While Jake Was Sleeping

By moc.liamg@kcahyugdnolb

Published on Nov 10, 2011




This story is copyrighted (2011) by the author. Please do not post, or copy other than for personal use, without permission of the author. This is strictly a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the legal age to read erotic material, live in a jurisdiction where such material is prohibited, or are offended by such material, please leave.

After many years of being an avid Nifty reader, I finally decided to submit my first story. All comments are welcome and very much appreciated. Please drop me a line at blondguyhack@gmail.com.


While Jake was Sleeping by blondguyhack

Jake was slowly coming out of his sleepy haze as his throbbing penis and full bladder urged him into consciousness. It was Friday and almost nine o'clock in the morning. He had to get moving since he had his one and only class in an hour. He stretched out and turned off his phone alarm, then proceeded to yawn and stretch his muscles while feeling the blood rush tightening his morning wood. He reached down into his white briefs and squeezed his dick and adjusted his balls. He'd never been able to sleep comfortably in boxers or shirts as he moved around a lot and hated the feeling of his clothes constricting when he changed sleeping positions. He longed for the days when he could sleep naked or pull down his sheets and jerk his dick in the privacy of his room. Now he had to wait until his roommate was gone in order to take care of business.

Living with someone wasn't that big of a deal, really. He enjoyed the company, and so far his roommate had turned out to be really awesome. Apparently he'd played Lacrosse in high school, but wanted to be academically focused in college so he was usually home quite a bit. Because of this, they spent a lot of time hanging out and having fun.

He looked over at Tyler also wrestling his way out of sleep. His brown hair was reflecting a thin stream of morning light pouring in through one of the small windows at the top of the wall. Like Jake, Tyler usually just slept in his underwear, though he opted for boxers or loose boxer briefs. Neither had seen the other naked, but they felt comfortable enough around each other to lounge and sleep with little clothing. In fact, it was a rare day to walk into their room and find Tyler or Jake wearing more than underwear or gym shorts. Unfortunately, the freshman dorms they lived in had controlled air conditioning and latent summer temperatures sometimes made their room uncomfortably warm.

Tyler was fumbling under the sheets with both hands presumably adjusting his morning condition, also.

"What time is it?" asked Tyler.

"Just after nine. You got class today?"

"No, it was cancelled. Something about the professors kid bein' sick. You still planning on shopping today?"

"Yea," replied Jake. "Shay and I are going to hit up some thrift shops and what not."

"Awesome. I really wished I could go to that party, but I promised Catherine I'd cover for her at the Union."

"Sucks man. Maybe you can come out when you're done?"

"Nah, I'll probably be super tired. Anyway, I hate having to dress up and shit for parties."

"Yea, I understand. I don't really mind, but doing all that after a double shift might make me think twice."

Tyler stood out of bed with his semi hidden away under a pair of old plaid boxers. As he stretched, his obliques flexed while the material in the front of his boxers protruded as his penis momentarily increased in size. Tyler absentmindedly rubbed his stomach and scratched his nuts as he made his way to their shared bathroom.

"Tell me about it. Be right back," he said.

Jake wasn't sure, but he thought Tyler must have a huge dick. Jake thought of himself as straight, but he definitely noticed what other guys were packing when the opportunity presented itself. He never understood guys who denied doing the same. Every guy notices other dicks out of curiosity and insecurity, he thought to himself. Jake wasn't very hung so he often found himself a bit nervous about his size, even though he was pretty proud of his hard seven inches and big balls. He loved feeling and playing with his balls anytime he was lounging in his underwear or wearing loose fitting clothes.

Tyler's flush and exit interrupted Jake's thoughts.

"All yours."

Jake's morning wood had subsided enough for him to get out of bed and get to the restroom. Jake hooked his underwear under his balls and peeled back his foreskin as he started to relieve himself. While he was peeing, his thoughts drifted to the day's plans.

He couldn't remember the last time he felt so excited about an event. It was his first year at college and tomorrow was the annual PIKE Halloween party. He had heard stories about the house's big parties and could only imagine how awesome it was going to be. He'd already been to a few of their events and smiled at how drunk he usually got and all the cool people he met.

