Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on May 4, 2001



The following story is the seventeenth installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group.

This story, as with many on the nifty site, contains explicit sexual scenes at times. Hence the warning if you're not old enough to be reading this, you should not.

I enjoy hearing what you have to think about my story so far, so please email me and let me know what you think.


The mantle clock downstairs in the parlor rang out the half-hour as Michelle closed Jordan's door and headed back to bed. He had been coughing through the night and she wanted to check in on him. On her way back to her room her eyes rested on the phone in the hallway. She knew it was late, but she couldn't resist. Picking up the phone, she dialed a long distance number.

"Whitehall Regency, front desk. Maybe I help you?" A woman's voice answered the phone.

"Yes, Room 415, please," Michelle asked softly, trying not to wake her husband in the next room.

"Just a minute, please." The woman put her through and she waited while the phone rang over and over again. She knew if she woke up Stephen he'd be ticked, but she had a feeling he wasn't going to pick up. After a few rings when she heard the click over to the message service, she hung up the phone. She was smiling as she slipped through the bedroom door and glanced at the clock on the dresser. It was half past two in the morning. She pulled back the covers and crawled into the bed. Alan murmured and rolled over, curling around her as she got back into bed.

"Jordan all right?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around Michelle's waist. Michelle laughed softly as his breath tickled her ear.

"Yes, he's fine. I just wanted to check in on him." She said.

"So why are you laughing, then?" He murmured, nuzzling her neck as his hand caressed her stomach.

"No reason, love. Go back to sleep," she said, closing her eyes. As she drifted off to sleep she tried to picture what was going on in London, but her imagination eluded her for the moment. So she settled for imagining what the man she talked to the previous afternoon on her brother's mobile looked like. He certainly had an interesting voice....

Stephen rolled over as the sun hit him in the face and buried his head against Eloy's chest.

"Mmmmm," Eloy muttered as he wrapped his arm around Stephen's back. He opened his eyes and smiled. Stephen was buried under the covers. All that could be seen was a wisp of hair out of the top of the covers. He peeled down the comforter and watched Stephen sleep. He had one arm tucked under the pillow and the other up against his chest. His lashes made half moon circles on his face, beard stubble creating a dark shadow on his cheeks. Eloy let his eyes rove from face to torso. Dark hair furred Stephen's chest, working its way down to a line past his stomach and down to his waist where it pooled before spreading down his legs. He reached out a hand and gently brushed along Stephen's arm. Stephen murmured something and smiled. Eloy was drawn to his lips. He leaned down and lightly pressed a kiss on them. Then he started leaving little kisses along Stephen's cheek, working his way down to his shoulder. That elicited a sigh. He pulled back for a moment, not rea! lly wanting to wake Stephen, but unable to keep himself from touching him.

After a moment when Stephen didn't stir again, he lay down so his head was on the mattress, level with Stephen's chest. Tentatively he leaned forward and lightly brushed the back of Stephen's hand with his lips. He kissed his way down the fingers to where they were curled against his upper chest. He gently kissed the nipple peeking out behind the hand, then worked his way down to the other one, which had risen in response to his attention to the first. Without thinking, he fastened his lips on it and sucked it into his mouth. Stephen moaned and he reluctantly pulled back. He really didn't have the heart to wake him, but he was finding it difficult to keep away. He ran his fingers over Stephen's face, tracing the jaw line. He wanted to memorize everything. He let his fingers follow the line of Stephen's throat down to his arm, watching the hair raise up in response. He trailed off the elbow to the hip, outlining the tattoo emblazoned there before drifting down the ! side of Stephen's leg. Another sigh met his touch and he hesitated again. He pulled his hand back only to feel a hand touching him. Startled, he looked up to meet Stephen's eyes staring sleepily into his own.

Stephen had pulled his hand out from under the pillow and touched Eloy's hair. "Good morning," he said softly, smiling down at Eloy. His eyes crinkled up in amusement at the way Eloy looked. His hair was mussed and Stephen stroked it back off his face. He wondered what had caused the expression on Eloy's face. He had the most interesting look. Almost of wonderment. He looked... well, like a kid in a candy store! Stephen chuckled.

