Where Gambling Lead Me

Published on Apr 5, 2020



Where Gambling Lead Me

This is a work of fiction, completely made up, any similarity to real people past or present it purely coincidental. As always if you are under age or its illegal for you to read this then don't read it but otherwise I hope you enjoy it. I appreciate any feedback.

First let me tell you a bit about myself, my name is Kevin, I'm 36 years old but I am told that I look younger than I am and that I'm pretty good looking in "laddish" kind of way. I have an average body, not slim but not quite a dad bod I work out but I don't go over the top, tall, few tattoos but not gone mad like a lot of guys do. I have been married for 5 years and have three kids who are my world. Yes you can infer from that that I am straight and that's true, 100%, never considered doing anything with a guy, I have gay friends who I'm totally comfortable, even some who have tried to flirt with me but its just not my thing.

So that's me in a nutshell. Life was pretty good, I have a loving wife, three great kids, good friends and I had just landed a pretty decent job as a maintenance manager for a local company, things were going great. Oh one thing more I forgot to mention. I like to gamble.

I sat across the table idling changing the order of my cards, it was an awful hand, I should have folded from the start, I know it, but I had that itch, the gamblers itch telling them to take a chance. I knew two of the other players, my two gayboys as I affectionately called them, well enough to have worked out their play style by now.

Jake had folded straight away, he enjoys the game but isn't really a gambler, he's safe, he doesn't bid up unless he has a decent chance of winning. Pete was my best mate and had had a not so secret crush on me for some years now, he was a good player but he tried to look out for me, he knew I pushed it too far sometimes and he knew I didn't always have the money to back up my play so I knew he would give some kind of signal if he was going to take me for a lot and so I could fold out. Not sportsmanly I know but hey mates have to look out for each other.

The other two players were not really known to me personally I only met them at the games and they were the risk. Mark and Danny were serious players, no tells that I could pick out, luckily Danny folded in the next round but Mark raised the stakes further. I should fold, I know I should fold, but the itch kept telling me he was bluffing and to keep going.

Pete dropped out in the next round, trying to give me a surreptitious kick under the table to advise me to do the same. I was too far in now, there was not point dropping out now and let Mark walk away with it all. He could be bluffing. He probably was bluffing. I raised again.

"Are you sure you want to so that matey?" Mark said with a smile and a raised eyebrow. "doesn't leave you with much left"

"Think about it," Jake murmured. "its not just chips you could lose it has to be paid out"

I didn't listen, that's always my trouble, when the bug gets me I think everyone else is just try to kill the fun. I raised.

Mark called the next round. Three threes. Who takes things that far on three of a kind? Well I had gone for it and followed him to the end with a pair of kings. So he was the fool but I was by far the bigger one I guess. Mark laughed while pulling his winnings towards him. All that money won with three threes? Jeez! When do I get the good luck?

"Another game." I said without thinking. It had to me turn for the good luck right? Before Mark and Danny had chance to accept though Pete reached across and took my chips and Jake grabbed my arm to pull me up from the table.

"Its late, time to go" Jake said just as Pete said "You are out of chips"

"Listen to your boys matey" Mark said slyly. "I think you have had enough for tonight. Its time to settle"

Pete pulled out his wallet and paid out his losses, Jake grinned as a small pay out was handed his way from Danny. I pulled out a few notes from my wallet and dropped them on the table, well short of what I owed Mark for the previous games never mind this last round. "I.O.U.?" I said already getting my pen out to sign letter like Mark always insisted when I had lost out too much to cover by what was in my wallet.

"Again matey?" Mark sighed with over the top patience. "I could wallpaper my bathroom with all of these notes that I have with your signature on them. You know that I don't keep them for the memories of the game don't you? They have to be paid out sooner or later"

I signed the letter that he handed over to me and wrote the total of what I owed from this game too, telling him that I understood, he said the same thing every time. This was becoming a regular thing now, the first time I had had to sign one of these I was pig sick thinking about what a state I had got myself in. its funny how it can turn from that into not a problem at all and a thing of every day life.

"Well matey" Mark said taking back the letter and adding it to a stack of others that he kept in a folder that he always brought to the games with him. "I'm glad you remember that they need to be paid because payment is due now. I think your tab is about high enough even without that little debacle just now, so its time to pay the piper. Oh don't worry I don't mean right this minute I wouldn't let you write out an I.O.U. then demand it be paid straight away. Take to the end of the month, that gives you what? Twenty one days? To get the money together. Sorry matey as much fun as our games are, my daughter has just announced she's getting married and wants the pig white wedding so I am going to need that readies. End of the month it is then"

I nodded slowly as they got up and left without a backwards glance. What else could I do? I signed to say I accepted the debt, I signed to say he could call the debt in whenever he wanted. Am I a fool? Yes of course I am a fool but what can I do about it?

