Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Oct 12, 2003



The following story is the next installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group.

As always, if you're not old enough to be reading this, then don't do it. If you are, then please, keep on reading, and don't forget to write and let me know what you think of this next chapter.



The brush of something against his skin awakened Stephen. Eyes still closed, he listened to Eloy breathing beside him. He could feel Eloy's fingers trailing across the skin of his chest and he decided to take his time waking up. Pretending he was still fast asleep he made a move to brush Eloy's hand away and then he rolled over, burrowing into the covers. A soft chuckle was the response to his actions and he struggled to withhold one of his own.

A few moments later, he felt Eloy trying again, lightly stroking the skin of his back. It was hard not to respond, as normally the slightest touch from Eloy could make him shiver. The teasing caress became an assault as Eloy added lips to fingers, kissing the sensitive skin on his neck. He couldn't withhold a sigh that time, along with a slight shiver in response to Eloy's actions. When Eloy started licking his ear, the temptation to respond proved too much, and Stephen involuntarily arched his back in response to Eloy's gentle assault. Eloy wrapped his legs around Stephen, nuzzling his neck as Stephen reached up to hold him in place.

Finally, Stephen was able to wiggle around so that they faced one another. He gave his lover a kiss and pulled back to observe a lazy grin on Eloy's face.

"You knew I was awake all along, didn't you," he accused the other man. Eloy grinned and nodded wordlessly. He had known the moment when Stephen had woken because of the change in his breathing. Eloy had been watching him sleep for some time before he decided to wake Stephen. He wasn't sure what time Stephen's sister was arriving and wanted some quiet time for the two of them together before she did.

"Brat," Stephen declared affectionately as Eloy leaned forward to brush his lips against Stephen's. Further admonishments were prevented as both were caught up in their kiss. Stephen made an appreciative noise as they ended their kiss, smiling at his lover. "Mmm, yum." He stretched before reaching over to pull Eloy into a hug. "Good morning."

"Goed morgen," Eloy responded, rubbing his stubbled cheek against Stephen's. "Sleep well?"

"Mmmm, like a baby," Stephen said with a soft laugh before pulling back to look into Eloy's eyes. "But when you're holding me, I always sleep well. Except for those times when you are quite insistent in waking me!"

Eloy chuckled, unrepentant. He felt that sleep stole time away from them, and would much rather Stephen awake instead. Already two days had flown - half their time together, and he was anxious to make every moment last. While they hoped to be together in the future, any number of things could prevent that, and he wanted to remember every moment they had together, just in case things didn't work out as they planned. "It's so fun to wake you, though, honing!"

"Gee, thanks!" Stephen muttered, wrinkling his nose. He really couldn't be upset with Eloy at all, though he had been having the loveliest dream at the time. On thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that reality was much better than his dream. "Well, now that you got me up, time for the loo."

"I won't stop you from that!" Eloy responded with a laugh, letting Stephen to slip out of his arms. He watched with appreciation as Stephen padded over to the toilet. Once Stephen was out of sight, he allowed himself a mighty stretch before glancing at the clock on the nightstand. He reminded himself to find out when Michelle would be arriving so that they would be ready in time. A much as she would like it, he didn't think it would be wise to be found in a compromising position with her brother!

Stephen heard Eloy chuckling to himself in the other room, and he shook his head ruefully. Lord knew what was going through the other man's mind at the moment, but he was sure it was something naughty. He figured he better go find out what it was that was so amusing. He peered around the edge of the doorframe and saw that Eloy was smiling up at the ceiling, arms pillowed behind his head. He made his way back to the bed, slipped in and turned to look up. Other than a few discolorations in the paint, there didn't seem to be anything of much interest above them. He moved back to his side so he could look at Eloy.

"And what is so amusing about the ceiling?" He asked. Eloy turned his head in Stephen's direction with a large grin. "There has to be something, since you have such a silly look on your face."

"No, it's not the ceiling," Eloy assured him with a chuckle. "I was just wondering what time your sister was going to arrive."