He needed to do some costume shopping today. Even though Jake was a freshman, he had been smart enough to heed the advice of his older brother and set up his Fridays to be as light as possible thus allowing him longer weekends. So far he loved the schedule.

After class he texted Shay and asked when he would be ready to get going. He responded to meet at his dorm around two since he had to workout before they went anymore.

When Jake arrived, he knocked lightly then proceeded to open the door. He hadn't known Shay that long, but they'd been instant friends since meeting at orientation. He was also one of the few people with a single dorm.

"Hey bud," smiled Shay.

"Sup. How was the workout?"

"Oh, pretty good. I didn't work too hard since we have a lot to do today, but it was nice."

Tyler joked and said, "Gotta keep those guns loaded, right?"

Shay was hunting down a clean shirt, but stopped long enough to flex his pecs and biceps with a proud smile and "you know it."

Tyler laughed. "You almost ready to go?"

"Yep, let me just find my keys."

An outfit came pretty easily for black haired, brown-eyed Shay. He was 6'2" with a lean frame and good looks; everything seemed to look great on him no matter what he tried on. Jake was a couple inches shorter than Shay with a larger, more filled out frame and had a handsome, rugged appearance. Where Shay could look good in almost any size, Jake had a hard time finding things that fit his lean waist and thick thighs. He wasn't particularly defined or muscular since he didn't work out consistently, but his body seemed to appreciate the healthy eating choices and occasional weight lifting sessions with Shay. He was especially proud of his stomach and pecs.

Shay ended up putting together a costume that resembled a lumberjack, albeit one with torn off sleeves showing off those aforementioned guns. Jake teased him, but Shay rebuked his remarks promising that the ladies would love the outfit. So far Jake hadn't really hooked up with any girls while in college, but Shay seemed to have had a few drunken experiences. Jake, encouraged by all the bravado, picked up a pair of old brown leather boots and decided he would go as a cowboy.

Saturday evening arrived in a flash. After dinner, went back to his room to get his costume ready. Jake had been able to get a pair of boots, a hat, jeans and shirt at various thrift shops. As he was putting on his outfit he thought his blond cowboy idea was smart. I'm going to look sexy, he thought.

As he struggled to pull the jeans over his thighs, he was glad he wore briefs; anything else just wouldn't have allowed him to wear these comfortably. The jeans also had snap buttons, something he wasn't used to, and struggled to get them buttoned up. He slipped on his boots, tried on the cowboy hat, and admired himself in the mirror. He looked at the clock on his computer, muttered "shit" to himself, and rushed to gather the rest of his things. He was supposed to be at Shay's place ten minutes ago. They had planned on doing some pre-gaming before heading out. Shay had a handle of vodka tucked away for such occasions.

Once Shay and Tyler arrived to the party, they grabbed two beers and started talking with anyone they knew. The beer was starting to hit him hard, and he was loving every minute of his evening. The music was loud and seeing all the people in costumes was great. He received lots of compliments on his cowboy outfit, though he got tired of people stealing his hat.

Later that night, he found out why PIKE parties were so well known. The Black Room. In the back of the house there was a room that opened up after 11:30 full of black lights and surround sound music. Usually a frat brother would man the DJ station and play music while the influx of drunken students would pour in through the double doors. He and Shay made their way onto the dance floors dancing with any willing ladies.

After dancing for a while, Jake realized he needed to find a bathroom. He was feeling kinda sick and didn't want to puke on the dance floor. Finding a bathroom ended up being pretty difficult since he was having a hard time seeing and walking straight through the tight crowds and noise. Once inside, he splashed some water on his face and relaxed a moment letting his vision settle. He didn't remember being this drunk before. He sorta wished he hadn't pre-gamed so much, but that thought was quickly whisked away by a loud knock on the door.

It was Shay.

They fought their way through the crowd towards one of the brother's rooms. Shay was friends with one of the frat guys who had asked him to come up to have a few shots. Shay assured him he would love some Jaeger bombs.

