Where to Begin

By Joseph Hammond

Published on Dec 23, 2017


Where to begin?

Was it new technology that started it - or was it those torrid sessions I enjoyed with other boys back in boarding school, memories of which still lingered to tantalise me? Whatever, the current string of events certainly got off to a start in Sydney which I was visiting on a work related trip. My host at the time was my brother-in-law who together with his live-in boyfriend rented a large apartment near the center of town - ideal for me since I could be at work within 20 minutes. Nor did the prospect of staying with two gays bother me.

It would have been one evening early in my stay that I got called over to my host, he was seated in his little study in front of a computer terminal and he wanted to show me something. Back then the Internet was a new and exciting medium with which I was as yet unfamiliar. That was about to change because Neville my host was eager to induct me...his partner having retired to bed we were alone. He proceeded to demonstrate and with some amazement I watched the succession of images and articles he called up until seemingly bored he changed direction "Now, here we have what's called a "Bulletin board" these can be hidden and only accessed with a password...like so...you see all these messages? I can join in if I like of course this is a gay forum and it's great for people who haven't 'come out' yet - they can share all sorts of stuff too...like this..

What came up on screen was pretty much what I'd expected, young men kneeling to suck a prick and so on, nothing terribly exciting but then - oh my! I caught my breath and gazed and gazed at what had appeared. He was stark naked, perhaps in his late teens and slimly built - it was the pose that really got me. The boy was supporting himself above a rock shelf beneath him, his arms were stretched behind and down raising his torso up high while with legs parted and bent it meant that his whole body was offered up. Then it was that I noticed it, obviously very aroused his erection jutted at the sky...to me he might have been screaming "come and get it!" I remember I gulped with excitement....of course Neville noted my fascination and I realised he had been watching my reactions to each display so I wasn't surprised when he softly asked "What are you thinking...?" I knew the game was up.

Impulsively I told him "He's really got me randy, you know if I were there I'd, well, I'd be kneeling between those legs - and with my pants down, trying to get it up and into him...or I'd be masturbating while someone else did it with him?" Neville smiled tolerantly "Well I'd want to fool around with him for a bit first...have a suck of that cock perhaps? Then just look at the position, imagine having a feel of him like that...easy to just reach between his cheeks and...slide a finger inside - wow!" He giggled then "Yeah he'd be lots of fun, nice body too and of course I'd end up fucking him - which is probably what his friend with the camera did.....yeah, you know what...he's got me randy too". Neville thought for a bit and glanced up at me standing beside him then continued softly "We're on our own here..." I guessed what would be next and at first I wanted to resist it but then the memories returned and....I smiled encouragingly.

Neville had my pants down as my shaking hands reached for his prick, there it was that wonderful sexy feeling deep down as we began to toy with each other, I caught Neville's eye and grinned my excitement "God this is nice...I've missed it you know.....ever since we met I've only ever done things with your sister...God you are good at this!" He smiled complicitly "Well lucky you then, maybe I'm jealous!" At the time that didn't register - I was too interested in what we were doing, his hands really were skilful and as my arousal grew I began to hope things would sort of - progress further? It was years since I'd been penetrated but I found myself wanting it again, badly, and so rather hesitant, I asked...."Do you want to....well, I don't mind if you use a lubricant but seeing the way that boy is asking to be fucked...would you like to....well, do it to me, now?"

Neville appeared reluctant "You sure? Really sure? I mean you are married to my sister and all that...tell me though...do you ever fuck her in the arse?" I gulped and admitted that I had and often did so.. "Wow" was all he said then "Yes, I'd like to fuck you, I've always found you attractive you know...tell you what, we'll use your room shall we? Ok let's go.

The room was dark and I felt his hands begin to undress me, I now experienced a different sort of excitement, tinged with anticipation then as my clothes fell away, his hands began to expertly feel me up and my excitement mounted...here I was with my wife's brother who was about to use me as a woman - as I liked to think of it. I had occasionally penetrated other boys in the past but by far and away preferred the excitement of being penetrated...and now it was about to happen again, at long last. Having explored my body and had his fill Neville prepared to enjoy me. I was eased on to my back and Neville asked me to part my legs wide, when I had done that I felt fingers between my buttocks and as they pushed in and upward, some sort of soothing gel was applied.....nice, sexy feeling....he seemed to take his time while doing this and I remembered similar occasions long ago when I'd enjoyed giving another boy "finger"!

In the gloom I saw my lover's outline as he knelt between my parted legs and then felt hands on my ankles. Next I felt my legs being raised, up high, higher and pushed back to either side of my head, I sensed him shuffle forward on his knees and then....yes, that must be his prick...pushing at my hole. Remembering pleasures past I relaxed myself and ever so slowly I felt the terrific stretching of a prick entering...then the release as it slid past and up..up...and he was in. I had uttered an involuntary gasp since this was my first fuck for years but then I felt Neville move inside and his soothing words..."Yes, yess....it's great...lovely and tight, have to take you slowly or will cum to soon...how's it going?" I considered "I'd forgotten mostly but...oh yeah, great to have a large prick up me - been so long since I had anyone in me, love feeling - so full, Yeah, I've missed it - being fucked....oh yesssss, yessss - fuck me, slowly.....

It was bliss, I lay back with legs wide apart and up around my head while Neville enjoyed me. My own prick was erect and lay flat against my tummy as occasionally his body would stroke against it as he fucked me. I thought to myself...I can't pass this up, I want more of it....I'll talk to my wife if I have to, it's her own brother doing it to me....she she...well, I'll tell her that I let him fuck me - and that I loved it...and want more, to do it again.....oh God, this is lovely. An age later, I felt Neville's hands tighten around my ankles, heard his gasps, then felt the tremors rack his body - all this had me reacting in my own way because there came that wonderful nearly forgotten feeling, I know my head must have tossed from side to side as I whimpered with pleasure "Yes Neville, oh yes....let it come then...I'm ready.....do it, fuck me, fuck me, please.....there, I can feel it oh God - just listen!" There it was, Neville shot his load up me and the noises we heard were of his prick acting like a piston inside my cum-filled arse....

Next: Chapter 2

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