"Didn't mean to wake you," Eloy said apologetically even as he smiled back up at Stephen.

"It's okay," Stephen said, letting his fingers trail through Eloy's hair. "Probably about time I woke up, anyhow. What are you doing way down there?"

Eloy looked down for a moment and Stephen could almost swear he saw a slight blush creep over his cheeks. "Looking," he said simply.

"Looking at what?" Stephen asked, moving his hand to stroke Eloy's face. Then he registered the fact that Eloy had been looking at him. "Me?" Eloy nodded silently. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Because I like looking at you?" Eloy asked. "Because I think you're schoon... handsome? Aanlokkelijk --- that means tempting," Eloy grinned, expanding on his adjectives. Stephen snorted his derision at that suggestion. "Or even... dare I say it? Verrukkelijk?"

Stephen made a skeptical face. "Veru what?"

"Verrukkelijk," Eloy said with a grin. "Delicious!" Stephen laughed.

"You're funny, E!" He said. He could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment as Eloy got more descriptive.

"What, I can't call you delicious?" Eloy retorted, his eyes glinting in the morning light. He was leaning an elbow, his head propped up in his hand as he stared up at Stephen's face in amusement.

"No!" Stephen protested as he shifted uncomfortably. He tried to pull the sheets up but Eloy put out a hand to stop him.

"And why not?" He asked in reply. He knew that Stephen wasn't very comfortable with these kinds of conversations, but he was enjoying himself. He pulled the sheet out of Stephen's hand and pulled it the rest of the way down past Stephen's legs, exposing him to the morning light. Stephen shivered.

"Because it's a bit of an exaggeration?" Stephen said, dropping his hand down to cover himself. Eloy cocked his head, wondering if Stephen even consciously knew what he was doing.

He reached out a hand and pulled Stephen's hand away. "No, it's not, liefste. And don't hide... you don't need to, with me."

"I'm not trying to hide!" Stephen protested.

"And what do you call what you were just doing?" Eloy asked. Stephen looked away, then turned back to say something, but he didn't have an explanation. He looked down at the sheets rather than look back at Eloy. "Stephen, you should be more comfortable with your body. It's beautiful --- there's no need to hide."

"Nice of you to say so, but I really don't feel that way," he said faintly. Eloy had to lean forward to hear the soft words. He sighed. Then he pushed himself up onto his hip and leaned forward so that he rested his cheek against Stephen's.

"Well, liefste, I hope some day that I can change your mind. Because you are beautiful." He reached out and tilted Stephen's face up so that they were looking at each other. "Thank you for being here. I don't mean to embarrass you, but I hate to see you so negative about yourself."

Stephen sighed. "Let's forget about it, okay?" He looked up to see Eloy shaking his head. "No?"

"No, because I don't want you waking up and pulling away like this, zoetelief... sweetheart," Eloy said. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable every time I pay you a compliment. If I say you are schoon... you are, in my eyes. Okay?"

Stephen stared at him a moment before sighing softly. "Okay. I'm sorry. I just... don't deal well with compliments, I guess."

"Well, that's just something we'll have to work on, then," Eloy said with a smile. "Now, how about we start this again? Goedemorgen, liefste."

"Good morning, hon." Stephen smiled back. "How do you say that again?"

"Goedemorgen," Eloy said. Stephen repeated it with a smile, then reached out a hand to pull Eloy in for a kiss.

"And leaster?" He asked as they pulled back from the kiss.

"Liefste," Eloy corrected gently. Stephen repeated it a few times to himself before saying the whole phrase back to him.

"Ja, goed!" he said with a smile.

"Yeah?" Stephen seemed pleased with himself for getting it right. He pulled Eloy into a tight hug and held him for a moment before letting go again. "And a good morning it is!"

Eloy laughed. "And what would you like to do this morning, hmmmm? We've got the whole day to ourselves. No use staying cooped up inside if we don't have to."

