Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Dec 27, 2000



The following story is the fifth installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group. That being said, please read on...

Stephen listened to Eloy's quiet breathing as he lay, content for the moment. It had been an incredible afternoon so far. When he woke this morning, he never would have thought that they'd end up making love.

He smiled as he lazily drew circles on Eloy's chest. He felt Eloy's hand stroking his back and knew he was awake.

"Why, hello there," he said softly, looking up into Eloy's brown eyes. "Didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't," Eloy said and he stretched, then wrapped his legs around Stephen. "Just felt like cuddling." He reached up to run his fingers through Stephen's hair, finally coming to rest on the back of Stephen's neck where his fingers stroked the short ends enticingly. Stephen shivered in response and growled suggestively, making Eloy chuckle.

"Cuddling works. I like this," Stephen said with a contented sigh and rested his chin against Eloy's shoulder. "E?" Stephen asked softly.

"Ja?" Eloy rubbed his cheek against Stephen's head, his fingers still stroking his neck. He let his thoughts wander and drift about, not really focusing on any one thing.

"Any regrets?" Stephen asked, half afraid of what the response might be.

"What? No! Never, Steve!" Eloy exclaimed and pulled Stephen on top of him. "Look at me," he urged putting both hands on either side of Stephen's face and staring into those incredible blue eyes. "What happened today was incredible. It was a sharing of something neither of us were expecting, but I'm so glad we did. Where this will go, I have no idea. I will admit that I'm a bit mixed up right now. But I will never, EVER regret what happened. Please tell me you're not having second thoughts about this." Eloy stared worriedly into Stephen's eyes.

Stephen stared down at Eloy for a moment before giving him a kiss. "No, I'm not. Not at all. Don't regret one moment. And Eloy, you're my friend. No strings attached on this. We're just two people enjoying some time with each other. It doesn't have to be any more than that." Stephen felt instinctively that the last thing he should do is pressure Eloy into something more right now. This afternoon had thrown them a curve that they hadn't been expecting. And emotionally, things were still too raw for Eloy to just jump into a new relationship. Stephen was content to wait and see where things would go. As he pulled back from another kiss, he saw that some shadow that had been lingering in Eloy's eyes had left, and it made him happy to see the sign of worry go away.

Eloy gave him a tight hug and held him close for a moment before whispering in his ear. "Feel like enjoying some more time together?" Stephen shivered as Eloy's breath tickled the hair on his neck. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, taking in Eloy's musky scent.

"Yeah, I do," he whispered back, and licked Eloy's ear. "Except for one thing....."

Eloy let him go and pulled back. "What's the one thing?" He looked puzzled, trying to figure out where Stephen was going with this.

"I gotta go to the loo," Stephen said apologetically. Eloy dropped his head back on the bed and roared with laughter.

"Go! Get on with you then! The last thing I want is that kind of a mess on the bed!" Stephen pouted and mock punched Eloy as he laughed and got up.

"Well, I had to say something! As much as I love this, I do need to go. But don't go away, all right?" Stephen scooted off into the bathroom for a bit. While he waited, Eloy crossed his arms underneath his head and listened to Stephen puttering around in the bathroom. He had a lot to think about, but he wasn't going to do any of it now. Tomorrow would come soon enough, and then they could talk things out. But for tonight, he'd rather they not talk about it at all. Perhaps it was a bit selfish, but there was a yearning inside him that told him to just do it, enjoy it and think about it all later. For once, he was following that feeling.

Stephen stepped out of the bathroom and padded over to the bed. Eloy watched him walk with that bouncing step of his, like he was walking on the balls of his feet. Tracing his eyes over Stephen's body he felt himself getting aroused. There was something there all right. He opened his arms in invitation. Stephen crawled back onto the bed and pulled the comforter up around them.

"Getting hungry," he asked as he looked at the clock on the nightstand.

"Mmmmmm," Stephen replied. "I'm getting there, but not motivated enough to get out and get something. Can we be decadent and bring something in?" He gave Eloy a pleading look. Eloy's heart melted at that point and knew that they had just passed a threshold that neither one had been aware existed.

"Oh by all means, lets be decadent," he said softly, rubbing his thumb against Stephen's lips. "What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know," Stephen replied. "Anything, actually. I'm not picky."

"Anything?" Eloy's face lit up with a wicked grin. "I get to pick?"

"Sure, why not? I can't read the menu, anyhow!" Stephen laughed. "Just nothing so exotic that I have to stare back at it is all I ask!"

