Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Nov 3, 2001



The following story is the next installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group.

This chapter goes out to KT, who called this my tease chapter. Thank you for the inspiration for the latter half of this chapter and I hope you're still out there reading.



The lateness of the hour was brought to them from the ringing of the hour on a church's bells somewhere in the city.

"Is it really that late?" Stephen murmured sleepily, wrapped securely in Eloy's arms on the blanket.

"Ja, it is." Eloy replied, his lips brushing Stephen's temple. "I suppose we should head to bed soon."

"Mmmm," came Stephen's soft reply. He was quite comfortable where he was and wasn't really interested in moving at all.

"Kom mee, zusje." Eloy said. He moved, dislodging Stephen from his spot. "Time for bed." Stephen looked up with a slight pout before sighing and taking Eloy's proffered hand. Eloy pulled him up with a grunt and they picked up their glasses. Eloy picked up the blanket and Stephen grabbed the pillows and together they made their way down the stairs.

"Don't worry about the lock," Eloy called over his shoulder as Stephen paused to close the trap door.

"Nah, it's okay. If I drop anything, you can catch it with your head." Stephen said with a chuckle. Eloy rolled his eyes in response as he watched Stephen carefully make his way down the steps. He left the blanket in the pantry and opened the door so that Stephen could pass through. After closing the door behind them, they deposited their empty wineglasses in the sink and went into the living room. Stephen dropped the pillows on the sofa and followed Eloy into the bedroom, turning off the lamp as he walked by.

The hallway was dim, with only a little light illuminating the passageway from the bedroom. Stephen cautiously walked down the hall, not wanting to trip in the dim light. Eloy wrapped his arms around Stephen's waist as he walked through the door and he gave a little jump in response.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to startle you." Eloy apologised. Stephen smiled.

"Nah, it's me. Always jumping at shadows," he said. He leaned into Eloy's embrace for a moment before pulling away. "I need to wash up. Be back in a flash." He turned and grabbed his overnight kit and took it to the bathroom. Once there, he started his nightly ritual of washing up, brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. Eloy drifted in and sat on the toilet to watch him.

"Stephen, I was thinking something." He said as Stephen brushed his teeth. After he finished that, he started the water and used the soap to scrub his face.

"Mmmm?" Stephen replied before splashing water to rinse. "What's that?"

"About what we'd like to do tomorrow. Anything special?" Eloy leaned on the sink and looked up at Stephen. Stephen shrugged.

"Nothing in particular. Just being together works for me." He smiled down at Eloy and tweaked his nose. "What do you have in mind?" He wiped the excess water off his face and dried it off with the towel.

"Well, probably lunch or dinner with Luci and Mama. Whichever you prefer." Eloy said. Stephen shrugged, not having a preference for either. "Well, if lunch, we can perhaps go out for a boat ride if you'd like." He saw how Stephen's face lit up at the suggestion and knew it was a good idea. "That way, we'll have dinner for ourselves. You fly out the next morning, right?"

"That's right," Stephen nodded. "Figured we might as well as get as much time as possible together." Eloy smiled reassuringly and he grinned.

"Ja, I agree with that. I just wished we could have a bit more time together," Eloy sighed and stood up so he could wash up before heading to bed. Stephen put a hand on his arm to stop him.

"And we will, in a couple of weeks. We'll just work what time we have into when we can get together, all right?" He looked up at Eloy searchingly. Reluctantly, Eloy nodded. Stephen turned the water back on and switched places, letting Eloy get ready for bed while he sat on the toilet and watched. As he sat there on the lid while Eloy cleaned up, he thought of the future and a time when this would be a daily ritual.

"What are you smiling about, liefste?" Eloy asked, noticing the unfocused expression on Stephen's face. He turned off the water, startling Stephen back into the present.

"Oh, nothing," he said offhandedly as he got up from the seat and followed Eloy back into the bedroom.

"Nothing, huh?" Eloy asked skeptically. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it into the laundry bin by the door. Stephen leaned against the doorframe and watched him. Eloy turned to see him standing there and grinned. "Like what you see?"

"Absolutely," Stephen said with a small smile. Eloy's face was in shadow since he had his back to the lamp. "Please, keep up with the show." Eloy gave a low laugh. He dropped his hands down to his waistband and hooked his thumbs into his jeans. After swiveling his hips suggestively he started to approach Stephen.

"But it's so much more fun with a willing participant," he drawled softly. Stephen looked up as he got closer but stayed where he was as Eloy stopped in front of him. He reached out with one hand and stroked Eloy's cheek before trailing it down his chest.

