Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Dec 18, 2000



The following story is the fourth installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group. I also apologise in advance for taking liberties with foreign languages. Any grammatical mistakes are purely the part of this author. That being said, please read on...

Stephen woke to the sound of rain hitting the deck outside the hotel room. There was gray light coming through a slight opening in the drapes and he blinked, trying to orient where he was. He traveled so much that one hotel looked just like the next, eventually. He stretched the sleep out of his muscles, reaching up to the headboard and grabbing it in the stretch. Then he rolled over to see a pair of brown eyes watching him.

Eloy was already awake and watching him from the other bed. "Good morning," Eloy said with a lazy smile. He had been watching Stephen sleeping for some time and was amused at the way he woke up. In some ways, Stephen was like a cat --- opening one eye cautiously and stretching each limb as he woke.

"Good morning yourself," Stephen said smiling back at his friend.

"Sounds like our nice weather is gone." Eloy lay in the bed with his head propped up on one hand. The covers had slipped off his body and Stephen realized he wasn't wearing anything. A bit uncomfortable at the thought, he looked away. Better not think in that direction if he could help it. Eloy had grown up in a part of Europe where they were a bit more uninhibited than the people back in Ireland were. Stephen himself was way too body shy to run around naked, no matter who he was with. There was a time when he wouldn't even take his shirt off in front of people and the lads had the dickens of a time trying to get him to do it for the odd photo shoot where the photographer wanted them to do so. He resolutely pushed the thought away. He was trying to be more positive about things in general, and himself specifically. There was a backup singer with whom he had had a lot of conversations with on this tour about self-image and a lot of what Bryan had said made sense. It was just a matter of implementing it. And the starting point was in his own head.

"Ja," Eloy said, getting up and walking to the window. Stephen grinned, and shook his head ruefully. If he mentioned being uncomfortable around Eloy when he was nude, he was sure it would end up being discussed. And he'd rather not at this point, thanks, he thought to himself. Eloy cracked open the drapes a little more and peered out at the morning sky. "It certainly looks like its here to stay, too. But I'm sure there's a lot inside that we can do. But first, I need a shower. Then we can think about getting some breakfast." He closed the drape over and Stephen was thankful for the renewed darkness. "Now, which would you rather --- eat in or out this morning?"

Stephen tilted his head to one side while he considered the question. "Hmmm, how about out? I hate to put people through that kind of trouble, Besides, isn't there a great place that does a breakfast bar around here? I was here once before, but that was doing a promotional thing for Polydor and we barely had time to come in, pose for some pictures and leave. I was quite gutted about it at the time, too. So close, and yet so far." Eloy nodded sympathetically as he rummage through the drawer for his clothes for the day.

"I hate when the schedule does that. If you're going to travel that kind of distance to do something, you might as well be able to enjoy it, too. Let me go take my shower, then you can pop in and we'll look for this place. There's a directory on the bureau here." Eloy reached on top and grabbed the book. Tossing it on the bed, he walked into the bathroom. Stephen couldn't help it, he had to watch. Eloy had a gorgeous body, and obviously he wasn't afraid to show it. Ah, if only I looked like that, he thought. I'd be waltzing around like that too! He started to laugh at the thought, but thankfully Eloy couldn't hear it because he had already started the water running. With a shake of his head, Stephen picked up the directory and started flipping through it. By the time Eloy came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, Stephen was engrossed in the guide. Eloy came and sat on the edge of Stephen's bed and leaned over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. It was a history of how the park was built and the stages of construction. Stephen looked up as he felt the bed move and smiled.

"Hey, this is interesting! There's all sorts of facts in there.

Along with the name of that restaurant that has the good breakfast. But look, you're way ahead of me here. Let me get me shower so we can stop wasting time." He patted Eloy's knee and used it for leverage to get up off the bed and head towards the bathroom. He stopped himself partway and got his clothes, then walked back into the bathroom. "Whoops! Almost forgot my stuff. I'll be out in a sec."

"No problem, no rush. We don't have any appointments to keep.

If we just laze around today, that's fine with me too." Eloy said, flipping through the guide to see what else was in there.

Stephen quickly finished his shower and got dressed. Then he shaved, since he hadn't bothered the day before and did his daily routine of moisturizing his face. He tried fussing with his hair, but wasn't happy with the way it looked. That happened a lot. He shook his head and when he came out of the bathroom, rummaged through his bag for another baseball hat. Finding one, he put it on his head, grabbed his socks from the top of the bureau where he left them and sat down to put them and his sneakers on.

