White Bitch Moan

By naughtyboy

Published on Apr 1, 2023


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I never knew the man who donated the sperm to my mom to have me. It was just me and her for the first eight years of my life. Well, we also had the man whose house she cleaned. She called him Mister Terrance. I called him Dad. Neither of them ever corrected me. We also had Jerry, the tall skinny white guy that lived with Dad.

Dad and Jerry loved me like I was theirs, so it was no surprise to me that they took me in when my Mama passed. I loved them and wanted to be like them, a strong powerful proud Black man like Dad, and a caring open hearted gentle man like Jerry. They were my idols, and the love that flowed between them was what I wanted for me.

Of course they explained to me the birds, the bees and what men do for other men on their knees. I was free to choose who I wanted to date, no judgement. By the time I graduated high school, I left a string of broken hearts behind, but I was still a virgin. I wanted my first time to be with someone that made me feel the way Jerry and my Dad felt toward one another.

When I went off to college, every one tried to get into my pants, and I mean everyone. Boys, girls, straight, gay, bi, or just curious. I know I look like a stud, being five eight with a creamy caramel complexion and loose curls cascading down my scalp. The fact I have twenty four inch biceps and a forty eight inch chest didn't hurt.

It was my junior year that my Dad called me late one night and told me that Jerry had passed. We were devastated. After the funeral, I threw myself into my studies and the gym. I graduated top of my class, two sizes bigger and a great job offer in the city. I worried about my Dad, but Ty kept an eye on him for me.

I wanted to come home, but Dad wouldn't let me pass up the opportunity. So here I was, twenty three with a good paying job, body and looks everyone drools over, place to myself, and still a virgin. I was making bank at my job, but I just wasn't into the bar scene. I am the guy that likes cuddling on the couch over screaming over music in some club.

So Saturday nights, I spent doing laundry. Most everyone else in the building was getting ready for their nights out, I was washing my underwear. That's when I met him. Freddy. There was something about Freddy. He had curly brown hair that fell all around his head, these happy amber brown eyes and a shy smile.

He was a bit scrawny for my taste and he was about an inch taller than me. What got me was that he made me laugh. He struck up a conversation with me and that was it. I looked forward to talking to him while my underwear tumbled in front of us. Freddy was always a little dirty, and his clothes didn't really fit right.

It was a month of Saturday nights that I realized I was the only one doing laundry. That's when I started picking up on the clues that Freddy was homeless and was camping out in our laundry room. I didn't know how to bring it up, so I just started bringing pizzas down with me to share with him.

I did get a little worried when September hit and the air got a little colder, but when the building manager posted that the laundry room was going to be closed for two weeks for renovations, I nearly panicked. So that Saturday night, I shared my pizza and did my laundry with Freddy, but instead of leaving him down there. I decided I would do what Jerry or my Dad would do.

"Freddy, you know they are going to close the laundry room for two weeks for renovations." He didn't say anything. "I know you've been staying down here." Still nothing. "Freddy, it's getting cold outside." I looked over at him, he was just staring down at the floor. "I consider you a friend, Freddy, and I want you to come stay with me."

He didn't say anything for the longest time when he got up. I saw him moving towards the door but I moved quickly to block him. "Anthony, I need to start looking for some place to stay." He tried to move around me but I blocked him again. "Anthony, I can't stay in your apartment with you. It just isn't right."

"It is, and you will." I put every bit of authority in my voice I could. "Now go grab my basket and we'll go upstairs." He arched an eyebrow at me. "You can't run away if you got clothes." I grinned at him and he smiled back amused. I did appreciate the stretch of his pants across his ass when he lifted the basket up.

Back in my apartment, I found an old pair of sweats and a tank top that I gave Freddy before ushering him into the bathroom. I gave him a spare toothbrush and left him to wash up while I started folding laundry. The thing about having work clothes and gym clothes to wash, is that you have a lot of laundry.

When Freddy came out the bathroom, he was struggling to keep the sweats I gave him up. I should have known that they'd be too big for him, but it was all I had. "Here, let me help." I said getting up and moving over to him. I began rolling the top down. My fingers touched his skin and I had to fight the urge to just let the sweats fall to the floor and indulge my urges.