Stephen wrinkled his brow, trying to see the amusement in that. Shrugging, he replied, "Somewhere close to noon, I expect. Her flight arrives at half past eleven, but she still has to make her way from the airport to here. But I have to ask - why would you find that amusing?"

"Oh, I had a mental image of her finding us in a compromising position, so I wanted to make sure that we were ready for her arrival," Eloy chuckled. "As much as your sister would enjoy it, I think we can save that particular peep show for another time."

Stephen closed his eyes with a groan, a picture of that scene forming in his mind. No, his sister wouldn't be at all put out to walk in on the two of them like that. He could picture her expression in such a scene so well that he had to open his eyes again and look around to make sure it wasn't really happening. Eloy's chuckle deepened when he looked at the expression on Stephen's face.

"It's after nine now, so do we want to get up and get ourselves ready for the Queen's arrival?" He asked Stephen, who nodded ruefully. They got out of bed and started to get ready.

The tiny bathroom was too small for the two of them to take a shower, though Eloy looked at it with regret, he had to agree with Stephen's assessment. They were also running out of time to have much play time, and he determinedly put the thought out of his head as he stepped under the water spout. Stephen shaved while he showered, and handed him a towel when he was finished, hopping into the tub after he got out to take a shower of his own. Eloy got his razor out and shaved the stubble off his face, enjoying the sounds of Stephen splashing in the tub as he washed up. He enjoyed the comfortable way they had with one another, being helpful without saying a word. They didn't need to, really. It was that synergy together that showed how well suited they were to one another. The sound of the water stopping broke him out of his reverie and he pulled a towel off the rung to give to Stephen.

Stephen pulled back the curtain and accepted the towel from Eloy with a nod of thanks. He rubbed himself down before getting out of the tub, drying his feet off one at a time before following Eloy out into the bedroom area. They puttered about, getting dressed and cleaning up what mess was left from the night. There wasn't much, but Eloy kept on picking at things until Stephen wrapped his arms around him to still him.

"Relax, its only Michelle," he reassured him. Eloy laughed nervously and Stephen reached up a hand to cradle Eloy's cheek with his palm. "You'll both be fine. Nothing to worry about, really."

"Ja, I know. It's just that this is your sister, Stephen." Eloy couldn't articulate why he was so nervous to his lover. Perhaps it was because he knew that of all of Stephen's family, his relationship with his sister was the most important, and he so wanted to make a good impression with her for that reason.

"I know, hon. Don't think I wasn't just as nervous about meeting your sister and mother, because I was!" Stephen said with a laugh. "But it worked out in the end, and so will this. C'mon, sit down on the sofa with me and we'll watch some television to distract us." Eloy allowed Stephen to tug him over to sit down and turn on the television. They got caught up in a silly children's show and Stephen watched with approval as Eloy slowly relaxed, distracted by something to do. He kept a close eye on his own watch, marking the time until his sister arrived. When it was half past eleven, he took the time to ring down to room service for some sandwiches and drinks. With luck, it would get there before his sister did and they'd be able to break the ice a little with the food.

A short while later, their room service arrived, and Stephen accepted the tray at the door, bringing it into the room himself. He and Eloy had no sooner got everything settled when there was a knock on the door.

"Already?" Eloy asked, startled. Stephen chuckled, glancing at his watch. He moved to the door, looking back to where Eloy shifted nervously from one foot to another. He looked through the spy hole and saw his sister waiting impatiently on the other side of the door. Opening the door, he grinned at his sister, inviting her in.

"Well, it's about time!" She declared, breezing past him. She set her bag down in the middle of the room and stood for a moment, looking at Eloy. "Just the man I wanted to see. Come here, honey," she urged, opening her arms to him.

Stephen watched with bemusement as Eloy walked up to his sister and was wrapped in her embrace. They stood wrapped around one another for a few moments until Michelle pulled back and gave Eloy a kiss. "There! I've been thinking about nothing else for the last two weeks! Do you know the torture you've put me through over the last few months? Do you, now?"

