Where to Begin

By Joseph Hammond

Published on Jan 7, 2018


Where to begin? Part 4

Things changed after a couple of terms, it is hard to determine why but we were allocated our own bedrooms - fortunately facing each other in the corridor - but one incident comes to mind after all the years. It happened in the changing rooms, a huge mirror hung on one wall in front of which you stood to adjust your collar and do up your tie..on that occasion my little partner stood before it, he took his time and immediately obvious was the fact that he was naked from the waist down. With shirt hanging loosely the effect accentuated his jutting buttocks, smooth perfect, so firm and round I found them an immediate turn on. There the little devil stood, flaunting his wares so much so that a senior sharply admonished him to "put some clothes on". That night he had a visitor.

There had been a subtle change in our nocturnal activities at about that time. Our focus was no longer simply on mutual masturbation, perhaps inspired by my sight of him in the changing room I became more intent on his body itself...I couldn't keep my hands off him. I suppose you could call it extended foreplay but I delighted in letting my hands roam over him, I'd break to fondle and caress his penis but wouldn't actually masturbate him, not until I'd had my fill. A consequence of this was that we'd both become aroused to an unbearable pitch, occasionally I'd "Have finger" too - so the process could last a couple of hours - but then I'd hear him whisper "let me cum, please let me cum" and of course, I would oblige.

I wasn't the only one to notice the change in our love making (which it now was of course) because there was the night when entering his room I found him standing there waiting. As I reached for his pyjama cord he wryly muttered "A right couple of queers aren't we?" I said nothing then, just gave a tug on that cord and savoured the sight of his pyjama bottoms crumpling around his ankles. Rather than reach for the jutting penis however I surprised him by fumbling at the buttons on his top, undoing the first three or so I tugged the garment to one side, exposing a delicate little shoulder. Gazing him in the eye I smiled and murmured "can't help it, you're just so sexy...." and bent to kiss the exposed neck and shoulder. He didn't resist or pull away..instead I felt him shiver. That's when I knew of course - he was of like mind!

For most of the time I was able to blot that boy from my mind but then suddenly something would trigger an urgent overpowering need of him. On one occasion we were in a gym class being taught mouth-to-mouth and fate had drawn him as my partner...the effort required to appear nonchalant as I felt our tongues touch was enormous. :later on, sitting together on the steps of that same gym waiting for a master that never showed up, I noticed him eyeing my legs "getting hairy aren't they?" he asked innocently and in turn I looked at his admiringly "Yours are so smooth and sexy...and I want to go somewhere with you...don't know if I can wait though" his answer "Me neither, can't wait...where??" Hurriedly we made the decision....since we were in gym kit we could probably take a bath together up on the top floor of the "House".

Ever so cautiously we entered the top floor bathroom with its array of tubs, the floor was deserted which we knew it would be during the day and we entered and shut the door. First we ran water into two of the baths for appearance sake and that done stood facing each other, our hands busy. Soon we were naked and in broad daylight too which added to the novelty, both of us were ragingly erect as I took him by the hand and led him to the nearest tub. Once in, our bodies pressed close in the warmth, I let my hands wander eventually to caress his buttocks, then easing between the crack, I penetrated him with my middle finger as I had many times before.... "God you're SO sexy" was all I could mutter as I slid it in and out.

Somehow restless we got out of the tub and stood fondling each other's pricks, taken by the idea I suggested "Do you want to snog?" "If you like" was the casual reply...we hadn't done that until then and I wasn't sure how he'd take my suggestion but getting our towels I spread them on the floor whereupon he laid himself on his back while I came to him. We were clumsy, very clumsy but we tried and obviously neither had any inhibitions about the act and so I felt emboldened enough for the next move "I want to fuck you - will you let me?" There was no delay, again the prompt reply "If you like". My heart really pounding I led the elfin creature over to the side of a tub and bent him over it, his taut little buttocks the target and whole focus of my attention...oh my! We didn't know about lubrication....my enthusiasm carried me away and I thrust into the lad .. he gave a stifled yell and pulled away, regaining his breath he begged "Don't, don't ever do that again...ow! God it hurt!"

I made soothing noises and cuddled him then seeing him once more erect had an idea "You are much smaller than me so, why don't you try it with me?" He seemed to like that idea and soon it was me bending over the side of that bath tub. I suppose that it was with equal enthusiasm that he thrust himself between my buttocks because it was my turn to give a yelp, my God it hurt but I withstood it and felt him come in all the way. Then there was no stopping him..he set to with enthusiasm, really giving it to me....I wasn't sure how I felt...satisfaction of sorts because my God the little beauty certainly needed me and was enjoying it...and wow! I was being fucked by another boy and this was what it was like! Trouble was, it didn't last long enough...I was actually starting to experience certain new feelings when - he came in me, I felt his strokes peak then slow and then, he had pulled out. The reaction was unexpected, he sat beside me on the tub...all serious "Got to be careful doing that...it's really, sort of, special..." He seemed to be awestruck!

Our relationship entered yet another phase, at first he seemed nervous of resuming sex but then as his confidence grew I found that it was he who did the visiting. Anal sex was magic....often just to get my hands on him for a lengthy petting session I hold it out as an incentive "Let me fool around with you for a couple of hours tonight, if you come round I'll let you fuck me!" It worked, oh my did it work. Of course we began to experiment, pretty soon we had worked out what was best and most convenient in the circumstances, for example once I had finished feeling him up and petting him, I'd get off the bed and lean against the wall with arms outstretched, by then we'd discovered Vaseline and he'd be in me with no fuss....oh yes I enjoyed it, best of all worlds really, I had the use of his body and then a really satisfying fuck after!

Of course it was too good to last, for some reason he had to quit school early, whether it was the family business calling or the fees proving too much I don't know but that was it. Gorgeous memories remained however and interestingly I wasn't alone in my loss, much later I discovered that also bereft was that other boy I'd seen with my little partner so long ago...though how far they had progressed I never discovered. Nor did it matter - for I was 15, no longer a virgin and I knew what to do.

Next: Chapter 5

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