Where You Are

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Feb 5, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know 98 degrees. I have never met them, most likely I never will. This is just a story, that's it a story something I made up. It's not real in anyway shape or form. If it was I would be crying my eyes out.

Warning: There may be sex in this story, you know the rules to that. I wouldn't say that this story has a dark plot. I will say that this will be my sadest story. It's been bouncing around in my head for a few months now. I know how's it going to end, and begin, but the middle is going to be a little hard.

Authors note: It's me again, I hope you haven't forgotten me. Another 98 degrees story, who would have thought I would leave the BSB alone long enough? Like I said in the warning this is a very sad story. It's all because of a song that gave me a really weird dream. The story is going to follow my dream all the way. It was a short dream, so I'm going to make it a little longer. This will most likely on have two parts to it, maybe three. I might right more, but I may not be able to. Ok I would like to thank a few people for all their help. The first person I have to thank is Kenitra, without all of your help I would have never started writing. Then to my best friend Eddi, your great man thanks for everything. He's been a great help to me in so many ways. To Fallen Angel for giving me a few ideas on this story when I asked. You should also read his story French Kiss Me, it's really good. You should also read anything and I mean anything by Kenitra. Ok now what I love most about my stories, my symbols. These *** mean a character change or who I'm starting with in the beginining of the story or chapter. When I am starting a chapter I will put the name of the character in the middle of the symbols. If I'm in the middle or somewhere else in the story the name will follow the symbols. Now on with the story, and if you have time mail me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I was on my way to the hospital, Drew had called me. My boyfriend had just been in a really bad car accident. I had asked him how bad but he wouldn't tell me, that worried me more. I had this sinking feeling in my heart, like I was losing something. As I drove, I had flashbacks of our time together. I remembered the first time I saw him looking at me, it had been interesting. I had been sitting in a park listening to my CD player. Drew had been watching a guy for the last ten minutes. It had been six years ago, so much time and still so little. I had decided that I would check this guy out myself. I turned around slowly to see what had to be the hottest guy I've ever seen. He had to be close to six feet tall, and he was built perfectly. His eyes were closed as he stretched, his body moved in a fluid motion. His body was tanned lightly, his hair a dark blond. Then he opened his eyes and looked straight into mine. Up until that point I had never had my breath taken away. His eyes were like three or four different colors, all of them seemed to blend. He smiled slowly and walked toward us, I started to turn red. I wasn't out of the closet yet, and normally I didn't check guys out so openly. "Do you see something you like, or are my shorts ripped in the back?" He started turning in circles, it was funny.

He stopped and look at both of, his smile only getting bigger. "Sorry the name's Ken, nice to meet you." I shook his hand and stood up, he was a little taller than I was. "I'm Nick and this is my little brother Drew." Drew stood up and shook his hand, Drew wasn't the only one standing up. "So do you come here often, or is this a once in a lifetime thing?" He was so forward, not forceful just open and nice. "We don't live that far from here, how about you?" His smiled seem to get bigger after he heard the question. "I just moved here, don't know how long I'll be staying." For some reason when he said he might be gone soon. I had this feeling that I couldn't live without him, it was just so weird. "It was nice meeting you, I better get to jogging. The sun looks like it's getting close to setting." He started to turn away and my mind went spinning. "That's what I was about to do, mind if I join you?" He shook his head slowly then waved for me to join him. He started jogging and I stayed foot behind him. I watched his body move, and he had a great body. His ass was tight and round, almost perfect in my eyes. I jogged up beside him, his face was set in stone. He didn't look anywhere, but where he was going. I noticed that I was no longer alone. Drew was right beside me, but he wasn't looking forward.

