White Narcissus

By moc.liamtoh@83eedyaj

Published on Feb 25, 2023


White Narcissus, Chapter Seven Love on the Set By Jaydee for Bry

It had all been like a dream to Phillip Chancellor. Through the purest chance, his brief California vacation had turned into a new lifestyle, a totally unexpected direction. A brief encounter with a movie producer on the flight from Virginia had blossomed into a co-starring role in a major avant-garde film, "White Narcissus." The star of the film was the internationally famed Leonard deCastro, blond, buff and stunningly handsome darling of millions of women.

Already, Phillip had experienced mind-blowing bisexual and gay couplings with the producer, John Stewart, and with his co-star. This, after exclusive pursuit of hot pussy since Phillip first began pounding his pud as a pre-pubescent twelve-year-old, he found both confusing and exhilarating.

He had returned briefly to Virginia to put his affairs in order and with the generous advance for his film debut he had moved into a semi-luxurious condominium in suburban Los Angeles. Phillip's cousin, Eric, awed by this sudden turn of events, had accepted the offer to handle the emerging actor's financial affairs and moved in with him.

It was now the third week of filming on "White Narcissus." Phillip had to be at the JS Studios early each day, spending much of the time in makeup, wardrobe and sitting around waiting for a scene in which he was included. Today was particularly slow, since deCastro seemed preoccupied and his scenes were running into multiple takes.

After arguing with the director, deCastro had stormed off to his trailer and an early lunch break had been called, the crew and cast told to return to the set in two hours.

As Phillip sat idly thumbing through the script, one of the young assistant directors sidled up to him and whispered, "Mr. deCastro has asked that you visit him in his trailer."

The star's "trailer" was actually a finely appointed modular home some distance off from the other facilities on the set. Phillip strode purposefully toward the structure and tapped on the door. "Who is it?" came a husky, breathless voice that Phillip recognized as deCastro's. "It's me, Phillip," he responded.

"Good, come on in," the voice pleaded urgently.

As Phillip entered, deCastro's muffled baritone called from beyond the screened area leading into the star's dressing room, "In here. Lock the door behind you."

Walking around the end of the screen, Phillip's eyes widened in genuine surprise. Sprawled on a red velvet sofa against the back wall was Cheryl Stone, the aging actress who had the role of deCastro's mother in "White Narcissus." She was naked, her long, lithe legs draped across the muscular shoulders of her "son," also nude with his head bobbing energetically into the inviting cleft of her pussy. "Well, come on in, handsome," the divine Miss S smiled, beckoning the stunned guest with a sensual movement of her right index finger, its bright red fingernail polish flashing.

The blond man did not bother to interrupt his ministrations to the center of his attention, continuing to slurp hungrily. Like a robot, Phillip stumbled toward the pair, feeling his cock hardening in his expensive Armani suitpants. When he was almost atop them, Ms. Stone's slender fingers went immediately to Phillip's throbbing crotch. "Ummm, very nice," she smiled as she slid the zipper of his fly downward. The engorged member, which had not had any exercise for several days now, popped out of his pants into the glamour queen's firm grasp.

"You better get out of those clothes, honey," the actress smiled as she wanked Phillip's cock a few gentle strokes. Still feeling like he was in a dream, Phillip removed his shoes and socks, then his pants and shirt. As he slid his Calvin Klein briefs down, his stiff prick became briefly entangled in the fly, the thick purple cockhead finally popping a little painfully from the narrow opening.

Reaching out with some effort and tugging on Phillip's six-inch hardon, the ravishing blond star enveloped it with the ruby lips which had been created with painstaking care in the makeup department just a few hours before. As she slid forward to ingest the twitching manmeat, Phillip felt one of his balls brush against the erected nipple of her ample left breast, a miracle of silicone enhancement that belied her mature years.

"Ughhh, oh, yeah," he moaned. The woman, now breathing heavily and whimpering slightly due to the effective application of deCastro's experienced tongue, engulfed Phillip's entire rod, burying her nose in his dense black public hair. He felt fingers fumbling awkwardly at his swinging nutsack. Since the blonde temptress had both hands planted firmly on his muscular buttocks, it took him a few moments to realize what was happening. The actor had risen from his oral-genital labors and was now preparing to plunge his thick peter into the spit-and-juice-primed pussy. At the same time, diCastro fondled Phillip's balls from the rear and leaned forward to place his lips next to the sensuous mouth enclosing his handsome co-star's trembling manhood.

With a deft move, the actress let Phillip's glistening cock slide from her mouth so that it plopped firmly against the actor's acquiline nose. DeCastro quickly extended his tongue to lap at the precum dripping from the tumescent twitching prick. "Yum," he said, looking up into Phillip's eyes. "My turn." He slid his lips over the shining mushroom cap, sucking loudly.

"Oh, yes, darling, fuck me good," the actress moaned, twisting herself into a more receptive position. DeCastro began to move his hips in rapid lustful lunges while he sucked avidly on Phillip's cock. At the same time, he used his right hand to gently tug and fondle the man's hairy nuts.

"Oh, oh, oh, God, oh, yes," the woman whispered, humping upward into her furiously fucking co-star. "Oh, that cock is so big! Give it all to me. Oh, yes."

Phillip felt his balls tighten as he watched the pair move athletically in perfectly timed movements. He noted how deCastro gave a quick sideward jerk with each descent of his pounding hips. DeCastro also slid slightly forward with each thrust, jerking his talented mouth ravenously on Phillip's dripping manmeat.

"Oh, ah, I'm cummming," groaned Phillip as he felt his orgasm rising. "Oh, yeah, suck it. Suck my cumload!"

He spurted copiously into the actor's mouth, some of the jizm oozing from the corners of his mouth and down his chin.

Soon, the frenzied actress, her head now moving rapidly from side to side, announced her climax.

"Ah, ah, ooooooooh, yessss," she cooed, clamping down tightly on the actor's prick that quivered in her drenched cunt. Leo followed closely, vocalizing around Phillip's softening prick. "Unnnngggghhh," he groaned, "Mmmmmppphhhh."

The trio collapsed in a heap of exhaustion.

"What next?" Phillip wondered, as the two megastars caressed his muscular back.

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