Where to Begin

By Joseph Hammond

Published on Jan 30, 2018


Where to begin? Part 5

Well, you might think that having spent nearly ten years in a homoerotic hot house environment while enjoying the various experiences on offer I'd have trouble adjusting to a world after school. Not a bit of it because at age 18 I discovered girls...shy at first I came to enjoy the experiences we shared and eventually formed a relationship with one, it was fairly free and easy since we both kept separate premises. So it was that one evening, slightly bored I took myself off to the Kings Road, Chelsea - a lively colourful spot at the time and eventually found myself in one of the Pubs. I wasn't alone for long because a rather pleasant looking young man and I got chatting...he would have been perhaps several years older and when the call came for last orders, he invited me back "for coffee" - oh yes, I wasn't naive but he really was rather nice so I quite happily went off with him.

We hadn't far to walk as it happened and I was impressed, all accommodation in that area was pricey and my new friend had leased the entire first floor of the terraced house, unthinkable luxury in those days. So, we settled down with coffee and chatted away very much at ease and then...the conversation seemed to falter, to become rather strained and I noticed his gaze fix upon me.....a silence developed and lengthened, he was still looking across at me...with what I know as a "hungry look", oh yes I recognised it OK! I decided to break the impasse, to relieve the situation and quietly asked "You want to - go to bed with me, don't you?" He answered at once, candidly "Yes" then paused to see my reaction. "Alright then" was my reply "But I haven't done it, not for about a year....not since school actually". He considered then came out with "Oh, ok then....I won't put it in, um, penetrate you then - this time..." Two things I noted, first his intuition told him that I preferred to be fucked and second, his desire for something more than a one night stand - interesting. He rose and gestured me to follow.

I paused inside what obviously was his bedroom, he however wasted no time at all, stripping off clothes and heading for the bed, where he lay watching. Fortunately I'd undressed before males many thousands of times, there's no privacy in a school changing room after all so slowly and carefully I undressed in front of him. He never took his eyes off me and under his gaze I felt my erection grow...my voice was husky as I asked "Well, will I do?" "You're very attractive..." he too sounded throaty, we were both aroused, which I felt was good.

Yes, it had seemed like a while since....and this was a novel situation..we had the lights on...and no need to whisper so as I felt his fingers begin to fondle my prick, I felt a delicious thrill - ah wow it felt good! So we lay there side by side, me letting a total stranger run his hands up and down my body while in turn I stroked his penis and thighs....oh yes, it had been a while and you know - the funny thing is, I've never met a female that can handle a prick as well as a man? We both knew what we were doing mind you, that much became obvious and I had some catching up do, I was greedy and so "If you have some Vaseline? You can do me if you like?" His breathing was heavy as was mine by then "You sure?" I nodded my assent and looked at his prick...it seemed larger than any I'd fooled around with at school and for a moment I had my doubts then thought "To hell with it...it's not going to be like your first time, which you managed anyway and then...after he's fucked you it'll be easier...and the betting is he'll want more!"

It's fun the first time with a new partner, sort of exciting, or so I find. He was good with his hands, that I knew because in seemingly no time he taken me to the heights of arousal but...what about fucking? Turned out he hadn't much experience of that but at least he got me ready, I felt his nice long fingers covered in Vaseline slide up into and around inside me while I calmed my breathing and sought to relax. It wasn't long before I felt his clumsy prodding so reaching behind I helped him to find me and then.....well, he was gentle and considerate at least...oh the feeling...again, I grimaced in slight pain but then let go...and that gorgeous feeling took over, the feel of a prick sliding slowly up inside you...I felt him stop, pause and then he began to fuck me.

I had elected to lie on my tummy because sensing his inexperience I felt it to be about the least complicated position to adopt. Now here I'll admit to it....I love what my body can do to a man, having him lunge frantically into me - utterly oblivious to everything - is a real turn-on so once I'd adjusted to the thickness of his prick it became very satisfying...I've since found that with me, a thicker prick feels oh so much better, any prick in there is fine thank you but there's that lovely FULL feeling you get.....Of course he didn't last young but no matter. We were both young and almost without a pause, we were both ready again.

Originally I had intended to spend that night at home but then I hadn't reckoned on my partner's demands, when not fucking me I'd feel his hands - restless, caressing and then he'd kiss me, impatient little pecks and then longer lingering kisses - open mouthed, tongue twining affairs that left me breathless. Frankly I had never been with anyone so demanding but then when I look back on it, I must have represented quite a catch for him - how often would he have managed to pick up a good looking boy in his late teens, one who would also be "willing" as they crudely put it?

I don't know where he got the energy from, he'd obviously been repressing his urges too from what he subsequently told me, so when he had me there naked in his bed, that was it. Most of that night was spent in restless love making, the pleasure was far from one sided too because frankly, I basked in the pleasure I gave, his delight with my body...I thanked my stars for that Vaseline by the way, as it was I found walking to be a real chore next day but I had enjoyed the release, being able to utterly let myself go without fear of discovery....and the experience of being with someone who really, really enjoyed me!

So, as I made cautious steps towards home, I pondered, there were feeling of guilt, I mean I had a girl friend that I slept with fairly often but deep within I knew...there was another side to me, it wasn't a problem either because by then I also knew that I could be whatever I wanted with whoever I wanted...should both be willing. And there were no hang-ups on my part. So that takes us down the track - to the present - and the situation with my brother-in-law.

Next: Chapter 6

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