Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Apr 21, 2001



The following story is the sixteenth installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group.

This story, as with many on the nifty site, contains explicit sexual scenes at times. Hence the warning if you're not old enough to be reading this, you should not.

I enjoy hearing what you have to think about my story so far, so please email me and let me know what you think.

After they finished dinner, they cleaned up, putting the leftovers in the small fridge. Eloy called down for some room service and a short time later a young man came up with a carafe of coffee and a couple of bottles of wine. Eloy met him at the door and after tipping him, brought the tray inside.

Stephen still sat at the table, a bit bemused by the day's events. Eloy carried the tray over to the table and put it down. Turning the cups over, he poured coffee into both. Stephen took his and sipped it.

"Ah, just what I needed!" He said with a laugh. Eloy smiled quietly and gestured to the sofa. Stephen nodded agreeably and they moved over to it. Stephen sat at one end with one foot underneath him. Eloy turned on the radio that was built into the television and sat down beside him. He stretched his arm along the back of the sofa and pulled on Stephen so that he was leaning against him. Stephen leaned his head back and sighed.

"Tired?" Eloy asked softly. Stephen shook his head and took another sip of his coffee.

"No, just... content." Stephen turned his head to smile up at Eloy. "Thank you."

Eloy cocked his head to one side. "You're quite welcome. But what are you thanking me for?"

"For today. For ringing me up this morning. For being here." Stephen softly listed. He rubbed his cheek against Eloy's arm. "Thank you for all of it." Eloy wrapped his arms around Stephen and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, geliefde. Ik hou van jou," Eloy whispered into Stephen's hair. He felt a lump in his throat in reaction to what Stephen had said.

"Hmmmm?" Stephen murmured.

Eloy tipped him back so he could look into Stephen's eyes. " Ik hou van jou," he repeated. Stephen smiled up at him and kissed him.

"Speaking sweet nothings to me again? Well, I guess I can drudge up one of my own." He chuckled softly. "Just about the only phrase I know, actually." Eloy loved watching his eyes crinkle up with amusement. " Tá mé i ngrá leat," he said softly. The soft Gaelic sounds rolled softly off his tongue.

Eloy felt his heart skip a beat or two at the sound. "That's lovely. You should speak it more often. It's a beautiful language, geliefde."

Stephen sighed softly. "I suppose it is, but it wasn't something I was interested in as a kid, you know? Didn't see the point of learning it in school."

"Can you teach me to say that?" Eloy asked. He was always curious about other languages and wanted to be able to say the phrase back to Stephen.

"Well, I guess so. First word is Tá." Stephen smiled up at Eloy. Eloy obediently repeated the word. They went through the whole phrase.

" Tá mé i ngrá leat," Eloy finally said. Stephen grinned. His pronunciation was a bit off, but the thought was there.

"Brilliant, babe." Stephen said. "Now you'll have to help me with the Dutch. I have a feeling I'm going to have to start learning this if I'm going to understand half of what you say to me."

"I'm sorry," Eloy said, a bit contrite. "I just forget sometimes." Stephen chuckled, pushed himself off the sofa and went back over to the table. He put his cup down and reached for one of the bottles of wine that Eloy had left chilling in the ice bucket. Silently he raised the bottle in Eloy's direction and got an eager nod as a response. He pulled the cork out and poured the zinfandel into two glasses. Sniffing appreciatively, he walked back over to the sofa and sat back down next to Eloy. He handed Eloy his glass and they quietly tipped their glasses together.

"Mmmm, good choice," Stephen said after taking a sip. Eloy nodded as he drank from his own glass. He put his free arm around Stephen's shoulders again and stroked his arm. Stephen rested his hand on Eloy's knee and traced idle patterns on it. "You know, it's so nice just to be here and not have to do anything. Know what I mean?"

"Ja, I do. Sometimes you're running around so much that you feel like you don't know where you are. This pace can get too much. You need to know that you can say enough is enough and take a break." Eloy gave him a light squeeze.

"That's the problem," Stephen sighed. "It just seems like there's no time when you can say that. There's always something new cropping up, and you just can't say no. Well, at least I can't." He took another sip of his wine and leaned into Eloy's shoulder. Eloy rested his cheek against Stephen's head and closed his eyes.

"Well, maybe its time you do," Eloy suggested. "Otherwise you fall apart." He could feel Stephen shrug.

"Nah, it isn't that bad. Well, most of the time. Like now. It's the touring and promotion that can get to you. This last one, with the two of them together...." Stephen paused as he took another sip. He let his hand creep in between Eloy's knees and rest there. Eloy gave him a slight nudge of encouragement and he wrapped his fingers around Eloy's leg. "It was a bit much."