It was the first time I had started getting a little out of breath. Ken had ran around the whole park seven times so far. Drew had kept up with us without a problem, which was becoming a problem. He had started to pay attention to where he was running and not what was bouncing up and down. I had looked myself a few times, he had to be hung. I had looked back at the path after a second. No need to show him that Drew wasn't the only one standing up and being counted. We stopped jogging after the eighth lap as I was starting to call it. He slowed down to a walk then looked over at me and Drew. "Sorry about not talking much, but I have to stay in shape." I just smiled and kept my pace right beside him. "It's cool man, I'm the same way most of the time." Drew had been staying really quite, that's how I knew he was interested. The only problem was, I was interested, too. He then stopped and dropped down onto the grass. Both Drew and myself hadn't seen it coming. He looked up at us with his arms hanging over his legs. It took everything I had not to look between his legs. Drew had a huge grin on his face, then we both sat down on different sides of him. "So what does this town have that could be called a night life?" I looked at Drew and smiled, we knew where every single club was.

We made arrangements to meet up with Ken a few hours later. Then we both took off to get ready and look our best. I jumped into the shower and started washing every single inch of my body. I had to be perfect, I knew that Drew was doing the same thing. We had something like this happen once before in high school. It had been a girl at that time, that's why we were still on good terms. I had told Drew I was gay in high school shortly after he told me. I hadn't freaked out, and neither had he. It was a really good time in our lives. After we had both gotten out of high school we told our parents. I had been so scared, so had Drew, but it went really well. My mother had cried a little my father had paced. Then when we thought it was going to get worse it didn't. My mother stopped crying and hugged each of us. She told us that no matter what she would always love us. That she only wanted us to be happy, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Then my father walked into the room, his head hung low. My breath had caught in my chest as he looked up at us. He had told us, it would take some time to get use to, but he was fine with it. He had been a little upset, but he would get over it and he did. I looked at myself in the mirror, why did this matter so much?

I had decided to wear some tight jeans and a loose white shirt. I fixed my hair and looked into the mirror again. I didn't really know what else to do, but wait, so I sat down. I guess I had rushed getting ready a little too much. I turned the TV on and watched MTV for an hour. I knew that someday I would be on there singing my heart out. It had always been a dream, but I was going to make it come true. I looked at my watch and jumped off my couch, I was going to be late. I rushed outside and jumped in my car, I went straight to Drew's. He ran out of the apartment and jumped into the car. "What took you so long, I was starting to get worried." I told him I had lost track of time, he threw a huge fit and then went quite. We were sitting outside of Ken's apartment, he wasn't outside yet. "Should we go get him?" I looked at Drew and nodded, we both got out and walked up to the door. We entered the apartment building and walked up the stairs. I looked at the paper he had given me. I knocked on the door, it opened seconds later. "Sorry not dressed yet, I kinda like to look perfect. Come on in make yourselves at home, sorry about the mess." He moved away from the door with only a towel around his waist. We walked in and took seats on the couch

I watched him run from room to room, he had left the towel and now ran around in boxers. Then for about five minutes he stayed in his room. When he came back out of the room he was wearing leather pants. Then as my eyes traveled up his body I found that his shirt was skin tight. His hair fell neatly over his forehead, he bent down and put his shoes on. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, he was just amazing in every way. Then he looked up and smiled at us, Drew looked drunk. "Do I look ok for the clubs or am I over dressed?" I looked at him very closely, if I said over dressed would he take his pants off? "I think you look fine, what do you think Nick?" I smiled and nodded, for some reason I had lost my voice and Drew gained one. "Cool, let me grab my coat and we'll go party." I stood up and moved toward the door, Drew wasn't following. I went back and grabbed his arm, I had to pull him to the door. Ken walked back out smiling, damn did he have fashion sense. Then we hit every club that Drew and myself could think of. Ken danced perfectly, he was almost too good to be true. Then he started drinking, he had a lot of flaws when he drank. For one his dancing suffered something major, but I didn't mind. He was holding my body close to his, but I had never seen anyone dance like this.

