Whispers in the Night

By moc.loa@7arbiLkraD

Published on Sep 2, 1999


You guys know the disclaimer bit: I don't know any of the BSB, couldn't tell you their sexual preference, and wouldn't if I did know.

Now, on to the story...


Chapter 9

Kevin was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. Here it was, his birthday, and no one had remembered it. Even Nick was busy and couldn't come over. He felt like crying. The phone broke him out of his thoughts and he grabbed it. "Yeah,"

"Hey Kev, what's up?"

He sighed. "Nothing."

A.J. couldn't help but grin. "Well, in that case why don't you come over to my place?"

"I don't really feel like it, A.J."

"Aw, come on. You might actually have fun."

"Fine. I'll be there in a little bit."

"Great. See you then." A.J. hung up the phone and turned to face the group that was sitting in his living room. "He's on his way and he has no idea what's going on."

Alec smiled. "I can't wait to see the look on his face."

"Hey Nick, you better go get in the cake before he gets here." A.J. told him.

"Just don't make me wait in there too long." Nick replied, walking off into another room.

About ten minutes later Kevin pulled into A.J.'s driveway. The house was dark and he wondered if A.J. was even home. Walking up to the door, he found it unlocked and carefully opened it. "Hello?" he called out, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

"Surprise!" All of a sudden the lights came on and he saw Alec, Howie and A.J. standing in the living room with smiles on their faces. There were streamers and balloons all over the place and he saw a large cake in the middle of the room.

"Wow." was all he could say.

"Betcha thought that we all forgot, huh, Kev?" Alec asked, walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"Yeah, I did." he admitted, hugging each of his friends. Looking around for Nick, he frowned when he couldn't find him.

Howie saw this and led him into the living room. "We've got another surprise for you, Kevin." Walking over to the cake, he tapped on the side of it. "You can come out now." he whispered.

When Kevin saw the top of the cake lift off he thought that they had gotten him a stripper and he scowled before he could stop himself. His jaw dropped when he saw Nick pop out of the cake, dressed in drag. Nick had on a slinky black dress and black hose with heels on his feet. His hair was a mass of blond curls and his face was covered in make-up. To complete the outfit he had elbow-length black gloves on his hands and a black choker around his neck. "Happy birthday, Kevvy." he purred, grinning.

Everyone laughed at the look of complete shock on Kevin's face. "I . . . I . . . wow." he said finally once he had found his voice. "Damn Nick, you don't look half bad in a dress."

"God, Kev, you should see the look on your face." Howie said, laughing.

Nick stepped out of the cake and crossed the room over to where Kevin was standing. "Since you're twenty-eight should I give you twenty-eight spankings?" he asked, running a hand down Kevin's chest.

Before Kevin could say anything, Alec spoke up. "Hey, I've got a better idea. Why don't you give him a lap dance?"

A.J. started laughing. "Oh damn Alec, that's a great idea. I would pay money to see that."

Smiling, Nick grabbed Kevin's hand and led him over to the couch. "Uh . . . I don't think this is a good idea." Kevin said finally.

"Kevin, it's okay. They know about us." Nick replied, turning around to face him.

"They do?"

A.J. walked up to them and put a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "I heard you two the night Alec came up. But even if I didn't it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you two have something going on. D and I are totally cool with it. Besides, it's your birthday, just enjoy yourself." he finished, grinning.

"You guys have no idea how good it feels to hear that." Kevin replied.

Nick bent close to his ear. "I know something that would feel even better." he purred, flicking out his tongue and licking Kevin's ear, sending shivers down his spine. Stepping back, Nick pushed Kevin down on the couch. "And now it's time for your lap dance, baby." ******

As Brian parked his car in A.J.'s driveway, he couldn't help but wonder why so many vehicles were in his driveway. "Bone's probably throwing some wild party." he muttered, walking up to the front door. Him and Ashley had gotten back from their honeymoon early and he wanted to surprise everyone. Besides, he couldn't miss his cousin's birthday. Reaching the door, he put his hand on the doorknob and was surprised to find it unlocked. He slowly opened the door and stepped inside, quietly closing the door behind him. Shouts and whistles were coming from the living room so he crept over to the doorway to see what was going on. To say he was shocked would be an understatement.

