Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Aug 11, 2002



Here is chapter 57, the next chapter in an ongoing story about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and Eloy de Jong, formerly of Caught in the Act. I do hope you like this one, and please write and tell me what you think.

I have no contact with either of the gentlemen in question and such literature is the product of the author's imagination. That being stated, I also wish to say that there is explicit sex in this chapter. If you are not of an age to be reading this, please stop reading.



Stephen and Eloy burst into giggles as they closed the door to their room. They heard the laughter coming from the sitting room and grinned at each other as Stephen dropped back down to the floor. He had to cling to Eloy, unable to stand up on his own as he laughed.

"Oh, that was good," he said as he finally got his breath back. Eloy nodded as he moved to the bed and sat down, pulling Stephen onto his lap for a cuddle.

"Ja, it was. The looks on their faces were priceless," Eloy said, grinning as he remembered the looks he got as they left the room. "Though you know, they're going to give you a lot of trouble for that."

"It will be worth it, trust me!" Stephen said. He had his arm around Eloy's back and was stroking his neck as he smiled up at his lover. "Thank you for going along with that. It was fun."

"Who said I was going along with anything?" Eloy asked with a twinkle in his eyes. "The way you were going on there, I really thought you were going to go down on me if I didn't get you out of there."

"What?" Stephen exclaimed, swatting Eloy. "I maybe desperate, but I'm not that desperate!"

"Oh, hush," Eloy said, looking down at Stephen. His eyes focused on the other man's lips and he moved down for a kiss. As always, Stephen's kisses sent shivers down his spine and he allowed himself to indulge in the deep exploration of Stephen's mouth, which he had denied himself earlier in front of the other members of the band.

Stephen reveled in the kiss. The velvet touch of Eloy's tongue against his own brought an instant reaction within him. He reached up with his free hand and started unbuttoning Eloy's shirt. When they finally broke away for a moment they stared at each other, both well aware of what little time they had. His hand trembling, Stephen reached up and traced Eloy's lips, moving across his cheek as he stroked them down, feeling the heat of Eloy's skin. Without a word, he bent forward and started kissing Eloy's chest. A hiss was the only reaction until Stephen dropped his hand down and started massaging Eloy's crotch. The touch of Eloy's lips against the back of his neck caused him to break out with goose bumps in reaction.

Eloy's response was to slip a hand down the back of Stephen's jeans and stroke his butt cheek. This brought a low growl from Stephen in response and Eloy decided to take things to the next level. He leaned over and pulled Stephen with him back on the bed. Stephen shifted his weight so that he was lying on top of Eloy, still nibbling small bites onto the muscles on Eloy's chest. Eloy worked his free hand along Stephen's waistband, pulling his shirt out as he went. By the time he could slip his hand down the front of Stephen's jeans, Stephen had moved his way back up Eloy's chest to his neck, making aggressive bites along the older man's throat until he got to Eloy's ear, where he started whispering so softly that Eloy felt, rather than heard the words.

"Ah, don't stop darling. Touch me. Yeah, like that. Oh! Harder, honey. Do you feel what you're doing to me? Making me hard, wanting to be free, to be able to touch you the same way? Let me out, help me, honey." Stephen was rubbing himself against Eloy's hand while he popped the button to Eloy's jeans and worked his way inside. That elicited a gasp as a response and he smiled, his lips curving against the pale hair on Eloy's chest. He closed his eyes as he walked his fingers down Eloy's stomach, finally encircling his penis. Eloy gripped him harder as he reacted to Stephen's touch, while using his other hand to push Stephen's jeans down off his hips.

The cool air in the room felt good against his exposed flesh and Stephen shifted, helping Eloy push the clothing out of their way. He kicked the jeans off, urging Eloy to do the same by straddling him and tugging on the tight pants with his free hand. Eloy lifted himself off the bed as Stephen pulled the pants off his lover, his movements made awkward by his one handed attempt. Eloy grinned at his lack of willingness to let go of his prize and he made an effort to lift them both up and wiggle out of his jeans. They ended up rolling over on the bed until Eloy was on top of Stephen. They tried to keep the sound of their efforts to a minimum. It was still early and with the others in the room down the hall, they wanted to try and be discreet in what they were doing.