Pete put is hand on my shoulder, he was always very touchy feely, I didn't mind it, he often flirted and when we had had one too many jaegers he might try it on a little but he always took no for an answer in good humour.

"I don't need to ask I know" Pete said concern ringing in his voice. "but can you get the money together by the end of the month?"

I shook my head without saying anything, they knew that I lived pretty much to my budget with home, wife and three kids to support, I had blown through what little savings I had managed to scrape up long ago in the poker games, what I could manage to dig up in three weeks wouldn't cover a fraction of my debt.

"We will help as much as we can" Jake said coming over to up his hand on my other shoulder "I doubt we can get together anywhere near what you must owe though. Go home and try to relax a bit and see what you can get together we will both do the same. Talk tomorrow."

We left at that, I jumped on my motorbike, Pete and Jake jumped into Jake's car and drove off together, not for the first time I wondered if there was something going on between those two. Always together but just friends? Can gayboys be just friends like that?

I arrived back home, Rach, my wife was waiting for me, kids where in bed. I could tell I was in the doghouse before she even spoke.

"Nine oclock you said you would be home" She said snapped out straightaway. Rach was the love of my life, I wouldn't change her for the world but she was Scottish and a redhead with all the renown hot-headedness that goes with both. "its gone eleven Kev! You've missed the kids going to bed, what have you been doing?"

"I was just out with Jake and Pete, we had a drink and..." Too late, foot firmly placed in my mouth

"And what Kev?" The temperature was rising, definitely time to duck and cover "you better not have been gambling again, Kev! I swear to god if you have lost any money you are out that door, we have Christmas coming soon for the kids, I mean it Kev, you are out that door and I am off back to my dads in Scotland!"

Okay really not the time to come clean about the debt then. Damage control and figure it out when I can speak to the gayboys tomorrow. Pity it wasn't one of them I owed the money too, I am sure I could get away with sending them some naked pics to get them to right it off but that wasn't going to work with Mark.

After a good few hours of apologising, promising that I hadn't spent any money and basically trying to calm the entire situation down Rach stomped off to bed, I followed quite quickly after with my tail between my legs, trying to give the good contrite husband impression, all the while mind churning with how I was going to get the money to pay the debt and now with the added difficulty of finding it in a way that Rach wouldn't find out. Hot headed she might be but my wife never made threats that she didn't intend to carry out.

The next morning I jumped out of bed before Rach could wake up and headed for the shower, normally its time for my "me time" but even though my 7.5 inch piece of uncut meat pointed the way as I headed to the bathroom for the first time since I was about ten did I not feel the urge to work my cock, I must be worrying for that to happen, I'm usually such a horn-ball.

Breakfast and getting the kids ready for school seemed to take forever, I just wanted to get my sorry arse out the house and to work so I could start seeing how much money I could scrape together and speak to Pete and Jake to see how much they had been able to raise over night. I knew deep down that there was no way we would be able to make the full amount but I had the vain hope that if I could get most of it Mark might let me off with the rest.

I spent the morning at my desk pretending to work all the time texting friends and family, going through bank accounts and trying to sell anything I could find to sell that Rach wouldn't notice. Pete and Jake got in touch around lunch time to tell me that they had managed to raise just over a grand between them which was incredible, all my work had raised just over five hundred. Long way short of the total which stood at around fifteen grand. I thanked my gayboys and we agreed to meet up later to discuss what I could do now. Not that there many options left to me.

I was lucky I only got a raised eyebrow from Rach when I said I was going over to Pete's house for a drink, a promise to be home early after one drink was enough to stop any vocal objection. Which is how I found myself in Pete's livingroom with him and Jake holding a very large glass of whisky in my shaking hand.

"No one else you can touch for a loan?" Pete asked even though he knew the answer, I think he was just trying to think of something to say. He didn't didn't even wait for the me to shake my head no before saying "thought not"

"Well," Jake said with a slight forced laugh, he usually tried to make light of any situation "you could always go on the game and sell that fine arse of yours"

"Don't say that" I said even managing a laugh of my own, trust Jake! "I getting to the stage where im thinking that might be my only option or maybe sell a kidney"

"Damn!" Pete piped in "can we have our money back? I wouldn't have given you it for free if I had known I could rent you for the night with it!"

"Sorry no refunds, puffs!" I said slapping his hand away that he had tried to put on my leg "you will have to find some of your rich gay mates to rent me instead I already have your cash!"

"Well..." Jake said slowly his laughing fading away "there is of course a place that might help if you are serious?"

"Yeah probably not a good idea" Pete cut in quickly. "I think it was a joke I don't think there is any need to get into that!"

