Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Aug 5, 2002



As time closed by quickly the Backstreet Boys were being more and more known all over the world. Europe and North America just weren't enough to keep them. Together they crossed frontiers and brought their music to all the pop lovers.

Nick was now seventeen and Brian twenty two. Right now they were touring in Europe and some of the hotels they stayed in had already kicked them off because of the great number of fans day and night around them and bothering the other people. Its was crazy.

Today the boys had a day off. As it was a beautiful sunny day they spent it all in the hotel pool. Around six o'clock Kevin decided he was tired. In Europe it would get dark really quick, so that he wanted to take a shower and eat something. Once they were all tired they took Kevin's idea to do the same. At seven they'd meet to have dinner together.

In time they were all together at the hotel restaurant.

"So, what will it be?" - Howie asked.

"I don't know, I'm hungry as hell. Anything to me." - Nick said.

"Ok, I picked what I want." - Kevin said. - "The number three of the menu seems good."

"I take number four." - AJ said. - "Hey, this sounds like McDonalds!"

"Oh, God!" - Howie rolled his eyes at his friend's remark. - "Don't you ever get enough?"

"What about you, Brian?" - Kevin asked.

"I'll go with whatever Nick takes."

"Aw, thats so cute!" - AJ teased them. - "You guys are the cutest couple ever!"

Howie and AJ bursted out laughing.

"Its true. You guys don't even realize how married you are to each other!"

"True that." - Kevin said. - "Day by day you look more like the other. Act more like the other."

"Geez, if thats true I just hope I don't get to act like you one of these days, Kev!" - Nick joked.


Seeing Nick teasing Kevin like that Howie laughed and stroke Nick's hair.

"Take your hands off my lover." - Brian said serious making everyone have an outburst of laughter, including himself.

Later that day it was around nine thirty and Brian and Nick were at their shared room.

"So, what we do now? TV, video game, music?" - Nick asked.

"Hm... don't know. Anything."

"You miss her?" - Nick asked abruptly.





"Not really. Yes and no. I miss her in some way, but I totally forget about her when I'm with you."

Nick didn't seemed convinced and Brian stood up and walked towards him.

"Hey, I got an idea."


"The pool room of the hotel is all empty by now, right?"

"I think so."

"What if we go for a little swim?" - Brian said giggling.

"Are you crazy? If Kevin ever finds out we did that he will..."

"If he finds out. Besides, he will get pissed, what so? Nick, are you ok? You love to piss him off!"

Nick stared unsure at Brian and little by little a large smile spread on his lips.

"You coming?" - Brian asked softly kissing him in the lips.

"You betcha!"

They both laughed.

Ten minutes later they were back at the pool room they had been during the afternoon.

Brian in blue, Nick in green, both without shirts.

During the whole way down the pool and even now when they arrived they were giggling nonstop.

"Oh, my! This is craziness!" - Nick exclaimed.

"I know!" - Brian answered laughing and throwing himself in the hot water. When he came back to the surface he invited Nick. - "Are you coming or will you stand still looking like an idiot?"

Nick laughed.

"Idiot? You'll pay for that, Littrell." - he said also jumping into the pool.

Nick caught Brian and they were couldn't help but laughing at the situation.

"Whos the idiot now, huh?" - Nick asked grabbing hold of Brian's both hands.

"We are!"

They laughed.

Seconds were passing by and they stood still. Never breaking the stare with each other. Slowly Nick was loosening his hands around Brian's wrists and linked his fingers with his best friend's. There was no one there. They were half naked and wet. How dangerous could that be?

Suddenly it was so quiet that the only audible sound was the one coming from their breaths. Couldn't resist anymore Brian ran his fingers through Nick's wet hair. 'My God, you are beautiful...', he thought. Their bodies were so close they could almost hear the beat of the other's heart.

What the hell was that?

Still quiet they began to kiss. Slowly Nick felt Brian's skilled tongue work inside his mouth, and seconds later the same tongues were dancing on Brian's mouth. Their lips were wet, and the warmth of Brian's mouth was making Nick shiver.

Without thinking Nick took a hand and touched Brian's stomach, causing him to let out a smooth moan. Brian then moved his lips to Nick's neck and began sucking on it. