Where to Begin

By Joseph Hammond

Published on Feb 5, 2018


Where to begin? Part 6

So, we move on a few years, I'm married to a lovely looking young girl - Julie - she has sexual appetites to match, she's a little beauty and seemingly all innocence with it. In fact she looks so young and fresh faced I sometimes feel like a child molester! Not that innocent though...she has kept her school uniform, it still fits, she looks the part and my imagination does the rest as I slip my hand up her skirt! However, what to do - it's not too long since I let her brother pump me full of his stuff leaving me wishing for more....I really should tell her, I mean she knows he's gay and she isn't fussed but what would she do or say if she knew that he and I had "done" it together and that we'd had a wonderful time? I had resolved to take the plunge and do the right thing...tell her all...when relief came unexpectedly.

It happened that Julie needed to be up in Sydney for the weekend...and for convenience she would be staying with brother Neville who had just broken up with his boyfriend and would probably appreciate some company. Meanwhile I remained at home having a pleasant enough time pottering around and fiddling with this and that. It was late Sunday evening when I heard Julie drive in and was just heading for bed. She was in a hurry, up the stairs and into the bedroom where she wasted no time undressing and having prepared her wardrobe for work the next day, she joined me in bed. I noticed it at once, her air of suppressed sexually charged excitement, face slightly flushed, eyes bright...and she turned over in bed facing me...it was her usual invitation, I knew her too well so reached down between her thighs....wow!...was she wet! She smiled encouragement as my fingers stroked her lovely little mound before dippong between the lips.

I wasn't going to look this gift horse in the mouth but suddenly things began to take shape in my mind....as a brother and sister they had always been close, I had come across an old photo of her taken when she was in her early teens, Neville had her pose on the bonnet of his new car, there she perched saucy and provocative - a smouldering look for the camera - or for him? As I fondled her I wondered...yes she was aroused alright even though she'd just driven all the way from Sydney....what could have caused it? Something unusually exciting...that was for sure...but what? My suspicions grew and impulsively I came out with "Did you...and Neville have sex while you were up there?" She paused, I felt her hand feel my prick and probably reassured because it was rock hard with my own excitement, she gulped then quietly muttered "Yes".

My reaction...well I nearly came on the spot...the image of her, naked and petite being had by her brother almost took me over the edge...yes, kinky I know.. and then the reason for her excitement became clear - it wasn't so much because of what she'd let him do, but she wanted to tell me all about it perhaps guessing the effect on me! That's what was turning her on! Hesitant at first and watching for my reaction while getting her thoughts together she began....

"We'd been out at a club, both of us had lots to drink....yes we had a good time and it was late when we got back to Neville's place. He turned to me once we were inside and gripped my shoulders....'I can't bear it...I need to have sex with you, badly..please, please.. why don't you take your clothes off...please, oh God I need to fuck you...so badly....oh please Julie'? Well I knew he fancied me, it was obvious all evening and yes, I was excited, I admit it. At first I pretended I hadn't heard him but then he started pleading again....he really wanted it badly...and I was the only girl he'd ever loved - or so he said!" Busy fingering her smooth-shaven pussy I muttered "I don't blame him!" Reassured she continued "Well, he was nearly frantic and I thought he'd tear my clothes so rather than let it happen, I undressed for him while he watched, I rather enjoyed that actually....then...he made me.....kneel on the bed." An obvious thought occurred to me "Did he bugger you then, do you like a boy?" She gave a little laugh "No, but I was expecting him to, instead he did it to me doggie style - you don't mind me telling you all this do you?"

How to tell her....that she was making me incredibly horny, in my mind's eye I imagined her brother's frantic thrusts, pent up all evening - and perhaps longer? So I urged her "Go on then....I want to hear more..." By now we were both breathing heavily, carried away with excitement...she was obviously relishing what he'd done with her and I was turned on listening to her, she was reliving it!. Anyway she continued reflectively "You know, we're fairly placid when it comes to sex....Neville was very active, couldn't keep still really, had me all over the bed....literally!" I continued fondling her pussy, she was more than ready of course but I didn't want to enter her just then - I would have cum immediately...and I wanted to enjoy this, to prolong it...I know many men get off on watching their wives being fucked...and this was her brother doing it to her!

Julie lay quiet for a while, smiling her naughty little girl smile as she looked back at me "You know, he was desperate, if I hadn't let him do it, I think he would have raped me....so I didn't have any choice really, did I? He was very drunk too of course" then she blew her cover story, he couldn't have been THAT drunk because continuing she gloatingly recalled "You know, he did it to me four times - in two hours?" She paused to savour that thought, a distant look in her eyes as she smiled a secret smile. "He left me alone after that and I thought 'Well, I won't have any more trouble from him!'" She giggled "Well of course it wasn't quite like that because next evening, when he came home...well I shouldn't have been wearing my tight shorts I suppose, they do show my buttocks off - and lots of leg don't they, I know they turn YOU on? Because eyeing me up the first thing he said was "Why don't we get undressed" and well, yes, I was excited - you don't mind do you?" "So can I guess what happened next?" I asked....she checked to see if I was OK with it....my heavy breathing told her I was and hesitantly I confided "I would love...to have watched him doing it to you....". She gazed back, eyes wide "Well, perhaps...we could arrange something...if you're sure?" She was becomming even more excited "We are so naughty, aren't we but you must be sure?".

Oh yes, I was quite sure and things were falling into place so I asked her "That wasn't the first time was it? I mean, those photos of you two together, they go back a while, so when did it start?" Now she looked unsure of herself but perhaps emboldened by the fact that by then I was fucking her, she came out with it "Well, the first time? Well I was 10 actually, he'd have been 16/17...it was after a party, my mum made him take me. We kissed, just a little - during the last dance it was 'cause I prompted him of course - and on the way home I asked him to stop the car, it was sort of a romantic evening and I knew others would be doing the same, so why be different? I got him to kiss me some more and wriggled closer, then he began to feel me up - she giggled - it was yummy, first time I'd opened my legs for a boy...he took me into the back seat and pulled my skirt up and I let him, at first he just stared between my legs as if making up his mind. Well, I told him to do to me it but to fool around with me first - fingers and things and after, when he'd managed to fuck me - well I asked him to do it to me some more! There's been lots of other times of course...he doesn't always do it just with boys you know."

Then it was my turn "Oh I thought he did only like boys....so, what would you say if I told you I know just how much he likes doing it with a boy?" She looked up, startled - then gave a mischievous giggle and said "Yes, he did fuck me in the arse, eventually - wow! Tell me what he did with you!" Carefully and step by step I related just how he'd had me, it was now her turn to listen, wide eyed with arousal. After, I was careful to mention just how much I'd enjoyed it, how it had brought back memories. When I'd finished she whispered "Well you asked me when we'd started...when did you first do it...properly, seriously - with another boy?" So I went back to that time when as a 15 year old, I'd bent over a bath tub to let another boy enjoy me... As I finished, I felt Julie shudder, she had cum with the excitement. All through that night I was in and out of Julie, images of her being pleasured by her brother kept tormenting me, mixing with my memories of the things I'd let him do to me. At one stage, both of us sweaty and out of breath she reflected "So, you'd like to watch my brother fuck me would you darling? Well, that can easily be arranged..I mean you would be there and watching me close up but promise you won't mind, 'cause you'll notice that I really enjoy being fucked by him, 'cause it makes me feel SO naughty us doing it, brother and sister, you won't - be jealous? And after, maybe....well, I can watch him having you......see you being fucked by another man?" That did it, I came immediately....

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