"Ok spill it" I said my curiosity getting the better of me, not that I was really considering renting myself out never mind the money but I really wanted to know what my two friends had been getting up to. "if it might help I might consider it, let me hear it"

"Ok well if you really want to know," Jake said without any of the hesitation his words would suggest. "There's this club on Wilks Street, it's a normal gay club really." I nodded, I had been there with them before it was a pretty decent place and the drinks were cheap "well downstairs there is another club, you every watch the movie Fight Club? Sure you have, everyone has. Well this is kind of like that but a bit less extreme and a bit more extreme haha."

"So they have these wrestling matches," Pete took up shooting Jake and exasperated look. "you go in there, you can just watch, the guys wrestle in just shorts so you can see the attraction, or you can put your name down to take part. Each match two guys are picked randomly as opponents and they are presented to the crowd to see if anyone wants to sponsor the match. There are some pretty well off guys who go there regularly, sponsorship is a grand, they pay the club a fee of a hundred to be allowed to sponsor. So if the two guys get a sponsor they wrestle, not a fist fight or anything brutal like that its just wrestling to submission no Greco-Roman rules or anything. The winner takes the sponsorship money."

I sat up straight, why hadn't they mentioned this before? I was in good shape, I used to wrestle at university, this sounded like the ideal way for me to make some fast cash, I had not problem strutting my stuff in some skimpy shorts for the chance at a grand. I was just about to demand why they hadn't told me about this before when Jake spoke.

"What he's dodging around is that there is a negative to the whole thing. Well some people don't see it as negative but you certainly would. The thing is the sponsors are usually rich but really they aren't going to pay that kind of money just to watch to guys wrestle in the their pants are they? No, basically if you put your name down you are betting yourself on the match. The winner of the match walks away happy with the money but the loser has basically been rented for the next two hours by the sponsor and yes rented does mean exactly what you think it means! Some guys do get lucky on it, if the guy the sponsor really wanted wins he sometimes tells the loser he can go but basically if you put your name down for it and you lose you are making an agreement that you will go ahead and do whatever the sponsor says if they want you."

"There are a couple of other things" Pete put in before I had chance to give an opinion "both good and bad. A well desired guy might attract the interest of more than one sponsor, if more than one guy wants to sponsor a match they each put in a grand for the winner but they all get a turn on the loser because they have all rented him.

"I say this now as a fact not flirting or flattery. You are a really good looking guy, Kev. You would attract a lot of interest just for that, you are also new to this, new guys always get a lot more interest and sponsors plus you are straight and a guy-guy virgin any one of those things would boost your popularity and get more people wanting to sponsor you which is great financially if you win but, and this is a BIG but, if you lose you know full well that each one of those guys is going to take his turn on you. None of them are going to be sponsoring for the other guy and let you off! If you are really interested in it the next wrestling night is in two days."

I sat there silently staring into my glass of whisky for a while not really knowing what to say, I couldn't even consider the idea of having sex with a guy, it just didn't work in my head, I might let friends like Jake and Pete flirt with me, I might even tease them a little bit by flashing them my arse when I'm drunk but that's just for attention its in no way an invitation. I am good at wrestling though, I'm fit, I'm strong, I'm flexible and I do plenty of cardio so I have stamina. I could win I'm sure I could win.

"Before you think of it" Jake broke into the silence. "Guys have lost and refused to go through with their forfeit before, some of the sponsors are proper hunks but a lot aren't, some guys didn't want to just grim and bear it, the club has a pretty nasty security team. The last guy got such a bad kicking that after the bruises healed he went straight over to present himself to his sponsor. The guy before that took three bashings before he did the same. Don't consider it and option."

We left the subject as that, they knew that I needed to think about it and I had a couple of days to get my head around it, so I finished my drink and made for home. Rach was overjoyed that I was home well before she expected me and she spent the night making me forget about my troubles for a while, which I will leave to your imagination as I don't think many of you guys reading would be that interested in what I get up to with a woman.

The next couple of days crawled by, I spent them trying to find other options but as the day went on, I became more and more sure that this wrestling match was my only option. By the second day I had decided to go along with Jake and Pete to watch one of the matches to see what it was like. If I thought it was too extreme, I wouldn't go for it but if I thought that I could win these bouts then I would go for it.

That's how I found myself sat on a row of tiered benches between Jake and Pete not too far from the back of the room watching two guys walking around the cleared centre of the room wearing the skimpiest pairs of shorts I had ever seen showing off their bodies to the small crowd of onlookers. Behind them a screen showed the first name of each of the two guys, their basic stats and a brief blurb about them which I didn't really bother to read. One had a pretty decent physique, kind of like mine, the other was slimmer and more toned. The guys seemed to like them, and it only took then strutting around for ten minutes before the big screen on the wall opposite flashed up to say that someone had sponsored the match. We sat and waited another twenty minutes though before the match was announced to start, Jake explained it was to give other sponsors time to decide if the wanted in.