Stephen was aware of everything around him as they undressed each other, always keeping in touch with his lover as they disrobed. Their lips traveled over each other's skin as each piece of clothing revealed another enticing bit of flesh to the other. He bit his lip to stop an exclamation as Eloy's lips trailed their way down his body, alternately sucking and biting as he paused in various places. He let go of Eloy's penis with a whimper, allowing his lover to drift lower. The touch of Eloy's fingers stroking the inside of his thigh made him squirm with anticipation as he waited for Eloy's next move.

"What do you want, liefste?" Eloy asked, his lips brushing against Stephen's leg. He looked up, a small smile on his lips as he watched Stephen shiver in reaction. "Tell me, honing. Tell me what you want. Do you like this," he asked softly as he stroked his hand down Stephen's inner thigh, trailing his fingers down to the calf and back up again. The hair on Stephen's leg rose in response to the light touch and Eloy grinned. "What do you want?"

Stephen looked down at Eloy kneeling on the bed, leaning against his leg as he stroked it, a naughty grin on his face. He debated giving an answer, his thoughts wandering as he got distracted by what Eloy was doing to him.

"What do you want, lover? Tell me," Eloy urged, leaning down to lick the expanse of leg near his face. A quiver of the muscles gave him the answer and he started sucking the skin, leaving small hickeys as he moved. "Do you want this?"

"Yeah!" Stephen gasped.

"Ja?" Eloy paused. "Just this? Nothing else?"

"No..." Stephen dropped back onto the bed, wanting to just enjoy anything Eloy was willing to do to him. "Yes. Ah shite... no, I want..."

"What? What liefste? Tell me what you really want me to do," Eloy urged him. When Stephen failed to answer, he moved his lips over the hot skin, moving up the leg he was leaning on. Stephen sighed when he pushed against the other leg, spreading them apart. He knew exactly what his lover wanted, but wasn't prepared to give it to him yet. He pressed his nose against Stephen's crotch, rubbing it against Stephen's swelling testicles. He took a deep breath, inhaling Stephen's scent. It was driving him wild and he felt himself stir against the bedcovers in response.

"E?" Stephen said softly, getting Eloy's attention. "C'mere." He tugged at Eloy's hand, pulling him up to lie on top of him. The feel of Eloy's skin rasping against his own sent a shiver along his body in reaction. "Oh, darling, that feels so good."

"Ja, it does." Eloy said, reveling in the feel of his body against Stephen's. "But you're avoiding my question."

"No I'm not," Stephen protested with a slight smile. "I'm going to tell you what I want." He licked Eloy's lips with his tongue, teasing the other man. His fingers crawled between them and tweaked Eloy's nipple. He felt it raise up and press against his hand. Eloy groaned, reacting to his touch.

"What do you want?" Eloy asked, trying to focus his thoughts in the correct direction. Stephen started scratching his back and it served to distract Eloy from his focus.

"You know what I want, baby?" Stephen said, his voice low in Eloy's ear. His tone implied something enticing, and Eloy shook his head, trying to keep his thoughts on track. "Do you know?"

"No, tell me honing," Eloy said entreating Stephen. Stephen leaned forward his lips against Eloy's ear as he whispered his desire.

"I want to be inside you. I want to feel myself coming, shooting off, feeling you wrapped around me. I want to shag you, baby. Will you let me do that?" Stephen asked, dipping his tongue into Eloy's ear and tracing its curves. Eloy stifled a moan in reaction. Stephen's words caused him to pant with desire as he envisioned what Stephen was suggesting. Stephen smiled in satisfaction as he tilted his head down and bit Eloy's neck, leaving marks against the tanned skin.

"Ja, I want that. I want to feel you come inside me, liefste. Ah, ja, I do." Eloy groaned, almost coming himself at Stephen's suggestion. Stephen urged his lover up, moving so that Eloy was straddled over his hips. He reached down and stroked Eloy's penis, feeling the muscles respond to his movements. Eloy whimpered in reaction, lifting himself up so that Stephen's penis slid between his legs and against his anus. He held himself aloft feeling Stephen tease him. He rubbed himself against the tip of Stephen's erection, feeling wetness as Stephen reacted to his movements and released some pre-cum for lubrication. "Come on in, honing. Come inside. I'm ready, darling." He said softly, staring down and seeing the deep desire that mirrored his own.

