Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Mar 4, 2001



The following story is the eleventh installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group.

And as with most Nifty stories, this chapter contains explicit sex which should not be viewed if you are a minor. I also would love to get some feedback on what you're reading and what you think of the story so far. Again, my apologies to any native Dutch speakers if I have inadvertently mangled your language. That being said, please read on ...

Eloy left the party early. He wasn't having much fun and was in a restless mood. He waved to the few friends he cared to let know that he was going and headed out the door. It hadn't been a great evening. Carlo had shown up and had cornered him, asking him to come back home. The whole encounter had made him rather uncomfortable, so he wanted to get out before Carlo had anything more to drink. He knew that there were friends here who could take care of him.

As he went out the door, a cool breeze hit him in the face and he breathed deeply. The windows were shaking under the onslaught of the heavy dance beat that was pounding inside. He stepped down off the porch. Stopping under the streetlight to light a cigarette, he nodded amiably to a man heading into the party. The man gave him a suggestive look and smiled.

" Berouw, vriendin." Eloy smiled in apology and shook his head slightly.

" Ander keer, misschien." The man said hopefully.

"Misschien," Eloy agreed, though he knew that there wouldn't be another time in the future. He took a pull on his cigarette and headed down the street. There was a low fog on the ground and the walk home took on a mysterious air as people he couldn't quite see hurried off on whatever business they were on. He walked briskly, just interested in getting home. It was late, and he was pretty tired now that he was away from the thumping music of the party.

Soon enough he reached his building and sat on the steps to finish off his cigarette before heading upstairs. It was quiet in the neighborhood. In the building across the street, he could see a light on here and there, though most people had turned in for the evening. With one last pull he put out the stub in the ashtray on the steps and headed up to his apartment.

It was an old building, but the owners had redone a lot of the interior. It also had an old world charm that Eloy appreciated. He carefully climbed the stairs, not wanting to wake any of his neighbors. It was an odd mix in the building, with young professionals mixed with older couples who had lived in their apartments for years. Eloy liked the contrast, and found that he really enjoyed his conversations with the older couples who would sit out on the stoop in the early evenings. The one thing he did regret was the fact that once fans got wind of where he was, they'd descend upon the place and scatter the peace these people had. So far he had been lucky, but he knew it was only a matter of time.

Reaching the top landing of the old marble staircase, he fished for his key, finally finding it in his jacket pocket. Opening the door, he found that he enjoyed coming home to his apartment. Though sometimes he felt like he rattled around in it all by himself, he found he enjoyed the solitude most of the time. Occasionally, like tonight, he found himself a bit wistful. It wasn't precisely like he was looking for someone, but he wished that there were someone to come home to and share it with. He sighed as he dropped his jacket on the couch and made his way back to the bedroom.

Sitting down on the king-sized bed, he kicked off his shoes and stretched. He thought briefly about getting something to drink, but decided he was feeling much too lazy. Pulling off his clothes, he tossed them over the chair by the window. He reached for the clock to move it so that it faced the bed and something fell off of the nightstand. Frowning slightly he felt around on the floor and picked up a piece of paper. It was one of the letters from Stephen. He smiled, looking down at the scrawled handwritten page. Opening the drawer, he put the page in with the other letters and closed it gently. With a yawn, he pulled back the covers and crawled into bed. He barely remembered reaching to turn off the light before he was fast asleep.....

A hand running through his hair brought a lazy smile to his lips and he grabbed it. Kissing the fingertips, he proceeded to suck on the fingers one at a time. A gasp met his action and he nipped and kissed along the palm, following the curve of the forearm to the sensitive underside. He grazed his teeth over the thin skin on the inside of the elbow and listened to the soft moan that came as the reaction to what he was doing. Legs restlessly entwined with his and a knee pressed between his thighs.

With a sigh he spread his legs. A few moments later he felt a warm wetness envelop him. Teeth scraped lightly on the underside of his penis and he flushed as he felt butterflies fill his stomach in response. The arm he had been biting pulled out of his grasp as its owner ran the fingers across his chest. They played with his left nipple and he shivered. Trailing down, the hand rubbed his stomach before coming to rest on his thigh. It pushed gently. He moved his leg, accommodating the silent request. A finger stroked the skin of his scrotum and he tossed his head back, breathing heavily. Drifting lower, the fingers stroked softly creating all sorts of sensations within him. Nails scratched his inner thighs and he reached down to speed the mouth up. Teeth met his questing hands, biting teasingly. He was panting now, the leg not pinned down moving restlessly.

" Een nummertje maken mij!" He gasped, reaching down and pulling at the head in between his legs. "Komaan! Ik behoefte jou komaan!" He tugged. The lips took their time, kissing their way up his stomach. They paused at his nipple and sucked, causing him to whimper incoherently. "Een nummertje maken mij, alstublieft!" He begged. A deep chuckle met his words. "Alstublieft!"

"Can't understand you, darlin'," a low voice drawled from the lips around his nipple. He whimpered again, muttering "nummertje mij" over and over again. Again he tugged at the shoulders, trying to raise his torturer. The knee that had been pressed against his left leg slipped in between his legs and he opened his own legs wider in response. "Ja! Komaan, alstrublieft!"