The match was pretty good to watch from a sporting standpoint, the bigger guy was stronger but the thinner guy was a lot more flexible and he had more stamina, the other guy was flagging half way into it. I am glad there was no betting on this match or I would have lost even more money betting against the slim guy who was clearly going to win. I glanced around and noticed that a few of the guys sat watching had their cocks out and where stroking away while watching the two nearly naked guys fighting in the middle of the room. I hadn't really thought of it as a sexual display just sport but then when I thought about it if that had been two women down there I would certainly be thinking of it differently.

"Would you be doing that if I wasn't here?" I said quietly, nudging Pete and giving a subtle nod towards the guy closest to us jacking it furiously

"No! Of course not!" Pete said under his breath, but I did notice he kept moving on the bench and was trying to surreptitiously readjust himself and Jake was biting his lip to try to stop himself from laughing at Pete's embarrassment. He sat there relaxed watching the show, making no attempt at all to readjust the tent pushing up the front of his grey jogging bottom.

The match came to an end, the slim guy won when the other guy ran out of steam and couldn't catch his breath so tapped out. The winner jumped up and down as he was handed over a wad of cash that made my mouth water. The other guy got up slowly, shoulders slumped and walked off to the seating area reserved for anyone who was sponsoring the current match, an big bear of a man of about 45 years took him by the arm and they walked off to the door at the back of the room which Jake informed me led to a series of surprisingly nice bedrooms. I didn't ask Jake how he knew what the bedrooms where like but I could tell by his smirk that he knew I was thinking it.

The net match failed to get a sponsor but we watched a couple more after that both of which I enjoyed, I had always liked wrestling, the audience members changed quite often, I tried to keep my eyes on the match that was happening after once looking round and accidentally making eye contact with a guy just as he blew his load over the floor in front of him, he winked and me and nodded towards the back rooms. I looked away quickly blushing furiously which wasn't like me at all, normally I just blazon things like that out with a joke but I think it's the first time I had ever had to deal with a guy shooting his jizz while smiling at me.

The night came to a close and we all jumped into Pete's car not really saying anything until we were nearly back home. "I could do that." I said into the silence. Pete nearly crashed into a tree hearing that which spoke volumes but he didn't actually say anything so I carried on. "none of the guys who wrestled tonight were particularly good, none of them looked like they had trained, which I do regularly, I know wresting. I am almost certain to win if it do it, Jake said he thought I could get five or six sponsors with all I have to advertise so I would only need to do it three or four times. I might not even need to borrow money off you guys if I do this."

"Your really sure about this?" Jake asked after a moment "there is another night day after tomorrow if you are serious."

"I am" I said without hesitation "I don't really think I have any other option do I? I can do this and I can win. Day after tomorrow we are going to do it."

I spent every spare minute I had for the next two days limbering my muscles, testing my cardio and watching wrestling to get some last minute pointers. When we arrived at the club Pete went to get him and Jake a seat in the audience while Jake took me to the registration desk. Pete was really nervous about the whole thing so had skipped away as soon as possible, Jake seemed like he was enjoying the adventure of the whole thing, that was typical of him, he wasn't uncaring but he always tried to enjoy everything he can in life.

Jake spoke to the guy behind the desk, gave him all my details. When he heard that I was totally straight, financially desperate and a virgin the guy wiggled his eyebrows, murmured "he'll be popular" and handed me over a slip of paper to sign to say I was consenting to everything, I wasn't there under force and wasn't on drugs or drunk then he tossed me a tiny piece of blue cloth that I unfolded to realise where the shorts I would be wearing.

I raised my hands in a shrug to Jake to ask where I was supposed to change into them. He bit his lip in his common amused gesture and rolled his eyes toward the guys who had registered also who were stripping off right there to put on their shorts. I think I understood why Jake had been happy to come sign me up now. I shook my head at him with and sigh. Turned my back towards him and started to strip casually. I could feel his eyes on latched onto my arse as I dropped my pants and underwear. I knew if Pete had been here he would have been looking too but less obviously and more embarrassed, Jake didn't have the crush on me that Pete did but he was more sexually blatant too, I was just waiting for the sexual comment to come from him.

"After all these years" He said the moment I took off my last item of clothing "I finally get you naked. Oh, the possibilities!" he was so predictable. I loved Jake to bits, he was one of my best friends, but I also knew they only way to deal with him was to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Yep," I said turning around to face him giving him a full-frontal view of my chubby meat and heavy handing balls. "but it's a shame I have all your money so you can't sponsor the round because your still not going to get any of this"

That brought a roar of laughter from the guy behind the table who had also been getting an eye full I suspect. It was one thing to wind Jake up but the sudden realisation that was letting it all hang out in a room full of interested strangers made me slip my shorts on pretty quickly. Not that the shorts did much to cover, they were so low riding that they showed the top my trimmed pubes and the seams at the bottom of the short left nearly a quarter of each bum cheek on show. Oh well this is what the audience had turned up for.

