Where to Begin

By Joseph Hammond

Published on Dec 29, 2017


Where to begin? Part 2

So, I had let myself be seduced by my brother-in-law, seemingly with ease even though it had been years since I'd enjoyed another man up me. To be honest it shouldn't come as a surprise, I can still vividly recall my first non solo sexual experience, it occurred in the junior school's dormitory and I was aged 12 - just. I'd had no warning, Peter in the next bed suddenly made his approach and the first I knew of it was his hand reaching under my bed clothes. I didn't resist, was too surprised even to object and then when I felt his fingers on my penis I didn't want to...feelings of delicious bliss suffused me and then I glanced at him. Peter was a very pretty boy and he was kneeling furtively with head lowered for concealment from any prying eyes, however he was well within reach and I could see the open slit in his pyjamas. Tentatively I reached for him, oh yes, he was already stiff and hard, his prick felt fatter than mine I thought but he was grinning at me encouragingly so I copied what he was doing to me. I had never experienced such intensity of pleasure up until then and Peter became a regular visitor.

What I did not know about Peter was that - he was a "teachers pet", in other words one of our maths masters had formed an attachment to him and occasionally Peter would be discreetly summoned to his rooms where all sorts of fun was had. Nor did I know at the time that Peter also served as a talent scout and had informed the man of our activities. The consequences of that took me totally by surprise, you see I had always been hopeless at mathematics but up until then the master hadn't really bothered with me. That abruptly changed when during one class he stopped at my desk, looked at the exercise book then muttered "You have a problem...let me see, I'll show you how it is done...." and so saying he got on his knees beside me. Now in those days we had to wear corduroy shorts in school at all times, slightly on the baggy side they were and presented a wonderful opportunity to someone like that maths master. I felt his hand stroke my thigh and then progress up, up until my crotch, where he slowly extracted my prick from my underwear. Then for the rest of that class I let him fondle my penis....Oh yes - I loved it. Remarkably, then and always after the rest of the class studiously ignored us!!

I enjoyed being felt up and played with in class but then things progressed. "Come round to my rooms, you know where they are and there will be some fun, a couple of your friends are coming too." It was an order and in those days school masters were God-like individuals..nor did I think to refuse, after all there would be others going so why not? Well we certainly did have fun. Peter was there as was another very pretty boy - Barry who later became a naval cadet.....it was all very casual my arrival was acknowledged with brief nods and everyone continued what they had been doing - Peter and Barry were already stark naked and intent upon pleasuring each other. "Sir" however beckoned me over to where he sat, immediately obvious was the fact that his fly buttons were undone "Come on then, have a perch...up here" Cautiously I approached him and settled myself on the proffered lap, as I did so my hand must have brushed his crotch for he briefly shuddered and then said "See what you can find in there and now while you do that, we'll have those pants off you".

If I had thought Peter's prick was large I hadn't seen anything! "Sir" was very hard and extracting his penis from his pants required some effort but I persevered, at some point I remember obligingly raising my hips to allow those shorts to slide down then with Sir's erection firmly grasped I snuggled against him as he began to fondle my prick, then as I had done with Peter I began to imitate what he was doing with me. I heard him catch his breath "That's good, hey, Peter and yes you Barry - come here and watch...so, what do you think?" Peter's mouth sounded dry but he got out "I told you Sir, he'd be good....after you have finished...maybe we can take turns with him, please Sir - pretty please?" I was enjoying what we were doing together, already I had that deep down ever so sexy feeling that sometimes comes with experiencing great pleasure and probably would have let any of them do whatever they wanted with me. Anyway I concentrated on what I was doing to Sir...the tell tale signs began to manifest, I felt him flex and tense beneath where I sat, his hips gave an involuntary jerk, breathing became loud and fast and he started to mutter "Oh God...oh god, little devil....Christ it's good....now...lemme, lemme WOAH!" Sir did something I hadn't encountered before, white gooey stuff shot from his prick to cover the back of my hand....awed, Peter and Barry exclaimed "Good one Sir....oh yesssss...Cor!"

After a short interval I slid from Sir's lap "Don't any of you go away" He said warningly "I'll have something for you all later, so just amuse yourselves meanwhile!" Which we did - or rather the other two took over, they had noticed I was still erect....it was Barry who made the first move by reaching for my prick, I must say that what followed became rather confused, the three of us ended on the floor as a matter of convenience and as we played with each other's pricks things became very quiet and intense, I think it was then that I began to develop my fondness for a penis and to this day I firmly believe that only another man can pleasure another man properly, oh yes you can have fun with girls, why not? But it's only the feel of another man doing things with your prick that can become the ultimate turn on! Just consider this - that first encounter, in the bushes, in a toilet, or wherever - when he reaches for your prick and starts to feel you up, it's like an electric shock, there's a lump in your throat, breathing is difficult.

Peter, Barry and I had been engrossed with each other to the extent that we hadn't noticed Sir's resurgence, it wasn't until we heard a cough then "Good stuff boys....you are having fun aren't you? Now....Peter and me, you other two can watch...we're going to do our special thing....get me that jar of stuff from over there please Peter, now....watch". Peter was clearly very excited and I wondered what was to come, why he had been singled out. Now, I'd noticed that while very pretty in a girlish way - which I rather liked - Peter was a larger boy, not plump but probably well fleshed would describe it..and I'd also mentioned his larger prick relative to mine so I watched events with fascination. Sir had unsealed the jar and scooped his fingers inside, Peter meanwhile had bent over with buttocks outthrust and then I watched in amazement as methodically and with great concentration Sir began to thrust fingers up between Peter's buttocks. He took his time doing this and while he did so, I noticed that Peter remained erect and showed every sign of enjoyment. Next, Sir stood and using the same stuff, smeared it all over his prick and then he addressed us "Now, don't you two ever try this with each other, you are still too...small... Peter is just right as it happens, now watch!"

What followed as Barry and I fondled each other's pricks was a long slow fuck, they had obviously done it before and made a good team, I was amazed and excited, Peter retained his erection throughout even when on a couple of occasions I saw him convulse slightly (did he cum I wondered?) Sir was able to reach round in front to masturbate him...on and on it went, Sir obviously enjoyed the boy and wanted to make it last until eventually... there was a speeding up and Sir's body jerked, and jerked as he gasped for air, his eyes were screwed right shut and he seemed in pain...and then it was over! Until then I'd not known that men could be fucked, Barry and I were hopelessly aroused by the spectacle but as our excitement waned, we noted that Peter remained erect and unsatisfied, glancing at each other we knelt in front of him - and took turns to suck him off..I look back and now am not surprised that things turned out the way they did. Nor do I regret the fact!

Next: Chapter 3

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