Eloy was already dressed at this point, for which Stephen was grateful. He didn't need any more temptation if he could help it.

"All set?" Stephen asked, standing again. Eloy nodded and grabbed the keys from the desk and shoved them in his pocket.

"Well, I looked at the map and we can get to that restaurant without getting too wet," Eloy said, grabbing his own baseball cap and putting it on his head. He opened the door and let Stephen out first, the closed the door behind them.

"I don't mind too much about getting wet. I love the rain, actually, if it's not pouring buckets." Stephen said, walking down the stairs and leading the way down the street.

"Fine with me, and its more direct that way if we cut across," Eloy said, pointing to the building in question. They strolled along, looking in windows as they went, and finally arrived at the restaurant. They were quickly seated and had their breakfast. During the meal they planned out the rest of the day, and once they were finished headed off to the other side of the park, walking past the abandoned rides to the behind the scenes studio tours.

The rest of the day flew by and as they headed back to their hotel once again with all sorts of stuff that they had purchased, it began to rain harder. Running and laughing on the way back, they helped each other from dropping the bags as they made their wait from one bit of shelter to another, trying to keep them as dry as possible. They succeeded with the bags, but in the process they both got thoroughly soaked.

Once they got back inside the hotel room, they collapsed on the couch together and had a good laugh, making fun of how each other looked running for each shelter. Soon they were gasping for air, not able to laugh any longer.

"Oh, that was great fun!" Stephen exclaimed once he had gotten his breath back. He tried to kick off his sneakers but they were too wet to obey him so he had to reach down and work at the knots to get them loose enough to take off. "Ugh, I'm soaked!"

"Ja, you're not the only one my friend." Eloy said with a grin, trying to wring his hat out but not really getting anywhere with it. "Let me get us some towels or we're going to make this couch moldy."

With a laugh he got up and squelched his way across the room to the bathroom. He kicked off his sneakers and they landed near the bed with soft mushy sounds. He grimaced and came back out with two large towels.

Dropping one down on the floor next to him, he wrapped the other around Stephen's head and rubbed vigorously.

"Hey! I can't see in here!" Stephen protested. "God, I feel like a puppy getting a rubdown right now."

"Well, you are a puppy, Stephen. You're what --- 3 years younger than me? That makes you puppy material." Eloy said moving the towel down Stephen's back and soaking up the excess water in the shirt. "There. You should be a bit more drier now."

Stephen barked convincingly and started making a panting sound. Then he leaned over, grabbed the other towel and started to snap it at Eloy.

Eloy danced out of the way, avoiding Stephen. That caused a chase around the room where they jumped over beds and around the table, along with the other obstacles of their purchases. Stephen finally caught up when Eloy tried one too many leaps over his bed and ended up falling across the bed. The younger man hadn't planned on catching him, and ended up sprawling on top of him.

"You're evil," Stephen said, panting and rolling off Eloy to lie next to him on the bed.

"No I'm not!" Eloy said in between gasps of air.

"You are. Making me chase you all over the room like that! Its indecent!"

"How so?" Eloy asked, turning on his side and looking at Stephen, who was finally getting his breath back.

"Too many to mention! I wouldn't know where to start!" Stephen exclaimed, turning to look at Eloy. They smiled companionably at each other. Without thinking, Stephen leaned forward and gave Eloy a kiss. What was just intended at a quick peck changed to something altogether different as Eloy reached a hand up and held Stephen in place against his lips. Stephen was both surprised with himself, and with Eloy's reaction, but he didn't fight the fingers stroking through his wet hair as they continued the kiss.

With a small sigh, he pulled back gently and looked in Eloy's eyes. They stared at each other a moment, not saying anything at all. Then, quite deliberately this time, he leaned forward again and kissed Eloy, opening his mouth against Eloy's questing tongue. They finished the kiss and Stephen moved on to nibble Eloy's jaw. Eloy lay, his breathing deepening when Stephen got to his ear and sucked on the lobe. Eloy's hand still stroked his hair and came to rest on the back of

his neck. There, the fingers quested under the collar and started stroking his back. Stephen shuddered at the touch and it almost brought him back to the edge of reality for a moment.

"E?" He asked, again pulling back to stare in his friend's eyes. "Are you up for this?"

"Ja," Eloy answered in a husky whisper. "Ja, I am. Are you," he returned the question, pulling his hand out of Stephen's shirt as he waited for an answer.