Thirty minutes later, Jake was reeling. Shay had been wrong about him being fine. Already being so drunk, he found that after a few shots of the black licorice, his connection with the conscious world was slipping fast.

Seeing that Jake was almost passed out, Shay decided to drain his glass of beer and get the two of them home. He helped lift Jake off the couch and hooked his arm over Shay's shoulders. Since Shay was taller he had to crouch down some. Jake's dorm was pretty close, so getting him home would be cake. After that he would just need to fumble his way to his floor.

When they got to Jake's door, he awkwardly knocked on the door hoping Tyler was home. Jake was nearly passed out and offered no help getting the door open.

No answer.

"Fuck. Jake, where are your keys? We need to get inside."

He let out a few grunts in answer and patted his left pocket. Shay sighed and brought down his left hand to fish out the keys.

"Damn, how the hell are your nuts not crunched in these jeans? Those are tight as fuck."

Jake only smiled, mumbled, and rested his head on Shay's shoulder for support.

After getting the door open, the two wobbled toward Jake's bed. Shay was suddenly feeling really tired and anxious get back to his dorm to pass out. He asked Jake if he was okay or if he needed anything. He only wanted water, so Shay brought a big cup over and left it by Jake's bed. Jake had already fallen asleep. Shay shrugged and left for his own room.

"Later dude. Sleep well."

After hearing the door slam shut, Tyler lifted himself up a bit and felt the room spinning. He saw the water and reached for it bringing the cup to his mouth. After several gulps, he felt a little better. He fumbled to put the cup back on the nightstand, but instead spilled the contents all over his pillows, sheets, and blanket. The top half of the bed was soaked, but he was too messed up to do anything about it. Still spinning, he laid his head down and closed his eyes again.

About ten minutes later, Tyler came home. The first thing he noticed was the door unlocked, so he figured Jake was home. He smiled thinking to himself what a lightweight. It was only one thirty in the morning.

Sure enough, he opened the door and peered inside. Jake was lying face down on the bed with his legs sticking out into the walking area between their beds. He came into the room and turned on his desk lamp so it wouldn't light the room too much. Tyler was tense and wound up from working all day, but was glad to be home. He celebrated by loading a bowl to help him relax before bed.

After stripping down to his boxer briefs, he quickly sucked down a couple hits off his bong. He was comfortably high at his computer reading and contemplating looking at some porn. He hadn't beat off in days, and his semi penis was reminding him of the neglect. It didn't help that his attractive roommie was now passed out across from him. In a cowboy outfit, no less.

He'd known for a long time he definitely appreciated both girls and guys. In fact, his only two sexual experiences were with women, but he'd often imagined what it would be like to be with a guy. He hadn't found the nerve to tell Jake he might be bi since they were so comfortable around each other already, and didn't want to mess anything up. He was pretty sure Jake was straight, but they never really talked about it.

After getting up for another two hits, he realized he was feeling really high. On his way back to his closet, he accidentally ran into Tyler's big, clunky cowboy boots. The disturbance roused Jake from his unconscious state for a few moments, and that's when he noticed Jake's bed was soaked with what he hoped was water.

"Oh, heeeey Ty. I'm so druuunk, man. Shay made drink this nasty shit, Jaeger. It tasted like ass. I feel sick," he said with heavy eyes.

Tyler couldn't help but laugh.

"Yea, it looks like you had quite a night. Your bed and clothes are soaked, how you gonna sleep like that?" he asked asked.

"I have to pee," he responded. He tried moving out of his bed, but looked like he couldn't stand to save his life.

Tyler shrugged, took one more hit, and sat his bong on Jake's nightstand while he proceeded to help him up.

Just like that, he was taking care of his roommie. He didn't mind. Their first week on campus, Jake had had to take care of him after he got super trashed during a game of beer pong. He figured he was repaying the favor.

