White Narcissus

By moc.liamtoh@83eedyaj

Published on Sep 22, 2023


White Narcissus

(This is an erotic story created by Jaydee for an e-mail friend who wears silk boxers with his suits.)

Chapter 1 -- Flight of Fancy

Phillip was more than a little excited. Flying out of Dulles Airport, he was at last heading to California, the sun, the sand, the city of sophistication and high living -- L.A., Los Angeles, LaLaLand. As he buckled his seatbelt and sank back into the seat, visions of beautiful women, buff and tan, swam into his mind. His good looks would be genuinely appreciated in the glamor capital of the world. At six foot three, 210 pounds, he was hunky, maybe even truly handsome. His choice of clothes enhanced his masculine demeanor -- handmade pale yellow silk shirt, Armani jacket in a subtle tan shade, muted brown Dockers and brown Italian leather loafers. He felt comfortable and self-assured. He sat in an aisle seat next to a well-dressed middle-aged woman who was obviously trying to ignore him as she shuffled through a briefcase and withdrew a book to read. He glanced over the other passengers along the seats opposite the aisle. The usual collection of businessmen and tourists, some chattering away, others lolling back in their seats awaiting takeoff.

Just as the plane lifted into the air, sending a strange sensation through Phillip's groin, his eyes met those of a man who was seated in the third seat in front of him on the opposite aisle. A small smile drifted across the man's square-jawed, handsome face as they stared briefly at each other. Phillip could not resist smiling back. After the man turned again to face forward, Phillip had a chance to look at him more closely. He was wearing a dark, well-made suit with a tiny striped pattern. "Very expensive, tailor-made," thought Phillip.

Just then, the stewardess came by offering peanuts and drinks. Phillip noticed that the man across the aisle ordered a Jack Daniels Black with water. "Good choice," thought Phillip and when the stewardess asked for his order, he said the same thing. After the attractive stewardess moved down the aisle, the man turned again to face Phillip, smiled and gave him a thumbs-up sign. Hmmm, I guess he's signalling that I have good taste in bourbon, Phillip conjectured. The drinks arrived and as Phillip sipped, his eyes drifted again to the handsome stranger. Why did he find him so attractive? But he did. The man, almost instinctively, turned again to look at Phillip, lifted his glass in a toast and took a sip of his own drink, smiling broadly again. Somewhat embarrassed, Phillip returned the gesture.

After the man turned his gaze to some papers he had on his lap, Phillip's mind returned to the destination of this trip. He was meeting a cousin of his who had moved to L.A. a little over a year ago. His two weeks vacation would be spent cramming in as much as he could of city life -- the museums, the theaters, the bars, the beaches, the night life. All the wonders of Southern California and Hollywood.

He closed his eyes and pictured himself amid a bevy of tanned young starlets, each more beautiful than the last, with succulent breasts and curved asses almost fully exposed by their bikinis. He felt a stirring in his crotch as he thought about sucking on those luscious tits and fingering a hot pussy. He placed his hand over his hardening cock so that it wouldn't become obvious to anyone nearby. The lady in the seat next to him was sound asleep, so he didn't have to worry about her. As he fantasized about sliding his hard prick into one of those tight hot pussies, he allowed his fingers to press against the bulging head of his cock. A damp spot emerged on the crotch of his Dockers from the flow of precum his fantasy engendered. He opened his eyes to inspect the spot, and looked up into the eyes of the man he had watched earlier. He was standing right beside Phillip's seat, apparently on his way to the restroom at the rear of the plane. He nodded toward Phillip's crotch, where his hand had quickly moved in an attempt to conceal his erection and the small spot it had created. His bright smile, perfect teeth, sparkling blue eyes put Phillip at ease for some reason he could not immediately fathom. The man began to move away down the aisle, but not before using his own hand to squeeze a large swelling along the right upper leg of his expensive pinstripe suitpants.

Phillip was both puzzled and intrigued. Why did this man seem to attract him so? He was very good-looking, that was true. But he also was extremely masculine and wore a wedding band on his left hand. Surely he felt no physical attraction to Phillip.

Shortly after the man returned to his seat, the pilot called out their interim stop at St. Louis to change planes for L.A.

