Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Mar 31, 2001



The following story is the fourteenth installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group.

Eloy woke up slowly, gradually growing more aware as he listened to Stephen's quiet breathing in his ear. Stephen was still lying in his arms, and he tightened his arms around Stephen's shoulders. He idly stroked a hand down his back, finally coming down to Stephen's rear. Cupping one cheek, he brushed his lips against Stephen's head and held him close. He felt like he could stay here forever.

He thought back over what had happened and a smile crept across his face. Never had he imagined the reaction he had gotten from Stephen. Over the past several weeks he had thought a lot about it, but he really hadn't hoped for more than perhaps a tentative interest by Stephen. Just the thought of Stephen on his knees looking up at him the way he had brought a lump to his throat. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"What you thinking about?" Stephen murmured sleepily.

"You, kindje," Eloy whispered. Stephen turned his face so he could look up at Eloy. His long lashes dipped down briefly before he raised his eyes again.

Eloy chuckled. "Stephen, are you blushing?" Stephen shrugged and Eloy pulled him up so that they were face to face. "You are!"

"Am not!" Stephen protested, pulling away slightly and shaking his head. Eloy tugged on his shoulders, pulling him forward into a kiss. Stephen couldn't help himself --- he melted into that kiss. He was a bit breathless when he pulled back. They stared at each other for a moment. Neither one could really believe that it was real and that they were finally together, and they got lost in each other's eyes for a bit. Eloy wanted to memorize everything that had happened. It was too special not to. A small smile played around Stephen's lips as he bent down and kissed Eloy on the nose. "You look so serious," he said.

"Don't mean to be," Eloy replied. "But I feel like I want to stay like this forever with you lying here in my arms."

"Mmmmmm, I could get used to that, darling." Stephen lightly brushed the hair off of Eloy's forehead and followed the hair down to the jaw line and mouth where he rested his fingertips on Eloy's lips. Eloy kissed the fingers and then sucked on one fingertip. Stephen shivered. "I'm quite comfortable where I am, you know." He pulled his finger out and trailed it down over Eloy's chin and rested his hand at the base of Eloy's throat. He could feel the other man's pulse beating strongly and he leaned his head down to kiss him gently there. He got goosebumps as Eloy lightly traced along the back of his neck, teasing the hair there. "Oooh, that's funny."

"What's funny?" Eloy breathed into his ear before sucking on his earlobe. Stephen twitched in reaction.

"That!" He laughed. "That tickles!"

"Tickles?" Eloy said in surprise. "Here I am, trying to get you all hot and bothered and the best I can do is make you giggle?" He snorted in disgust. That got Stephen laughing and Eloy ran his hands along his ribs in revenge, trying to get him going. Since Stephen was already in a bit of a giddy mood, he cracked up and rolled away. Eloy chased after him and threw a leg over Stephen, pinning him down to the bed. "No, you're not getting away, you!" They tussled around on the bed for a bit, Stephen moving to escape Eloy's fingers while trying to get a bit of his own tickling in.

"Oooof!" Eloy exclaimed as he fell over the side of the bed. Stephen was breathless with laughter. There was a thump and by this point, Stephen couldn't breathe, he was wheezing so hard. He crawled to the side and peered over the edge. The sight of Eloy sprawled on the floor and tangled in the duvet made him laugh some more. He dropped his head down to the mattress and tried to get some breath back. "Hey," came an indignant complaint from the floor. That set Stephen off again and Eloy grabbed the sheets for revenge. Pulling, he hauled Stephen off the bed and on top of him.

"Hey yourself!" Stephen said in between gasps as Eloy caught him and held him tight.

"You brat!" Eloy cried, trying to make sure that Stephen was wrapped up enough so that he couldn't get away. "I'll teach you!"

Stephen tilted his head back and looked up at Eloy. "You and what army?" He tried to scramble away but the sheets were too tangled and he couldn't get up enough to push himself any distance.

"Do I really need one right now?" Eloy said with amusement. He clamped his legs around Stephen to prevent him from getting up and rolled over so he was pinning Stephen down.

"No, but..." Stephen paused as he tried to get out from the tangle he was in. "...some group activity might be fun."

Eloy roared with laughter. "What? You're into orgies now?"

Stephen laughed and gave Eloy a saucy wink. "Ah well, lad, you never know what kinds of things I might be into, do you now?"

"Oh ho! Is that a fact?" Eloy tried to tickle Stephen some more, but found that the sheets were getting in the way. After a few attempts he just gave up and starting kissing the parts he could reach. Stephen closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Eloy's lips brushing his skin.

"Mmmm, don't stop...." He breathed and sighed when Eloy paused for a moment before picking up elsewhere. Eloy followed the line of an arm, unwrapping the sheet as he went. Reaching Stephen's shoulder he licked his way along the path of hair, lightly circling a nipple before working his way to Stephen's throat where he nibbled his way up to kiss him on the lips. Stephen opened his mouth and sucked on the lips kissing him. Eloy moaned in reaction. After a moment he pulled back to stare down at Stephen.

Stephen looked up, noticing the tiny beads of sweat on Eloy's forehead. Hair hung over one eye, and he reached up with the free hand and stroked it back. Eloy leaned into his hand and turned his face to kiss the palm. He then rested his cheek against Stephen's for a moment and closed his eyes. Stephen rubbed his back, lightly tracing patterns along his shoulder blades. By this time, he had worked his other arm free and brought it up to caress Eloy's bum. Eloy sighed and pressed upwards against Stephen's hand.

