Whispers in the Night

By moc.loa@7arbiLkraD

Published on Sep 19, 1999


Well, here's the last two parts of Whispers. I hope you all have enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this.

Disclaimer: I don't know Backstreet, don't know their sexual preference, if I did I wouldn't tell ya...

Send feedback to DarkLibra7@aol.com

Chapter 14

Nick sat on the edge of the cliff staring down at the water far below. He had figured that Brian would be upset with him but he didn't think he would be that mad. Brian's words kept playing over and over in his head. His best friend had turned on him. But Brian was right about one thing, if they ever told the public their careers were over.

It had started to rain and he shivered as his clothes became soaked. If he went back he would be going back to nothing. No career, no friends, and worst of all, no Kevin. Tears started to run down his face, indistinguishable from the rain, as he reached his decision. Slowly standing up, he inched closer to the end of the cliff, the toes of his shoes just sticking over the edge. Taking a deep breath, Nick closed his eyes and was about to jump when he heard Kevin call out his name.

He started to turn around but his foot slipped on the wet rock and he let out a shout as he started to fall. "Kevin!" he cried out, his hands trying to grab the slick rocks and stop himself. He saw Kevin appear at the top of the cliff and his eyes widened when he saw Nick slipping over the edge.

"Nick!" He ran towards the edge of the cliff, slipping a few times on the wet surface. Nick was frantically trying to grab onto anything but his hands just slipped off. He couldn't feel the cliff under his chest and realized that he was about to fall. His terror-filled eyes met Kevin's right before he slipped over the edge.

Suddenly Nick felt a hand grab his wrist, stopping his decent. He hit the side of the cliff and he felt something snap in his shoulder. He howled in pain and felt the hand grip him harder. Looking up, he saw Kevin leaning over the edge of the cliff, one hand gripping his wrist and the other held out to him. "Nick, I need your other hand."

Reaching up, he grabbed Kevin's wrist as Kevin grabbed his and he felt his body swinging in mid-air. "Kevin, please don't let me fall." he said in a shaky voice, his eyes locked on Kevin's.

"I won't Nick. If you go, I go." Kevin told him, staring right back. He started to slowly inch his body backwards, pulling Nick up. Once Nick's hands were level with the edge he had Nick grab the edge so he could get a better hold on him. He grabbed Nick's upper arms and threw his body back, sending him and Nick sprawling onto the top of the cliff. Nick landed on his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around him.

"Oh God, Nick, I thought I'd lost you." Kevin said, tears streaming down his face. "I'd die if I lost you."

"I thought I'd never be able to see you again." Nick said softly.

"Did Brian tell you that?" Nick nodded and Kevin held him tighter. "Brian doesn't understand us, Nick. But I don't care. I love you and I want to marry you."

Nick smiled through his tears. "I love you too, Kevin, and don't ever leave me."

Kevin pulled him down and kissed him. "Never. I'll be by your side from now until we die."

The pain in Nick's shoulder was now a dull throbbing and he slowly sat up. "I think I broke my shoulder."

"Then let's get you to the hospital." Kevin helped him up and kept his arm around Nick's waist to steady him as they walked back to Kevin's 4-Runner. ******

It turned out that Nick had just bruised his shoulder and he would have to rest it for a few weeks. Kevin had stopped by his place to get them both dry clothes and they changed at the hospital after Nick was examined. When they got back outside it had stopped raining and the night sky was clear, revealing the moon and stars. Kevin opened the passenger door and helped Nick into the truck before going around to his side.

"I'm glad I didn't break my shoulder." Nick said, leaning back against the seat as Kevin started to drive.

"Me too," Kevin said, reaching over and taking Nick's hand in his. They rode in silence until Nick noticed that they were headed for the airport.

"Where are we going, Kevin?"

"On a much needed vacation so we can get married and you can rest your shoulder." he replied.

"But Kev, we're recording -"

"Didn't you quit because of Brian?"

"Well, yeah but -"

"Then I quit. I told him that if you quit, I quit."

Nick turned to look at him. "You really quit, for me?"

"Baby, you are my reason to sing. If you're not there with me then I don't have any reason to be there." Kevin told him. Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out Nick's ring and handed it to him.

After looking at it a moment, Nick took it and slipped it on before taking Kevin's hand in his and kissing it. "Have I told you how much I love you, Kev?" he asked, smiling.

Kevin smiled. "No matter how much you love me, I love you more."


Nick sighed contentedly as he laid in bed and reviewed all that had gone on in the last year and a half. Him and Kevin had gone down to Jamaica and gotten married. After a long honeymoon they decided that they would stay in Jamaica. Since him and Kevin had left Backstreet Boys, Howie and A.J. both agreed that it just wouldn't be right to try and continue the group without them, despite Brian's attempts to keep the group going.

Brian and Ashley moved to Kentucky and wouldn't speak to either of them. Oddly enough both of their families, after getting over the initial shock, supported them and wished them well. Howie was doing well in the real estate business and had visited them a few times. A.J. had a successful rap/hip-hop music career and he was getting involved in movies and gaining recognition as an actor. Surprisingly enough, him and Alec were in a close relationship and there were rumors that they would be getting married soon.

Nick and Kevin had bought a cozy little house right along the beach. Nick had an artist's studio put in and he spent many days painting and drawing. Kevin still working with music and owned one of the more popular clubs on the island. Some days the two of them would just sit together out on the beach and watch the waves, content just being in each other's presence.

Nick was brought back to the present as Kevin snuggled closer to him in his sleep. He was laying on his back with Kevin laying up against him, his arms wrapped tightly around Nick's waist and his head on Nick's chest. Nick had an arm around Kevin and was gently stroking his hair. As he looked down at Kevin's sleeping form a smile played upon his lips.

Despite everything, the bond between them was as strong as ever and they never stopped loving each other. Some days he would just stand in the doorway and watch Kevin as he played something on his piano. Other days he would do as he was doing now, just watch his lover sleep, slowly stroking his hair.

A yawn escaped from his mouth and he decided that he would try and get a few more hours sleep. Remembering the night he proposed to Kevin he whispered, "I'll love you more with every breath. Truly, madly, deeply do." Smiling, he raised his head and kissed the top of Kevin's head, inhaling the sweet smell of his hair. "I love you, Kevin." Nick whispered softly, before closing his eyes and drifting into a peaceful slumber, his love asleep in his arms.

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