"Let's go slow, honey." Stephen said, his hands around Eloy's waist as he held him up. "I want this to last." Eloy nodded in agreement and with Stephen's guidance, lowered himself down until he could feel Stephen start to push inside him. He paused, taking his weight on his knees, his hands stroking Stephen's chest as he held himself aloft. It was with exquisite slowness that he let his weight drop down until Stephen slid all the way inside him. Stephen gasped as he settled down before moving back up again with the same tiny movements. He stared into Stephen's eyes. They had left the light on and he felt satisfaction at seeing the expression change on Stephen's face as he slid out, and then back inside. Stephen's hands stroked the insides of his thighs, moving up to stroke his penis, then across the muscles of his stomach as he took control of their lovemaking. When Stephen tried to move his hips to speed things up, Eloy chided him, reminding him of his wish to go slow. Stephen grimaced in response, but stopped trying to move in counterpart to Eloy's movements.

A drop of sweat fell from Eloy's face to Stephen's chest, showing that despite the slowness of their movements, it was having an affect on both of them. Eloy leaned down and gave Stephen a deep kiss, thrusting his tongue inside Stephen's mouth.

The motion started to pull Stephen out and Stephen pushed his hips up in an effort to mirror from below what Eloy was doing above. They thrust back and forth in this manner, each aware of small details as they made love. Stephen loved the feeling of Eloy's hair brushing his face, and he ran his hands up Eloy's chest before dragging his nails back down, scratching aggressively.

They were lost in a world of their own making as they stroked one another, Stephen from within and Eloy from without when a sound out in the hall made them freeze. Eloy paused in his movements and listened intently, knowing Stephen's reticence about his band mates listening in. The murmur of low voices carried through the door and they heard Keith and Mikey talking softly as they made their way to their rooms. Stephen held a hand to Eloy's lips in a silent request. When the sounds receded, Eloy nibbled the fingers touching his mouth and let himself slide back down, relaxing once more.

"It's okay, kindje," he whispered softly into Stephen's ear as he leaned down once more. "They're gone now." Stephen nodded his acquiescence, but he was more restrained as they continued their movements, as if he was keeping some of his attention elsewhere. Eloy cajoled him back to their previous fever, gently stroking Stephen's skin. By this time, they were both slick with sweat from their efforts. Eloy was also feeling the strain of keeping their movements slow, but it felt so good to have Stephen sliding in and out of him that he ignored the quiver in his leg muscles. He shifted most of his weight onto his arms as he moved up and down. He was also surprised with the fact that Stephen hadn't come yet. Eloy looked down at his lover, looking at the half-closed eyes and the look of concentration on Stephen's face. He squeezed his sphincter muscles and felt Stephen jerk in response to the action. A small smile of satisfaction spread across Eloy's face and he deliberately started varying his movements.

Despite Stephen's caution, a whimper escaped his lips. The feeling of Eloy surrounding him was pure ecstasy for him and he reveled in their rhythmic movement together. His control began to waver and his noises grew louder until Eloy had to stifle them by covering Stephen's mouth with his own, contorting himself in the process. He poked the tip of his tongue in between Stephen's lips, stroking lightly and sped up the movement of his hips, wanting desperately to feel Stephen come inside him.

After a few more strokes, with Eloy squeezing tight as he pushed back down, Stephen let out a low gasp and came in a rush. Eloy felt the hot liquid spilling inside him and looked down into Stephen's eyes, watching his face intently. The spurts slowed down, and Stephen's hand on his penis served to make him ejaculate, his semen leaking out onto Stephen's chest as he came with a shudder.

He collapsed down on top of Stephen, gratefully stretching his legs out and ignoring the feeling of wetness between them as he was wrapped in Stephen's arms. Kisses moved across his face as he panted, spent for the moment. When he finally opened his eyes, it was to see Stephen's tired but satisfied gaze staring at him, Stephen's hands gently stroking the hair out of his way.

They said nothing to each other as they settled back down, their breathing sounding harsh in the quiet room. Eloy struggled up onto one elbow so he could lean down and kiss Stephen in thanks, feeling no words were needed between them.

Stephen felt sticky from their exertions, wanting to go wash off the sweat of their effort, but feeling no will to do so. Eloy stretched his arm off the bed and pulling up a discarded t-shirt, wiped the sweat off the both of them before collapsing back down onto his lover. They lay with tangled limbs entwined, hearing the distant noises of Stephen's friends in their rooms.