"Perhaps," he said softly. He pulled his hand back before it touched Eloy's jeans. Eloy stood in front of him waiting for a moment. Then he backed up and without looking away from Stephen, turned a switch on the wall. Classical music started playing and he impatiently hit the button to select another station. A song familiar to both of them started on the radio and Eloy left it where it was. Eloy waited for a moment and then he began to dance. The sound of George Michael's voice came through the sound system and Stephen watched, captivated by Eloy's dancing. Eloy sang along as he danced.

"So good...

You're divine

Wanna take you, wanna make you

But they tell me it's a crime!

Everybody knows where the good people go

But where we're going baby

Ain't no such word as no!

Baby, I'm your man

Baby, I'm your man

You bet!

If you're gonna do it, do it right - right?

Do it with me

Come on baby,

Please don't leave me here, to do it on my own..."

He held out his hand in an invitation as he sang the last word and Stephen moved out of the doorway to join him. Eloy grabbed his hand and pulled him close. Stephen matched the swaying of his hips and they moved together in a sensual dance.

"If you're gonna do it, do it right - right?

Do it with me

"Now listen

If you're gonna do it - you know what I say?

If you're gonna do it don't throw it away

Don't throw it baby"

Eloy continued to sing along with the song, directing the words towards Stephen. He wrapped one arm around Stephen's waist to hold him against his hips and with the other, started unbuttoning Stephen's shirt and reached in to stroke Stephen's chest the way he had been stroked earlier.

Stephen tilted his head back and felt Eloy's lips on his chest. Between the dancing and the words Eloy was singing, he was lost in a haze. The feel of Eloy's hips against his own was very erotic and he got lost in the primal feeling that was coursing through him. He barely noticed when his shirt drifted to the floor at their feet because Eloy started sucking his nipple, tonguing it roughly before working his way up to Stephen's neck. When he got level with Stephen's ear, he began singing again.


I'll be your boy, I'll be your man

I'll be the one who understands

I'll be your first, I'll be your last

I'll be the only one you ask."

He paused to dip his tongue into Stephen's ear and the younger man gasped. Stephen raised his arms up to circle around Eloy's neck and hold him close. Eloy responded by lifting him up and pulling him against his hips. Stephen wrapped his legs around Eloy's waist and he continued moving against him. Eloy supported him by wrapping his arms around Stephen's back and supporting him so he could look down at him. Stephen stared up at him as he continued the song.

"I'll be your friend, I'll be your toy

I'll be the one who brings you joy

I'll be your hope, I'll be your pearl

I'll take you halfway 'round the world!"

As the song continued to play, Eloy danced backwards until the back of his legs touched the edge of the bed. He slowly sat down so that Stephen was on his lap and they kissed as the song played out to the end.

For Stephen, it was like a bolt of electricity coursed through him at the end of the song. He had been thinking of just taking it easy this weekend they were together because Eloy had been working so hard and had been so tired. But between the wine and Eloy's singing and dancing, any plans he had of a simple nighttime cuddle were blown away by the burst of desire he felt. When he pulled away from the kiss he looked deeply into Eloy's eyes and saw a corresponding need there. He lovingly ran his hands through Eloy's hair, spiking it up as he did so before he rested his hands on the other man's shoulders. He pushed him back so that he hovered above him on the bed.

Eloy looked up at Stephen. The light from the lamp lit up his face and Eloy could see that Stephen's eyes looked like they were a deep blue as he stared down at him. He was content to let Stephen take the lead, and found that when he was aggressive like this, it was rather exciting for him. He pumped his hips in an invitation for Stephen to continue.

Stephen bit back a groan in response to Eloy's actions. He was already on fire from their foreplay and he had to forcibly slow himself down because he really didn't want to rush anything. Now that he had made the decision, he found he wanted to take his time making love to Eloy. He stroked his hands down Eloy's chest, kneading roughly. Eloy responded with a moan and reached out to reciprocate. Stephen leaned into his touch, feeling the magic that his fingers created within. He raised himself up a bit before settling down more firmly, up against the erection in Eloy's jeans.

Eloy closed his eyes when Stephen did this. A gasp escaped him and he looked up at the man above him, eyes filled with desire. Stephen leaned forward and kissed him, delving into his mouth with his tongue. He could taste the sweet wine that they had been drinking and it only fueled his need more. Hands reached up to hold him close and he responded by going in further, his hands involuntarily running all over Eloy's body. He was vaguely aware of a Janet Jackson song playing in the background and it made him pause when he realised it was Got 'Til It's Gone. It was one of his favorites and he let the sultry song spur him on.

He pulled back from the kiss before bending forward to nibble lightly on Eloy's lip before trailing kisses down his jaw. Eloy stroked his fingers through Stephen's hair in encouragement, content to let him take charge. He worked his way down Eloy's chest, pausing here and there to devote some extra attention to parts of Eloy's body that held his attention. Eventually, he slipped down in between Eloy's legs and rested his cheek against the older man's crotch.

"I need you, baby," he rasped in a low voice, filled with anticipation. Eloy let out a soft cry in response and pressed him against his erection. Stephen closed his eyes and gently bit at the hardness before him, eliciting another gasp. He reached for the button and tugged it open. Then he pulled the zipper down and reached past Eloy's briefs.

A moan met his actions and he looked up for a moment to watch Eloy's face before returning to the object of his desire. By this time he had pulled down the jeans and extracted Eloy's penis. He rested his face against it, stroking the back slightly.

"Stephen," Eloy gasped, pulling at his arm to get his attention. "Baby, please."

"What?" He asked, looking up at his lover. Eloy pulled on him to come up on top of the bed again and he reluctantly acquiesced. He moved over so that he was lying on top of Eloy. Eloy wrapped his arms around him to keep him there.

"Let's take this slow, all right, zusje?" Eloy said, looking up into Stephen's face. "It seems every time we get together we just rush too much. I want to take it slow this time." He pleaded with his eyes.

Stephen smiled down at him and kissed him on the nose. "I'm not intending to rush anything, darling. And yes, I know what you're going to say," he said, forestalling Eloy's next comment. "We need to talk about taking precautions."

Eloy smiled. "You know me too well, don't you? Well, actually, I do want to say something about that. I've been thinking a lot about the last time we were together. Stephen, I love you and you've been wonderful. You've been patient with me long past what anyone else would have been. And I thank you."

"I love you, baby," Stephen said, his eyes reflecting his emotions. "Patience has nothing to do with it."

"It does. And I love you so damn much that sometimes it hurts, knowing you're so far away from me each day." Eloy said. Stephen closed his eyes in response to Eloy's comment, almost brought to tears by the simplicity of it. "I know how frustrating it has been for you lately. And I also thought a lot about what happened in London." Stephen made a questioning sound at the last comment. Eloy didn't notice it. "So, when I came back, I went to see my doctor."

"Oh?" Stephen opened his eyes to look down at Eloy with a curious expression on his face. "You got tested, didn't you?"

"Ja, I did." Eloy replied, nodding. Stephen silently waited for his response. He looked up at the younger man who was waiting so patiently for him to continue. "Negative."

Stephen closed his eyes briefly and leaned down to kiss Eloy. When he pulled back, he looked down at Eloy and smiled. "Thank you, baby. For going through the trouble."

"It was about time I did so, don't you think?" Eloy asked with a smile. Stephen's smile grew even larger, if possible, at his answer.

"Well, you know something?" He said, pausing to kiss Eloy again. "I think we were on the same wavelength."

"Oh?" Eloy asked. Seeing the glint in Stephen's eyes he found himself holding his breath, waiting for him to say the words he wanted to hear. Stephen nodded knowingly.

"Yeah, oh. I did the same thing in London. I called the office just before I got on the plane," he said. At Eloy's silent question he winked. "Same results." Eloy hugged him tight and pulled his head down for a kiss. Stephen heard him whisper something very softly in Dutch and he wondered if he should ask what he meant. He got distracted from that thought when Eloy rolled them both over in the bed so that they were lying side by side.

"Stephen, I love you." He said, his eyes shining brightly. He struggled to put in words what he was feeling at that moment and felt at a loss to explain it all. "Thank you, baby. Thank you for allowing me into your life and into your heart." He pulled Stephen close so that they were cheek to cheek. "You've made life so special for me. I can't put it into words."

Stephen clung to Eloy, losing the battle in keeping his composure. His heart rang with each of Eloy's words and tears ran down his cheeks. "I love you so damn much," he whispered hoarsely. "I can't imagine a life without you there with me. And no matter what it takes, we're going to make this work. Even if I only get a day or two here and there with you, it will be enough until we can be together all the time."

"Stephen, please don't cry, baby. We'll have our time together. We'll make it work." Eloy stroked Stephen's back pulling his head back so he could look at him in the eyes. "Ah, love, you're breaking my heart. I didn't mean to make you cry, baby. I love you."

"I love you, darling." Stephen made a concerted effort to stop crying, slowly hiccuping as he did so. "Oh damn." They both started laughing and Eloy gently patted his back to try and help him stop them. When it only seemed to make matters worse he pulled away and went to go get Stephen a glass of water. As he got out of the bed he tripped on his jeans, which Stephen had pulled down around his ankles earlier.