"Ja, I bet it was. Well, you can't change what happened, but you can have more input on future commitments. And I have a feeling its not just you who feels that way. Why don't you talk it over with the others?" Eloy suggested. He finished his wine and pulled his arm away as he reached for the bottle that Stephen had put on the floor in front of them. He poured himself another glass and refilled Stephen's when he held it out.

"Yeah, we probably will. None of us were too happy with the back to back stuff. I know Ro was ready to drop. He's had a hard time of it through this last tour, God love him." Stephen paused and took another sip as Eloy sat back and put his arm around him again. "He's mam hasn't been too well and I know that he's been trying to throw himself into stuff to keep his mind off of it, but sometimes you just can't do that."

"Ja," Eloy nodded. "I know what you mean. I lost a cousin this past year and it was really hard. Sometimes I think it was only the music that kept me sane through it all."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Stephen said. The pain in Eloy's voice just at mentioning it was evident. He pulled back and turned so that they were facing each other. "I didn't know."

"I didn't talk about it much. We were quite close." Eloy shook his head as if to clear away the memory. "It was rough."

Stephen reached up and rubbed the back of his hand against Eloy's cheek. "I'm still sorry."

"Danke, kindje." Eloy kissed the hand against his cheek and smiled. "I do appreciate it. But let's talk of something else."

"Like what?" Stephen asked. He dropped his hand so that it was resting back on Eloy's leg again.

"Well, like what you'd like to do on your time off the next day or so." Eloy suggested. "Not that we have to plan anything. But I'd like to see you get some relaxing done before you have to go into the studio."

"I'm not much of a planner," Stephen said with a laugh. "Just hanging out would be heaven enough. I like the idea of not moving." He smiled up at Eloy. "That is, if you don't mind boring."

"No, not at all. Boring is good sometimes!" Eloy laughed. "Besides, I'm sure we can find enough things from getting bored here." He winked and Stephen laughed again.

"I'm sure we can," Stephen agreed with a laugh. He tilted his head to one side as he finished off his wine. "Mmm, I think this is beginning to get to me."

"More?" Eloy asked with a grin. Stephen shook his head.

"No, any more and I'll probably do something embarrassing!" He laughed. Eloy raised his eyebrows suggestively and that got Stephen going. He cracked up laughing and put the glass down on the end table then went after Eloy, trying to find a place to tickle him.

"Oh no you don't!" Eloy laughed, putting his own glass down and tried to grab Stephen's arms. "Didn't you learn the last time?"

"Nope!" Stephen said cheerfully, trying to wiggle out of Eloy's grasp. "I'm a bit thick that way." He was able to get one hand past Eloy's guard and tickled him under the arm. Eloy laughed and shook his head, indicating it wasn't working. Stephen stuck his tongue out and reached around the other side to see if that was any different. Eloy used the opportunity to pull Stephen onto his lap and try to grab his other arm again. "Oh no, you don't!"

"Oh ja, I think I do!" Eloy grinned, finally pinning Stephen down. He wrapped both arms around him and kissed him soundly. Stephen immediately stopped struggling and responded by leaning into the kiss. His arms crept up around Eloy's neck and he ran a hand through his hair while they kissed. A moment later he pulled back with a sigh. He stared up into Eloy's eyes, idly noticing that there were gold flecks mixed in with the brown. They stared at each other for a few moments, neither one saying anything. Stephen pulled his hand down so that he could trace a finger of Eloy's lips. Eloy kissed the finger and licked it with the tip of his tongue as Stephen's finger passed across. Stephen let out a shuddering breath as he reached up to run his hand through Eloy's hair again. He hitched himself higher on Eloy's lap and initiated the next kiss.

Eloy closed his eyes and opened his lips to the gentle invasion of Stephen's tongue. He could taste a bit of the sparkling wine that was still there, and he pressed Stephen closer, wanting to inhale him. He slipped his hand lower on Stephen's back, finally resting against the edge of his jeans. Stephen broke off the kiss and pulled back slightly. His breathing was a little ragged, and he was feeling a little dazed. That a kiss could do this to him was a bit startling. He stared into Eloy's eyes for a moment. After giving him a light kiss he got up from Eloy's lap. He clicked off the light next to them so that the only light left was the one on the nightstand next to the bed. Standing, he held out his hand.

Eloy looked up, but with the light behind Stephen, it was hard to read his face. He took the offered hand and stood. Stephen wrapped his arms around Eloy and hugged him close. Then he looked up and crooked his finger for Eloy to bring his head down for another kiss.