Eloy shook his head mutely, overwhelmed by Michelle's assault. Stephen felt himself giggling at the expression on his lover's face as Michelle proceeded to complain about how they teased her with all these half stories about what they had been up to, with never enough details to satisfy her curiousity. Eloy looked pole axed and Stephen bubbled over with mirth at what was happening.

Finally, she began to wind down until she turned and looked at her brother. "Ah, don't think you're getting out of this, mister. Get over here this instant!" She demanded, tapping her foot impatiently. He obliged with a grin until she could wrap him in her embrace for a fierce hug and a kiss. "It's mainly your fault!"

"Mine?" He squeaked, breathless from the hug she just gave him. "How is anything my fault?"

"Because you have been squirreling this man away to yourself for far too long!" Michelle declared hotly, a sparkle in her eye as she got her brother back for all the times he had held back things from her. "I do believe I have been far more patient than someone has had to be, and you are now going to make it up to me!"

"Oh," was all that Stephen had time to say as she tugged him around to Eloy's side so she could see them together for the first time. As he stood next to him, Eloy automatically draped an arm around his shoulders, hugging him close. He looked up at Eloy to see his lover smiling down at him. For a moment, they both forgot that there was anyone else in the room until Michelle's satisfied sigh brought her to their attention again.

"Now that is what I came here to see," she said with a smile of satisfaction. Stephen blushed and she laughed out loud at him before walking over to the couple and giving them both a hug. "Thank you."

Eloy smiled down at Stephen's sister, "And all morning we were thinking that wouldn't be enough to satisfy you." He ignored Stephen's mutter to shut up and the poke in his arm.

Michelle laughed at his quip. "Ah, but I've only just got here, so we have plenty of time for more." She tweaked Stephen's nose as she passed them, moving over to the table. "Ah, I'm famished! Let's eat!"

"Watch it, you," Stephen warned Eloy as they followed his sister over to the table. Eloy moved off to retrieve the drinks from the fridge while Stephen gave his sister a hug from behind before sitting down at the table.

"It's so good to have you here," he said, taking his seat. They smiled at one another as Eloy took the remaining seat and sat down, placing the cans of pop on the table. "How was your flight?"

"Not too bad, if you disregard the man snoring next to me," she said lightly, looking through the selection of sandwiches that Stephen had ordered. Taking one, she put it on her plate, adding some crisps to the side as well. "It's not like it is that long of a flight," she explained, glancing at Eloy. "He was out like a light from the moment he sat down."

"I can't imagine how a man could do so, with such charming company," Eloy said chivalrously. Stephen snorted while Michelle gave Eloy a brilliant smile.

"I know, can you imagine," she asked lightly as she took a bite out of her sandwich. She stared pointedly at her brother as he tried to disguise his mirth. "Go ahead, Stephen, honey. If you know what's good for you, that is."

Stephen dutifully tried to keep from laughing and had a hard time doing so over the next couple of minutes. The others were busy eating, but he was finding the whole thing such a laugh that he missed the next bit of the conversation as Eloy and Michelle got to know one another better. As he tried to drag his thoughts back to the conversation, he realised that while Michelle was doing her best to ask all the questions about Eloy's family, he was asking enough on his own to keep her occupied during the meal. Stephen finished his sandwich and sat back to watch them together, not taking part in the conversation at all.

Michelle was so absorbed in her chat with Eloy that she hadn't noticed that Stephen was staying out of the conversation. She slanted a glance at her brother and saw him sitting quietly with his chin on his hand, watching the two of them together. Since he seemed content enough to sit on the sidelines, she decided to spice things up a little just for fun. Perhaps, she thought to herself, one of them might actually tell her something without meaning to.

"That was grand," she declared after finishing her lunch. "I couldn't eat another bite."

"No?" Eloy asked, taking the last sandwich, and putting it on his plate. "No dessert?"

"Oh, I figured you two could supply the afters," she said airily. She ignored her brother's muttered "not likely!" as she really turned the charm on Eloy. "After all, I heard you were quite delicious!"