"Verdomme," he swore softly as he reached out and grabbed the wall as he fell over. The sight of him falling over caused Stephen to break into laughter, which was interspersed with loud hiccups as he gasped for breath. Eloy stepped out of his clothes and ran to the bathroom to get a glass of water.

By the time he came back, Stephen had been reduced to just the hiccups and he winced in sympathy at the painful sound of them. He sat down on the bed and helped Stephen sit up and gave him the glass to drink.

Stephen gratefully took the glass in his hand and drank it in a bid to stop his painful hiccups. It wasn't until after Eloy had gone back for a second glass that he was able to get them to stop. When he had drained the glass, he fell back in the bed with a sigh.

Eloy leaned over him, concerned. "Are you all right?" He asked softly. Stephen nodded, all of his energy spent. Eloy gently reached out and stroked one tear-streaked cheek. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Stephen said a bit breathlessly. He didn't want to start another round of hiccups again. "I should be used to this. It used to happen to me all the time when I was a kid. I'd get all emotional about something and end up with the worst case of hiccups. You'd think I would have grown out of it by now."

"Why did it happen to you as a kid?" Eloy asked curiously. Stephen had never really talked about his childhood other than comments here and there about his sister. He rested his head on the pillow next to Stephen and watched him quietly.

"Occasionally kids in the neighbourhood would pick on me, you know the kind of thing. I was awfully sensitive about that kind of stuff," Stephen said. He rolled over carefully so that he was facing Eloy again. "It probably didn't help that my sister threatened to thrash them. I got a rash of shite over that, too."

"Was it rough?" Eloy asked sympathetically. Stephen looked a bit startled at the question.

"Rough? What, growing up where I did?" At Eloy's silent nod he shook his head. "No, it was grand. I mean, we didn't have much, but we stuck together, you know? And my folks were great with helping us get what we wanted. We may have had to work a little harder to get it, but at least it was ours." He smiled when he thought about it. From what he knew of Eloy's upbringing, they had had totally different experiences, Eloy's family being a lot more affluent than his own had been. "And I had my share of friends, so it wasn't like I was on my own, or getting slagged on all the time."

Eloy smiled at the look on his face. "Sounds like a normal enough childhood."

"Yeah, for the most part. We were always there for each other, even if we did end up like sardines in a tin sometimes." Stephen smiled and wrinkled his nose at Eloy. "Why so curious about my family?"

Eloy shrugged. "Just want to know what made you the person you are today. There's so much I want to know."

"Nothing earth shattering, you know," Stephen replied with a laugh. "About as normal as anyone else's, I suppose." He felt a bit awkward talking about himself. He thought of himself as more of a listener than a talker. As he sought to change the topic to something more neutral he realised that while he was still half-dressed, Eloy was lying completely naked in front of him. Involuntarily he blushed.

"What?" Eloy asked, seeing him become suddenly reticent. "What is it?"

"E, look at us. We're lying here in bed talking." Stephen laughed, struck with the ridiculousness their positions.

"Ja, so?"

"Eloy," Stephen said, trying to hold back his laughter. "You're starkers." Eloy looked down at himself with a mild look of surprise, as if just noticing it himself.

"Ja, and how did I get that way, hmmmm?" Eloy asked with a smile. He knew that Stephen could be shy about things sometimes, but this one had to take the cake, he thought to himself.

"Well," Stephen said, "I don't have a clue." He tried to roll back from Eloy's grasping hands but failed to move away in time. Eloy rolled him onto his back and straddled him triumphantly.

"Ja, you do. It's your fault!" Eloy said as he laughed down at him. "You've got no one to blame but yourself!"

Stephen admitted defeat and laughed up at Eloy. "Yeah, but if I'm going to be blamed for something, at least I can get to have fun doing it." They shared a smile at how silly they were being. Eloy leaned down and gave him a sweet kiss, his lips barely brushing Stephen's. He opened his eyes and focused on Stephen's face, trying to memorize every part of it. A tiny smiled played on Stephen's lips and he found himself fascinated with them. He licked his own lips in anticipation before leaning down to give him another kiss.

Stephen surrendered willingly to Eloy's kiss. Every time Eloy touched him a shiver raced down his back. He reveled in the feelings that were coursing through him. He had never in his life felt the way he did when he was with Eloy. It struck him again how perfect they were for each other. He couldn't have hoped for a better person to share his life with. He pressed the palms of his hands against Eloy's chest and stroked it lovingly before wrapping his arms around Eloy's ribcage. He kept Eloy in that position while the kiss lingered on.