"Care to dance?" Stephen asked softly as their lips parted from the kiss. A song was playing on the radio, and Eloy nodded. He wrapped his arms around Stephen's waist and they swayed to the music. Eloy buried his face against Stephen's neck and closed his eyes. It was an old song, and he had to smile as he listened to the words as Paul McCartney sang. "There were bells on a hill, but I never heard them ringing. No, I never heard them at all, 'til there was you...."

They moved around the room between the sofa and the bed, as one song moved onto another. Occasionally Stephen would rub his cheek against Eloy's as they danced, and he'd whisper something in his ear. He worked his hand under Eloy's sweatshirt and caressed his back as they danced. When REO Speedwagon came on with "Can't Fight This Feeling," he began to think that the words to each song was a message just for them. Softly, he began singing the words along to the song.

"'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore. I'd forgotten what I started fighting for. And if I had to crawl upon the floor, come crashing through the door; baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore." Eloy watched him as he sang, cupping his face with one hand. At this moment they were caught up together in some magical world, and as the song ended he leaned down and kissed the lips he had been focused on.

"Vrijster, verhuren ons gaat voor tuinbed.," Eloy whispered as they broke the kiss. Stephen didn't even bother to ask for a translation. "Ik behoefte...."

Stephen held a finger to Eloy's lips. "Shush." Obediently, Eloy stopped trying to speak as Stephen tugged on his hand and pulled him towards the bed. He pushed Eloy down so he was sitting on the edge of the bed and moved to stand in front of him. He ran his hands through Eloy's hair, pushing it back off his face. Eloy just stared up at him, waiting for him to make the next move.

He looked around the room, his eyes coming to rest on the bottle of wine, which they had abandoned next to the sofa. He walked over and picked it up, swirling the liquid around inside. There wasn't much left. He came back to the bed where Eloy had leaned back, his hands bracing him. He took a swig of wine out of the bottle and climbed onto Eloy's lap, straddling him. He leaned down for a kiss and shared the wine he still had in his mouth.

Eloy was lost in the erotic sensations that Stephen was causing. Between his tongue dipping into Stephen's mouth, to feeling Stephen's hands pulling his shirt off, he found himself instantly aroused by what was going on. They paused for a moment while Stephen pulled his sweatshirt off and tossed it to the side. He tried to do the same, only to have his hands slapped away. For the moment he was content to let Stephen control what was going on. His nipples contracted with the touch of the cooler air. Stephen ran his hands over Eloy's chest as he nibbled on his neck. Feeling the hard knots of Eloy's nipples, he exhaled sharply. He felt that he had to explore every part of the other man's body. A bit roughly, he pushed Eloy back so that he was lying flat on the bed and he leaned down to suck, moving from side to side. Eloy moaned as he bit a nipple and his hands pressed Stephen to his chest. Stephen pulled back and grinned, clearly feeling Eloy's erection in his sw! eatpants. He had found that he liked teasing him and wanted to do again what he had done earlier in the day.

He reached down and fondled Eloy's penis through the material of the sweats, encircling the shaft and pumping it. Eloy gasped as his fingers touched him. Again, he reached to touch Stephen back and had his hands batted away again. He whimpered, aching with the need to touch him.

"Hush," Stephen said, moving to lie on top of him and kiss him. He sucked Eloy's tongue into his mouth and bit lightly on it, causing Eloy to squirm beneath him. He could feel his own erection straining against his pants. The coarse material of the jeans scraped against him and he found himself rubbing himself against Eloy's hip, getting more and more excited. He broke the kiss and rained kisses all over Eloy's face, pausing to suck and bite his earlobe before continuing down his chest again. He reached the waistband of Eloy's sweatpants and allowed himself to drop to the floor so that he was kneeling in between Eloy's knees.

Eloy levered himself up on his elbows so he could watch what Stephen would do next. He felt like he was on fire, every kiss and touch making him burn. Stephen grinned from where he knelt and then buried his face in Eloy's crotch, biting his penis through the material. Eloy groaned. Just when he couldn't take anymore, Stephen moved off to the side so he could bite at his thigh, or move up to kiss his stomach. Eloy moved his foot so that it was rubbing against Stephen. Stephen eagerly rode his foot as he moved back and forth, working himself up so that he was panting just as heavily as Eloy.

"Stephen," Eloy groaned, unable to take more of the teasing. Stephen paused and looked up from where he had been working his way down Eloy's leg with his mouth. He heard the urgency in Eloy's voice and smiled. He got back up and pushed Eloy flat on the bed again, lying on top of him. Eloy wrapped his arms around Stephen and tried to hold him, but Stephen tapped him on the lips and shook his head.