"Got to tell me what you want." He was shaking his head back and forth, sensations running through his body. All thought of communicating what he wanted rushed out of his head. He didn't have the words. Didn't understand the words being whispered to him so enticingly. All he heard was the low soft voice that sent shivers along his skin. Nails scraped along his ribs, making him moan. The knee pressed against his scrotum and he pressed up against it. He couldn't articulate the need that was racing through his veins. His hands pulled at hair, pulling the head closer to him. Luscious lips met his own and a pink tongue peeked out to push past them into his mouth. They traced his teeth, parting his mouth.

Willingly he gave up to the sensations of a hand stroking his penis while the tongue invaded his mouth, searching deep inside.

He pulled his legs up in a silent invitation. Fingers, questing lower, gained the access he was looking for and he almost cried out at the feeling of them entering him. The lips left his, trailing over his jaw to his ear. Teeth bit his ear. He almost screamed. The feelings coursing through his body were indescribable.

Suddenly, it all stopped. He lay gasping. A few moments passed... or was it an eternity? Time was meaningless. It felt like eons had passed when finally he felt something cold touching his anus. He whimpered. The cold soon left as fingers stroked the sticky substance against him. He grew warm in anticipation, as he finally understood what was going on through the haze of feeling. Finally! Hands pushed at him and he obligingly rolled over. A warm weight covered him and he spread his legs for easier access. "Alstrublieft!" He begged.

"Hush, love. Almost there," the lips were pressed up against his ear, whispering reassuringly. "I'm here, baby. I want you. And I'm going to have you. Now!" The voice deepened and a moment later he felt an intrusion.

"Ja! Komaan!!!" He gasped, pushing back and feeling the warm length of another penis entering him. "Ja! Diep, kindje!" A sigh escaped him. Finally, he had what he wanted. What he had been begging for. It was everything he had hoped... it felt so right to be possessed like this. "Ja!" He shouted as teeth grazed along his neck, biting lightly as they moved up and down repeatedly. He was in heaven, feeling coursing through him. Heavy breathing behind him told him that the moment that they were almost finished was near and he cried out, reaching back and holding the hips close to him. Obediently the other listened to his unspoken command and stopped briefly.

He reveled in the feelings. It felt so right. Like he had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He wanted it to last as long as possible. Panting from the one behind slowed and he tilted back his head, twisting and seeking those incredible lips. A tongue met his quest and sparred with him briefly before sucking his own tongue into the velvety mouth. Involuntarily their hips began to pump again and a hand scratched along his ribs to reach underneath and stroke his penis.

Moments later he felt himself being filled and he came shortly after.

Panting, a sweaty forehead rested against his neck. Lips brushed his cheek. He sighed in contentment, finally feeling complete.

"Love you," the voice whispered softly in his ear. He tilted his head back to stare into the beloved face and found himself lost in the most incredible blue eyes he had ever seen.....

With a gasp Eloy woke up. He was covered in sweat and panting. He sat up in the bed and looking around, realized that he was alone. His phantom lover was gone. His breathing slowed as he sorted himself out. He fell backwards into the pillows with a groan. That had been so intense he had woken up thinking it was real. He shook his head and rolled over and met with something wet on the bed. Totally confused, he reached for the light and turned it on.

"Shit!" He said, looking down at the mess he had made of the sheets.

Not only had that dream felt real, but his body had certainly reacted like it was real. He continued to swear softly as he pulled the sheets off the bed and tossed them in the corner of the bathroom. Not bothering to find new sheets, he wrapped himself in the comforter and lay back down on the bed. He hadn't done that kind of thing in years. As he raked his hand through his hair he flashed back to the beginning of his dream. With a groan he rolled over. Every time he closed his eyes, blue eyes glinted at him merrily.

Unable to get back to sleep, he reached out and grabbed the tv remote. Turning on the tv, he searched the dial for something suitably distracting. Occasionally he'd find something for a while, but his mind kept on wandering back to his dream. It had felt so real. And he knew exactly whom his lover in the dream was. Chewing on his thumbnail, he stared moodily at the tv and waited for dawn to arrive....

With a gasp Eloy woke up. He was covered in sweat and panting. He sat up in the bed and looking around, realized that he was alone. His phantom lover was gone. His breathing slowed as he sorted himself out. He fell backwards into the pillows with a groan. That had been so intense he had woken up thinking it was real. He shook his head and rolled over and met with something wet on the bed. Totally confused, he reached for the light and turned it on.

"Shit!" He said, looking down at the mess he had made of the sheets.

Not only had that dream felt real, but his body had certainly reacted like it was real. He continued to swear softly as he pulled the sheets off the bed and tossed them in the corner of the bathroom. Not bothering to find new sheets, he wrapped himself in the comforter and lay back down on the bed. He hadn't done that kind of thing in years. As he raked his hand through his hair he flashed back to the beginning of his dream. With a groan he rolled over. Every time he closed his eyes, blue eyes glinted at him merrily.

Unable to get back to sleep, he reached out and grabbed the tv remote. Turning on the tv, he searched the dial for something suitably distracting. Occasionally he'd find something for a while, but his mind kept on wandering back to his dream. It had felt so real. And he knew exactly whom his lover in the dream was. Chewing on his thumbnail, he stared moodily at the tv and waited for dawn to arrive....

Next: Chapter 12

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