"Yes," Stephen whispered, unable to look away, even if he wanted to. And right now, he didn't want to do anything but continue what they were doing. It probably wasn't the right thing to be doing with someone who was not only a close friend, but one coming off his own emotional rollercoaster, but Stephen had to admit to himself that there was no way they could walk away from this without a lot of discussion. It was like a floodgate had been opened with that kiss, and he was letting emotions he hadn't realized were there out into the open. The only way to resolve this was to continue and see where it lead. He then reached out and took Eloy's hand. Placing a kiss on the palm, he pulled the hand down his body and placed it on his jeans. "I think I'm definitely up for this." Eloy's hand trembled, feeling the hardness underneath that spoke for itself. Stephen then reached up and gently stroked the hair back from Eloy's face, tracing the line of jaw where he had just been and running the tips over Eloy's lips gently. "Hi there."

"Hi," Eloy's voice had dropped to a mere whisper. He rubbed his hand against Stephen's erection for a moment, then trailed his fingers up to the shirt which he pulled out of the jeans. With a groan he then wrapped his other arm around Stephen and rolled him on top. "God, are we being stupid?"

Stephen paused for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his body against Eloy's. "Probably. But at the moment, I want to be stupid." He raised himself up a bit on his hands, and settled himself down more firmly on top of Eloy. "I wasn't planning on this, just so you know," he said seriously, looking down at his friend. "I mean, when I suggested we get together."

"I know you didn't. Neither did I. But right now, stopping is the last thing I want in the world." Eloy said reaching up with his free hand and stroking a finger down Stephen's face. "C'mere," he said gruffly and pulled Stephen into a tight hug.

Stephen rested his head on Eloy's shoulder for a moment and then tilted his head up to see Eloy looking down at him. He stared up and pursed his lips. A moment later, Eloy covered them with his own and they slowly began to undress each other. It was a bit difficult with Stephen lying on top, so they rolled over so they were back to lying side by side. Stephen was resting his hand on Eloy's chest and began to unbutton the shirt, peeling the damp material back and kissing his way through the opening. He heard a sharp intake of breath as he brushed his lips past a nipple and then went back to kissing down towards the abdomen. Eloy had once again reached a hand down the back of Stephen's shirt and stroked him. It gave him goosebumps and he shivered in anticipation. But he didn't stop from planting kisses all over Eloy's chest as he pulled the shirt off. When he had finished, he returned to kissing Eloy on the mouth, their two tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. He grew warm, the interchange making him more aroused, if that was at all possible. Pulling back for a breath, Eloy stared at him a moment and put a finger to his lips.

"My turn for a bit, mister," he growled softly and started kissing his own way down Stephen's face to neck where he nuzzled in and took little bites. Stephen gasped, his whole body electrified by what Eloy was doing. Just when he thought it couldn't get more intense, Eloy would do something else and a wave would flow through his body in response. Soon they weren't being so slow about removing their clothing and it turned into a frantic pulling of shirt out of pants, belts, zippers and socks. Eloy paused in the act of peeling Stephen's briefs down and looked up from where he lay at Stephen's waist, little red marks trailing down Stephen's chest from where Eloy had nibbled his way down. "Oh God, this feels so right at the moment. But please stop me if you want to."

Stephen's answer was a low growl and his hands on the back of Eloy's head urging his lips against Stephen's briefs. Eloy didn't fight too hard and rested his cheek against Stephen's penis. The erection tented the briefs and Eloy slipped his hand in the opening, delaying the actual undressing for a moment. Stephen gasped again at the touch as Eloy wrapped his fingers around his penis and stroked his thumb over the head. He closed his eyes and panted, losing focus on what had been going on, and he pulled on the sheets, lost in the moment. Eloy then started licking him through his underwear, sucking on the head lightly.

The feeling of the fabric rubbing against him contrasted with the smoothness of Eloy's fingers and the occasional light flick of his tongue as it worked its way through the opening of his briefs. Eloy worked his other hand underneath and stroked Stephen's butt, squeezing occasionally.