"Ya like this?" Stephen whispered softly into Eloy's ear. He nodded without opening his eyes. "How about this?" Stephen slipped his fingers in between Eloy's cheeks and lightly stroked him. Eloy nodded again as a small gasp escaped his lips. "Tell me what you want, baby. I'll do anything you want."

"What you're doing is good." Eloy replied softly. "But what I'd really like..." he trailed off in embarrassment and buried his face against Stephen's neck.

"What?" Stephen asked.

"I can't... in het minst niet. Het is te veel in aanvragen. Het spijt me." Eloy murmured. Stephen pulled his hair to make him look up. He looked worried at the tone of Eloy's voice.

"What? What is it you want, hon?" He stared into Eloy's eyes. "Please tell me." He wouldn't let Eloy look away. Finally Eloy sighed, giving in.

"I... I had this dream...." He said softly, looking down so he wouldn't have to meet Stephen's eyes. "Ah, I can't...."

"Hush, of course you can." Stephen urged him. This time he let Eloy bury his face into his shoulder. He continued stroking Eloy's hair. "You can tell me anything, E. Please tell me what you want. Tell me about this dream, baby."

"You and I," Eloy said into his neck. "We were together. And you were making love to me."

"Mmmm, sounds good so far," Stephen said with a quiet smile. He continued to stroke Eloy's back. His fingers followed the ridge of Eloy's spine up and down, then worked their way out along his ribcage. Slowly Eloy began to relax and he whispered his dream into Stephen's ear.

"You were touching me... light touches everywhere. It was so enticing... it felt so wonderful, kindje. Like I couldn't get enough. Your lips, your hands... ah," he sighed. "And then you had me roll over. And... and you took me." Eloy paused and let a shuddering breath out. Stephen had felt himself grow warmer as he listened to Eloy's description of their lovemaking. Unconsciously he held Eloy tighter in response. "Ah, God.... Feeling you inside me.... I've dreamt about it for weeks now. And... I'd like you to do that...." He buried his face against Stephen's neck. "If you want, that is...."

Stephen felt tears come to his eyes. Eloy sounded so tentative, like he was afraid that he'd say no.

"Ah, sweetheart, that's beautiful." He said into Eloy's hair. "And yes, I'd like to. I'd love to, in fact." He pushed Eloy back so he could look into his eyes again. "There's nothing I could imagine that would be better than making love with you. Its nothing to be embarrassed about, Eloy. You think I haven't thought back countless times to the last time we were together? I did. And there's a lot of times I wish we had kept on going that weekend. But I knew how much you had to go through at the time and I didn't want to push. But baby, right now, I want to be inside you. I want to feel what that is like."

"Ja?" Eloy sounded surprised. Never had he thought to tell any of this to Stephen, but he found himself saying things he had barely voiced to himself.

"Yeah," Stephen replied. "Though if you're baring your soul, I think I need to do the same." A faint red coloured his cheeks as he thought about what he was going to share. "Can I make a confession?"

Eloy's eyes searched Stephen's face as he talked. Silently he nodded. Stephen opened his mouth and then paused. "Erm, well, this is a bit difficult...." He swallowed, then plunged ahead. "Eloy, I've never..."

"Never...?" Eloy said encouragingly. A moment later he understood. "Never?" Stephen shook his head. "Really?"

The red stain in Stephen's cheeks grew stronger as he nodded. "Yeah, really. So I'm saying yes, but I'm not sure if its going to be as good as you imagined." Eloy stared down at him a moment before leaning down to kiss Stephen.

"Would you rather we not?" He asked tentatively.

"No! I'm not saying that at all!" Stephen protested. "Damn, I'm not saying this right. I'm just trying to say that well, I might not be that good at it."

"Hah!" Eloy exclaimed. "Liefje, that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that what we share is because we care about each other." He looked down and then smiled shyly. "Besides, I think I'd get a kick out of being your first."

Startled, Stephen looked up. "Yeah?" Eloy nodded. "Well, let's do this right then. Take it slow, and when the moment is right, we'll know. Okay?"

"Ja, ja, sure. No need to rush anything." Eloy let Stephen pull him down so that he could snuggle down. "Ah, this is good, ja?"

"Ja," Stephen mocked softly as he wrapped his arms around Eloy and held him tight. They continued to lay there in the dark. The sun had set sometime during their playing and the only light was from the lamp over by the sofa. "Eloy, thank you for today," Stephen said softly. "It's been truly magical."

"For me, too kindje." Eloy replied in his ear.

Stephen found himself smiling. He reveled in how good it felt to have Eloy lying on him. They fit together so well, Eloy wrapping his long legs around Stephen.

"Hey E?"

"Ja?" Came the quiet reply.

"What's kindje mean, anyway?" His curiosity had gotten the better of him. A deep chuckle reverberated through Eloy at the question.

"It means," he said as he lifted his head. "Babe. Or baby. I think it suits you."

Stephen smiled up at Eloy. "Does it? Well, babe works for me, too. Because, you are definitely a babe," he drawled.

"Oh?" Eloy replied, one eyebrow quirked upwards. "I don't think so."

"Oh shite, we're not going to start that again, are we?" Stephen asked as he rolled his eyes. That brought a chuckle out of Eloy and he shook his head.

"Nah, I don't think so. I'd much rather cuddle for a while." Eloy said emphatically. Stephen pulled him back down where he rested his cheek against Stephen's chest. "Mmmmm, ja, this is what I want."

"Sounds good to me babe," Stephen said as he brushed his lips against the top of Eloy's head. He lightly brushed his fingers along Eloy's back as they lay there quietly. "And it's what I want right now, too."

Next: Chapter 15

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