Jake wished me luck and went off to join Pete in the audience while I waited for my turn to have my name to be called. Two matches went by and another no bid contests then my name was called out. Jake had given me pointers on what to do so I walked out into the centre of the room and stood up straight, turning slowly, trying to show off my body as best as possible, I glanced at the screen behind me to see my details. Kev, 6ft 1, 13 stone 4, 7.5 inch cock, uncut, married, straight, dad, virgin, first time here. There was quite a bit of murmuring over my information. I was a novelty.

The guy who was called out to pair me turned out to be the slim guy from the first match I had watched. He had won but it didn't worry me overly I had seen his style and his form, he had good stamina but I think he did so well because the other guy couldn't keep up not because of anything special about him. I glanced at his stats after not reading them the first time, know your enemy and all that. Karl, 6ft 3, 11stone 1, 8 inch cock, uncut, gay, single, top, 7th time here, no losses.

Two sponsors bid in straight away. Karl strutted and flexed and basically put on a lot more of a show than I did. Jake had advised against doing that myself. My USP was the straight guy doing this out of desperation I didn't want to seem to be enjoying it too much, better to be proud an aloof.

By the time the half hour of presentation had gone by we had 5 sponsors. 5 grand. My heartbeat faster. I breathed deep, calmed myself, focus on the match not the winning. If you focus on the winning you might just end up bent over for five guys tonight.

Its difficult to describe a blow by blow wrestling match so I'm not really going to try. Karl turned out to be better than I thought, he seemed to be able to keep his breath no matter how much effort he had to put in to fight me but in the end my strength won it for him. I was still in my peak of strength, where by this time the last guy Karl wrestled was already panting. He couldn't wear down my stamina so my strength won it, I got him into a pin that not matter what he did he couldn't break out of, laid on top of him, hands pinning his wrists and legs pressing onto his, I didn't even think about my bulge being pressing into his which was noticeably hard, I think he was enjoying this. Powerless to free himself he had to tap out and admit defeat.

I stood and reached down to offer him a hand to pull him up.

"Thanks." He said "good fight, I haven't been beaten before." He glanced over to the sponsor seats where five guys sat watching, a couple looked very disappointed but the other two seemed fine with the result and one, the bear from the other night looked over the moon. "typical my first loss would have to be to someone who attracted so many sponsors. I might get away with two of them but looks like Harry is finally going to get to wreck my hole like he's been trying to for ages, bids on every match I have done in the hope." With that he shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the sponsor section and asked in a resigned voice who was first. Harry, the bear, was on his feet straight away and Karl sighed and followed him to the back room.

The guy from behind the table came over to me, handed me five wads of notes that made me want to cry in joy and told me to go to the side and changeout my shorts and he hoped I would be back again.

I joined Pete and Jake in the audience after I had changed back into my clothes, they where both full of praise and excitement and telling me how popular I had been. I noticed a wet patch on the front of Pete's trousers and I said with a laugh that it looked like everyone enjoyed my performance.

We finished watching the next match, in the mean time Karl came out the back room looking less jovial and carefree about losing than he had done, he walked up to the other sponsors from our match, I couldn't hear what he said but I could gather that he was asking who was next. The two disinterested guys waved him away for which he looked very grateful for, the other two both got up together and his shoulders slumped a little further, both went with him into the back room. He hadn't come back out by the time we decided to leave so I guessed that the guys were enjoying their winnings.

"When is the next night" I asked as soon as we got in the car. Jake and Pete shared a look before answering.

"Tomorrow" Pete said "but are you sure? You won five grand today, with the money that we have scraped up we can give Mark half of what you owe, he might be happy with that"

"No use risking that pretty little bum if you don't have to" Jake added in his usual non serious manner.

"You both know Mark" I said "he wont settle for less than the full amount, he's called in the full debt not just some of it. If he wanted part of it he would have said part of it. Come on guys I barely broke a sweat tonight it was easy money. Lets get back out there tomorrow, a couple more nights like tonight and you can keep your money to sponsor a match yourselves!"

They both laughed at that but they didn't try to talk me out of it further. For the first time in a long time I actually felt positive about how things were going.

The following night I was back at the table to sign my name and get my shorts. Jake came with me again, apparently to help me sign in but I knew he was just wanting a look at the goods again. Well him and Pete had done a lot for me through all this so it was the least I could do really wasn't it? I stripped in facing him this time, giving him a longer view of my cock, for once he didn't try to make a joke about it, he just waited until I reached for my shorts, said "thanks" with his usual smirk and went to his seat in the audience.

My details where the same apart from it now said I was on my second visit undefeated. That felt pretty good if I'm honest. I glanced at the details for guy I was put up against but only paid attention to his record, he was on his fourth visit only one loss, his last match which if anything it made him seem more determined to win and not end up on the end of a sponsors cock again.