After a few moments of this, Stephen was thrashing on the bed, breathing heavily. Eloy pulled his hand out of the briefs and pulled them down Stephen's legs. He paused for a moment and looked up at Stephen's face. Stephen was lying with his head thrown back, almost over the edge of the bed. His hands had pulled the sheets off the bed and were crumpled up in his hands. He was sweating, small beads of perspiration on his forehead. Eloy gently ran his hand up Stephen's stomach, watching the raised goosebumps as he went. His thoughts were all jumbled, snatches of images crossing his mind of the last few moments. He traced the line of hair trailing down Stephen's stomach to his hips and stroked the hair around the base of the penis. He moved his finger in circles, slowly drifting down to the swollen testicles. Pushing gently at one leg he reached down and stroked, continuing the circling motions. He closed his eyes and rested his lips against one thigh, kissing it softly. Then he began to lick his way to the inner thigh, stroking everywhere his tongue was not. He looked up again, wanting to memorize Stephen's face.

"Jij are fijn," he whispered softly. "Bijster fijn." He closed his eyes and breathed in Stephen's scent. It was a mixture of cologne and his own unique smell, which did its own job of exciting Eloy. He reached out and took hold of Stephen's penis, stroking up and down. "'Ik behoefte de liefde bedrijven, kindje. Nee, Ik hoeven de liefde bedrijven." Almost gasping, he descended on Stephen, encircling the penis with his mouth. He reveled in the size as it filled his mouth and felt Stephen's fingers stroking through his hair. Slowly he pumped up and down, his tongue flickering down the length of the shaft and back up again. He took little nips with his teeth, and each time he did so, Stephen's body jerked in response and the hands held his head down.

After a few moments, he came up for air. Stephen moaned a protest, which turned into more of a whimper. "Kindje, afhalen aan eventjes."

"Huh?" Stephen questioned, not comprehending. Eloy repeated his request and Stephen shook his head distractedly and pulled on Eloy's arm, dragging him so that he lay on top of the younger man. "I can't understand you, honey. You're not speaking English." He kissed Eloy, smiling wryly.

Eloy tried to focus his thoughts. English was not his first language, and in times like these, he unthinkingly resorted to his native tongue, which was Dutch. They both lay a moment, each panting. Stephen was stroking his hands up and down Eloy's back, content to give him time to translate what he had been trying to say.

"Sorry," Eloy apologized hoarsely. "Sometimes I forget. I said that I wanted you to wait a moment."

"For what?" Stephen asked, his hands kneading Eloy's butt, and running a finger down the crack between his cheeks. "Wait for what?"

Eloy smiled softly and gently reached to stroke Stephen's face. God, but he was beautiful! Eloy thought to himself. His fair skin was flushed with excitement, and in this moment of passion, his eyes turned the most lovely shade of blue. It was like looking into a clear sky on a sunny day. Eloy loved the way Stephen's eyes reflected his emotions... they were truly windows to what lay beneath.

"Stephen," he said softly, not wanting to spoil the moment by what he was about to say. "We're not being very responsible here."

"Screw being responsible!" Stephen growled, scratching at Eloy's back aggressively.

"Now, you know what I mean. We can't go much farther without some kind of protection. I care for you too much to take that kind of chance."

"Aww, feck!" Stephen swore softly, his accent deepening with surprised emotion. "An' how are we going to get ourselves something like that in feckin' Disney?" His eyes clouded over in dismay.

"Not to worry, kindje. I might have something on me," Eloy said, giving Stephen a quick kiss as he rolled off of him. "Don't move a muscle!"

Stephen lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The last hour had been incredible, and he certainly didn't want it to stop. He silently sent a prayer up for a miracle or two to come out of Eloy's overnight bag. He didn't even want to question why Eloy would have some, but sent silent thanks to God that he did as the other man lay back on the bed with two condoms wrapped in plastic. "Bless you!" He exclaimed.

Eloy grinned. "First of all, I don't want you to think that I routinely pack this stuff when I go on a trip in case I get lucky. But I hadn't used this bag for a while and there was a point that I used to hold onto them for the guys while on tour, just in case. Always good to have a supply. And boy, am I happy for that habit!" He laughed with delight at the incredible smile on Stephen's face. It really did light it up. He knew at that moment that he would never consciously try to disappoint Stephen in anything, because to see that smile leave his face would be like a cloud covering the sun. "Now, relax and let me get this Ezon on you and we can continue." He kissed that beautiful smile and again worked his way down Stephen's chest, moving from side to side so he wouldn't miss a spot. He pulled on the hair surrounding Stephen's nipple with his teeth and then tongued the hard nipple for a moment before moving down the path of the hair to where he had been before. Stephen's erection hadn't wavered at all, for which he was grateful. He was half afraid of interrupting the moment, but what he had said to Stephen was true --- he cared too much to take chances. Not that he really expected Stephen to be having casual sex anywhere, but because of himself, who had slept with several partners in the last couple of months before he had finally ended his relationship with Carlo. It was some of those encounters that made him realize he couldn't live with his lover anymore. He kissed the tip, licking the head as he unwrapped the condom and replaced his mouth with it, rolling the condom down the length of Stephen's shaft.