When Eloy lapsed into soft snores, Stephen smiled to himself, not surprised that he had drifted off so fast. Eloy tended to give his all when they made love, leaving no time for himself to recover, short of passing out afterwards. This time wasn't any different. Stephen didn't mind, since it then allowed him to stare at his lover as long as he wanted. He memorised the look on Eloy's face. When he was sleeping, he had this vulnerable look that Stephen found rather endearing.

As he carefully moved his head to get the kinks out of his neck, he rubbed his cheek against Eloy's hair, enjoying the feel of the silky strands against his face. Moving slowly, he wrapped his arms around his lover's chest and hugged him close. He couldn't think of a better moment than this one, and the fact that they were together again. There was no way he could go back to their separation. It had been too hard the first time to contemplate doing it again. He stifled a sigh, not wanting to wake Eloy. Eloy murmured something as he shifted his position and Stephen held his breath as he waited for him to settle back down. When he rolled off onto one side, Stephen let him go, smiling at the noises he made in his sleep. Idly, he scratched at an itch, still feeling sticky after their exertions. Though he was tired, he felt restless, but it wasn't anything he could pinpoint exactly. When he shifted again, Eloy grumbled in his sleep and Stephen knew he couldn't stay in the bed for very long without waking his lover.

Making a decision, he got out of the bed, nearly tripping on the discarded clothing on the floor. Luckily, he stopped himself from falling over and smashing into something, but it was a near thing. Stifling a curse, he kicked it to one side and moved over to a chair where he put on a pair of shorts. Moving carefully, he opened up the bedroom door and slipped out. He felt like he needed a shower after their lovemaking and he made his way down the hall until he got to the dim opening that signified the bathroom door. He made his way inside and closed the door over before turning on the light in case one of the lads had left his door open.

He squinted in the bright light, before turning it back off again. Raising the bathroom shade, enough light came in from the street so that he could get around. Gratefully, he started the water and after shucking his shorts, stepped inside the tub. The stream of hot water felt good against his skin and he sighed with pleasure. He stood motionless under the spray until the water started to turn cold before he finally decided it was time to get out. Shutting off the shower, he wrapped himself in a towel and stepped out of the tub, rubbing vigourously. Picking up his shorts, he made his way out into the hall. He was still feeling restless, so he made his way down the dimly lit hallway and out into the shared parlour to make himself a drink before heading back to bed.

As he entered the room that was lit from a single lamp above the bar, he saw he wasn't the only one unable to sleep. Shane was sitting on the sofa, his legs stretched out in front of him, a glass in his hand. Stephen missed a step as he entered, wondering if he should leave when Shane looked over his shoulder to see his friend hesitating in the doorway.

"Even'n," Shane drawled. "Can't sleep?" Stephen shook his head as he made his way into the room. He glanced down to make sure that the towel was secured around his waist as he made his way over to the bar. He felt the gaze of his friend resting on him as he leaned over and got a bottle of wine out of the fridge behind the bar. Fumbling around for the bottle opener, he dislodged the cork and poured himself a glass. Taking an appreciative sip, he shrugged.

"I was feeling a bit hot and thought if I kept on tossing and turning, I'd wake Eloy up. Seemed like a nice long shower would be a good way to relax." Stephen leaned against the bar and smiled at his friend. Shane nodded and took another pull from his glass, not saying anything. Stephen had left his shorts on the countertop and he pulled them on as he was behind the bar. Pulling the towel off, he rubbed his hair, drying it off some more before tossing it on the counter and taking his glass over to the high backed wing chair set to one side. He curled up on the chair and rested his head against the upholstery and sighed in appreciation as he took a sip of his wine.

"I take it you couldn't sleep either," he asked, and seeing Shane's nod, smiled sympathetically. They sat in companionable silence for a while, each lost in his own thoughts.

"Stephen, are you happy?" Shane asked in a soft voice as he turned his gaze to his friend. Stephen smiled at him, knowing how concerned his friends had been about what his reaction might be.

"Yeah, I am," he said, a small smile playing about his lips as he looked at his friend. "Shane, I can't even explain it. He's all I ever wanted --- he's gorgeous, he's funny. He likes the same things I do. We really fit well together. I... I can't explain it. But I've been sweet on him for a long time now. So yeah, being together with him again... I'm happy."