Tyler reached down next to Jake and helped lift him off the bed. Jake was hoisted up into his arms and nearly toppled him over. Regaining their balance, they made their way to the bathroom. Once inside, Tyler leaned him against the wall in front of the toilet so he could do his business while he waited outside. Before he could leave, he saw Jake attacking the buttons of his jeans trying to get them undone. He felt awkward and wasn't sure what to do, so he stood there a few minutes to see if Jake would need help. After barely managing to get one button undone, he mumbled some words to Tyler asking for help getting the buttons open. He looked pretty adorable there struggling, thought Tyler.

"Aight, but then I'm going to wait outside."

"Okayyyy, hmmfp," slurred Jake.

Tyler was glad he was feeling high as a kite. He wasn't sure he would have been able to help Tyler without being overwhelmingly nervous otherwise. He stepped close to Jake and apprehensively reached his hands inside the two front flaps of his roommate's jeans. He could smell the alcohol on Jake's breath and see the rise and fall of his chest and stomach. As his fingers fumbled and twisted trying to unhook the jean buttons, he could feel the material of Jake's briefs. He always wore white briefs.

The buttons were more stubborn than he thought they would be. As he got down to the last two buttons, Tyler could feel the heat, and what was probably the head, of Jake's package pressing against the back of his hand. He was tempted to get a better feel, but decided against it.

"All done, buddy. Going to be able to make it?"

"Yea, yea, yea, thanks man."

Tyler stood at the door leaning against the frame with his back to Jake while he listened to him pee. He was thinking about how anxious he felt and how warm Jake's package had been.

Jake stumbled out of the bathroom and nearly fell into Tyler who was lost in his daydreaming. Apparently Jake wasn't able to button the jeans. The flaps were wide open with the white of his briefs standing out. Hell, from the looks of it, Jake had barely been able to stuff his dick back into his underwear.

With Tyler's help, Jake slammed his body back onto his bed resting on his back with his feet planted on the floor. Tyler left Jake for a few minutes and went to use the restroom. He pulled his dick out of his boxer briefs and admired his thickening size. As he peed, he couldn't stop thinking about how excited and nervous he felt after helping Jake with his pants. After a few shakes, he moved back into the room and saw Jake bent over toward his nightstand taking a huge rip from the bong he had left there.

"Dude, what are you doing?! You're so drunk already, are you trying to make yourself sick???"

"It will, I mean, you know, I thought it might stop the room from spinning."

"Man, it doesn't work like that. That's going to make you feel super fucked up, dude, wow, I can't believe you just a hit."

"Two," Jake giggled with a drunken smile.

"Wow," Tyler said while shaking his head.

He watched Jake lean down trying to pull his boots off without much success. Tyler laughed and leaned down to help pull the heavy shoes off.

"Thaaaaanksxs again, uughhhh, I think I'm goona puke."

"Just lie down and breath, dude, and you'll be fine. I'm surprised you haven't puked already from everything you've put into your system," Tyler stated.

While fumbling with the buttons of his long sleeve cowboy shirt, Jake mumbled "So…hot, ugh. Why are my pillows soaked? Gross."

It was already warm in their room, but Tyler assumed the alcohol and sick feelings weren't helping the situation.

"I think you spilled water on your bed. You don't remember?"

Tyler almost had the second boot off. He took stock of the picture before him and laughed at the pathetic sight. He had never seen Jake so drunk, let alone drunk and high. In his experience, those weren't always a great combination.

He felt the pillows and beds sheets. Soaked to the mattress. He decided to pull off the pillowcases and let the pillows air dry on Jake's desk. Next, he pulled the bed sheet down, but couldn't finish the job with Jake on top of them. He roused Jake and told him he was going to move him to Tyler's bed for a second so he could pull off the wet sheets and blanket. He didn't want to wake up to the smell mold. Plus, he figured Jake would appreciate it.

Once again, Tyler pulled Jake up and deposited the boy on his bed so he could finish the job.

While hanging the sheet to dry, he asked, "Jake, when did you last eat?"

No response. He looked up and saw Jake's eyes closed with his hands by the shirt button they were attempting to undo. He wondered what he should do with him. He was still fully clothed and in the wrong bed.

