad. Smythe looked hard at Nicky. He could even be older than 16 but his body certainly looks the part of an innocent girl. He would be perfect for Luangas men. Nicky had a soft featured face with full round lips and innocent blue eyes. His skin was very fair with freckles. His hair was cut in a bob and looked very feminine. Smythe asked - Nicky, would you like to join me on a voyage? I am off to Africa and I need a "cabin boy" for the trip. You'll be paid a pound a day and will not be expected to work hard labour on the voyage. Nicky's eyes glowed as he accepted Smythes request! He would get a good wage and get to travel. What luck!

Part 2 Voyage and arrival

Nicky had never travelled by boat before. In fact he had never been outside Southampton and as the ship hit the west coast of Portugal, they hit rough waters. Smythe had kept Nicky in his quarters away from the other men. Only Jones and he knew of Nicky's presence. Nicky vomited non stop and despite being in the Captains berth with access to all the luxuries one could need he still found the trip hard and lost even more weight. Smythe was concerned that Nicky would become too thing for Luanga's mens taste but after a a few calm nights the boy stopped vomiting and managed to eat a few fruits and keep them down. He bore his thinness well as Nicky had long lithe legs and a compact body so he never looked skeletal but rather well proportioned. His legs were a fantastic 32 inches long despite being only 5'0 tall so he remained slim but fetching.

Smythe knew that as they were almost half way to the coast, he would have to start preparing Nicky for what lay ahead. Despite sharing a quarters, Smythe was sure not to bugger Nicky as he didn't want the first day with Luangas men to be tarnished in any way. Smythe asked Nicky to undress and lay on the bed on his back. Nicky did this without question. Smythe sat next to Nicky and gently lay a large calloused hand on his pubic area and positioned his index finger between his buttocks. Without warning he slid the finger to Nickys anus and rubbed it hard. Nicky gasped with excitement and his cock stood to attention. Oh sir...yes sir. But Smythe was not being passionate. On the contrary he was being a consummate business man. Nicky your anus is tight. That's good but you need to be able to accommodate length. Fetch my bag boy. Nicky sprang off the bed and opened the Captains bag on the bed. Smythe pulled out an object, made from dark mahogany, long and thin shaped like a cucumber but much thinner. Nicky, this is a dilator. I need you to use this on your bottom religiously until we land in Nigeria. It is exactly 13 inches long and an inch in diameter. You are not to have it leave your bottom unless going to the toilet or unless I command is that clear boy?

Nicky gasped but knew he had to obey. Oh yes sir. Of course. And with that, Nicky took the dilator and inserted it, without any lubricant into his anus. At around 7 inches it felt like it had stuck. Smythe noticed this and for the first time since he had met Nicky he became enraged. BOY I ASKED YOU ONCE TO PUT THAT INSIDE YOU! He then growled "push harder or I will do it for you boy". Nicky panicked and pushed it inside him. He gasped but after some pressure it slid in all the way. Nickys small body was not much longer than the dilator but he managed to accommodate it's length. He had to stay erect to keep it inside.

Later that evening, Smythe sat next to the boy as he lay in his berth and gave him a large bottle of rum. Smythe asked him to sip on the rum anytime he needed to relax. "The days will get warmer as we approach Africa. You'll need to be calm and relaxed for what awaits you. Nicky was tipsy but asked what Smythe meant. Smythe replied "boy I know you live to be the object of affection. Is that true?" Nicky nodded hastily. Well Nicky (this was the first time Smythe had called him Nicy), your wish will become true in a few days. And with that the captain and Nicky went to bed.

The next few days the rum bottle was always full despite how much Nicky drank. Other than the odd piece of fruit, Nicky did not eat much but he was more and more light headed from the heat and the rum. The days rolled into one and the dilator became more at one in his rectum. A couple of days before landing, Nicky woke to found a bowl with a spoon inside containing a white sticky liquid next to the rum. He had not eaten for a while and was hungry. There was a note next to the bowl that said "The cream of men. Eat me". Nicky put a spoon to his mouth and knew it was the seed of the men of the ship. He was delighted as aver since his was a young boy he had always craved the taste of semen about all other things. He had always preferred oral sex for this reason. The bowl was full to the brim but he ate hungrily. he licked the bowl clean and sipped on the rum until the bottle was empty. He could see the stars of the southern skys through the window and the swaying of the ship along with the rum sent him off into a deep sleep.

When Nicky awoke, he noticed his wrists each had a thick leather bracelet around them as did his ankles. The bracelets and anklets had a notch where a large metal ring was attached. He also had a choker around his neck also made from leather. The ring was on the front and all of them were very heavy for him. They weighed around two pounds. He was after all as weak as a kitten and had not really eaten for three weeks. For most men these weights would not be considerable but after a few minutes he struggled to do anything other than lay on his cot face down with the dilator deep within his rectum.

In walked Smythe an cheerfully exclaimed ""good morning boy!" Today is going to be the first day of the rest of your life. Nicky was still very fuzzy in the head and his mind was very tired. he just about remembered being lowered into a rowboat, completely naked other than the leather bands around his limbs and necks and he also recalled Smythe pulling out the dilator before he was lowered. Nicky felt strange and empty. He felt like he needed to be filled up and his anus was a huge cavity needing to be filled.

