Whispers in the Night

By moc.loa@7arbiLkraD

Published on Aug 21, 1999


I'm glad you guys are all enjoying the story. And don't worry, it gets better as it goes on.

The same disclaimer as before applies: This story features Kevin Richardson and Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys in a homosexual relationship. This writing is not meant to reflect the actual sexuality/preferance of any of the Boys. I do not know them nor have any contact with them, which means that I don't know whether this could happen. Hence, this is pure fiction. If you are underage, don't like it, etc., don't read.

Again, send comments to DarkLibra7@aol.com and thanks for reading!


Chapter 3

As the guys finished their breakfast Howie glanced at his watch and noted the time, 9:45. "I wonder what's taking Nick so long." he commented. "We're gonna have to leave soon for that interview."

"He's probably just playing Nintendo and forgot the time. I'll go get him." Brian announced, standing. Kevin inadvertently cringed as Brian spoke. They all knew that Brian and Nick were extremely close and told each other everything. God, please don't let Nick say anything. he prayed silently, closing his eyes.

"Hey Kev, you okay?" A.J. asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Kevin slowly opened his eyes and put on a fake smile.

"Yeah, just didn't sleep well last night." ******

Walking down the hall, Brian got to Nick's room in a matter of minutes and he knocked a couple times on the door. When he didn't get an answer he reached for the door handle, finding it unlocked. "Nick?" he asked tentatively as he slowly opened the door. The room was dark except for a small amount of light coming from under the drapes on the windows. He could see clothes strewn about the floor and his eyes drifted over to the bed. As soon as he saw Nick's still form under the covers he quickly crossed the room to the bed. "Nick, buddy, get up. You're gonna be late for our interview." he said, thinking that Nick had just forgotten to get up.

When Nick didn't move he put a hand on Nick's shoulder and rolled him over. He was shocked when he saw Nick's red and puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. "Bro, are you okay?" he asked, visibly concerned.

Nick shook his head. "I . . . I don't feel good, Bri." As if to prove his point he started coughing and Brian gently patted his back. "Can I just skip the interview?" Nick asked quietly.

"Of course you can." Brian assured him. "You're in no shape to go anywhere or do anything. You just stay in bed and try to rest, okay?"

He smiled weakly. "Thanks Bri, I owe you one."

"Don't worry `bout it. Just try to get some rest." he told Nick, rubbing his shoulder. Standing, he quietly left the room, making sure to lock the door on his way out. As he walked down the hall and got on the elevator to go down to the lobby he couldn't shake the look that was on Nick's face. Brian had never seen that look on Nick's face before and didn't think he ever would. Nick had looked scared and lonely, like a lost little puppy who missed its mom, and it chilled Brian down to the bone.

Chapter 4

After Brian left Nick rolled over on to his back and stared up at the ceiling. He hated to lie to his best friend but what was he supposed to say? `Oh, by the way, Brian, I fucked your cousin last night and boy did it feel good.' Brian would just love to hear that. At least they didn't have a concert that night. Shit, he thought, now I have to spend another night in the same room as Kev. I'll never make it. Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He turned his head to see what time it was. "Eleven, the interview'll just be getting started. That gives me an hour, two tops." he said to himself as he sat up.

By the time he took a shower and cleaned up the room it was a quarter to twelve. Looking through his bag for something to wear, he finally decided on a loose pair of Tommy jeans, a white T-shirt and an ocean blue sweater. Quickly changing, he ran his hands through his still-damp blond locks before covering them with a backwards black cap. He grabbed his wallet from his bag and made sure he had his room key so he could get back in. Shoving those in the back pocket of his jeans, he turned off the light as he left the room.

Nick was able to make it out of the hotel without being spotted by fans. Squinting his eyes from the midday sun, he walked along the Chicago streets until he found a sunglass store and went inside. When he came back out an hour later he was wearing a pair of dark blue-tinted sunglasses with blue frames and was carrying a small bag with a few pairs of glasses inside. After stopping at a McDonalds for a quick lunch, he wandered the streets for a few hours, stopping at a few stores along the way. Spotting an arcade, he smiled for the first time that day and made his way inside. ******

"I wonder if Nick's feeling any better?" Brian asked no one in particular as they got out of the elevator at their floor. They had just finished the interview and made it back to the hotel around one.

"I'm sure he's just fine, Bri." Ashley, his girlfriend of six months replied. "Now, can we please go get some lunch? I'm starving."

"Hey, Ash. Maybe you and Nick should have gotten together since all you two think about is food." A.J. commented, smiling.

She glared at him. "As if you have any room to talk Mr. I-Have-To-Eat-At-McDonalds."

"What's wrong with McDonalds?"

"Hey, cut it out you two." Howie said. "We don't need any arguments."

"Yes, father." A.J. muttered, rolling his eyes.

Arriving at Nick and Kevin's room, Kevin took out his room key and opened the door. He flipped on the light and they all walked inside, expecting to see Nick. Instead they were greeted with a clean room and no sign of Nick. "Nick?" Kevin asked, walking over to the bathroom and opening the door. The room was empty. "Where the hell is he?"

"I knew I shouldn't have left him here by himself." Brian said, collapsing into the nearest chair.

"Hey, why don't we call his cell phone or his pager?" A.J. suggested. Howie pulled out his phone and dialed Nick's pager number. They all heard a beeping noise coming from one of the suitcases and Kevin walked over to the suitcase. After a moment he pulled out both Nick's cell phone and pager.

"Shit. Why the hell did Nick leave? God, I hope he's okay." Brian moaned, putting his head in his hands. Ashley sat down next to him and put her arms around him to try to comfort him.

"Well, all we can do is wait." Howie told them as he sat down on one of the beds.

As they all found a place to sit and wait, Kevin walked over to the window that looked out over the city. God Nick, where the hell are you? Closing his eyes, he could just picture Nick getting the shit beat out of him and his broken and bleeding body lying in some alley in some god-forsaken neighborhood. He didn't realize that he was crying until he felt a tear fall onto his hand. As he opened his eyes they fell on to the shimmering strip of blue that was Lake Michigan. Bingo. Wiping his eyes, he turned around and headed for the door.

"And where the hell are you going, Kev?" A.J. asked him as he passed.

"To find Nick." he replied, and walked out the door.

Next: Chapter 3: Whispers in the Night 5 6

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