I had them rolled to his hips when he looked up into my eyes. There was this electricity between us. I felt my heart racing. I ran my finger across this exposed skin. I knew I was crushing on Freddy from the moment I saw him. Now I was sure that I wanted him. I wanted him to take my virginity.

"Anthony." His voice had a hint of fear and lust in it. "Are you okay?" He wasn't sure if I was going to kiss him or punch him. He made to move away, but I held him, pulled him close to me. "Anthony, what are you doing?" His breathing was quickening, I was lengthening. "Anthony?" He closed his eyes and parted his lips.

I kissed him. I hugged his body close, rolling my hips against his. His arms came around my neck. I had kissed before, boys, girls, then men and women, but that kiss was the one that told me that Freddy was the one. My hand moved down to his buttocks, cupping it through the baggy sweats. He let out a squeak of approval.

He's held onto me like I was a dream that fades away when you wake up. I moved us to the couch. We laid down, me on top of him, pinning him down with my bulk. His hands moved under my old tee. I felt his nails scrape down my back when I teased the soft flesh of his neck. It only made me want him more.

I wanted to make him feel good. I want to taste every inch of him. I wanted to explore his body and map it out with my tongue. I wanted him. It wasn't just a thought or a fleeting desire. I felt it deep in me. If he told me to stop, I would without question, but he's begging for me, calling my name out over and over. I know he wanted this as much as me.

My hands found the top of the borrowed tank and with shear animal desire, I tore the fabric from his skin. I heard the growl coming from me, unaware I was even making it as I gazed down upon his chest speckled with fine chest hair. My mouth is on his nipple, hungrily toying with the nub and sucking on the tender flesh.

I was on automatic, instinct guiding me. I rub my face across his body, inhaling his clean scent. He ran his hands through my loose locks. I kissed the soft of his belly as I moved my way down. I hunger for him in a way I never thought I could for someone. I wanted him. I wanted him in my mouth. I wanted to be in him.

I stopped short of his pants, his little curlies just visible. I ran my hand along the outline of his cock. I'm tempted pull them down and release it, but I don't. I don't want my first time, our first time to be here on the couch. I get up and gathered him in my arms. Our mouths found each other's as I carried him into my bedroom.

I laid him on the bed, sucking on his top lip as I pull back. I groped myself through my pants, showing him the thick veiny outline. I'm by no means average or small. Three inches thick and eight inches long, the only guys I didn't put to shame in the locker rooms was my family. I expect him to cringe, stare wide eyed at it.

Instead a lustful smile crept across his face. "I knew you were packing just as much in the front as the back." He reached out and moved my hand so he can feel my prize. He moved to his knees so we are eye to eye once again. "Just so you know, I'm doing this because I want to, not because you're giving me a place to stay."

He grabbed the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss. I moved my hands down the back of his pants to feel those sweet melons, soft and firm. He groaned into the kiss as squeezed them, testing them for ripeness. His hand moved from my head to tug at my shirt. His hand ran across my hard twelve pack.

He growled with admiration, moving up the ridges to my hard well defined chest. I know he wants the shirt off, but I won't let go of that ass. Each cheek fits so perfectly in my hands, like they were made just for me to hold. He tried to move to appreciate my chest, but I kept him pressed firmly against me. I'm not giving up that ass.

"While I appreciate your hands on my ass," Freddy said with amusement in his voice, "but if you don't let me get you naked soon, we're going to have a problem." He reached down and squeezed my cock. "Oh, we already have a problem." His lips were brushing over mine as he spoke, words sizzling with sex. "Looks like you have some unusual swelling that needs attending."

The idea of his mouth of my dick was just enough for me to let go, giving him the opportunity to pull my shirt up and off. I watched as he licks his lips. He ran an appraising hand over my chest, feeling the hard work I have spent on my body. He leaned in to kiss my left nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

"Fuck, Freddy." My voice is gravelly. I turn slightly and reached behind his perfectly arched back to fondle his ass again. His tongue is teasing the chocolate brown nub, gently biting it. "Yeah, make daddy feel good." I don't even know where that came from, but it drives Freddy wild. "Yeah, work that fucking nipple."