Tyler tried to wake Jake up again to ask if he wanted to share a bed, but Jake wasn't waking. I guess the bud hit him, he thought. Tyler decided he would help him get undressed and push him next to the wall so they could share the bed. The beds were small, but there looked to be just enough room for the two of them. Tyler was both cautious and excited. He had never been this close to his roommie. never touched him so much or helped him with personal, intimate stuff. Tyler's dick was starting to swell with these thoughts.

Embarrassed, Tyler gave his dick head a squeeze and willed it to go down. He sat on his bed next to Jake's torso and leaned over to start unbuttoning his shirt. He knew Jake hated sleeping with clothes on. His shirt was damp from the heat and strain of moving around while dizzy. Not to mention the water.

After undoing all the buttons, Tyler got up on his knees and tried moving the shirt around the limp body so he could remove Jake's arms from the sleeves. It was more difficult than he thought it would be and several times his package brushed against Jake's left arm and torso as he was maneuvering his body. Tyler tried to ignore the brushes and focus on the task at hand. He felt embarrassed at his arousal, but couldn't help feeling utterly turned on.

After he had the shirt off, he took another hit from his bong and cashed the bowl. He coughed a little at the size of the hit. He was going to be feeling really good in a few minutes.

He looked at Jake's shirtless body and exposed briefs with lust. His boxer briefs started to tent again. This time he didn't worry about making it go down; Jake was passed out.

Tyler sat back down on his bed and looked at Jake's body. Both of his arms were resting above his head exposing his blond armpit hair. Tyler ran a finger through the wispy pits. He could smell they had a clean sweat scent.

He bent over in front of Jake in preparation for getting the jeans off him. They looked really tight and he groaned this was going to be a chore. He hooked his hands inside of the jeans and started to tug. They gave a little bit, but were hung up on Jake's ass. Shit, how am I going to do this, he wondered. He decided to roll Tyler on his side and scoot down a little on each side bit by bit.

This method seemed to work and in no time the tight jeans had cleared Jake's bubble butt. As he was pulling down the jeans, he couldn't help but notice the feel of Jake's ass cheeks below the thin fabric of the Hanes briefs. They were so light he could even make out the skin tone below the material. Tyler's dick throbbed.

After pulling the pants past Jake's crotch, he moved him back onto his back so he could slip the jeans the rest of the way down. He pulled at the end of the jeans and they happily slid off. Glad to be done with that task, Tyler looked at Jake's brief clad body. Tyler wondered if Jake's pubic hair was blond, too. He'd been in athletics for years and never saw anyone with both blond hair and blond pubes. For whatever reason, it was usually darker down south.

He wrestled with himself. Should I take a peek? Will he notice? With what little light was filling the room, Tyler could see Jake breathing heavily. Tyler sat beside Jake and once again ran his fingers over his chest, only this time continuing past his stomach and over his package. Tyler pulled his hand away before mustering the courage to place his entire hand over Jake's brief pouch. He was overcome with lust, anxiety, and hunger. Slowly, as not to awaken Jake, he moved his hand around feeling Jake's balls and penis. The material was moist, and Jake's balls felt loose in their pouch.

With his other hand, Tyler spread Jake's legs more so he could move his hands below the underwear-clad balls.

After a few minutes of feeling around, Tyler got brave and decided to look into Jake's underwear.

"Jake, you awake? Hey Jake, wake up. Jake. Jake?"

Tyler placed his hands into the waistband of Jake's briefs and pulled down the front. He was shocked.

"So you do have blond pubes," he barely whispered to himself. He thought they looked awesome. Tyler pulled down a bit more to catch a glimpse of Jake's dick.

"Holy shit," he muttered. He isn't circumcised.

Tyler had never seen an uncut dick before. At least not in person. Tyler was driven to investigate more so he pulled Jake's briefs down even more exposing his large, hefty balls.

For a long time Tyler just started at Jake's penis and balls while he slept soundly. Tyler placed a hand on Jake's penis and picked up the end. It was soft, but still had some heft. It felt different than his own with the foreskin. Tyler decided he wanted to see what it looked and felt like to pull the skin back, but needed a better angle. He decided to get off the bed and pull Jake's briefs all the way off. With that done, he sat in front of Jake on the floor between his spread legs.