Drew was trying to steal the spot light, but it wasn't working yet. That was until he got behind Ken and pressed his body up against his. I hadn't seen that coming, or the fact that Ken let it continue. His eyes were closed and we moved as one in his strange little dance. Drew looked a little wild himself, he was going to get caught. Drew was only nineteen, Ken had some how got him in. Now we were dancing in some weird way that was for some reason really hot. Then I noticed it looked something like the tango, only a lot more erotic. If you looked at it with unknowing eyes, it looked like a threesome of sorts. My face was only an inch away from his, I could feel his breath. He opened his eyes slowly, I got a really good look at them. I counted four colors, there was blue in the center. The blue mixed with a green, and the green went to a hazel, then a gray. He had the weirdest eyes I had ever seen, but in a way the most beautiful. The music was slowing to a stop, so he slowly stopped dancing. "I think I need to take a seat, my legs are killing me." He then wrapped his arms around both of our shoulders and walked toward a table. He sat down and let his head fall back, his eyes closed. "You two are pretty good, where did you take classes?" I looked at him, he had taken classes?

He must have started to sober up because he didn't look drunk anymore. "You mean you've danced like that before?" Drew looked a little interested and mad, like he had been cheated. "Yes, when I was in New York, I took classes there. I also took some classes in LA, and Flordia. I do a lot of traveling, most of the time I get to stay in one place for a month. If I'm lucky two, then it's back on the road to some new city." I was really starting to get confused. "I'm a model, I have a few shoot's in this city so I moved here for a while. I do print and runway, sometimes other things." With that last comment he smiled lightly. "Dancing is my hobby, without it I would go nuts. So I always look up every place I can dance, when I move to a new place. To be honest I'm thrilled I ran into you today. I don't get to make to many friends, you have no idea how much you two mean to me. At least while I'm here, I'll have some cool people to hang with, not some stuck up bitches." He wasn't smiling anymore, it looked like he was thinking. I didn't mind he already considered me a friend. Drew looked like he was in deep thought, then his face changed. "So, that dance and all, it didn't mean anything to you?" Ken looked at him and smiled brightly. "It was a great dance, but mean something to me? I thought it was fun and all that, but it's not like it meant I was going to bed you. Or let you bed me, what kind of guy do you think I am?" Ken still held his smile, but it was one that was serious.

Drew looked a little offended by Ken's bluntness. "Listen, I didn't mean it to come out so harsh. I liked the dance a lot, but you have to understand something. I dance a lot and I've even been in some shows where I've danced. I'm a model, which means nudity and all that doesn't bother me. The only reason I had a towel around my waist was, I didn't want to offend you. A dance is a dance, love is so much more than a simple touch. I'm sorry if I was leading you on Drew, really I am. I didn't realize what you must have been thinking until now. So like when I touch someone, it doesn't mean I want to sleep with them. I've had every inch of my body touched and moved around, so it would be a good shot. I use to being touched everywhere, and I mean everywhere. So it doesn't effect me the same any more. When you had your hand on my hip, and your groin pressed against my back side. I didn't take it as a sign that you liked me, I just took it that you knew how to dance. I've danced with a lot of people doing those same moves. I've been held the same way by other guys for a picture. What I'm trying to say is this, I'm sorry that I hurt your feeling. I just hope that you can forgive me in time, if you can't, I can deal with it." Drew's mouth had dropped open and his eyes were wide. I just had a hard time believing everything he had just said.

It wasn't that I didn't understand him, I did. I just couldn't believe he would let someone just mold him. I could understand someone maybe moving my legs, or my head for a picture. Ken on the other hand didn't care if someone grabbed his cock and moved it around. I did have one question, and I hoped it killed the sour mood. "So like when they grab your cock, do you get hard?" I said it smiling and almost laughing at the same time. He looked at me and started laughing lightly. "I'm human, Nick, if they play with it long enough, I get hard. Most of the time it's just business, so they don't play around too much. The first time I walked down a runway, I was sporting the biggest hard on. I thought I was going to die from the tightness of the pants. It wasn't so bad, but it was interesting. After a while things change, you get use to everything. Like if we had met, four years ago and danced like that. Something may have happened, but now I'm kinda use to it." Drew smiled a little, he was thinking of something. He had this little grin forming on his lips. "So if someone was sitting on your lap you wouldn't get hard?" Ken looked at him and nodded slowly, he looked a little confused. I looked at Drew and shook my head, he ingored me.