Six sponsors came in very quickly, I felt a thrill of possibility. I still had half an hour to wait to see if more sponsors came in, if they did this might be my second and last match, two more sponsors came in before the end of it and with a massive high we started the match and it was close, very close. At one point the guy was on top of me pinning me and I was sure that it was all over, my strength was giving out but the thought of those eight guys on me one after the other or all eight at once gave me that last burst of adrenaline to hook my leg out and around his neck and flip him over. I rolled with him and somehow landed on top of him, he was as exhausted as I was and couldn't throw me off so called submission.

I staggered to my feet, my legs shaking and I was grateful when Jake and Pete rushed over to support me as the money was brought over to me. Jake being Jake of course was not content to just put my arm around his shoulder like Pete had, he rested one hand on my shorts covered ass and gave my cheek a good squeeze. I couldn't really object now could I?

I was slightly embarrassed that the gayboys had to help me out of my shorts and into my clothes, I'm sure Jake took the opportunity to cop a few more feels he didn't really need to. We didn't wait around for the other matches, they bundled me into the car but my watery muscles were starting to revive now. Jake and Pete were elated with the outcome, 13 thousand in two matches, with what the three of us had scrapped together it was enough to pay.

"When is the next match?" I asked quietly. Both of them dropped to silence straight away before Pete finally spoke up and asked why. "one more match and I can pay you guys back, I not drain the bank accounts or sell anything or borrow anything then there is no chance at all of Rach finding out."

Neither of them wanted to tell me, they both argued with me, but at the end of the day I told them if they didn't tell me and come with me I would just go back tomorrow night and every night until I found the right night and I was known there now so I didn't need them to register me. They finally caved in and told me there next one was in two days.

Two days flew by, and I soon found myself in shorts stood in the middle of the ring again. My opponent was selected and their details were put up. Aaron was 5ft 9, 13 stone 7, 6.5 inch cock, uncut, bi, 5th visit, 5 losses. Maybe some people actually enjoy the losing part? This was a gay club after all I reminded myself, maybe some people get a kick out of it? Well if he wanted to throw the fight to get a good seeing to then I wasn't going to complain I wasn't in this for the sport I was here for the money. Unfortunately a more or less guaranteed win didn't attract too much interested, we only got three backers but that was enough for me to clear my debts completely so I wasn't going to complain.

The round started and Aaron came for me faster than I would have thought, my head was spinning he moved so quickly, my feet were out from under me and I was face down on the mat before I really new what had happened. Aaron had my left arm locked behind my back, I tried to move but which ever direction I moved sent a jolt of pain through my shoulder. The guy ground his bulge into my shorts cover ass without letting up his hold.

"Better get used to this buddy, there is no way you are getting out of this hold, better tap out and take your medicine."

Over confident. That was it I had done it again, took the competition for granted again. I wracked my brains for a way to release this hold, there has to be some way to get out of this. I tried hooking my leg around him but on my front there was no way I could bend that way, there was nothing to get purchase on. I heard the guy from the table saying I had a ten count to get free or I lose. I glanced across at the three sponsors, they looked like they couldn't believe their luck. Shit I had to get out of this but I new I couldn't, there was a reason when police wanted to subdue someone they put their arm up their back it was lock down hold. Feeling despair like I had never felt from the debt I reached out with my free hand and happed three times. Submission. Shit.

Aaron jumped up and helped me to my feet, I felt a bit shocked, the winner said something to me but I couldn't really take in what was happening right now. Pete came over to me and started walking me towards the sponsors. "I cant do it Pete" I said hoarsely. He carried on walking with me.

"You don't have a choice, Kev" he whispered "you know that, you bet, you lost, you got to pay your debt now mate I'm sorry. Just get on with it and get it over with and do come back here. Lesson learned."

Pete deposited me in front of the three sponsors, they introduced themselves. Kris, Don and David, Kris was late 30s, well dressed in a smart suit, I suppose he would be classed as good looking to other guys, seemed to have a trim body and slightly shaggy dirty blond hair. Don was older maybe mid-50s, average build, nothing great to look at but not hideous with his mostly grey hair, David was mid-40s, large build, stubbly beard and I could see a protrusion of chest hair sticking out from the top of his open shirt. After the introductions they basically ignored me while they discussed how they where going to have me as if I wasn't there.

Kris and Don were saying they were happy to share at once while David was keener on one after the other. I'm not sure what I would prefer, one after the other would prolong this whole thing but having to do stuff with three guys my first time was a lot to take in.

"I don't want to share," David said firmly. "I didn't pay out all that money to have to share him, I'm going to enjoy this, I always wanted a straight guy, I don't want to have to share. If you two want to share go for it, you two share, I'll have him alone."

