White Boy Gets Blackmailed

By sammythesub19

Published on Aug 21, 2022


White Boy Gets Blackmailed by Noisy Neighbours

(Or BLACKmailed)

Overview and Descriptions

  • Features young 20 y/o sub bottom boy, slim, brown hair 5"6, being blackmailed by manipulative, aggressive big black men. Partly based on real life.

  • Key descriptors: Interracial, domination, submission, blackmail, gangbang, anal sex, oral sex. Features graphic consensual sex scenes between UK legal age young man and older men.

  • Partly based on my real life experiences recently. I've weaved hookups and encounters into more of a narrative. How I met the men and the sexual encounters are all true. Slow build but gets very dirty.

  • Location: London, United Kingdom

  • If you enjoy the story or have any thoughts you'd like to share then email me at sammythesub19@protonmail.com. I have plenty of stories to share but will only write more if people enjoy them! Would be great to meet people with similar interests as well...

  • Visual references: like my other stories, I have NSFW pictures of myself from the time that I'm happy to share with guys who really enjoyed hearing about my experiences and are happy to share back. It'll help paint a clear picture of who's at the centre of the story and no doubt is better than how I can describe myself, just ask and if you seem genuine I'll see what I can do!

  • Also guys please support Nifty through donating if you can, it's a wonderful platform full of amazing stories and people: https://donate.nifty.org/


How did it come to this? How did I let it go this far? All I wanted a few weeks ago was for them to turn down the music so I could get some sleep, and now I'm on film getting gangbanged.

It started as a simple request, I just wanted the people upstairs to bring down the noise. To turn down the music and talk a little quieter, a few weeks later I'd become a glorified sex slave. It just escalated so quickly, a blur, here I was being spit roasted by two massive black men, a third slapping his dick on my back, dressed in nothing but fishnets with cheap make-up on and a camera being shoved in my face.

I was supposed to come to London to make something of myself, follow my dream career and become a successful photographer. Now I'm just a stupid skinny white boy begging to be rammed deeper by a group of black men on camera.

And the worst thing about it? I'm loving every second, and I don't want to do anything else ever again. It escalated so quickly, I can barely remember the moment I lost control...

Chapter One: Noisy Neighbours

[Three weeks earlier]

And there it goes again. Thump. Thump. Thump. The bass of someone's speakers shaking my apartment. Almost like clockwork, every night at 23:00, just as I was nodding off it would start again. The deepest bass no ear plugs could drown out, and rapping so aggressive I could barely believe the lyrics were legal. Although I guess I had soft sentimentalities towards that kind of thing. And the laughing and shouting echoed so loud from their balcony it sounded like they were actually in my bedroom, laughing at me.

I had moved to London just a few months earlier and got a great deal on this apartment. My best friend's Dad owned it and let me stay there for a very generous rate. It was a modern build apartment in a quiet residential area. I was supposed to be co-living with my friend as well but he'd decided to go backpacking for six months and his Dad was happy to cover his rent, so I was essentially living alone. It was bliss, or was supposed to be...

The apartment seemed to be a blessing and just as well, I was trying to break into the photography industry and it was going slowly. I'd been able to keep up with the rent through private commissions and small jobs here and there, it's a competitive landscape and I needed to stick it out a bit longer to hopefully get my break. The contacts I was making were invaluable and, to be honest, my work was good so it felt like it was only a matter of time before I signed on to an agency or got that high paying commission.

This place, at first, seemed perfect. Just the setting I needed to be creative and focus. Then a week ago the noise started.

Thumping, shouting, laughing, banging.

I couldn't sleep, the noise, the people, it was making my shoot days so long and so difficult. One of my most exciting jobs so far I swear I fell asleep waiting for the models to be ready, that's how shattered I was. And because of it, the pictures really weren't my best, had to save them in the edit. It was becoming a real issue because if I couldn't get my sleep I couldn't function on the shoot days, if I couldn't function on my shoot days my career was going nowhere. I just needed sleep, and I wasn't getting it.

I was a pretty shy and timid person, so the idea of confronting these people was terrifying, and virtually impossible for me. I could tell from their East London accents and the tone of their voices they were big black men. When I caught a glimpse of them on the balcony above that theory was proven true. I was afraid that just at the sight of me asking for some respect they'd burst out laughing, and I would return back downstairs to my apartment defeated and embarrassed beyond belief.