As the passengers who were not ticketed through to San Francisco left the plane, Phillip found himself immediately in front of the man he had been sharing a silent conversation with. Inside the terminal, the man walked up to Phillip and said: "Excuse me, but I couldn't help noticing you on the plane. You remind me of someone I know. My name is John Stewart." Phillip was somewhat taken aback, but managed to say: "Hi, I'm Phillip Chancellor." He accepted the man's handshake, which was firm and confident. His hands were large and muscular. Phillip noticed then that the friendly stranger was a good two inches taller than his own six-foot-three and had a very muscular build.

"Are you stopping in St. Louis?" John asked. "No, I'm on my way to Los Angeles. I take a flight out of here in about an hour," Phillip responded.

"Well, what a coincidence," John responded. "So do I. I'm heading back to my home and office in L.A. I work as a producer for several film studios." That explains the elegant clothes, thought Phillip, but it sure doesn't explain why he's talking to me. "Would you like to join me for a drink. I saw on the plane that we have the same good taste in bourbon," John said.

"Well, uh, okay, sure," Phillip answered, "But first I have to find the john. I really need to take a piss." He looked around and found a men's room sign a short distance down the terminal concourse. "I went once on the plane," said John as he followed Phillip to the restroom, "but I really have to take a piss again."

The restroom had a row of five urinals beside the four closed toilet cubicles, all of which were occupied. Three men simultaneously left the urinals and Phillip and John ended up side by side at two of them. As Bryan extracted his penis from his silk boxers, he looked upward at the ceiling, then as his pent-up stream began to flow, let his eyes drift rightward to casually survey the well-dressed Hollywood producer. John was looking down at himself and since he was paying no attention, Phillip let his eyes travel downward to the cock John held in his hands. The sight that greeted him almost made him inhale audibly. The man's cock was almost fully extended, a good eight inches long, with a long foreskin retracted behind a huge purple knob. He stared briefly and then looked up to find the man smiling at him again in that gentle, peculiar way. Phillip quickly shook off the remaining drops of piss and stuffed his soft four-incher back inside his pants before it began to harden. They both washed their hands and headed out to one of the airport bars.

Once seated, John opened the conversation, "Well, do you live in L.A. or are you just visiting?" Phillip explained that he was vacationing and was staying with his cousin in a suburban area for the next two weeks. John recognized the neighborhood Phillip mentioned and asked if they might get together while he was in the city. He explained that he had just separated from his wife of eight years and was staying at a friend's house in Malibu until he could find an apartment.

The hour's wait for the connecting plane passed quickly. John had finished his drink and stood to leave. "Maybe we will see each other again," he said, shaking Phillip's hand. "I have enjoyed talking with you." He departed quickly and Phillip sat down to wait the 15 minutes or so before his plane departed.

On the plane, he quickly found his seat, this time next to a window. He looked to see if John was anywhere near, but there was no sign of him. He must be up in first class, Phillip thought. He looked out the window and watched as another American Airlines jet taxied away. "Hello, again," said a familiar deep-toned voice suddenly. It was John and he was taking the aisle seat right next to Phillip at the back of the plane. "Well, um, hello," stammered Phillip. "This is quite a coincidence again." John merely smiled and eased his tall frame into the seat. He had removed his jacket and now had it folded carefully across his lap. "I think I'll be able to take a little nap on this next little trip," he said, settling back into his reclining seat.

After takeoff, John seemed to be sleeping, his breathing quiet. Phillip reclined his own seat turning slightly to face the aisle. A spot of turbulence caused both of them to stir briefly and Phillip felt the stranger's leg press against his. Then he felt more movement as John's right hand disappeared under the jacket on his lap. The sound of a zipper being lowered was unmistakable. Phillip closed his eyes tightly and tried to force sleep, but the movement of John's leg against his and the rise and fall of the jacket in his lap made that almost impossible.