Eloy paused for a minute, not quite sure he had gotten Michelle's meaning. He knew what he thought he had heard, but surely it must have just been an incorrect translation, as Michelle wouldn't imply what he thought she was implying. He looked at Stephen who was shaking his head and rolling his eyes, then looked back to Michelle who had an expectant look on her face.

He started to reply when Stephen interrupted him. "Ah, don't even think of it, Michelle. We're not providing any details that you'd want, so stop it right now before it goes any further."

She looked at him for a few moments before replying. "I don't know what you mean, Stephen."

"I'm sure you don't," he murmured softly, getting up and clearing off the table. He moved their plates back to the tray and came back with a carafe. "Coffee?"

"That would be lovely," Michelle said, ignoring the fact that Stephen was trying to turn the conversation. She reached out and touched Eloy's hand, which was resting on the table. "It's just that I've been waiting so long to meet you, Eloy, that now that you're here I want to know everything I can."

"Not everything," Stephen emphasized firmly as he sat back down. "I think some things are better left to one's imagination."

Eloy smiled as he looked at his lover. He couldn't tell whether Stephen was really upset by what Michelle had said or whether he was still joking. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, zusje."

"Oh?" Stephen asked, staring at Eloy. "And why not?"

"Is she's anything like Lucienne, her imagination would be far worse than the reality," he said soberly. Stephen stared at him for a few minutes as he let that sink in before he started chuckling.

"You know, you're probably right," he admitted, looking at his sister who was looking a bit put out at the turn in the conversation. "Lord knows what is going through that head of hers."

"And why you do assume that I'm thinking anything of the sort?" Michelle asked defensively. "You're the one turning my head in other directions with your comments." Stephen shook his head again as he poured the coffee, not believing her protestations for an instant.

"All right, what were you thinking then," he asked, moving the cream across the table to his sister. He waited for her to come up with an answer, noticing that Eloy was enjoying their interaction. He rolled his eyes at his lover before turning his attention back to his sister.

"At the moment, I'm wondering what Eloy sees in you, when you act the brat like this," she said tartly, annoyed with her brother. "I mean really. We were having a lovely conversation and you have to stop it."

"Because I know you, Shel. And you want to know the dirt that I didn't tell you, so you're going to try to wheedle it out of him," Stephen said with a grin, gesturing towards Eloy. Eloy automatically covered Stephen's hand with one of his own.

"Stephen, please. There's no harm in anything she wants to know, is there?" Eloy said softly, not sure if they were really having an argument or not, but not wanting to see it turn into one. He turned to look at Michelle. "I adore your brother. I think he's handsome, sexy and the best part is he doesn't know it." He heard Stephen sigh and laced his fingers through Stephen's hand to keep him where he was. "When we see one another, it's like there's an electric current between us. We could be in a crowded room and know the other was there instantly. And when we meet up at times like this, it is all you can do to get us out of the bedroom."

Michelle's eyes sparkled in response to Eloy's impassioned statement. "Go on."

"He's gentle, passionate, and when we make love, it's like I've never done it before. Everything is new. He makes me feel sexy and desirable." Eloy felt Stephen squirming in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the direction that the conversation had gone. He stood up, and still holding onto Stephen, walked behind him until he was standing looking down at his lover. Stephen looked up at him with a questioning expression on his face. Eloy smiled down at him and leaned down for a kiss. As their lips touched, Stephen forgot that his sister was sitting across from him and he reached his hands up to entwine them around Eloy's neck, holding him in place while they kissed. When Eloy moved back, Stephen's eyes had darkened with emotion, stirred to passion by their kiss. He gently cupped his hands around Stephen's face and turned Stephen's head back towards his sister. "This is what I see every time we are alone together." He leaned down to kiss Stephen on the neck. Stephen closed his eyes, lost in the sensations that Eloy was causing, heedless of his sister for the moment. Eloy then rested his cheek against Stephen's and looked at Michelle. "Can you blame me for wanting to keep him all to myself?"