Stephen gasped, surprised at the sensations that he still felt through the layer of condom. Usually he hated to wear the things, but he was fully aware of the dangers involved in being careless. Which is why he hadn't questioned Eloy's suggestion at all. Eloy began to suck again and Stephen closed his eyes. It felt like he had nothing on at all, and he was soon thrashing on the bed, his hands buried in Eloy's hair as Eloy worked up and down on the length of Stephen's shaft, one hand in between his legs and stroking his anus. He nearly went wild when Eloy slowly inserted one finger inside, stroking his prostate lightly. At that moment, Stephen saw stars and couldn't hold back any longer. With a cry and a couple of short sharp strokes into Eloy's mouth he came, all thoughts gone in the moment of feeling.

Eloy slowed down the moment Stephen ejaculated, still stroking with his finger until Stephen whimpered softly, senses overloaded. He was still sucking on Stephen's penis, and as it lost its rigidity he let it slip out of his mouth. Resting his head on Stephen's thigh, he smiled lazily. "Good?" He asked, watching as Stephen slowly opened his eyes again.

"Incredible. Hey, you... c'mere!" Stephen demanded, looking down at where Eloy lay. "I need you up here a moment." Eloy obliged, kissing his way back up Stephen's chest until Stephen got impatient enough to pull him up on top again. "Thank you," he said, kissing Eloy deeply. "That was absolutely incredible. And I'd like to return the favor."

"You don't have to, kindje" Eloy smiled.

"I'm not talking about having to do anything. I WANT to, okay? Now where's that other one?" His hand fished around the bed, questing among the tangled sheets for the other condom. He finally found it and grinned. Pushing at Eloy, he rolled him onto this back and climbed on top. Straddling he smiled wickedly. "First, let me get rid of this." He said as he pulled his own condom off. Then he reached across Eloy to drop it in the barrel next to the bed and to grab a tissue to wipe up with. Eloy took the opportunity to suck on his nipple. "Stop that! Yer distractin' me, dammit!" Stephen protested.

"Oh darn," Eloy said against Stephen's nipple, not sounding at all apologetic. With a laugh, Stephen pushed him back against the bed and shook his finger at Eloy. Eloy kissed the finger, too.

"Ah, you're terrible!" Stephen laughed and ran his fingers through Eloy's hair, stroking it back off his face. He then trailed his fingers down to his chest where he circled his hands around Eloy's throat. He could feel the pulse point throbbing under his fingers. Working his way to the back of Eloy's neck, he leaned down and kissed him, thrusting his tongue inside Eloy's mouth. For a few moments they kissed each other this way, working their way back to a fevered pitch of excitement. He could tell it was working because he felt Eloy's erection beneath him. He wiggled his bum enticingly and Eloy stifled a groan, his tongue sparring with Stephen's. "You want some of this?" He asked huskily, whispering in Eloy's ear.

Eloy responded by grabbing his butt and pulling, spreading his cheeks and rubbing the length of his penis against Stephen.

"Ja," he gasped.

"Do you now?" Stephen continued to whisper in Eloy's ear, darting his tongue and tracing the curves. Eloy began pumping his hips, thrusting his penis up against Stephen, straining to find entry. Stephen teased him, raising his own hips so that he was always just out of reach.

He was getting as excited as Eloy over this and a little devilish smile crossed his face. "What will do you if I let you?" He asked nibbling on Eloy's earlobe again.

"Arghhh...." Eloy moaned, losing all sense of what was going on.

The sensations that Stephen was creating were indescribable, with waves of emotion passing through him as Stephen went to one point to another, licking and tickling his way along Eloy's body. It felt like every nerve was alive, brought to consciousness by Stephen's actions. He had never felt this way before, like his body was on fire. "Alstublieft," he whispered, pleading with Stephen. " Alstublieft." Stephen didn't pay attention, concentrating on working his way down Eloy's long body. When he finally got to Eloy's penis, he sat back and stared a moment.