"Uh, uh." He whispered and he ran his tongue over Eloy's lips. "Patience, baby." Eloy whimpered. He worked his way back down Eloy's chest and this time pulled at the waistband. Eloy lifted his hips, letting the material slide off of him. His erection stood straight up as Stephen moved the sweats over his legs and he shivered when he felt lips brush over it. He let out a gasp as Stephen's mouth sucked on his testicles, the feeling of being incased in that velvet mouth almost too much for him. He spread his legs, wanting to give Stephen as much access as he could. A hand caressed his butt before sliding a finger down his crack and pushing on his anus. His whimpering grew as he felt a wet tongue circle around it.

"Oh!" Eloy said in surprise as the tongue pushed in a bit, fingers spreading him for better access. The dreams he had had over the past weeks didn't even compare with reality. He allowed his hands to crawl down and hold Stephen's head in place, not wanting him to move from where he was.

Stephen was fully aroused and excited by what he was doing. He found that he wanted to explore every part of his lover's body, and was enjoying his wanderings very much. As he felt Eloy's hands run through his hair and press him down, he knew if he kept it up much longer, they were both going to go prematurely. With a sigh of regret he pulled back, ignoring Eloy's whimper as he removed his tongue from where it was. He sucked on the fingers that traced his face and bit each one as they tried to push him back to where he had been.

Finally he pushed Eloy's hands away and rested back on his heels. He tried to ease the strain of his jeans against him. Eloy was still panting heavily, legs drawn up and spread wide. Sweat glistened along his body. Stephen leaned forward and licked a bit off his stomach as he levered himself up.

Eloy vaguely sensed that Stephen had gotten up and opened his eyes to see what was going to happen next. It seemed to him that Stephen was looking mysterious in the dim light, wearing all black. The fact that he was still dressed while he himself was naked made him shiver.

Stephen saw the ripple of the shiver chase through Eloy's body and he was pleased at the reaction he had caused. He was going purely on instinct and letting himself just do what he wanted without really thinking about it. So far, everything he had done had gotten the response he had been hoping for.

"Alstublieft," Eloy moaned softly. He held a hand out to Stephen, silently pleading with him. Stephen took the hand and kissed it, first the back, then the palm before putting it back down on the bed. Eloy clutched the mussed sheets. "Alstublieft."

This time Stephen listened to the plea and smiled. "Just a minute, baby." He leaned down and got the box of condoms that they had tossed on the floor earlier. Placing the box on the nightstand, he opened one package and leaned down to kiss Eloy's erection. "Baby, you have no idea how much I wish we didn't have to use these." He gently rolled the condom down Eloy's shaft and stroked it lightly.

"Ja," Eloy agreed with a gasp. He knew exactly what Stephen meant. He panted as Stephen stood back up and put the other packet to one side.

Stephen reached down and pulled his t-shirt out of his jeans and over his head. Eloy was mesmerized with the way he did it, his white skin exposed in the dim light of the nightstand lamp. He ran a hand over his chest. Black hair encircled each nipple, growing in a swath down his chest and down to where it disappeared into his jeans. Eloy found him incredibly sexy, unconsciously posing as he dropped the shirt onto a nearby chair. He found he wanted to trace the path of that hair down past the belly to what lay beneath. He ached to feel his lips along that stomach. His hands itched to stroke that chest. He whimpered again and Stephen smiled.

"I'll be right there, honey." He said softly. He popped the top button of his jeans and pulled them down off his body. His penis stood out as he leaned over to pull each pant leg off and Eloy groaned as his eyes wandered over the rest of his body, now that it was exposed to him. The hair on his belly ended in a black bush around his penis and Eloy focused on the erection in front of him. He found he couldn't take his eyes off of it as Stephen straightened up and smiled again.

"Alstublieft," he whispered again. He knew he wasn't speaking English but he really didn't care. By this point, all he wanted was to feel that body on his own. Stephen picked up the packet he had put on the bed and opened it. He rolled the condom on his own penis and tossed the wrapper into the bin next to the bed.

"Ready?" He asked softly and Eloy nodded eagerly. He crawled in between Eloy's legs and lay down on top of him, their penises rubbing together as he rested his weight down on Eloy. They kissed, their tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. Stephen didn't object to Eloy's arms circling around him this time, and they hugged tightly as they kissed. Eloy bucked his hips slightly so he could rub himself back and forth against Stephen's length. Stephen growled and reached a hand down between them, grasping both of them and pumping slightly.