"If you're happy, what are you doing out here, and not in bed with him?" Shane arched a sardonic shaved eyebrow at his friend, who laughed ruefully, the colour rising on his cheeks.

"Ah, well, sometimes being with him like this is ... well, too intense, if you know what I mean." Stephen said, facing the question honestly. "When we've been apart for a long while, we tend to eat each other up. That kinda happened this weekend. I needed a few minutes to meself."

"Having second thoughts?" Shane asked, getting to the heart of the matter right away.

"No!" Stephen exclaimed, immediately on the defensive. "No, that's not what I meant at all. It's just that... ah, shite, how do I explain this? Well, sometimes I just need to pull back and think a bit, because when I'm with him, I don't think at all. I just react. You know?" Stephen looked at his friend who nodded his understanding. "God, I love him more than anything. I'd do anything for him, Shane. Anything. But sometimes I wonder if I'm good enough for him."

"Good enough?" Shane echoed his comment, a bit sceptically. "What makes you think you're not?"

"Ah, I don't know. He has so much going for him, sometimes I wonder why would he be interested in me?" Stephen said, voicing his own doubts for the first time to someone else. He felt shamed at having to mention his inadequacy, but felt comforted by the dim light hiding him in the corner of the room from his friend. If he couldn't say these things to Shane, there was no one else he could say it to. Shane knew much of his prior relationships, and despite his own distaste for a male/male relationship, had never judged Stephen on his own choices.

"Why wouldn't he?" Shane asked reasonably, playing devil's advocate to Stephen's internal demon. Stephen chewed reflectively on his lip as he seriously considered his friend's question.

"He could do better," he finally said, looking through his lashes at his friend, who snorted in derision. "Well, he could!"

"Steve, you don't give yourself enough credit. You have a lot to offer someone. Maybe Eloy has seen that, and that's what he wants. Have you thought of that?" Shane stared at his friend who shrugged uncomfortably. He leaned forward to emphasise the point he was making. "You know what, Stephen? Don't question it. Don't spend your time together looking over your shoulder. Because some day you might regret that you wasted it."

Stephen ducked down his head, avoiding his friend's comment. "I know you're right. I've said it to myself. But.. but sometimes I just can't help it. And when I think of us being together permanently..." Stephen paused as he considered that, and a big smile spread across his face.

"Obviously you like the idea," Shane said with a low chuckle, finally convinced from his friend's expression that he was indeed happy with his choice. At Stephen's nod, he shook his head. "Shite, Ro's right. You're bit bad, aren't ya?"

"Absolutely," Stephen said with a grin as he relaxed back into the cushions of his chair. Talking with Shane had certainly banished his restlessness, and as he sat back, he knew in his heart that he had crossed a barrier he hadn't known was there. "And I wouldn't want it any other way."

"So what are you doing out there talking to me then?" Shane asked with a grin that Stephen matched with one of his own.

"You know, I don't have the faintest idea," Stephen said with a laugh that turned into a yawn. "I think I'm going to go back to bed." He got up and stretched, then grabbed the towel and tossed it over one shoulder. "You going to bed anytime soon?"

"Yeah, I think I am." Shane said as he stood up and walked with Stephen back down the hallway. Stephen put the towel over the shower rail and then made his way down the dim hallway. At his door, he grasped Shane's arm in thanks before opening his bedroom door and going inside.

Eloy was still out like a light and Stephen had to grin as he turned out the light and made his way over to the side of the bed. He pulled off his shorts and had to work his way carefully onto the bed, as Eloy had rolled over and spread out across it. He wiggled onto the edge and tried to nudge Eloy without waking him. It worked, because Eloy moved with a mutter before reaching out for him and wrapping his arms around Stephen's chest. Eloy buried his face against it and sighed. Stephen used his movement to get more securely onto the bed and made himself comfortable. He leaned back against the pillow and relaxed with a small sigh.