The next thing he remembered was being lain down on a mat in a large hall. The air was sweaty and he saw the faces of several black men sitting around where he lay. Smythe had brought Nicky out into Luangas palace and as was custom, had brought the biggest gift and put it on display. Luanga sat on a throne 8 feet above the floor and had his council seated on the floor around the mat. Nicky was oblivious to this all, still very hazy from the alcohol the nights before. he hadn't even realised that his body had been cleaned from head to tow, he had been waxed free from what little hair he had before. He had been given an enema and his rectum was utterly empty. He also hadn't realised that he had been drugged with opium and whilst he was unconscious, the ships tattoo artist had given Nicky some permanent eyeliner in addition to a red tattoo ink around his lips to make them appear fuller and had also rubbed some chilli pepper to his cheeks to make them look red and rosy. Nicky writhed and after much effort sat up with his puny legs to one side. and barely could support his body weight. He looked so slender and slight and Luanga was clearly impressed with Smythes offering.

Luanga made a clap clap and exclaimed a few words to Smythe in his native tongue. Smythe nooded and smiled. Ten slaves were moved towards Smythe and he knew then that the deal was done. Smythe had them transferred to the ship immediately for safe keeping. But he was now intrigued how Luanga would initiate Nicky into his new life of sexual slavery. He didn't have to wait long to find out. After the slaves had left, the two largest of Luangas men marched onto the mat and flanked Nicky. Nicky looked so small next to them and his eyes were wide open. He looked like a deer waiting to be eaten by lions..

The guards were Luangas Alpha men. They were brothers and had been warriors since the age of 12. Now they were in their 30s and had survived battles so ferocious no westerner could begin to match the exploits of these men. They had spent their life in battle and were soon to enjoy one of the few great rewards of being a man in West Africa in the 1700s. Their names were not important as they were kidnapped from their village in their youth. They responded to the words for right and left - a nick name given by their master Luanga. They were like twins in almost all regards. Both 7'4 and muscular to the point of being almost like another species, right and left were the best examples of masculinity the continent had to offer. And as per custom for Luanga, they had the penis size to match their awesome physique. Both had 12 inch penises but the thickness was the incredible thing. They both would never know it but their girths were the largest in the world by a clear inch. Erect, the girth of their penises would be about the same as a bottle of wine. Their cocks were so huge that the nerves in their penises were not as effective as normal peoples which made their staying power almost immeasurable.

As right and left faced Luanga, they had already seen their prey, Nicky, laying on the mat in silence. Aswas custom, the bodyguard barely wore any clothes other than their weapons and a sash of leather around their waist. Their penises were on full view and involuntarily they had both become more and more erect. It took a few minutes of them standing at attention before their unbelievable cocks had reached full size. Luanga was smiling ear to ear and he was as excited as the council and Smythe to witness the next stages of the days events.

Luanga clapped twice and immediately right and left relaxed and turned to Nicky. He was fatigued by the weight of the bracelets and as the guards turned to him he lay on his back with his arms to the side. Right swung the boy by the arms so his bottom faced left. Left had a slightly larger penis (if that were possible) in the sense that it did not taper to the base. It in fact got thicker as you approached the base. it was almost unsaid that he would take the boy first. Nicky started to gasp as he realised what was about to happen. Immediately, right knelt with his huge knees by Nickys ears and pointed his erect penis towards the boys mouth. He knew he would not be able to get much insude his mouth but right spread his legs and the cock slid down to nickys open mouth and his lips wrapped around the ridiculous girth. Nickys legs flailed as did his arms. The court roared with laughter and Left casually knelt with his cock facing the boys bottom. He easily gripped the boy by the hips despite his legs flailing. With right pinning Nicky down, Left just has to hold onto Nickys thighs which were so small relative to Left that Left could just grip the boys thighs with each hand and slide the sluts bottom nearer his penis.

Nickys cock was floppy and it almost looked non existent unless one knew what to look for. Left slammed his erection onto the boys abdomen and it made a large slapping sound. The crowd loved it and pre cum oozed from Lefts monster penis. This was fortunate for nicky as there was to be no lubricant today. Left eased his cock back as right held Nicky firm. As lefts cock lined up to the boys very tight anus everyone leant in to see the assault. Left slowly slid the penis into position. He then very deliberately held the boy by the ankles and pushed his legs back hard so the ankles were behind the ears. right had now gotten hold of the boys wrists and also had his cock in his mouth so Nicky was unable to move any limbs no matter how hard he tried. With a practiced manouver, Left let go of Nickys ankles and let them rest on his shoulders. Nicky stayed as still as a rag doll knowing full well that resistance against such huge men was futile. right also let go of Nickys wrists and placed Nickys hands on each of his buttocks. Nicky had been buggered against his will in the missionary position before and knew that if he manually opened his buttocks, then he would decrease the amount of resistance that would happen when he was raped. So this is what he did and the crowd practically screamed with delight!

Left held the boy at the waist with his huge hands encircling the boys tiny waist. He pushed his cock towards Nickys anus and although Nicky could not scream, one could tell he was trying to. Left had the strength of four men and one could see he was pulling Nickys body down hard onto his erection with all his power. this lasted almost three minutes. It was a battle between the boys anus and the soldiers monstrous cock. Suddenly - Whoop! the lads anus gave way and his body went utterly limp. lefts cock had entered the boys body and the girth was so massive that a bulge appeared on Nickys tummy. Left pushed and pushed not caring that he was causing the lad utter misery. After a few minutes Left was balls deep and was able to assume a plank position. Right withdrew his penis from Nickys mouth and allowed Left to plow the boys rectum with full vigour. Which he did.

Left slammed into the boy as though he were a girl and showed no mercy. He used the whole length of his girth to ram the lads anus. after almost half an hour of vicious anal sex Left was about to come. But right was standing just behind waiting for his turn

If you like the story please let me know and I'll get you the next part! Also please be in touch with your fantasies and maybe we can share stories etc. Love josh_ness@ymail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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