John leaned his face toward Phillip. "Are you asleep?" he whispered quietly. "Huh-uh," Phillip murmured. John leaned even closer. "I know this is not proper," he whispered, "but I'm so fucking horny since I haven't had a piece of pussy for a month that my cock keeps getting hard at the damnedest times. I've had to open my pants it was hurting me so bad. It would only take a few strokes for me to get my rocks off. But I don't want to get cum all over my jacket and I don't want to try to force this stiff prick back into my pants to get to the bathroom. Do you have a handkerchief I could borrow? I'll buy you a new one in L.A. and send it to your cousin's address." Phillip reached into his back pocket for the clean handkerchief, the one his mother always told him to keep handy. He never thought it would be put to this use, however. As he handed it to John, Bryan felt his hand clenched in the bigger man's fist. "Hey, could you please help me with this? I'll promise to return the favor."

Phillip's manly instinct was to pull away and get some sleep. But the stirring in his crotch sent a stronger message. His prick was fully erect, rubbing against the silk of his boxers. He allowed his hand to be moved beneath the jacket, still holding onto the handkerchief. John guided the younger man's finger around the huge manpole that stood between his legs. Phillip's grip tightened so that he could feel the thick veins along the throbbing shaft and the significant bulge of cum tube running along the underside of the hot meat. He slid his fingers upward to the gathered ring of foreskin surrounding the plumlike silken knob. Forcing the skin back down downward, he felt the wiry hairs of John's thick public bush and the mound created by his golf-ball sized nuts. As John arranged the handkerchief above his cockhead, Phillip began a steady stroking of the big stiff manprick. "Oh, yes, Phillip, that feels so good," John whispered. "It won't take long. I'm ready to juice."

Suddenly, the fleshy hot cock began to throb and twitch and John moaned quietly. "Uhhhhh, oh, yes, I'm cumming," he whispered into Phillip's ear. Despite John's manipulation of the handkerchief over the head of his spurting cock, Phillip felt the copious orgasmic fluid running down onto his fist. He gripped the corner of the handkerchief and wiped the mancum from his hand. As he pressed down into John's open fly, he became aware of the big man's underwear. Silk boxers.

"I hope you have another handkerchief," John laughed in a quiet whisper. "I'm afraid that was the only one," Phillip said, feeling his hardon throb inside the tight confines of his Dockers. "But there are some tissues my carryon bag overhead." Without hesitation, John stood and fumbled with the luggage rack, his lower body almost in Phillip's face. His dripping cock was still dangling from his fly, softened somewhat but still a good seven inches long, the foreskin now fully covering his massive cockhead. "I got 'em," John said, settling back into his seat and handing Phillip several tissues. He quickly pushed his long limp pecker back into his pants and zipped up. Then he placed his jacket over Bryan's lap. With nimble fingers, he unzipped Phillip's fly and quickly extracted the younger man's pulsating hard peter. He slid his big, thick-fingered hand slowly up and down the shaft, sliding the tips of his fingers inside Phillip's fly to caress his aching, hairy ballsac on the downward slide.

His grip became tighter and his movements faster as he jacked off his seatmate, just as he promised. "Come on, that's it, Phillip," he whispered. "Think about all that hot pussy you're going to get in L.A. You've got plenty of spunk in your young balls." He emphasized his point by moving his left hand to Phillip's tightening nutsac. His right hand was fairly flailing Phillip's turgid rod, precum dripped onto the lining of the expensive jacket. Phillip tried to press the tissues over his knob, but John's pumping fist kept knocking them out of the way. "Forget the fucking tissues," John whispered roughly. "I'll take care of this mess." With that, he removed the jacket from Phillip's lap and quickly enveloped the precum-drooling cock in his hot mouth. "Ummm, oh, it's...it's...gonna come," Phillip groaned, barely aware of his surroundings. Fortunately, the corner they were sitting in was very dark and the few surrounding passengers seemed to be sound asleep.

Phillip lifted his hips from the seat, forcing nearly half of his cockshaft into the older man's suctioning mouth. Then his orgasm hit like a series of rocket shots. Spurt after spurt of his pent-up jizm was gobbled hungrily by the tall, handsome stranger. "Ummm," John said as he straightened up. "That's honest-to-God the first time I've ever done that. But it didn't taste bad, kinda salty and sweet. Thanks, Phillip for opening a whole new world to me."

Phillip sat back, sighed heavily and put his softening wet prick back into his pants. "It's a whole new world to me, too," he thought, as he drifted to sleep."

Next: Chapter 3

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