My hand has pushed the sweats down and I can see the top of his ass. I moved my finger to brush in between. I felt his body shudder as he moved to the other nipple. "Yeah, baby. That ass feels primed." I pushed gently at his hole. He pushed back, ready for me. He undid my pants, and shoved them down my thick thighs.

His hands gripped my bulbous ass as he kissed his way along the ridges of my abdominals. He's bowed down, running his face over my stretched trunks. His mouth sucked at the fabric, massaging my cock with his mouth as he traveled from one end to the next. He fumbled to pull the elastic down over my ass and cock, freeing his plump reward.

The air barely has a chance to hit my cock before his lips are stretched over the head, his tongue wriggling over the tip. "Yeah, baby, suck daddy's meat." I groaned as he slides down my shaft, his head twisting with every bob up and down. I looked down at him to see he's looking up at me. "That dick looks good in your mouth."

Somehow he smiled with his mouth full of my cock. I pulled my hand back from his ass, running a slow finger along his spine. His eyes closed as his mewls, not skipping a beat as he worked me in and out his mouth. I ran my hand through his hair, twirling the ringlets. His hair is silky soft. I fisted it gently, letting it slip through my fingers.

I watched him, with sexual amazement, as he took me nearly to the root. Over and over again, my cock slid between those soft lips to the back of his throat and back out again. He sucked on the tip, letting me spill on his tongue before swallowing me down again. Unlike me, he knows what he's doing, knows what he likes. I'm flying blind, but enjoying every minute of it.

I'm not sure how long he nurses on my fuck stick before I finally stepped back, pulling myself from his lips. He rose up on his knees, his face imploring that I let him return to his delightful task. I have other, more involved things in mind. I bite my lower lip, the idea of sliding into him is foremost on my mind.

"Show me that ass." My voice doesn't sound like me. It's gruff, commanding. I watched him twist and turn, shucking the sweats to the floor. He turned and presented that albino white ass to me. I step up and run my hands over his cheeks. He's naturally smooth. I dropped to my knees, like I'm about to pray instead of eating.

"Fuck." I draw the word out as I admire his assets. I sucked on the left cheek, scraping my teeth over the skin in a little nip. He yipped then moaned. I do this over and over again, planting little love bites across his cheeks. I dragged my tongue down his left cheek to the top of his thigh, teasing him. I ran my thick tongue all over except his hole. It drives him crazy.

I reached under him and stroked his cock. His seven inches felt warm and natural in my hand. He's leaking like a faucet, dripping down onto the covers. I ran my tongue from the top of his crack down to the tip of his dick and up again. He moans my name, claws the bed with unsteady hands.

I shoved my tongue deep in him, enticing him to open up for me. I kissed his rose bud, then returned to gorging myself on his sweet taste. He's tight, but he lets my tongue soothe him enough let me tickle those warm insides. He pushed back into me. I heard him, encouraging me, begging me. "Eat that ass, daddy. Fuck, Anthony. Oh, Anthony, oh, daddy."

It turns me on when he calls me daddy. I'm not sure why, but it does. I tapped his ass, making it jiggle against my cheeks. My cock is begging to be in him, but my mouth has a taste for something else. I showed off my strength, flipping him onto his back and get my first taste of cock. His cock glided across my lips.

Freddy cried out from the slide of my tongue along his shaft as I took him into my mouth. I'm not as practiced and I gagged when I press him to the back of my throat, but with time and practice I'm sure I'll be just as good as him. I moved him across my lips, letting my tongue explore every ridge and bump.

"Anthony, if you don't fuck me soon." Freddy rasps. It's then that I realize I don't have any real lube, just some almond milk oil that I use my skin. I stand, drawing out the final pass of my mouth across his dick. "Anthony." His face is full of need to have me buried deep in him. "Please, daddy, give me that dick."

I felt the beast in me awaken when he calls me that. He pulled his legs back, welcoming me. I grabbed the almond milk oil. Squirting some on my hand, I pushed a finger into him. I watched his eyes roll back in his head as I fingered his hole with one then two and finally three. When neither of us can take it anymore, I shined my baton up.