Michelle sat watching in fascination, amazed that not only that Stephen would go along with Eloy on this, but that it looked like he hadn't had a choice from the moment Eloy touched him. She watched him rub his cheek against Eloy's, his hands holding Eloy's arms close to his body. When he opened his eyes again, he gave his sister a wry smile. "Well?"

"Well, it's a good start," Michelle said firmly. "Thank you, Eloy."

Eloy grinned before giving her brother a peck on the cheek and standing back up again. "Only a start?"

Stephen shook his head ruefully as he picked up his forgotten coffee cup and took a sip. "Ah, that one will only be happy when she's smack in the middle of the bed with us."

"Stephen!" Michelle laughingly protested.

"Mmm, you think?" Eloy asked as he sat back down at the table and drank from his cup of coffee. "I'm not sure this bed is big enough for that."

"Oh, don't encourage her," Stephen scolded, giving Eloy a mock glare. "She'll want to make the attempt anyway."

"What a bold face lie," Michelle declared, trying to regain some control over the conversation. She had a feeling if she let the two men continue, it would only get worse. "I would do no such thing!"

Stephen glanced over at her, considering her comment. "Ah, she's right. She wouldn't want to be in the middle. She'd rather sit off to the side and watch." He had to hide his mirth as his sister choked on her coffee in response to his comment.

"Well, that wouldn't be so bad, would it?" Eloy asked, playing along with Stephen's teasing. "After all, perhaps she could give some suggestions."

"Oh, I'm sure she could!" Stephen replied. "I'm not sure my ego could take it, though!" His shoulders started to shake with suppressed mirth as his sister continued to splutter in protest.

"You two are awful!" Michelle declared. "Horrible, just horrible!"

"Thank you," Stephen said with a grin. Michelle watched him look at Eloy and she saw them share a warm glance together. She could see how well they were with one another and that her brother was extremely happy at the moment. Gone were the wistful looks that she had seen on his face on occasion when he was watching another couple together. He had someone for himself now, and she could see the quiet confidence it gave him to belong to someone else. In truth, she was extremely happy for her brother. He had gone too long without someone to love and all the work in the world couldn't hold back the loneliness she knew he had felt the last few years. As the two men bantered back and forth, she sat back to watch them. Contrary to her brother's accusations, all she really wanted to see was Stephen happy. Eloy definitely was good for him, and that pleased her.

"I don't know about you, but I think my backside would appreciate a softer cushion," Michelle said as she got up and moved over to the sofa. Eloy grinned and picked up the carafe, following her across the room. Stephen sighed and cleaned up the table before moving to join them. Michelle sat at one end, leaving the rest to the two of them. When Stephen sat down next to Eloy, he was immediately wrapped in Eloy's arms. Sighing with contentment, he leaned back into Eloy's embrace and smiled at his sister.

"So, what now?" He asked, watching her refill her cup. He could feel Eloy breathing softly in his ear as they both waited for Michelle's response.

"What now?" Michelle asked, feeling like she was once again in control of the situation. "We chat."

Stephen looked over his shoulder at Eloy who grinned. "Isn't that what we've been doing since you got here?"

Michelle made a face at him. "Yes, and I'd like to do it some more. I can't have learned everything about Eloy just over lunch now, can I?" Stephen shook his head ruefully, knowing that she was going to keep on asking for details about everything. He sat back while Michelle continued to ask Eloy questions about everything she could think of. He had to give Eloy credit, for being so patient with answering all of her questions.

When he glanced back, he saw that Eloy was having as much fun as his sister. Mutely he shook his head. He knew that the two of them would get along like a house on fire, but they had hit it off faster than he had thought they would.

When they finally wound down, night had fallen, and Michelle expressed amazement over how much time had passed. "My word, we are a chatty bunch, aren't we?" She laughed.

"We?" Stephen asked pointedly, having been out of most of the conversation throughout the afternoon. He wasn't put out about it at all, just had been amused with how long his sister would go on before coming up for air.

"We," she affirmed, smiling at Eloy. "If you chose not to partake in the conversation, that isn't my fault." Stephen felt Eloy chuckle behind him as he shook his head.