"Argh!" Eloy groaned, pressing hard against Stephen's hand.

"Uh, uh, uh," Stephen teased. "Not so fast, babe. No need to rush a good thing." He grinned, his eyes glinting in the dim light. He snaked his hand through their legs so he could stroke Eloy's anus again. Eloy gasped in reaction and he laughed softly. "Yeah, this is what you want, don't you?"

Eloy tossed his head back and forth as Stephen continued to tease him mercilessly. He was groaning louder, every stroke by Stephen making muscles ripple in reaction. Stephen pushed back off of him and left a fiery trail of kisses down the length of his body as he dropped lower. He licked at Eloy, making him squirm in reaction. He could feel himself reacting to what he was doing, too. He wasn't sure if he was going to do it right, but at this point, Eloy was beyond the point of caring what happened next. He was panting in small gasps, whimpering, and shivering in reaction. Stephen grabbed a pillow and wedged it beneath Eloy's hips, raising him up. With one last lick, he made sure that Eloy was wet enough for what he needed. Pushing Eloy's legs back he rested his penis at his hole and pushed in slightly.

"Oh!" Eloy gasped, his eyes opening as Stephen entered him. Stephen watched his face intently. He had never done this before and he wanted to make sure he was careful and didn't hurt Eloy.

"Okay?" Stephen whispered softly, a worried expression on his face.

"Ja! Ja!" Eloy exclaimed as he pushed himself down against Stephen. "Meer, geliefde. Alstublieft!" He reached out and stroked Stephen's face. "Ja, goed." He closed his eyes involuntarily as Stephen filled him and pulled out again, giving small strokes. "Goed, geliefde. Zich haasten, geliefde."

Stephen felt incredible. The feeling of Eloy sliding around him was amazing. He had never experienced anything like it before. As he got more comfortable with the fact that he wasn't hurting Eloy, he sped up and was a little more aggressive with his strokes. Eloy seemed to like it, because he gasped louder and reached out a hand to stroke down Stephen's chest, encouraging him to continue. His gasps grew louder as Stephen continued to pull in and out of him. The slick sound of their bodies hitting together as Stephen reached the end of his stroke was the only sound they made for a while. Eventually, as Stephen got more confident, he let his hand creep down Eloy's thigh to circle his penis and pumped it, keeping with the rhythm that his hips were making. Eloy had one hand on his leg, pulling it back so Stephen had better access. He kept on urging Stephen on by tweaking his nipples, stroking wherever he could reach and by pressing up against Stephen on each strok! e. This was beyond his wildest imaginations and dreams. He hadn't thought that was going to be possible, but it was.

They were covered with sweat from their exertions. Eventually, Stephen's hand took its toll and Eloy was ejaculating into the condom. Involuntarily he clenched his butt as Stephen entered again and that was enough to push the younger man over the edge, too. Soon he was shooting off himself and finally came to rest down on top of Eloy. They both panted heavily, slowly allowing their breathing to slow down.

Eloy opened his eyes and stared down at Stephen's sweat-streaked face where it rested against his chest. He could still feel Stephen inside him, though he was slowly slipping out as he lost his erection. Never had he felt so fantastic. As Stephen finally slipped out, he pulled him up so that they were level with each other. Stephen smiled tiredly as they kissed.

"Dank u, geliefde. Dank u," he whispered against Stephen's lips.

"Thank you, baby," Stephen said back. "Did you really like it?" His eyes roved Eloy's face worriedly. He was afraid that he hadn't done it right, or that it wasn't what Eloy had been expecting.

"Oh, Ja!" Eloy exclaimed. "Op watertje ongeloofwaardig! Fantasierijk!" He struggled to translate into English what he felt. "It... it was incredible! Bijster... very much so!"

"Yeah?" Stephen asked, delighted.

"Ja," Eloy agreed. He loved watching the expressions cross Stephen's face. He was quick to reassure him that he had done it right. Stephen could be so insecure about stuff, he mused to himself. He was so worried that he had done something wrong, and Eloy knew that only repeated experience would make him secure in what had happened. And he intended to repeat that again in the near future. He helped Stephen pull his condom off as well as his own and tossed both into the bin together. He echoed Stephen's wish that they didn't have to use them, and knew that in time, they wouldn't have to. He looked forward to that time very much, because he wanted to share everything with Stephen.

Eloy pulled them both up so that they were completely on the bed and pulled the covers around them. Wrapped up in a cocoon of covers, they let their breathing slow as they listened to the music playing on the radio.

Next: Chapter 17

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