"Awww, and some of those can be so fun to play with," Eloy teased.

"Ah, I'll take care of it. Not to worry." He snaked his arm around Stephen and pulled the phone off the night table and onto Stephen's chest. He then dialed the room service number and waited for someone to pick up.

"Bonsoir," he said into the phone as someone picked up the other end. Stephen closed his eyes, listening to the melodic sound of Eloy speaking French. It made him shiver, just to hear it. "Je voudrais à sommer dîner, si'l tout plais." Eloy put in a request for whatever he had in mind to order and hung up the phone. "There," he said, wrapping his free arm around Stephen over the comforter. "That shouldn't take too long."

"Shouldn't we get ourselves decent, then?" Stephen asked, worried at what they were going to do when room service knocked on the door. Eloy didn't seem to be motivated at all in terms of getting up or dressed.

"No, its okay. I'll deal with it," Eloy said, keeping his arm tight enough around Stephen to prevent the younger man from getting up. Stephen gave him a questioning look, but didn't ask anymore. A short time later when there came a knock on the door, Eloy tucked Stephen in and grabbed one of the towels to wrap around his waist. He then went to the door and talked with the waiter in the doorway. After a few minutes he brought a tray in. Dragging the coffee table closer to the bed, he set the tray down.

Stephen could see a couple of bottles of wine and some baskets and dishes that were covered. "So, what do we have here?"

"Patience, m'boy," Eloy said with a chuckle. "Just sit tight for a moment." He moved things around on the tray, and Stephen lay back down again. He could smell something delicious and his mouth watered. "Okay, close your eyes."

"Why do I have to close my eyes?" Stephen protested, not sure what was going on.

"Hush, and do what I say," Eloy said. With a sigh, Stephen obeyed him and waited. He could hear Eloy opening the bottle of wine and pouring out some in glasses. There was something rather intriguing about listening to these sounds with his eyes closed. He became hyperaware of every small movement to the side of the bed as he tried to identify what was going on. The bed sagged as Eloy sat down on the edge. "Keep them shut!"

"They are! What now?" Stephen asked, curious as to what Eloy had planned. A moment later he found out, when a finger traced his lips and he felt a bit of wine dribble in between his lips. Smiling, he obligingly sucked on the fingers, licking the wine off of each one. That was followed by a piece of cheese, which he delicately nibbled off the fingers, kissing each tip as he went. A piece of fruit was traced down his nose to his mouth and he grinned before accepting the next morsel. Slowly, Eloy fed him bits and pieces from the baskets on the tray, giving him an array of tasty treats. He reached up and gently began stroking the back of Eloy's arm as he leaned over Stephen with the bits of food.

"Hey?" He asked softly when there was a pause as Eloy reached for something on the other end of the tray. "Can I play?"

A low throaty chuckle came as a response. He took that for a yes and opened his eyes, looking up. Eloy was leaning on one arm that was on the other side of Stephen smiling down. Stephen reached up and stroked one cheek, then ran his fingers down the front of Eloy's chest before walking them across his thigh over to the tray near the bed. Grabbing the first thing that came to hand, he dragged the piece of strawberry back along Eloy's body. Sitting up, he pushed Eloy back slightly and leaned down to lick the trail he had left behind. Eloy watched in bemusement as Stephen caught swiftly onto the idea and they took turns feeding each other from the tray. Stephen started painting the wine on Eloy and licking it off, grinning as he went.

Eventually there was only one dish that was left covered. Stephen cocked his head at Eloy, curious. The older man had deliberately pushed that dish off to one side, and Stephen had followed his lead, content to play. Eloy smiled, his eyes half-closed. By this point, they were sprawled together on the bed where they had been enticing each other with the food and drink. Stephen made an inquiring noise as Eloy reached for the dish and pulled it to the front of the tray. With a flourish, he lifted the cover.

Stephen stared in astonishment. "Good God, you're not serious, are you?" He asked.

"And why wouldn't I be?" Eloy asked, trying not to laugh at Stephen's reaction.

"How hot is that?" Stephen asked in morbid curiosity.

"Well, hot enough. Why, what are you thinking, Stephen?" Eloy asked innocently as he reached past the fondue pot to pull up another dish of strawberries from the floor. "We have all the fixings for dessert right here." He started laughing as Stephen spluttered. He had deliberately left this for last, hoping for just this reaction. It released some of the tension they were feeling and they settled into a companionable silence as they dipped the strawberries into the chocolate and ate them.

Next: Chapter 6

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