"Fair enough," Kris said with a shrug. "I don't really care about having his virginity, do you Don?" Don didn't speak just shook his head. "Fine then, David, you go take him first, have your fun with him, me and Don will share him after. Have fun, don't break him too much we want our share and we know what you are like."

David stood up and reached to take my arm, Pete gave me one last one armed hug then released me to David to lead along to the back rooms. We passed a few doors until David opened one and gave me a little push through. Jake was right for a basement room the place was pretty nice, big comfortable looking four poster bed, sofa, lamps, a small shower cubicle in the corner. I realised I was focusing on the surroundings, so I didn't have to think about the guy stood behind me.

"Right, lad." David said from behind me brushing past me to get into the room and laying on the bed. "Kev isn't it? Yeah Kev. Right, just to clear things up, Kris and Don will probably have something nice planned for you, they are that sort, they like the voyeur thing, probably would have got off just watching me and you and shot their loads, I'm not interested in that that's why I didn't want to share. I always wanted to take control of a straight guy and use him, you probably aren't going to enjoy this but if you can't take a loss don't make the bet. So that's what is going to happen right now. So first things first get rid of those shorts and turn around let me have a look at you."

I took a deep breath, time to pay the bill as Pete said. I dropped my shorts and let them fall to the floor. I stood there for a few moments then slowly began to turn around so he could see all of me. By the time I was back round to facing he had taken off his shirt and had pulled his cock out of his pants and was playing with it while watching me. As I stood there he shucked off the rest of his clothing and beckoned me over. I got on the bed next to him, he leaned over, his hands began roaming over my chest, he pinched each nipple hard enough to make me grunt in pain which elicited a laugh from him. I could tell this wasn't going to be easy so I shut my eyes and concentrated on my breathing while his hands roamed over my body, he reached my cock and I shuddered as he took hold of it, his stroking hand felt pretty good to be honest. I felt my cock growing and hardening in his hand. Ok sex was sex maybe it wouldn't be too bad after all, just pretend its Rach.

"Open your eyes" David commanded. "I want your eyes open the whole way through this straight boy"

What else could I do? I had been rented to obey. I opened my eyes, the sight of this fat, hairy older man leaning over playing with my dick made me go soft straight away. No pretending then. He grabbed my hand and wrapped it around his cock. I started stroking him, he was about the same size as me. 7.5 inches and a bit thicker than average, some vain hope entered my head that I might be able to wank him off and save my bumhole. Like anyone would pay a grand for a handjob.

"Get on your knees" David ordered. I moved slowly but deliberately, I got off the bed and dropped to my knees, I knew what was coming next, I hoped I wouldn't throw up. David got up and stood in front of me, one hand reached out to hold my head, the other gripped his cock and positioned it at my lips. "open"

What choice did I have? I opened my mouth and let him slide his long, hairy cock into my mouth. Ok I didn't like it but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I began sucking while he started fucking away at my mouth, my main thought was maybe I could make him cum in my mouth, the idea made me feel a bit sick but I would swallow every last drop he shot if it saved my arse.

"Ok enough of that." David said pulling his saliva-soaked cock from mouth, "on the bed, I want you on your back, don't resist it."

I got up and got on my back while David positioned himself between my legs which he pulled up onto his shoulders, I kept my eyes open as instructed by stared fixedly up at the ceiling while I felt something cold and slimy being rubbed onto my exposed hole. David leaned forward pushing my legs back towards my chest, it really was luck I was flexible with this big man on top of me I think he won't have broken me in half if I hadn't been.

"Look at me straight boy" David growled. I felt something hard pushing up against my hole. His cock, I knew. This was it. This was it. This was it. David pushed forward hard with his hips while holding me firmly against the bed. His chubby cock entered me for about half of its length in one thrust. I wanted to man this out, I was sure I could. I was wrong. I screamed. I carried on screaming until after he was balls deep in my arse and had started pounding in and out of me.

"Look at me straight boy" David growled. I hadn't realised I had closed my eyes again, but they sprang open straight away. Not that I could see anything even with my eyes open but the blur of tears. I could hear David growling and laughing thought. "come on Kev you straight boys all think you are more of a man than us fags, you don't look more of a man right now do you?"

Each thrust was like a red-hot poker being rammed up my arse. Fuck guys actually enjoy this? Fortunately, David didn't have the stamina of one of the wrestlers it felt like forever, but it wasn't really long before David called out and virtually collapsed on top of me. I felt his cock slip my hole and almost cried again in relief. David got up and started getting dressed, basically ignoring me. When he was dressed, he headed for the door and turned to face me.

"You did good straight boy." He said casually "I will send Kris and Don into you here. I hope I see you again I will definitely sponsor you if you do."

With that he left the room. My mind worked through the shock while I waited. I've just socked a guy's cock. I've just been fucked in the arse. I have a guy's cum up my arse right now. Shit it's not over I'm about to have a threesome with two guys. I'm about to get fucked again. Fuck. How did I end up here?