Drew stood up and then walked around until he was standing behind Ken. "Would you mind if I tried something out real quick?" Ken looked at me, he looked even more confused than before. Then he nodded slowly, Drew then pulled Ken's chair out slightly. He stood in front of him then took a seat on his lap. Ken looked up and smiled at him and started laughing. To my surprise Drew didn't get pissed or anything, he just smiled. "I'm guessing I've proven my point, so if you wouldn't mind?" Drew continued to smile as he stood up. He then went back to his seat, now I was confused. "Ok, what was all that about?" Drew looked at me and smiled sweetly. "Why don't you give it a shot Nick, see if you can turn him on." Ken kept smiling but his breath seemed to catch. "Would you mind Ken, I don't want to invade your space." His jaw seemed to tighten like he was fighting something. "No, go right a head Nick, I don't mind at all." I slowly stood up and walked around the table. I took a seat on his lap, at first there was nothing. Then I felt something start to get a little hard. I could see something in Ken's eyes, that looked like he was asking me something. "It's the same, Drew, nothings changed at all, I guess he just doesn't dig us that way." Ken silently let the breath that he had been holding out. Drew's smile didn't waver in any way he just nodded. As I was standing up he squeezed my leg gently.


All I could feel was pain slamming through my whole body. My vision was blurring, and I wanted to cry. I couldn't believe this was happening, I could taste the blood in my mouth. Drew was running beside me as the doctors wheeled me into a room. He had already called Nick, I just hoped he got here soon. I hadn't even seen the car coming at us, Drew had. He yelled just seconds before it slammed into my side. I had thrown my self over Drew, couldn't let my little buddy get hurt. I had held him until the car stopped bouncing around. I know that my head had hit a lot of stuff on the way. I had managed to keep Drew from getting hurt to bad. In fact he only had a scratch on his forehead from what I could see. Drew had been the one to pull me out of the car, he kept screaming for help. I had been laying on the street, then I passed out for a while. I remembered waking up in something that was moving. That was when the pain started, it was so in tense. Drew was on his cell phone talking to Nick, he had to be. He had tears streaming down his face. I didn't understand why he was crying, I wasn't in that bad of shape. I noticed that the pain was starting to lessen. I guess they had started some kind of pain killer, I was happy for that.

It also gave me a chance to think a little clearer. I remembered the time, I thought I would lose Nick forever. It had been a few weeks since I had started hanging out with him and Drew. I didn't think I could ever have so much fun in my life. We even started working out together, then Nick told me he would be leaving soon. Then Drew came by later that day to tell me the same thing. I then got a phone call from my agency telling me after the next shoot I was leaving. It was all happening so fast, I could believe it. It felt weird, I had just made two of the greatest friends a guy could ever have. I felt closer to them than I did to my own brother. I really felt close to Nick, I had the hugest crush on him. That night he had saved my ass, I owed him. I couldn't ask him out, he was going to be leaving soon. I would, too, it wouldn't be right to ask him out. I lived a weird life that never let me live in one place longer then a few months. He didn't have that life, he was normal then at least. He was going to be going to college, I was proud of him for that. I hadn't even finished high school, I just started modeling. My mother had thought it was a good idea. My father didn't even matter, I hadn't seen him, since I was twelve. My brother had jumped my case for dropping out.

I loved my brother, but he was such a pain in the ass. He was a little older than I was and thought he knew everything. I guess in a way that's why I liked Nick, we were the same age, and thought a like. He loved to work out, I loved to work out, plus he could keep up. I liked Drew in the same way, he was as built as Nick and myself. We all took care of ourselves, well I drank every now and then. I knew that when I drank I got a little wild but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't like I went running up and down the street naked, well not any more. I found myself sitting in front of Nick's apartment, I had walked. I didn't know if I was in the right place. He had given me his address, but I wasn't to good at this. I walked up to the door and started knocking softly. "Come on in Drew, I'll be out in a minute." I smiled to myself and walked into the apartment. It was neater than I thought it would be. I took a seat on the couch and laid back, it was nice and soft. Nick walked out of a room drying his hair off. He didn't have a towel around his waist, a nice surprise. He looked up and his jaw dropped, he looked like he was getting pale. Then he covered himself up really quickly. He couldn't speak which only made it a lot better for me. "Don't worry Nick, you have nothing to be shy about." He started turning red now, he was so cute when he blushed.