His earlier restlessness banished, Stephen stroked Eloy's hair back from his face. He loved the feel of Eloy's hair, the scent of his shampoo still lingering in the strands. He let his hand drift down to stroke the skin of Eloy's back. Eloy felt warm and he smiled as he let his hand trail across the older man's back. What he had said to Shane was true. He really didn't want it any other way than being together with his lover. He knew that they still had a lot of things to work out, but he was determined that they were going to make time for each other. And he was going to make sure that the others were agreed before he did this, but he knew already that they were going to encourage him in having a relationship, or they wouldn't have brought them back together in the first place. But there was so much at stake that they had to think it through clearly before they moved forward.

He found it funny that all the fear that Louis had instilled in him had been banished by his friends' support. Somehow, they would work it out. He was filled with an enormous sense of well being, as it nothing could stop them from being together. He forced himself to think of the alternatives that could happen, but the serenity didn't leave him, even as he thought about the worst possible scenario of it all coming out into the open. While he hoped that it wouldn't come to that, he was prepared to see it all through, no matter what the outcome.

Stephen smiled into the dark as he listened to the little noises that Eloy made as he slept. He was finally getting sleepy, so he allowed himself to drift off, comforted by the sound of his lover sleeping.


He was awoken the next morning by Eloy's kisses. With his eyes still closed, he smiled slightly, letting Eloy continue his assault without any sign of showing that he was awake.

Eloy had been awake for some time, content with just lying on the bed next to Stephen. He had propped himself on one arm and just lay quietly, visually drinking his fill. Stephen always seemed so vulnerable when he slept, and his little boy lost look always succeeded in making Eloy's protective instincts come to the fore. He knew well that Stephen had his faults. He could claim the same. But even though he had seen Stephen's less than stellar side - he had a mean temper when he let fly, and could swear like a dockhand when he had a mind to do so - still Eloy felt like Stephen needed protecting. He smiled wryly as he thought about how it would be impossible to accomplish that task, and that for the most part, Stephen did well enough on his own. But he couldn't help but feel the way he did.

As the sun started to shine through the drawn shades and the others could be heard moving around the suite, Eloy decided it was time for Stephen to wake up. He grinned mischievously as he moved down to Stephen's exposed thigh and started kissing it, stroking it appreciatively with his hand as he made his way up to Stephen's hip. He traced the hipbone to Stephen's stomach, which twitched in response to his lips brushing across the skin. He paused to nuzzle his way up the younger man's ribcage, letting his fingers trail after his roving lips as he got to the chest.

He couldn't resist the nipple in front of him, teasing it to wakefulness by sucking it into his mouth. Stephen sighed in response, a smile creeping across his face as he dreamt. Eloy propped himself on his arms so he could reach to the other side to give the other one the same kind of treatment. Stephen shifted beneath him, murmuring something intelligible. Encouraged by Stephen's actions, he carefully straddled Stephen's narrow waist, being careful to take all of his weight on his knees and hands as he leaned down and kissed the delectable lips in front of him. Stephen's lips parted, and he deepened the kiss by dipping the tip of his tongue inside Stephen's mouth, before tracing his lips. He lowered his hips so that he could stroke himself against Stephen's body, leaving enough space between them so that their bodies were barely touching.

Stephen couldn't pretend to be asleep any longer, since Eloy's actions were obviously having a desired response. Stephen reached up with his arms and circled Eloy's neck before pulling him down for another kiss.

"Mmmm," he murmured, smiling against Eloy's lips as he opened his eyes. "What a way to wake up."

"You like?" Eloy asked, his liquid brown eyes glinting warmly in the morning light. At Stephen's languorous nod, Eloy chuckled as he slid his body against Stephen. Stephen closed his eyes and sighed, obviously enjoying his attentions. When he moved away, Stephen pouted. "Patience, liefste." Eloy moved over to where he could reach his travel bag and rummaged for something will still running his hand over Stephen's chest. He grunted in satisfaction as he came up with this prize, which was a bottle of liquid.

"What's this, flavoured massage oil?" Stephen asked softly, looking curiously at the bottle in Eloy's hands. Eloy shook his head as he settled himself down on top of Stephen, rubbing himself against Stephen's morning erection.

"No, not exactly. But something you'll enjoy, honing." Eloy promised as he opened the bottle and poured some of the liquid onto his palm. A mixture of cinnamon and cloves wafted in the air in response to his actions, and he rubbed his hands together before tracing the tip of one finger across Stephen's lips.