"You think?" Stephen said with a laugh. "Yeah, I agree. It looks like a grand day out there. What about if we get ourselves out for some breakfast and perhaps a bit of window shopping or something?" He turned to look out the open drapes. They had neglected to close them the night before and it was the sun shining through the gauzy sheer curtain that had woken them.

"We could do that," Eloy grinned. Stephen tended towards mercurial moods at times. One moment moody and dark, the next it was like a cloud had lifted from the sun. He felt he had pressed his point home for the time being. He pulled Stephen into his arms and tumbled back onto the bed with Stephen on top of him. Kissing him soundly he hugged him tightly before pulling back slightly to look at his face. Stephen had closed his eyes with the kiss and slowly opened them again as Eloy pulled back.

"Wow," Stephen breathed softly, a bit shaken by his response to the kiss.

"Hey, I rated a wow!" Eloy exclaimed, delighted with Stephen's reaction. Stephen opened his eyes to look down at Eloy.

"Yeah, you did. And do I mean WOW!" He growled and leaned in to give Eloy another kiss. Eloy laughed and he stroked Stephen's back. He loved the feeling of their skin touching. As Stephen shifted so their legs intertwined he ran a hand down Stephen's back to his butt. He kneaded it gently and pressed Stephen's hips close to his own. He felt a reaction to his touch and smiled. Stephen bit his shoulder gently and he groaned in response. Then Stephen's hand crept down to touch him. He gasped.

"Okay?" Stephen asked raggedly, his breathing a bit harsh.

"Ja," Eloy said, pumping his hips slightly. "Zusje... baby... I need you," he whispered.

"Yeah," Stephen said a bit breathlessly. "I need you, too." He started biting Eloy's neck, working his way down his shoulder to his chest. Eloy still smelled like the oil from their bath of the night before, mixed in with a bit of his own musky scent. Stephen inhaled the smell as he licked his way down Eloy's chest, taking little bites as he drifted lower. Eloy ran his fingers through Stephen's hair, silently encouraging him along. He loved the way Stephen took control. It was exciting and very erotic. He felt Stephen dip his tongue in his belly button and he shuddered. Hands stroked him everywhere. They spread his legs and he sighed with satisfaction as he felt Stephen's mouth surround him. Everything felt so right. Feather light touches of Stephen's tongue found him rock hard. Stephen pulled up and pushed down again, letting Eloy push at the back of his throat. His hand stroked all around Eloy's waist, stroking through hair, scratching and squeezing. He knew!

he was playing with fire by not using a condom, but he really didn't want to stop. He pulled back and sucked on the head of Eloy's penis. Eloy groaned in response, pressing his head back down. He lightly nipped along its length, running his tongue along the underside as he went.

Eloy raised his leg and slipped it between Stephen's legs. He pressed up against Stephen's penis and rubbed against it. Stephen unconsciously picked up the rhythm of his movements and mirrored them with his mouth. Eloy raised himself up on his elbows to look down at Stephen. Stephen was roaming his hands all over Eloy's lower body, dipping into cracks and crevasses and stroking lightly. Eloy panted, turned on by watching Stephen as he sucked on him. It was then that he realized that Stephen hadn't put a condom on either of them.

"Stephen," he gasped.

"Mmmm," Stephen murmured as he continued to work his way up and down Eloy's shaft.

"Stephen, please!" He said, reaching down to gently push Stephen back. "Afhalen, zusje...."

"What?" Stephen asked, a bit cross at being interrupted. He looked up, his eyes dark with desire. "What?"

Eloy stretched over to the nightstand and grabbed a couple of condoms out of the box. "Baby, we can't..."

Stephen stared at Eloy dazedly for a moment before looking at his hand and focusing on what was in it.

"Shite," he swore softly.

"Het spijt me," Eloy said softly. He struggled to translate past the haze of what he was feeling. "Sorry. I'm so sorry baby. But we can't taken chances...."

"What if I want to?" Stephen said softly, almost sulkily. "I'm clean."

"Ja, you are. But I can't let you take that chance with me," Eloy said steadily, meeting his eyes.

"I trust you," Stephen said, still fighting the suggestion.