To make it even more intimidating we couldn't have been more physically different, I had just turned 20 but in reality I barely looked 18. I hadn't changed my look since I was about 16 and had the same build as I always had. I was about 5'6, white, skinny with a mop of long brown hair but apart from that and a little on my legs I was pretty much hairless.

I was thin, small and cute looking with a button nose. Small to the point to the point where I'm sure a big man could fit his hand around my whole bicep. They definitely could. What I did have was a small but round and bouncy bum, years of sport meant a lot of lunging and good stamina led to a thin guy with muscle in the right places.

So yeah, I couldn't have been more different, they would laugh just at the sight of someone like me trying to ask for a little respect. How would they be able to empathise with a guy like me.

I just couldn't see a world in which they would take me and my complaint seriously. I'd even tried to complain to building management but they didn't seem to be able to do anything about. They had sent a letter of complaint but that's all they could muster, so they say...

I really didn't want to face them, it filled me with dread. But there was the noise again. Thump. Thump. Thump. I just couldn't bare the idea of another sleepless night. That desperation drove me up and out of my apartment. I had to give it a shot.

I was on the fifth floor, I called the elevator. My heart was pounding. Ding, it arrived. I stepped in and was so nervous my shaking hand hit floors the 6 and 7. It's fine, you'll be fine, I thought. I prayed for the lift to get stuck, anything to make me not go up there.

As the elevator rose the music got louder and louder and with it came the smell of weed. As soon as the elevator opened the stench hit me in the face like a wrecking ball. It was so strong I was worried I was going to get a contact high when they opened the door.

Although I didn't know which flat number they were it became immediately obvious, there was a haze in the hallway from the smoke which was pouring out from the door that also seemed to be home to aggressive thumping: 606. How did no one else on this floor not care? I can't bare it being below them so I can't imagine sharing a wall. Maybe they did complain and get the same answer as I did, or they've already tried to talk to them and this was the response. It didn't fill me with hope either way.

I gingerly walked up to the door, trying to prolong the interaction for as long as possible. I then took a deep breath and knocked.


It was a pretty pitiful knock to be honest, there's no way they could hear it over the music. Again I knocked, nothing. Finally I bashed with my fist three times before I heard someone inside start talking to the others in more hushed tones. That's when I heard approaching foot steps and backed up from the door, I held my breath. Here we go.

The door swung open aggressively and, as expected, a large black man with short dreads and a clean cut beard look down at me. He wore chains, a white t-shirt, rings and joggers. He was easily 6"5, maybe even taller. I couldn't imagine how inferior I looked.

And he looked at me as if that was his only thought, with such contempt.

There was a pause, I had never looked eye to eye with such a man before. The pause was obviously way too long because as I struggle out a "...I'm..." he slammed the door.

I couldn't believe it, I was dismissed so out of hand without even being able to get my question out. I started to turn towards the elevator when something compelled me to go back, `you have to at least ask because that was pitiful, have some respect for yourself' my inner voice said.

I marched back up to the door and beat on it three times, he must have been watching through the eyehole as the door swung open almost immediately.

"What's up little man" he said in a condescending tone, as if to say: go away you're a nuisance.

"Sorry, I..."

"Don't be sorry, just what do you want"

"I live below you in flat 506 and I can't sleep, the music, your talking is a little too loud. I'm sorry but could you turn it down, I really need to sleep for my job and I..." He could barely hear my voice over the music.

Suddenly there was commotion behind him and a guy behind him shouted:

"What the fuck is going on T?"

He turned and shouted:

"I'm sorting it bitch, giving me shit!"

Him turning to confer gave me a good view into the flat. There was about five big black guys and maybe three black women. The men were all tall and muscular, dressed head to toe in tracksuits, two were topless. The women were hot in that kind of trashy way, they were all barely wearing anything with one of them being naked aside from a thong and heels, sitting in the lap of one of the men. The apartment was a tip, with big speakers being the focal point near the windows. There was delivery food boxes all over the place, alcohol and beer bottles scattered around. And a number of ash trays with huge joints sitting in them, smoke rising around and out of the flat.

Unfortunately, me getting a view of them consequently meant they got a good look at me. Oh no, I thought.

The women started to giggle and whisper in kind of a mean way making me immediately self conscious. I knew the kind of comments they were making.

Suddenly one of the guys shouted

"The fuck you want little mouse!"

The man at the door then turned back to me:

"Yeah little mouse, get to it"

"I just want you to turn the music down and stuff, and maybe try and talk quieter. I can't sleep. I need sleep for my work."

He let out a laugh.

"What's up little mouse, I tell you you need a job where you don't need to get up early. I can't help you with that"

He seemed like he was going to shut the door when I but in once more leaning closer. It was time to plead.

"Please, I really can't sleep, can you please just help. I'm not asking a lot just turn down the music when it gets late, or talk quieter or..."

He then cut in quite aggressively.

"But you are asking a lot mouse? You're asking us to stop our good time, we're having fun. You never have fun before?"

"No I want you to have fun, but every night?"

"You've never had fun like we have, c'mon let me show you the time you're trying to ruin"

"No really I can't..."

"Don't say no to me, no one says no to me. Just look and we'll see if we can work something out"

Before I could say anything else he'd turned to walk back in to the flat, door wide open. Before I even had time to think I was compelled to follow him in, maybe if I humoured him here he would be more understanding of my side of the situation. Without noticing I was suddenly inside the flat almost in the middle of the circle of friends, on display and watched.

"What the fuck is going on T?"

"This is our new friend, he's asking us to turn the music down but I wanted to show him what he's missing in his life"

"He? Looks more like a little girl to me"

That got a massive laugh from everyone and the girls looked at each other in agreement and couldn't contain their laughter.

I went bright red. I couldn't speak, I was frozen in place. What am I doing here, I thought.

The leader came back around and after draining a beer, he threw the can in the bin and looked directly at me.

"Alright look little mouse you want us to do you a favour that's fine, but favours go both ways right? That means you got to do something for us, then we're on equal terms. Get it?"

"So you want me to do you a favour for you...and then you'll turn the music down?"

"Well yeah, you're asking us to stop having fun, so you've got to trade us with something. That's how friends do it, and you want to be our friend yeah?"


"Alright well..." he gestured to all the empty cans scattered around the apartment. "We're out of alcohol so we need you to do a beer run for us. Get us a couple of four packs of whatever beer and maybe two bottles of vodka."

"Wait...what?" I was stunned, they're really taking advantage of me here, I thought. I'm just being duped. There's no way they'll turn the music off if I do this, they'll make me do it and then carry on partying.

"You heard me, we need drink. You do us a solid and we'll help you out, seriously."

The sniggers and whispering from the others didn't really fill me with hope, but what was I suppose to do? If I say no they'll hate me and probably be even more obnoxious than ever before, just to spite me. I'd walked into a trap and there was only one clear way out, I guess I just had to roll with the punches and try and get something out of it.

"I'm not sure, that might get quite expensive"

"Shit, c'mon you do me dirty, I'm obviously paying wouldn't make you do that as well mouse"

Then suddenly out of his pocket he pulled the biggest roll of money I have seen in my life. There must have been hundreds of notes and they were all big notes, Twenties, Fifties, Hundreds. He's leafing through them while I just stand there in awe. Another giggle and laugh from the side snaps me out of it. He looked up at my face, painted with disbelief and chuckled. He handed me a fifty pound note.

"There you go mouse, now run along, we're thirsty".

Feeling all at once embarrassed, defeated and subdued I took the money, tucked it in my pocket and sped towards the exit. I just had to get out of there, my heart was pounding, I felt so on edge. As I was fast walking towards the door there were calls and jeers of "Yeah run along mouse" coming from his friends. I could see the hallway, I was so close to getting out. But then came a final hurdle. One of his shirtless friends was now leaning against the door frame, almost like a reverse bouncer, it felt like I had to do and say the right thing to get out of the place.

As I edged towards the door he leaned forwards blocking more than half of the exit. I slowed down and tried to cautiously shimmy past him, but then he leant in further, invading my personal space. I have never felt so intimidated in my life. He was huge, even larger than the leader. I started edging around him, and tried to not to make eye contact but his face was so close to mine that I couldn't help but stare into his big dark eyes.