"Christ!" Stephen exclaimed softly, amazed by Eloy's size. He had never seen him aroused and hadn't really thought of how much bigger he could get. Eloy was enormous. Stephen felt flushed at the thought of making love to it and his butt clenched involuntarily in excitement. God, he thought to himself. Could he really take all of that in? He trembled with the thought.

Eloy still whispered softly, repeating the same Dutch word over and over again. Stephen guessed that he was pleading for some kind of resolution to this, so he leaned down and took Eloy's length in his mouth. He had to work a bit to get all of it in, but he was able to do it. Eloy shouted in surprise as he felt Stephen's teeth scrape along his length, his penis shooting all sorts of sensations to the rest of his body. He was also impressed. Not many men could handle him, but Stephen took him with ease, expertly working his tongue and teeth along his length. He stared down, watching Stephen's head bob up and down. Catching the rhythm, he started to pump his hips again and cried out when Stephen removed his lips.

"Just a moment, hon," Stephen whispered and tore at the package in his hand. The condom fell out and landed on Eloy's stomach, and Stephen picked it up and placed it on the tip of Eloy's penis. He slowly rolled the condom down the length of Eloy's penis, nipping and licking his way as he went. When he got to the base he nibbled his way down between Eloy's legs and sucked on his testicles. He heard a grunt in response and felt Eloy press him down. Gently pushing at Eloy's legs, he spread them as he kept on licking, gently running his tongue over the other man's anus and back up again, one hand slowly stroking the penis at the same time. With a sigh he leaned against one thigh, kissing it and nibbling along the top. Eloy's eyes were closed, his lips parted. Stephen smiled as he had a wicked thought. Making a decision, he got up on his knees and crawled back on top of Eloy. He sat on Eloy's stomach, legs to either side on the bed. He ran his hands up Eloy's chest and back down again. He slowly worked his way backwards so that he could also rub against Eloy's penis. Eloy groaned as Stephen slowly teased him, rubbing his penis against Stephen's butt.

" Alstublieft, kindje. 'Ik behoefte tussen de wezen binnenste je," Eloy whispered, not able to focus.

"English, honey," Stephen whispered back. "Tell me what you want."

" Alstublieft.... Er... please, baby. Kindje. Geliefde. I can't," Eloy panted, at the limit of his endurance. "I can't wait. Please," he begged.

Stephen closed his eyes, listening to Eloy murmur endearments. His own breath was ragged from teasing Eloy. Eloy wasn't the only one affected by what was going on. He arched his back and raised himself, poised over Eloy. Reaching one hand down, he stroked Eloy's penis and positioned himself on top. Closing his eyes, he lowered himself cautiously. With a gasp, he felt Eloy penetrate him. His own penis jerked in reaction, growing hard again. Slowly, he worked himself down Eloy's length, reveling in the feeling. It felt incredible. He trembled, breathing harshly. Once he had Eloy fully within him, he leaned forward and kissed Eloy, licking his lips with his tongue. He took control, slowly stroking himself up and down along Eloy's penis and soon they were both panting heavily. Sweat rolled down Stephen's back. Eloy raised one hand and held Stephen's head steadily, looking into his eyes as he went up and down. They stared at each other, Eloy pinching Stephen's nipple with one hand, the other locked around Stephen's neck, urging him up and down. Neither said a word, and as they got the rhythm of each other's movements, they increased their speed.

They couldn't keep up the pace for very long and soon Eloy was ejaculating, filling the condom. Stephen squeezed around him tightly, trying to make the moment last. With a gasp, Eloy fell back to the bed, spent. Stephen felt him grow soft inside him and slowly raised himself off of Eloy. Kneeling, he leaned forward and kissed Eloy deeply. Eloy wrapped his long arms around Stephen and hugged him tight.

"Dank u, kindje," he whispered softly, raining butterfly kisses all over Stephen's face. "Dank u."

Stephen smiled lazily. "You're quite welcome. That was incredible, E." He slipped his legs down to entwine them with Eloy's and hugged him back. "I'm so glad we started this."

"So am I, Stephen." Eloy tucked Stephen's head under his chin and closed his eyes, hands stroking Stephen's back and shoulders. "I'm not sure where it will go from here, but at the moment, I don't want to think about it."

"Hush," Stephen said softly, kissing Eloy's throat. "Let tomorrow take care of itself. In the meantime, let's just enjoy the moment, okay?"

"Ja," Eloy agreed softly.

They lay like that for a while, listening to the rain on the roof.....

Next: Chapter 5

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