Kevin was sitting on the couch and getting a lap dance from Nick, who was dressed in drag. A.J. and Howie were seated on the floor laughing their heads off and Alec was perched at the end of the couch with a smirk on her face. Brian rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He watched, wide-eyed, as Nick rubbed his ass against Kevin's crotch and Kevin leaned forward, saying something in Nick's ear. Nick smiled and turned around to face Kevin. He then straddled Kevin and started to ride him. Brian couldn't believe his ears when he heard Kevin moan, like he was enjoying himself. The big shocker was when Kevin put a hand behind Nick's head and pulled him down for a passionate kiss.

Brian's jaw dropped. I did not just see my best friend kiss my cousin. he told himself. This is not happening.

When Kevin broke the kiss he smiled. "Thank you for a great birthday present."

Nick smirked. "Oh, I haven't given you your birthday present yet." Turning to A.J. he asked, "Which bedroom can we use, A.J.?"

"As long as it's not mine I don't care." A.J. replied, grinning. "Just get your asses in a room before you start fucking here in the living room."

"I wouldn't mind if they started fucking right here." Alec said, smirking. "Not like I haven't seen them before."

Brian could not believe what he was hearing and seeing. Kevin and Nick, together? He shook his head to clear the image that was appearing in his mind. Looking back in the room, he saw Kevin stand up and grab Nick around the waist. Kevin threw him over his shoulder and headed for the stairs. "We'll see ya'all later." he said, grinning.

Nick smacked his ass. "Move it, Kev. The sooner I get out of this dress the better."

Alec, A.J. and Howie just laughed as Kevin carried Nick upstairs. Brian turned and leaned against the wall. He thought he was going to be sick. Never did he ever think that his cousin or his best friend were gay, let alone with each other. Tears of betrayment stung his eyes as he hurried outside to his car before anyone realized that he was there. ******

"I'm gonna get a beer, either of you want one?" Alec asked as she stood up.

"I'll take one."

"Me too,"

She nodded and headed for the kitchen. After grabbing three beers out of the refrigerator she was just straightening up when she saw a vehicle backing out of A.J.'s driveway. Looking out the window, she watched as the headlights were flicked on and the vehicle sped off. As it drove past the front of the house she got a glimpse of the driver: Brian. "Shit." she muttered. Grabbing the beers, she ran out to the living room where A.J. and Howie were now sitting on the couch watching TV. "Guys, we've got a problem."

"What? A.J.'s out of beer?" Howie asked as she threw them each a can.

"I just saw Brian pull out of the driveway."

"Shit." A.J. hissed. "Why didn't we know he was here?"

"And what the hell is he doing back a week early?" Howie asked.

She shrugged and sat down on the floor in front of them. "The front door's still open so my guess is he just came in, expecting to surprise us. He must have seen Kevin and Nick together and then decided to leave."

"So what do we do?" Howie asked her.

"Let's not ruin Kevin's birthday. I'll tell them when they wake up in the morning. In the meantime, let's just not worry about it."

Chapter 10

Kevin hurried up the stairs and down the hall with Nick giggling the whole time. Smirking, he slid a hand up the back of Nick's thigh and under the dress, making Nick jump. He walked into one of the guest bedrooms, locking the door behind them. Walking over to the bed in the center of the room, he dropped Nick onto it and straddled him. "Please tell me that you're wearing a wig."

Smiling, Nick reached up and pulled off the wig, revealing his mop of blond hair underneath. "You know that I would never get my hair permed." Running his gloved hands down Kevin's chest, he quickly removed his shirt. "Now you're gonna have to wear a dress for my birthday." he stated with a smile, rolling them over so he was on top.

"In your dreams, Nicky." Kevin replied, moving his hands around to Nick's back and unzipping the dress.

"No, in my dreams you're naked, just the way I like you." Nick told him. He smirked as he felt Kevin get harder underneath him. Getting off the bed, he slipped out of the dress and hose while Kevin quickly unfastened his jeans and took them and his boxers off. Nick removed the belt from Kevin's jeans and brought it with him back over to the bed. "Now we're gonna have some fun, Kevvy."

Kevin watched as Nick grabbed his wrists and pulled them above his head. Nick pulled them through the metal bars on the headboard and then fastened the belt around them. When he finished Kevin gave a light tug at them and found that he was securely tied. Bringing his eyes to Nick's he smiled. "I like the way you think, baby."

"I know you do." Nick replied, sliding down Kevin's body until he was sitting between Kevin's legs. "Hmm, now, what shall I do first?" he asked coyly, running his fingers up and down Kevin's stiffening cock.

Kevin arched his back and moaned. "Please, don't tease me, Nick."