I was surprised when not only did Kris and Don walk in but Jake and Pete joined us too. I suddenly felt very exposed and embarrassed laid their naked and used with four fully clothed guys looking at me. Jake and Pete looked a bit sheepish.

"Well then, Kev." Kris said in a friendly baritone. "sorry about David. Not a nice guy to have your first time with I'm sure. We thought we would try to make your second time as pleasurable as possible. I don't know if David mentioned it but Don and I are big voyeurs so we approached your friends here and thought they might give you a nicer second time, one you might actually enjoy, straight or not. We are happy to just watch."

"Errr." I glanced at my friends who looked even more sheepish. "I think that would be a but awkward. No offence to my friends but if this has to happen, I think it would be best to let you two strangers get it over with and then forget about all this."

No one said anything but both Kris and Don reached to their pants and let them drop to the floor. Neither were hard but both were semi erect and each one looked well over 9 inches and thicker than I thought it was possible for a guys cock to be.

"Would you like to change your answer?" Kris said casually. I couldn't even speak my mouth was so dry I just nodded slowly. I think I would die if I had to take either of those cocks never mind both of them.

Jake was the first to move, he was stripped naked in a matter of seconds and on the bed next to me. Pete was slower, more nervous but he was soon naked and on the other side of me. I had never really paid any attention to their bodies before but now I had to. Both were decent looking guys, with average bodies like mine, not slim but not carrying any real extra passing. Pete had a light coasting of dark curly hair that covered his chest and down over his stomach to join up with he thick dark public hair from where stood out an 6.5 inch uncut cock with a large mushroom head pushing back his foreskin. Jake didn't have much body hair, just a trimmed patch of hair the same auburn as the hair on his head, his cock was bigger, a little longer than mine and maybe a little thicker too.

Pete moved first gently pulling my head to his so he could kiss me, at first it was hesitant, he wasn't sure how I would react, I knew I had to put on a good show for the two guys who had now stripped naked and where watching from the sofa, if I was to hope to avoid their cocks so I kissed him back hard and deep and passionate.

While kissing Pete his hands wandered over my body, stroking, caressing. A warm wet mouth engulfed my cock which had already started hardening of its own accord. I had always been a tactile person and the kissing, touching and sucking soon had me rock hard despite who it was doing this. One Jake had me rock hard and getting close to blowing my own load he pulled off me and at some unseen signal, Pete, still kissing me deep slip on top of me and push his hole down on my cock.

He groaned into my mouth as he bottomed out on my cock and started to ride me, grinding his arse onto my cock. I cant lie, it felt amazing even if it was a man. Jake climbed up the bed and got on his knees next to me offering his cock to me which I sucked into my mouth and he began to gently fuck my mouth while I fucked Pete. I couldn't hold on any longer and I began filling Pete's arse with my load. I didn't think it was possible to be so turned on by two guys but I cant deny that I was.

When I came down from my post orgasm high Pete got off me and him and Jake turned me over gently and pulled me up to being on all fours. Pete moved in front of me and offered me his cock and I began to suck him as deep as I could mange with my inexperienced mouth. I jumped as I felt something warm and wet on my exposed bumhole and it took me a moment to realise that Jake was licking my arse. Wow who knew that that could feel so good?

"Fuck him" I heard Don say from the back ground. "I want to cum while you fuck him"

Jakes tongue disappeared and was replaced by his hard cock against my hole. I nearly started crying again at the thought of the invasion but Jake was very gentle pushing into me. It still hurt like hell, it would have hurt anyway but with the added soreness from what David had done but it was bearable and the odd thrust from Jake's cock did hit a spot that made a shiver of pleasure zip through me and I couldn't help but moan around Pete's cock.

It wasn't long before all three of us were moaning and Jakes fingers dug into my hips and I knew my straight arse was being filled with its second load of cum. Pete followed suit quickly after filling my mouth with his load, I didn't know what to do when he started shooting in my mouth but I didn't taste bad, not as bad as I expected anyway so I thought the best thing to do was swallow it down fast and not think about it too much.

The three of us collapsed onto the bed worn out for the minute. Kris and Don came over to us still wanking their huge cocks at their gesture I obediently moved over and opened my mouth for them both to shoot their loads into and swallowed down their loads quickly. I felt like owed them for not insisting on fucking me with those huge pieces of meat.

We all three grabbed quick showers and jumped in the car heading home in silence.

"Ok" I said breaking the tension when we were nearly home. "it happened. We did it. I'm still straight. You two are still gayboys. Nothings changed."

"Ok" Pete said brightening up "but at least you know if you ever get desperate guy sex isn't all bad."

We all laughed but I knew that there was no way I was letting that happen again. Well unless I couldn't control my gambling again and I end up back in the wrestling ring.

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