Stephen chased the finger with his tongue, appreciative of the taste as well as the smell. The smell of the cloves reminded him of Eloy's kitchen, with all the spices in the rack on the countertop. He vividly remembered leaning on the counter and watching Eloy cook. A smile slid across his face at the memory and he reached up with one hand to stroke the line of Eloy's jaw. Eloy returned the smile as he stroked the lotion down Stephen's neck, pausing to rub the scent into Stephen's pectoral muscles as he made his way down across the chest. He massaged the muscles there, pausing to tweak the nipples under his hands before he shifted his hips down onto Stephen's thighs, allowing his hands to move down across the younger man's stomach. He teased the pattern of hair which followed the chest down to groin in a line, standing them up before brushing down them again in another stroke. When he reached the hips, he paused to replenish his lotion, following the pattern of the hipbones on either side until he got to the upper thigh. Deliberately making his way around Stephen's erect penis without touching it. Stephen gave him an indefinable look, his blue eyes having gotten darker with desire.

"Shhhhh," Eloy said softly, stilling him with a look. "Just enjoy this."

"Oh, I am," Stephen breathed, his voice just as quiet. "This is grand." He closed his eyes and willed away thoughts of Eloy making love to him. Obviously his lover had other ideas this morning. He focused on the scent of the spices emanating from his body and Eloy's touch, which was quite soothing as he massaged his muscles. Eloy worked his way down Stephen's legs, working the lotion in, and finally reaching his feet. Eloy sat cross-legged on the end of the bed with one foot in his lap and worked the lotion into the cushion of Stephen's foot. His efforts elicited a soft sigh as Stephen melted into the mattress, completely caught up in his relaxing massage. Without saying a word, he switched his attentions to the other foot before working his way up the other leg. Stephen had a blissful expression on his face as Eloy finished. Eloy lay down beside him and propped his head up with an arm as he watched Stephen drift for a few moments.

Finally, he leaned over and kissed the smiling lips in front of him. Stephen lazily stretched his arms up to encircle Eloy's neck and he pulled him so that he was lying on top.

"That was lovely, darling." Stephen whispered in his ear. "I can barely move now." He kissed the ear he was whispering into. "Can I return the favour?"

"You don't have to, honing. I did it because I knew you'd like it." Eloy said with a smile. He turned his head so he could give Stephen a kiss. "I did it because I wanted to. So just relax and enjoy being pampered, ja?"

"I will if you stay exactly where you are," Stephen promised with a low laugh. He hugged Eloy close and let out a satisfied sigh as Eloy nodded and rested his head on Stephen's shoulder. "It just doesn't get any better than this."

Eloy nodded in response, quite happy to stay where he was for the moment. This would be their last day together as they both had flights out that evening. For Stephen, he had a television engagement with the rest of his group while Eloy had to get back to his own work. Eloy didn't want to think of their parting when they still had the day to spend together. He closed his eyes, smiling as he felt Stephen drawing patterns across his back. Under his cheek he could hear Stephen's heart beating and he focused on the sound, bringing his breathing into a rhythm with Stephen's. They drifted that way for a long time together before a muffled laugh out in the parlour brought them back to the fact that they weren't alone.

Stephen let out a heartfelt sigh as he was brought back to the present. "Guess we should get up, yeah?" Eloy nodded reluctantly and he propped himself up on his elbow to look down at his lover. "What do you say we sneak out and get a shower together while the others are busy?"

A slow grin crossed Eloy's face at Stephen's suggestion. They always enjoyed showering together and the idea of misbehaving with the thought of being caught by Stephen's friends had a lot of potential for being fun. He nodded and rolled off to the side of the bed, letting Stephen sit up. Each of them grabbed a pair of shorts and made their way towards the door. Once there, Stephen opened it a crack and peered out before looking over his shoulder at Eloy. He gave a wink and a jerk of his head to indicate the coast was clear.

Opening the door wider, he slipped through and moved across the hall to the bathroom door. Slipping inside, he motioned for Eloy to follow him and waited for Eloy to cross the hall. He closed the door behind the older man and locked it.

The bathroom wasn't very large, but they made due, moving quietly so as not to be heard. Stephen started the water in the shower before reaching for his overnight kit and setting it on the edge of the sink. He gestured, and Eloy climbed into the tub, and then held out a hand for Stephen to join him. Stephen took the proffered hand and climbed in behind him. He lifted his face to the warm spray and stretched, enjoying the feel of the pulsating water against his skin.