"I knew I was going to regret this," Stephen said with a moan. Eloy laughed and Michelle got up, declaring she had to go to the loo and to not do anything she wouldn't do while she was gone.

"I'm sorry, E." Stephen apologised. "I didn't know she also worked as an interrogator!" Eloy continued to laugh, not at all put out.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Eloy said, turning Stephen around so that he was now sitting in his lap and they were facing one another. "I'm having fun."

"You consider answering a zillion questions fun?" Stephen asked in mock astonishment. "Next she'll be asking your pants size!"

"I can guess that," Michelle said tartly as she came out of the toilet. "Don't need to ask everything." Stephen dropped his head against Eloy's shoulder with a groan. He should have known she'd hear that. "Now for the important question."

"And what would that be," Stephen enquired, wondering how she had the energy to ask anything more.

"What are we going to do for supper?" She asked with a smile, knowing full well her brother was expecting another personal question again. "I don't know about you, but that sandwich barely made a dent, and it's well past time for supper."

"It is?" Stephen seemed startled that so much time had passed, though they had certainly be talking long enough.

"See," Eloy pointed out. "This proves you were wrong. She does think of other things than just about us having sex."

Stephen laughed at the look on his sister's face as she sat down again, probably for the first time that afternoon at a loss for words. "I suppose you're right, E. It does make a change, doesn't it?"

Eloy laughed as he winked at Michelle. "Well, if you want to change the topic to something else, now is the time," he told Stephen.

"Supper sounds good, though," Stephen admitted. With a sigh he detangled himself from Eloy and reached across the coffee table to where the room service menu was. He passed it along to his sister before being leaning back into Eloy's embrace. "See what looks good to you in there." While they waited for Michelle to pass along the menu, Eloy tilted Stephen's head back for a kiss. He brushed his lips against his lover's, enjoying the thrill of doing so in front of Stephen's sister. When he pulled back from the kiss, Stephen had his eyes closed with a smile. He tugged at Stephen until the younger man sat across his lap before initiating the next kiss. They shared a smile, both thinking back to the night they had been at Lenie's house and Stephen's comments that he wouldn't have been able to imagine snuggling with Eloy in front of his parents. Eloy's eyes glinted with amusement as he leaned down to give Stephen a lingering kiss. When they parted, Stephen dropped his head onto Eloy's shoulder, sighing with contentment.

Eloy glanced over to Michelle to see her watching with a smile on her face, the room service book forgotten in her hand. He winked at her and she quickly opened the menu before Stephen noticed she was watching them. She kept on sneaking glances up at the couple before finally deciding on something without really looking at the menu.

Eloy took the proffered menu and laid it across Stephen's lap so that they could both look at it at the same time. Quietly they looked over the possibilities before picking their choices. Eloy picked up the phone next to the sofa and let Stephen ring in the order for the three of them, adding a couple of bottles of wine to go along with their meal.

"Well, that's done," Stephen said, handing the phone to Eloy to put it back on the table. "So, enjoying yourself?" He asked his sister, knowing full well she had been watching them the entire time.

"Absolutely!" She declared, eyes sparkling. She wouldn't have missed this visit for the world. "I haven't had so much fun in ages."

"I'm sure," Stephen said wryly. Though he tried to shift out of Eloy's lap, strong arms around him prevented him from doing so. He wrinkled his nose at his lover, who kissed it, before admitting defeat and settling back down into Eloy's embrace.

"It's not often I get to have such a great view," Michelle commented, amused by Stephen's struggles. Not, she thought to herself, that he was trying very hard to get away at the moment. It was gratifying to see them together, and comfortable enough to be so open with her. She had a sneaking suspicion that hiding away in a hotel room was beginning to wear on the two of them, though she certainly understood their caution.

"So what now?" Stephen asked, allowing his sister to dictate their agenda.

"What now? We chat!" Michelle said with a laugh, enjoying Stephen's groan as she picked up her conversation with Eloy once again....

Next: Chapter 67

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