Eloy licked Stephen's lips with his tongue as they finally parted before dropping feathery kisses all over his face. He had dreamed about this time for so long that he ached with the need to make everything perfect for Stephen. As hard as their separation had been for him, he knew it had been much worse for Stephen. He was so sensitive that Eloy was half afraid that it was going to be too much for him to take. That was why he was so adamant about them taking things slow.

Stephen was lying flat on the bed, content to let Eloy stay in charge. This night had been magical for him, and even with the hiccups, he didn't regret a moment. As Eloy kissed his face, he also felt their bodies brushing together while Eloy propped himself up on his arms. The feel of Eloy's legs straddling his hips made him aware of the fact that he was still confined to his jeans. And Eloy's actions weren't making him very comfortable. He really didn't want to move, but the increasing pressure was getting to be distracting.

Eloy became aware that something had changed because he paused and looked down at Stephen. "Is something wrong, liefste?" He asked softly. A pained look passed across Stephen's face and he grew concerned.

"Nothing that popping a few," Stephen grunted softly as he reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. "Buttons can't handle." He smiled reassuringly up at Eloy. "Sorry."

Eloy smiled understandingly. "Let me help you, then." He stroked his fingers down through the dark hair on Stephen's chest and scooted back so that Stephen's waistband was exposed. He pushed Stephen's hands out of the way, resting them on his thighs while he gave his attention to Stephen's predicament. He couldn't resist teasing Stephen by caressing him through the fabric. Stephen moaned softly, caught by his amorous motions. Involuntarily, he flexed his hands and ran them up the insides of Eloy's thighs. When he encountered the hardness before him he allowed himself to get distracted from what Eloy was doing to him.

Eloy grunted in response as Stephen stroked his penis. He worked his way past the layers of Stephen's clothes until the jeans were open before him. He gently disengaged Stephen's hands before moving back so he could pull the jeans off of Stephen's hips.

As Eloy exposed him, goosebumps raised all over his body in response. A trembling began and he clutched the sheets in an effort to control himself. His body wouldn't obey his commands and he could only watch helplessly while Eloy maneuvered the pants down his legs. Patiently he waited for Eloy to return to him, wanting to savor the taste of his lips again.

After a few moments, Eloy returned, a smile on his face as he kissed his way up from Stephen's foot to his leg, stroking every bit of him that he could reach as he went. He hovered over the tattoo on Stephen's hip before working his way past his belly and up his chest, kissing his way along. Finally, he was covering Stephen's body with his own and as he leaned down for another kiss, they were both startled when they got shocked with a spark as their lips touched.

"Wow," Stephen said in wonderment. "I've always heard that term, but never knew they meant it literally!"

"Ja, what does that say about us then?" Eloy asked, his eyes laughing merrily. "What's going to happen next?"

"I don't know, darling, but I can't wait to find out!" Stephen exclaimed with a laugh of his own. He hugged Eloy close to his chest and tried to think of a way to express the way he felt at the moment. Words couldn't begin to describe the love that filled every part of his being.

They lay entangled in each other's embrace for a long time, Eloy content to listen to Stephen's heartbeat under his ear as he pressed his cheek against Stephen's chest. Stephen ran his fingers through Eloy's hair. This moment of quiet between them was just as good as making love to him. Eloy shifted his cheek so that he could gaze up at Stephen's face. Blue eyes stared down at him for a moment before giving him a wink. He grinned and pressed his lips against Stephen's chest, kissing him.

Stephen sighed contentedly. "E?" He asked softly, his voice barely carrying down to where Eloy lay. Eloy was lightly caressing Stephen wherever he could reach, but it was a lazy drawing of circles on his skin rather than the firebrand touch that they had experienced together earlier.

"Ja?" He responded in the same tone.

"Someday, will you remind me of this moment?" He asked, his voice drifting down to Eloy.

"If you wish, zusje." Eloy promised. "But why do you ask?"

"Because," he said as he tugged on Eloy to urge him up. Eloy responded by crawling up on Stephen until they were almost nose to nose. "I want to savor this moment before we really make love for the first time like this." Eloy's breath caught in his throat when he looked at Stephen's shining eyes. "And I do so want to make love with you tonight."

Eloy was at a loss for words, captivated as he was by Stephen's gaze. He reached out with one trembling hand and cupped Stephen's cheek with it. Gingerly, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Stephen's in a kiss. He was filled with an indescribable feeling as he looked into Stephen's eyes.

"Stephen?" He whispered softly, holding Stephen's gaze with his own. "Please make love to me, baby. I've been waiting for so long now."

Next: Chapter 34

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