The first thing he noticed this close to Jake's crotch was the manly, musky smell of clean sweat. He was intrigued by the smell and it only seemed to encourage him. He was, once again, confused by his feelings and behavior.

He took Jake's dick into his hands and started to peel the skin back. It was neat to watch. Finally the head came into view. It was glistening in a way his own did not. As he was holding Jake's penis in his hands, he noticed it was starting to grow. Frightened, he looked up to make sure Jake was still asleep. When Tyler realized he was, he smiled to himself and slowly moved his hand up and down Jake's penis daring it to grow larger.

He was intrigued with the way Jake's foreskin seemed to glide over the dick head.

As Tyler slowly jacked the uncut penis, he leaned back to look at Jake's balls and taint. He touched them and felt the way the hairs distributed along the sack and shaft. Jake wasn't too hairy.

Tyler focused back on the enlarging penis in his hand and leaned forward to smell the tip. He gave it a slight lick. Shocked by what he did, he pulled his head back. He wasn't sure why he did it, but he enjoyed the experience. It tasted a little salty, but not unpleasant. He kept jerking and as he did that, he leaned forward and put the head of Jake's dick in his mouth. Jake's dick was now rock hard, and Tyler could feel Jake's heart beat through his pulsing dick.

He was being driven mad with lust.

As he continued to play with Jake's penis, he ran his mouth and nose along his balls smelling and gently tasting his manliness. Tyler reached into his own underwear and pulled out his meaty eight-inch dick. His balls weren't as large as Jake's but he definitely had a bigger dick. He was leaking already and started to slowly stroke his dick. Tyler leaned back enjoying the feelings of stroking and the view of his naked roommate in front of him spread eagle.

He was jerking pretty hard when he became curious about Jake's asshole. He wondered what it looked like, what color it was, and if it would look like his.

He made sure Jake was still sleeping. Once he was, he pulled Jake's torso off the bed a little more and spread his legs wider. This allowed him to see and access Jake's asshole. It was bright pink with red around the edges and seemed to be pulsing, too!

Inebriation and what felt like raw animal lust fueled Tyler's exploration as he pulled apart the base of Jake's ass cheeks so he could get a closer look. He saw golden hairs around the asshole. He took a whiff. Musky and manly with a hint of bar soap. He didn't know men could smell so enticing. He didn't understand why he was so attracted to these smells.

He leaned forward and gave Jake's pink asshole a small lick.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what am I doing, he thought. But his rationale had already surrendered the battle long ago.

Tyler licked his finger and started playing with Jake's hole. He was enjoying running his index finger over the moistened delicate flesh.

Every now and then Jake would moan or make some other sleepy noise. Tyler was getting less and less concerned Jake would wake up.

As Tyler continued playing with Jake's hole, he started pushing against the entrance. A few minutes of this seemed to relax the hole into submission. It was opening up against the pressure of the digit. Tyler spit onto his finger and started pushing against the hole again. As it was opening up, Tyler was jacking his dick with his right hand. He was enthralled by the hole making room for his finger. It was so tight and warm.

He met some resistance once his finger went in about an inch or two, so he pulled his finger slowly out and stuck it in his mouth for more lube, not even thinking about taste.

He dabbed a little spit on his finger and started to push into Jake's hole again. This time the resistance was less, and Jake's ass seemed to welcome his finger deeper sucking it in with ease.

When he was all the way in, he felt around with his finger. He knew about the prostate and was intent on finding it. He'd never been able to find his own, but was sure he could find Jake's. After some squirming, he was pretty sure he'd found it. It felt much smaller than he imagined.

When he pressed it, Jake moaned and his dick jumped with seemingly renewed vigor. Eventually Tyler pulled his finger out.

He was surprised how clean his finger was when he pulled out. This entire experience was nearly driving him wild. He was jacking off, but didn't want to cum. He wanted to make Jake cum, but didn't know how. What he really wanted to do, but didn't want to admit to himself, was stretch that tight hole with his dick.

