Where to Begin

By Joseph Hammond

Published on Jan 1, 2018


Where to begin? Part 3

Evident is the fact that early on I had enjoyed sex with other boys - and a grown man too. However that phase came to an end because in the natural course of things I progressed to a senior school, also boarding. At first it was lonely since I was the only one of my year to choose that particular place but there was one huge advantage - no more dormitories because to start with there were only two of us in a bedroom, later we would be assigned single rooms of our own. To start with I was nervous and would lie awake assessing my chances with the other boy...he would be an innocent, that much I'd guessed since he'd never previously boarded. Dared I summon up my nerve and approach him once lights were out? He was a skinny child at that time, dainty in manner and with huge, huge dark eyes, later I was to find that he had lovely smooth skin too...in the end I made my move and padded over to his bed where gently I pulled back his bed clothes, not far at first but far enough to let me insert my other hand, I knew what I was doing and exactly how to set about it....junior school had seen to that!

I heard his intake of breath, then an arm came up as he sought to ward off my attentions, I murmured something soothing and gently continued on my quest - I had done this before of course and knew what I was doing. His resistance eased, it became half hearted and it was then that I knew, he was mine. I let my fingers traverse his warm little body with its silky skin, down to his tummy, lower and there...I had it...his penis was tiny, still developing but...oh yes, it was hard. Now I had him I settled myself on the side of his bed from where I could caress and fondle his little prick while those huge dark eyes gazed up at me wonderingly, half afraid, like a timid little Faun. I smiled reassuringly, continued to play with him and then ever so gently took his arm and placed the hand at the opening in my pyjamas...there, oh yes I was ready for him!! I felt reluctant fingers grasp me...he needed showing what to do so it was then that I began to masturbate him "Do this to me...the way I'm doing it to you...here like this...now stop and stroke it, around the smooth top bit, yes like that - nice?" To my relief he complied, I'd guessed correctly that he'd never masturbated previously so watched him carefully, taking my time. No question now, I had him very interested, he was showing signs of enjoyment and then his little hips began to rise and fall "Nice, isn't it...feeling anything yet?" He nodded, silent but obviously intent on what I was doing to him, the sheepish grin told me that, no more attempts to resist and I was starting to enjoy the motion of his hand on my own prick, yes it was mutual the pleasure we were experiencing. Eventually I brought him to his conclusion, I hadn't cum yet but stood beside the bed to finish myself off while admiring the slender half naked body lying there, then silently I turned and headed back to my own bed.

I slept very soundly. I left him alone for some days before making a return visit, this time there was no attempt to fend me off, instead he lay there waiting and as I pulled his sheets down I noticed he was fumbling to undo his pyjamas - and he was already erect! The sight of another boy undressing always turns me on and I stood there admiring the trim figure, I must have paused for too long because I heard the whisper "Come on then, let's have yours" and the little fingers slid along my prick. We began our session but this time I was no longer content to stand beside the bed, instead I quickly undressed and managed to slide in beside him. The touch of our naked bodies made me shiver, he really was attractive and his eager little prick was pressed up against me, that session lasted much longer, I was schooling him to take it slowly...and enjoy. After all I'd had plenty of experience and even then something was telling me that he was worth the effort, as it was I had trouble keeping my hands off him.

The pattern changed, I was no longer the visitor because soon I'd have him appear beside MY bed when he'd tug at his pyjama cord and stand there as his clothing slid to the floor waiting for me to reach out. Often we never even got into bed but would roll around on top of the blankets naked, it was about then that I indulged myself to take his prick in my mouth. It had to be rationed though because unless I was careful he'd cum, way too soon for my liking because once I got him undressed I wanted to make a lengthy session of it. It was a wonderful arrangement but I should have realised that I wasn't the only one that had noticed notice my partner's elfin charms. One evening I awoke restless and something made me glance over at the other bed, what was it? That dark shape in the gloom beside it, yes...he was standing and there was motion. It was unmistakable, there was a visitor! I watched as his arm jerked up and down whereas I could just make out a similar motion lower down in the bed, I couldn't tear my eyes away, I've always found it profoundly exciting to watch two boys (men even) masturbating each other so I lay there simply enjoying the show while playing with my own prick. Nothing was said about it and we carried on as usual, jealous? Not a bit, simply determined to get my fair share of him!

I think that it was generally accepted that illicit unions would occur, my own feeling was that it was widespread, however no one spoke of actual events, such relationships were shrouded in intense secrecy, often partners would have no idea of what the other got up to. For example, I comfortably accepted the fact that another boy indulged in sex with my roommate. What neither knew was that I too was doing things on the side as it were. It started when I got invited to go for a training run up Dover's Western Heights...quite arduous on the face of it but the reality was a bit different. Before me and my companion neared the top he suggested we divert to see something unusual. That something turned out to be the old citadel, built during the Napoleonic wars and subsequently added to. Genuinely interested I followed my friend into the gloomy interior and along rubble strewn corridors until he called a halt. As my eyes got used to the gloom, I saw that the place was one huge art gallery and that over the years visitors had used the native chalk to sketch scenes of utter depravity, all involving males, men with men, men with boys, luscious looking buttocks, erect young boys being penetrated, men sucking men, most of it primitive stuff, some artistic and all - VERY sexy!. As I stood gazing I was soon rock hard and randy so when my companions hands reached for my gym pants, I let the garment slip to my ankles - neither of us said anything and I found myself gulping with excitement. Standing there naked from the waist down it was a relief to feel his hand on my prick, in turn I reached for his and there we stood fondling each other's penises while taking in the sights. Of course the two of us had sex together quite often after that...but...no one ever knew, not even the boy I slept with.

Next: Chapter 4

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