I slowly pulled myself off the couch and walked toward him. He hadn't moved yet, it was like he was frozen in his place. I put my lips right beside his ear, he smelled so good right then. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." I heard the towel drop to the floor and I smiled to myself. I unbuttoned my shirt then dropped my pants, all that was left were my boxers. I slowly backed away and pulled them down then kicked them off. I looked into his eyes, his smile said it all. I walked back up to him, slowly pressing my body against his. "That wasn't so bad was it?" He shook his head slowly, I could feel him getting hard. I knew that I wouldn't be that far behind him, his hand moved around my waist. His touch was so warm, his hands so soft and gentle. I ran my hand down his back slowly causing him to arch his back. I places my hand on the small of his back and pulled him even closer. His body was so hot and I'm not just talking about the way he looked. I bent my neck slightly and kissed his lips then bent more to move to his neck. His head fell back as I kissed and licked his neck near his Adam's apple. He moaned softly, I moved back up to his lips. He was so sweet to the taste, his lips so soft and smooth. He parted his lips slowly, I teased his tongue with my own. The kiss started to deepen.

I searched his mouth with my tongue darting in and out quickly. I teased his lips slightly, he put his hand on the back of my neck. If I had to say good bye then I was going to make it worth awhile. He pulled back slowly, and so softly, his eyes met mine. Then his eyes started to widen in surprise, I knew what he was seeing. He got over it quickly and pulled me back to his lips. I was impressed to say the least, my eyes changed with my mood. When I was feeling normal, they were multicolored. Right now they were one solid color, and not the prettiest color at that. Then I heard the knock on the door it was soft at first. Nick pulled away and looked at the door in confusion. I was left breathless, dazed, and highly confused. "Oh, no that's Drew, if he sees us like this, it'll kill him." That was all I needed to hear, so I grabbed my clothes and started putting them on. "Just a sec Drew, got to get something real quick." I was fully dressed again and walked toward the door. I opened the door and Drew looked a little shocked to see me. "I just got here, I think he's in the shower, but I'm not sure." Drew nodded slowly and walked in, I just hoped Nick was in his room. "What's wrong with your eyes, they're yellow." I guess I was still a little beyond horny, I just smiled. "My eyes change with my mood, they never stay the same for long." He just nodded as we took seats on the couch.

Nick walked out to join us seconds later, he was dressed this time. "So I guess we are adding someone to farewell party?" Drew said looking at me, he wasn't really smiling. I guess I had intruded on a family thing. "No, I'm sorry I just stopped by to tell Nick, then I was going to go to your apartment. I wanted to tell you both that I'm leaving too, I'll be gone in a week." Nick looked a little crushed, as did Drew, who had been a little rude. "I'm sorry man, why don't you join us tonight." I looked at Drew and smiled while I shook my head. "No, you two need to spend time together, you're brothers, and most likely you'll both forget me within the week. It was really nice meeting you both, and I will always cherish our time together." I stood to leave but Nick grabbed my shoulder halting me. "Why didn't you say something before?" I looked at him, right now he most likely thought I was going to use him. "I was going to, but something came up. I wish thing's could be different, but my life is hectic at best. I'm always on the move, maybe we'll meet up again someday. It just wouldn't be fair, Nick, I wish I had said that before. I let myself get a little out of control. I'm sorry I'll leave you two now, I hope you have fun." I left as quickly as I could, it hurt to tell him that. It took everything I had not to cry, I didn't like leaving him like that.