He wanted to fuck Jake.

After a few minutes of contemplation, he walked over to his dresser drawers and pulled out a bottle of silicone lube. He had bought it this summer after reading about it online and enjoyed jerkin with it. He brought the bottle over to the floor by Jake's feet. He pulled off his underwear and leaned down on his knees. He put some of the lube on his finger and started to play with Jake's hole again. With the aid of the lube, his finger plunged into Jake's ass. He stroked the firm prostate gently rubbing and pressing for about five minutes. Jake's dick was still rock hard and now leaking.

With his free hand, Tyler touched the end of Jake's dick feeling the precum gathered under the foreskin. It felt crazy to be so connected to his roommie by both penetrating him and holding an extension of Jake in his hands.

He pushed on Jake's prostate one more time before pulling out and rubbing lube onto his cock.

He was worried about fitting his entire dick into Jake's ass, but told himself he would just put the tip inside. I just want to feel what it's like, he thought.

Turning Jake over wasn't too difficult. After he repositioned Jake fully on the bed and on his stomach, he spread Jake's legs enough to offer him free access to the greased up hole in front of him. He was still shocked at what he was doing, but couldn't will himself to stop.

He placed the head of his dick at Jake's entrance and held it there sliding his head up and down. He was loving watching the precum slide up and down Jake's fuck hole.

Sweat was gathering all over his body.

When he started to put pressure on Jake's hole, it wouldn't give. The girth of his dick was more than Jake's hole was accustomed. Still, he was patient and kept up persistent pressure. After a while, Jake's ass started to relent and Tyler's dick slowly slid inside a little at a time.

He was in rapture at the feeling of Jake's sphincter muscles relaxing but still tight, creating a canal for his dick to travel in order to reach the dark recesses of his ass. Jake was starting to stir beneath him, but hadn't woken yet. He knew he should pull out, but he didn't want to. He only had about four inches buried in Jake, and wanted to see how much he could fit. He slid further, inch-by-inch, taking his time. Despite the incredible tightness, Jake's hole seemed to be accommodating. Tyler was astounded at how amazing his dick looked buried in Jake's ass, but even more astounded at the incredible feeling of warmth that made his hard cock feel like it was glowing.

After a few minutes of stretching Jake's hole, Tyler pulled out a little and squirted more lube onto the exposed parts of his dick. He then slid his rod back into the warm and inviting hole. With half his dick buried, he started to slowly pump his way in and out.

He was silently surprised and thankful that Jake was still sleeping. While he was slowly stroking with his hands holding him up over Jake's back, he could see sweat drops from his brow sprinkling Jake's sweaty back. He thought it looked hot. He felt himself getting close, but didn't want to end the experience yet so he made himself slow down.

He concentrated on burying more of his cock deeper. He didn't want to hurt Jake so he stopped when he felt resistance about five inches inside.

Nearly balls deep in Jake's ass, he leaned down to Jake's neck and smelled his scent. He then started to lick Jake's back and neck slowly drawing Jake closer to him. He felt his hands around enjoying every moment of this delicious man under him.

He reached under his friends's body and was surprised to find Jake's dick still rock hard and making a precum mess. He wanted to see what it looked like to fuck Jake and watch his dick leak, so he pulled out ever so slowly and turned Jake over back onto his back.

Jake shuffled his arms a bit, then went back to breathing heavily. Tyler lifted Jake's legs some and stuffed one of his pillows under his ass to lift it up more. Tyler put Jake's legs against his shoulders and reinserted his large cock into his roommate's asshole. He started to pump slowly again, only this time watching Jake's dick pulse with every thrust. Precum was pooling on Jake's happy trail. He looked past Jake's dick to his own. In and out he saw his dick diving into Jake's willing ass only to resurface for a moment then plunge back in. Tyler could feel the muscles in his ass and legs tighten with each thrust, could feel his groin controlling the speed and depth his penis would sink.

At one point, he started to fuck too vigorously and roused Jake awake.