Nick grinned wickedly. "Let's see, I could do this," Leaning down, he took Kevin's cock in his mouth and deep-throated him, drawing a groan from Kevin. He sucked him until he knew Kevin was on the edge and then he sat back on his heels. Kevin moaned in disappointment. "Or I could do this," Again leaning down, he ran his tongue over Kevin's balls before gently sucking on them. When he heard Kevin's breathing grow ragged he stopped.

"Damn you, Nick." Kevin hissed, raising his head. "You're killing me here."

Smirking, Nick moved so he was straddling Kevin. "What else could I do? How `bout this?" he asked coyly as he started to grind his hips against Kevin's. Moaning, Kevin started moving his hips against Nick's, glad to finally be able to do something. Suddenly, Nick stopped and moved back to sit between Kevin's legs. "Nah, I don't like any of those ideas. I think I'll do this." Grabbing Kevin's ankles, he put his legs over his shoulders before thrusting into Kevin's tight entrance.

Kevin groaned, arching his back as Nick began slamming into him. He grabbed the headboard tightly as Nick started moving harder and faster, grunting with each thrust. He could hear Nick's balls slapping against his ass and yelled out as he climaxed, shooting his load all over Nick's stomach and chest. Nick squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his release and screamed out Kevin's name.

Opening his eyes, he slid out of Kevin and moved up to release Kevin's wrists. After he did, Kevin pulled Nick down to him and planted a kiss on Nick's sweaty forehead before kissing his lips. "I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present. Thank you, Nick."

Pulling the covers over them, Nick laid down on top of Kevin and placed a kiss on Kevin's chest. "Anything for you, Kevin. I love you."

"I love you more," he replied, brushing the hair out of Nick's face. Putting his arms around Nick, he kissed the top of Nick's head and stroked Nick's back until he heard Nick's breathing even out, signaling that he was asleep. Sighing, he closed his eyes and drifted into a light slumber.

Chapter 11

Nick and Kevin were cuddled up on the floor in front of the TV at Kevin's house. It was a few days after Kevin's birthday and the two had been inseparateable ever since. Nick had his back against the couch and Kevin was laying next to him with his head on Nick's chest and an arm draped over him. Nick was absently stroking Kevin's hair and humming a song that he had heard on the radio the previous day.



"What's that song you're humming?" Kevin asked softly.

A small smile spread across Nick's face. " `Truly, Madly, Deeply' by Savage Garden." Before Kevin could say anything else he started to sing it.

"I'll be your dream. I'll be your wish. I'll be your fantasy. I'll be your hope. I'll be your love. Be everything that you need. I'll love you more with every breath. Truly, madly, deeply, do. I will be strong. I will be faithful `cause I'm counting on. A new beginning. A reason for living. A deeper meaning, yeah. I want to stand with you on a mountain. I want to bathe with you in the sea. I want to lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me.

"And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky, I'll make a wish to send it to heaven. Then make you want to cry. The tears of joy from all the pleasure in the certainty. That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of. The highest powers. In lonely hours. The tears devour you. I want to stand with you on a mountain. I want to bathe with you in the sea. I want to lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me.

"Oh can you see it baby? You don't have to close your eyes. `Cause it's standing right here before you. All that you need will surely come. I'll be your dream. I'll be your wish. I'll be your fantasy. I'll be your hope. I'll be your love. Be everything that you need. I'll love you more with every breath. Truly, madly, deeply, do. I want to stand with you on a mountain. I want to bathe with you in the sea. I want to lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me."

By the time Nick was finished they both had tears in their eyes. Raising his head, Kevin looked at Nick and bit his lip to keep from crying. Nick brushed his hand across Kevin's cheek and smiled. "I love you, Kevin. I want to spend every moment with you until the day I die. Whenever I think of you I know what it means to be completely in love with someone and you know I'd be willing to give up my life to save yours." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small box and handed it to Kevin. "Now, I know that the media won't accept this, and most of the fans won't accept this, and our families won't accept this, and Brian'll probably kill us, but . . ."

His voice trailed off as Kevin slowly opened the box. When Kevin saw what was inside he gasped. Inside was a simple silver band with an emerald cut into the shape of a heart and surrounded by small diamonds. Taking it out of the box, he saw an engraving on the inside of the band that read: I love you - Nick. Raising his eyes to Nick's, he saw what he was feeling reflected in Nick's blue eyes.

Nick's hands were trembling as he took the ring and slipped it on Kevin's left ring finger. "Kevin, you are the love of my life . . . will you marry me?"

I have received very little feedback, so please write me and let me know what you think of the story! Thanks, Lynz

Next: Chapter 6: Whispers in the Night 12 13

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