Eloy enjoyed the vision he presented before ducking his own head under the spray, stealing the water away from Stephen, who pouted. He reached for the soap and lathered it up before placing his hands on either side of Stephen's face. He leaned down for a kiss before moving his hands in circles with the soap. Stephen had taken the soap from him and worked up his own suds. He reciprocated by rubbing his hands against Eloy's chest and abdomen while Eloy worked his hands over Stephen's back. Eloy laughed and pulled Stephen up against him before leaning down for a kiss. Quietly they slid their bodies against one another before Eloy knelt down to lather up the rest of Stephen's body.

It was a tight fit in the tub, but they managed. Eloy pulled Stephen forward to rinse off while Stephen poured some shampoo on Eloy's head and started working his hands through his hair. He closed his eyes as he worked, enjoying the tactile sensation of the strands running through his fingers. He felt Eloy touch his penis and the next thing he knew, he was being incased in Eloy's velvet mouth. Immediately he reacted to the sensation by growing hard.

Eloy responded by grabbing Stephen's buttocks and holding him in place while he sucked on Stephen's now hard erection. He closed his eyes as the shampoo started to drip down and leaned forward to let the water rinse him off before he continued sucking on Stephen's penis.

Stephen had to put one hand against the wall to steady himself as he felt his knees turn weak in reaction to what Eloy was doing. It wasn't long before Eloy's actions had the desired reaction and he ejaculated. He held back a cry, not wanting the small room to amplify sound back to his friends. When he came back down to earth and opened his eyes, it was to see Eloy's eyes glinting at him from below. He stroked the hair back off of Eloy's face and smiled down at him. Eloy responded by kissing his way up Stephen's stomach and chest as he got up before he wrapped his arms around his lover and kissed him.

"My turn, I think." Eloy said as he smiled down at his lover. Stephen arched a brow, curious as to what Eloy wanted. Eloy suited his words by dropping his hands down to Stephen's waist and lifting him off his feet. Stephen put his arms around Eloy's neck and helped him by wrapping his legs around the taller man as he was lifted up. Eloy's erection rubbed against one thigh and he wiggled against it, enticing further action from Eloy.

The hopeful look on his face brought a laugh from Eloy, who muffled it against his lover's shoulder. "You just can't get enough, can you?" Eloy asked, looking up at his lover. Stephen grinned and shook his head, water scattering with his action. Eloy leaned his shoulder against the shower wall to brace them both and let Stephen slide down around him. Quietly, they made love in the shower, gently stroking one another and kissing in time with their movements. Stephen muffled Eloy's cry with his mouth, and he closed his eyes as the water from the showerhead rained down upon them. He felt Eloy shuddering and he used his hands to soothe his lover's reaction. Eloy had bitten his shoulder at some point when he had ejaculated, and between that and the position he was in wedged against the wall as Eloy strove to hold them both up, he knew he was going to be aching later on.

None of that mattered to him as he shielded Eloy's face from the water. When Eloy opened his eyes, they shared an intimate moment together before Eloy shifted and let Stephen slide down off his body. He steadied Stephen as the younger man slid as his feet reached the floor. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just stiff," Stephen whispered with a wry grin. He turned the heat up on the water and they let the steam waft around them as they settled down from the aftermath of their lovemaking. Eloy lightly caressed Stephen's back as they silently finished their shower. They used the towels to dry each other off after stepping out of the tub and made their way back to their room. They could hear the others talking and knew they'd have to make an appearance soon, but Stephen was reluctant to lose the little time he had left with his lover.

Once in the room, he took his time dressing, occasionally slanting a glance towards Eloy who was also doing the same. When they were done, Eloy opened his arms for a hug and Stephen stepped into his embrace, hugging his lover tightly about the waist. They stood there for a few moments, neither saying a word. Stephen sighed, knowing they really couldn't delay any longer.

"You ready for some breakfast?" He asked, his cheek still pressed up against Eloy's chest. Eloy was resting his chin on top of Stephen's head and nodded without saying a word. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" Stephen pulled back and smiled up at Eloy before holding his hand out for Eloy to take. Eloy took it without a word and allowed Stephen to tug him out of the room.

Next: Chapter 58

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