I was really starting to hate my life. I had thought about going into acting ,but it just wasn't my field. I needed some lessons first and then I would have to cover my past up. I found myself packing everything as quickly as I could. I had already called a moving company. I was heading to LA again, this time they promised that I would be there for a year. I was looking forward to it, maybe then I could find someone. Someone was knocking on my door pretty hard. I opened to see Nick standing there waiting for me. He had tears falling from his eyes, it took me off guard. "I told Drew how I felt about you, then I told him what happened. He stormed off and told me that I knew that he was interested in you. That it was the only reason I had gone after you, I told him it wasn't true. Then he slammed the door telling me, I wasn't his brother anymore." I pulled him into my arms, it had been three days since I had seen Nick. He sobbed and held onto me tightly, I felt so guilty. "I'm so sorry Nick, this is all my fault I shouldn't have gone after you." He sobbed harder and I decided that I should tell him the whole truth. "I like you a lot Nick, but I don't think it would work. I would even go as far to say I'm falling for you." He looked up into my eyes and brought his lips to mine.

This kiss meant so much more than the other. This kiss was one of love, not lust. I could feel him willing me to love him, and I did. I did love him, and I didn't even know when I had started. All I knew was that I loved him and I always would. I also knew that we couldn't be not with our lives. He was going to college and I was going to continue my career. I pulled away slowly and looked into his eyes, I could see so much pain. "Please don't go, not yet, we haven't had enough time." I couldn't stay and neither could he our lives went down two different paths. "Nick, I can't stay, I have to go, I'm under a contract." He looked away for a second and then back to me. "Then I'll go with you, we can make this work. I don't want to lose you now, I can't lose you now." I closed my eyes saying yes would be so easy. I could be selfish, and he would never know, I could rob him of a normal life. I knew that we could be happy, maybe even be happy forever. I could keep him with me, we could see the world together. As I looked into his eyes, I knew that I couldn't take that from him. My career could be over in ten years or ten days. Then he would be stuck with me where ever I was at that time. He wouldn't have anything to fall back on, and that would be my fault.

He would be giving up a huge chance in his life. I never thought that school was all that important. It wasn't to me, and it never would be, but to Nick. He could change the world with his brains, while I just made money off my face. I didn't know what he was going to college to become nor did I care. He could use this chance, he could change his life. He would have something to fall back on, and he could live a happy normal life. "Nick, you have to go to college, I couldn't forgive myself from taking that from you. My life isn't the easiest to live, it's fun that's easy to see but not easy. My career could end in ten years or ten days. If you went with me, where would you be if that happened. You have a chance to do something I could never do. I would love to do nothing more then stay with you. I would love nothing more to take you with me. Our lives have just taken different paths. I hope that they cross again, but that's life Nick." His eyes filled with tears, but he didn't move away. It took everything I had to show no emotion, I was starting to break. It was like he was searching my soul, and in doing so. He was causing me to show my true feelings for him. I was fighting it so hard, but he was winning. I thought of turning away, but my feet wouldn't let me. I was frozen in my place looking into his eyes.

His hand slowly moved to the side of my face. His touch was warm and welcoming, in some ways pleading. I felt myself begin to weaken, to fall apart in new ways. I let the tears fall, his lips then met mine. My eyes closed tightly, when I opened them he was gone. I knew that it was for the best, it just wouldn't have worked. I fell against the wall and sank to the floor. I closed the door from my little spot on the ground. I cried silently for a while, letting myself get lost in my own grief. I don't remember how much time passed. I just pulled myself back together, then I started packing. Once that was done I took a seat on the floor again and wrote a note. I had to let Drew know that it wasn't Nick's fault that I had come on to him. I took a cab to Drew's apartment and dropped the note off. I then went back home and packed one last bag, once it was sealed I went to bed. I was going to leave sooner than I had planned, I didn't want to stay here any longer. There was no need to tempt fate, no need to put myself in a place where I might stay. When I got up the next morning I called the moving company. I got them to come a day sooner then I had planned. Once all of my stuff was in their van I left for the air port. I looked out the window on the plane. I tried not to look back, but it wasn't that easy. I had wrote another note before leaving. I didn't know if Nick would get it, I hoped that he did.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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