Even though he looked quite scary, I couldn't help but realise how striking he was, a chiselled jaw and deep angry eyes. His hair cut and beard were sharply trimmed and his chains tangled towards me, his musk was overpowering, a mix of sweat and aftershave. For a second as he leant forward I didn't know if he was going to head butt me or kiss me.

Instead he stopped, looked at me and then said "Hurry along little mouse, I'm thirsty" and with the last word he slapped me on the ass and squeezed my butt cheek hard. I just froze and walked out red in the face, with them all laughing behind me.

As I went down in the elevator I was just replaying the whole interaction in my head, how could I have been so stupid, thinking that was going to work. I was so hot with embarrassment I thought my head was going to explode. And now to top it all off I have to go through with it and buy the alcohol otherwise I stole his money and he might do something to me. I couldn't wait to get outside into the cold night to get some fresh air. I'd never felt so degraded in my life.

And yet so alive.

It had been a long time since I was intimate with anyone, I'd been on a few dates while I was in London with some girls but none of them felt right. This whole scenario started to remind me of my teenage years and reawaken some feelings and habits I thought I'd buried.

Back when I was a teenager I'd had gay sexual desires from 15 and acted on them at 17 (see my first story Summer of Submission) and for a couple of years I was a slutty submissive bottom boy who slept his way through half of the counties middle aged men.

But that all changed when I moved to university, I met new friends and I wanted to focus on my studies to actually get something from my course so I could be successful.

Since then I'd had long term girlfriends and chalked all that up to being an experimental horny teenager. But now these men were bringing those thoughts and desires out of me, making me crave subjugation and domination. To be used and told what to do. No, keep that out of your mind, you need to stay focused on the shoot tomorrow and getting this done. The sooner they have their alcohol the sooner I can get to sleep, I hoped.

Still, I couldn't believe I was doing this, I'm supposed to be an adult, a young professional who's independent and his own person. Now I'm an errand boy for a drug dealer. It was probably a big judgmental of me to think that but how else would he have so much cash?

Who knows what they were talking about now, I'm sure they were laughing about the stupid little white boy who's now running errands for them. How submissive these white boys are, how they just want to serve real men like them. And yet here I was, proving them right.

I darted into the local Sainsbury's, hoping i could get in and out with no one recognising me. I just didn't have the mental capacity to think of a white lie as to why I was buying all this alcohol. Luckily it was a ghost town. Finally some luck, I thought.

I grabbed the crates, asked for the vodka and after a disapproving look from the older cashier I was out of there.

I'm sure I looked more suspicious than I would have wanted, speed walking away from the shop with a bunch of alcohol looking around nervously but I really didn't care, I just needed to get back to their apartment as quick as I could.

In the front door, through the security door, in the lift and here I was back knocking on their door. I had rushed back and forth with such haste that as soon as I stopped for a second to wait outside their door, I noticed how sweaty and out of breath I was.

After a couple of moments, the door swung open. "Damn well done little mouse, think you set a record. Saw you from the balcony, you were hauling ass".

"Thanks" I said weakly, and I was just about to ask about the music when he held a hand up to me.

"Yeah yeah deal's a deal. Shut it off."

And at that moment the larger friend turned off the speakers. Suddenly there was dead silence in the apartment, it was deafening. It felt like my ears were ringing from the silence.

In that moment I couldn't have been more thankful, I literally couldn't believe they actually did it. I wanted to cry.

"We're going to still try and have a good time tonight though, hope that's good with you? Think you'll allow that mouse."

"Yeah of course of course," I stated apologetically "I don't want to stop you having a good time, I just...yeah, please have fun."

"We always do shorty, now get the fuck out"

It was an aggressive order, but they added a crucial laugh so it didn't feel too threatening. It was enough to make me bolt for the door, but just jokey enough to not make me feel in danger.

As soon as I was out of the apartment I felt safe, and yet surprisingly deflated and sad. The excitement had gone, as if I'd just forgotten or lost something. I looked back to see if I could get a glimpse when the door slammed in my face.

Next: Chapter 2

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