I take his legs and placed them to either side of my head. I rubbed the head of my dick along his hole. "Anthony!" His cry is anger mixed with urgency. I pushed gently, feeling him spread open for me. His breathing quickened. I felt him squeeze and relax against me. Each little exercise letting me in further. When I have fully impaled him, I think we are both amazed at the magical trick that somehow let him take me all in.

He felt like warm soft velvet against me. I kissed his leg as a thank you for letting me in him. Then I ran him through, letting my flesh sword slide back and forth in him. I varied my thrusts, my speed, and rotated my hips just ever so slightly, all the time watching for what he liked and does not. As much as I wanted to get off, I wanted Freddy to feel good.

I pulled out after five or so minutes, wanting to change positions. "Doggy." I barked. "Middle of the bed." He hurried to obey. I moved up behind him and slip in with ease. I gripped his thin hips guiding him back on me. Freddy is arched up, his hands in fists on the bed. "Whose ass is this?" I pulled out to just the tip then back in slowly, long dicking him.

"Yours, daddy." Came his growl. "Fuck your ass, daddy." Those words set off an explosion in me. I began slamming into him. He bounces back with every thrust. "Fuck me, daddy. Use that ass, daddy." He's getting me riled up. His limbs became wobbly and I pushed hard against him, sending me on top of him as he collapsed on the bed.

I moved an arm under him, crossing his chest and gripping his shoulder. I'm hammering his ass, holding him close to my chest. His filthy mouth is sending me to the edge. I want to hold out, but also want to fill him. I snarl, clench my teeth and then with a thunderous explosion, I exploded in him, my mouth gently biting his shoulder.

"Fuck, baby." I say, kissing the tender spot I had just bit. I'm in a dreamy state, enjoying the feel of Freddy under me. I wanted to just lay here, deep in him. "If I would have known sex could be like that, I'd have popped my cherry a long time ago." I heard him sigh then felt him tense when he registered the words.

"You're a virgin?" There's a hint of panic in his words. He twisted under me and I slipped from him. We both let out a wince of at the loss of our sexual joining. He looked me in the eye. "You can't be a virgin." I kissed him quiet. I can still feel his still hard cock under me. I slid down his body to take is cock back in my mouth.

I worked his cock, slipping a finger under him to toy with his hole again. I can feel how open and raw I made him. I felt my load seeping out of him. His hips are sliding his dick through my lips and his ass onto my finger. Up, down, up down. "Anthony, I'm going to shoot." He warned. I just continued till I feel the first blast into my mouth.

I swallowed down my first taste of sperm. I pulled my finger from him, letting him soften in my mouth. I sucked till it's too sensitive and then moved back up his body, grinning proudly. "Was a virgin, baby." I pecked his lips. "I can't wait till round two." My cock his half hard against him. His smile faded. "What's wrong, babe?"

"That was great, Anthony, and I wanted to do it since I first saw you." Sadness filled his voice. He can't look me in the eye. "I'm homeless, I can't just keep coming up here, and letting you fuck me. I need to worry about where I'm going to stay for the next two weeks if not longer. I can't just..." I silenced him with a kiss.

"You're not staying anywhere else but here." My voice is stern but caring. "I'm not letting you end this before we had a chance to find out where it leads." I smiled warmly. "How else are you going to get off the streets if someone doesn't help you?" I scrunch my face up in contemplation. "Plus, you took my virginity and I need to get it back."

He laughed, it's a sweet sound. "Come on, stay with me. Let me help you. Let me be your man." He reached up and brushes my hair back. "You know you want to. I promise to give you all the dick you can take and then some." He laughed, playfully hitting my chest. "You know I'm not letting you up till you say, yes."

"Then I'll never say yes, so I can have you like this forever." He wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Yes, daddy, I'll be your man and I'll stay here with you." I let out a growl and buried myself in his neck. "Anthony, quit it." He laughed, writhing from the tickle of my tongue against his skin. I rolled off him, pulling him into my body, spooning him.

"Rest up, there's more I want to try." I say sleepily, holding him. I sighed when he wiggled back against me. I stroked his chest, feeling the slow rise of his chest till he fell asleep. We slept that way, my cock pressed against his ass, holding onto him, our bodies molded together. That's how we spent every night thereafter.

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