"Dude, OOOoooowwww, wat the fuck is goin on man what are you doing, what the fuck?"

For a moment, Tyler was scared shitless. Then he thought what the hell, and grabbed Jake's hard dick again and went back to fucking him while concentrating on pile driving Jake's prostate. With his left hand, he covered Jake's mouth so he wouldn't make too much noise and whispered into his right ear to relax and enjoy the feelings.

After a few minutes of Tyler pumping Jake's very relaxed hole and stroking his wet seven inch dick, Jake started to moan in a lustful way.

Was he really enjoying himself??

Encouraged by his response, Tyler pulled his hand away from Jake's mouth and kept thrusting into his ass while doing everything he could to give his roommie as much pleasure as he was feeling.

In this moment, Tyler felt rapturous with Jake. He started kissing and licking around Jake's neck, tasting his sweat. With his left hand, he was holding Jake's head back by grabbing his hair while furiously hand fucking Jake's dick with his right. Tyler could feel his own balls slap against Jake's ass while Jake's balls were tightening.

After a few more minutes of this, Jake's back arched upward as his eyes rolled back, and he let out a long scream that seemed more like a war cry. Jake grabbed Tyler's neck with both of his hands as his fuckhole started to tighten and convulse around Tyler's cock. His body quaked with orgasmic fury.

About fifteen seconds later, deep inside Jake, Tyler could feel his roommate's dick finally starting to erupt. Several long ropes of hot cum spewed from Jake's dick. Tyler felt close to cumming and started pumping even harder. Since Jake was already in the throes of his orgasm, the intensity of the rough and hard fucking only prolonged and increased his feelings.

With sweat pouring off his face and chest, Tyler let out a series of moans like he'd never heard himself make before. Jake's hole was clamped down tight on Tyler's dick as he pistoned in and out with an accompaniment of slapping noises. He felt his balls pull up as high as they would possibly go, and he started to release his flood of fuck juice up Jake's ass. While he was thrusting his cum deep into Jake's bowels, he rested his body weight on top of Jake moaning, breathing, and drooling into Jake's flushed neck and shoulders.

He could feel the sweat and warmth radiating between them. He heard the rapid beats of their hearts and their breathing starting to slow down. Once his orgasm subsided, reality came rushing back to him in a flash.

Stricken with fear at the thought of what Jake might do, he looked up and saw Jake smiling stupidly at him.

Tyler's dick was still hard inside of Jake. He could see drops of his own sweat on Jake's face. He leaned down and kissed Jake. He was more than a little surprised when Jake kissed back. It was a sloppy kiss, but Tyler didn't care. As the two boys held each other, Tyler finally had the courage, and the breath, to speak.

"Why aren't you mad?"

"Uh, that felt amazing? By the time I realized what was happening, I was so close to cumming I couldn't think about anything else. The room was still spinning…that felt so surreal."

"Yea, tell me about it."

"Pull your giant dick out, it's starting to hurt. Anyway, I want to see what you stuffed inside of me," Jake said.

"That was fucking incredible, Jake!"

With a laugh, Tyler pulled out slowly and let Jake inspect him. Even though he was still obviously drunk and sleepy, he seemed to have regained some of his coherency.

Tyler rolled beside Jake and put his arms around the boy. He couldn't explain what had happened, but this experience seemed to have unleashed something inside. Vulnerability had given way to the content feeling of safety.

As they were worming their way to Tyler's pillows, Jake said, "Tomorrow you're gonna have to tell me how I ended up like this."

"Okay," was all Tyler could reply.

"And Tyler? Next time it's your turn."

"Uh, okay," he replied again with a bit of a nervous laugh.

Tyler turned out the lamp and scooted next to Jake, pulling him into a tight spoon position. He could feel Jake's load smeared across his stomach and chest, as well as his own leaking out of Jake's ass. Smiling, he closed his eyes and invited sleep.

Both boys were out before their cum dried.

This wasn't originally intended to be a series, but upon completion, I certainly have some ideas for further chapters if there is enough interest. Let me know what you think at blondguyhack@gmail.com. I love hearing from readers.

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