"Dank u, liefste," Eloy said with a sigh. "Thank you so much. But baby, over the last few months, I haven't been alone sometimes. And while I'm sure I've been careful, until we know... until we're sure.... I can't let you take that kind of a chance. I'm sorry."

Stephen closed his eyes and dropped his head down on Eloy's thigh. He felt green with jealousy of the thought of Eloy with someone else. He panted for a moment before he looked up where Eloy still lay with his hand outstretched. "Has it really been that many?"

Eloy winced away at the hurt look on Stephen's face. He felt like he had betrayed him when most of the encounters had happened before they had even gotten together for the first time in France. There had been one since, but Eloy had walked away from that encounter feeling a bit soiled. He had been drunk at the time and hadn't thought twice about accepting the other man's advances at a mutual friend's party. It was the last time he had slept with anyone and that had been over 3 months before.

"Not so many, no. But enough," he admitted softly. Stephen closed his eyes again. He reached out and gently stroked Stephen's face. "I'm sorry, honey. I really am. But I have to be honest about this."

Stephen turned his face away slightly and nodded. "Yeah, well, its not like you were with anyone, so I guess it shouldn't bother me." He looked back up at Eloy. "But it does, a bit." He admitted shakily.

"Oh, baby," Eloy said softly. "I'm so sorry." He stroked Stephen's cheek again. It felt a bit damp and he closed his eyes. He felt terrible and wished he could turn back the clock and change the past.

Stephen opened his eyes when he heard the catch in Eloy's voice. The regret was painted all over his face and Stephen felt the little knot in his stomach dissolve a bit. He told himself that he had no right to expect Eloy to be celibate after his breakup with Carlo. Just because he didn't have a sex life didn't necessarily mean that he should expect other people to be the same. Especially Eloy, whom he had always found extremely attractive. He was sure he wasn't the only one who thought so, either.

He levered himself up on his knees and crawled over to Eloy. He wrapped his arms around the other man and hugged him close. Eloy opened his eyes, a bit startled by Stephen's reaction.

"Hey, it's okay, Eloy." He reassured him softly and kissed his cheek.

"No, it isn't. But thank you for being so understanding," he said softly, hugging Stephen back. "Honestly, I think I got lost for a bit there, as I tried to work things out. It took me a long time to come out of that well. I'm not proud of some of the things I did. And I am sorry now."

"Eloy, we all do some things we're not too proud of," Stephen replied softly. "Its part of life. We learn from it and go on."

Eloy nodded. "Can we go on from this?" He asked tentatively.

He felt Stephen's hair brush his cheek as he nodded. "Yeah, we can. I have to admit it killed the moment for me right now," he said a bit shakily as he let out a breath. "But that's not to say we can't pick up later."

"Ja," he said a bit regretfully. "So what now?"

"Now?" Stephen sighed. "What do you say we get the hell out of here and go get something to eat? I think I need to see some daylight for a change." He pulled away from Eloy and moved over to the edge of the bed. He looked up and with a wry smile held out his hand to Eloy. "C'mon."

"C'mon where?" Eloy asked, taking Stephen's hand and let himself be pulled off the bed. He stood up and looked down at Stephen.

"C'mon down to my room where we can get ourselves a real shower," Stephen said with a crooked smile. "Then we can get ourselves dressed and out the door to find ourselves something to eat. What do you say to that?"

Eloy smiled, feeling their old camaraderie coming back with Stephen's gentle joking. "I think that's a pretty darn good idea. How about we toss on some sweats and sneak down the stairs?"

"All right, let's go." Stephen said, feeling back on even ground again as they settled back into a comfortable friendship again. He hunted around the floor for the bag he had brought the night before that held his spare set of clothes as well as the sweats that Eloy had loaned him. Pulling them on, he turned to see that Eloy had hunted up his sweats and had pulled out a change of clothes to bring downstairs. Smiling, he grabbed his room key and mobile off the table and shoved them in a pocket.

"Follow me," he said, peering into the corridor as he opened the door. Seeing no one about, he stepped out into the corridor, Eloy following quietly.

Next: Chapter 18

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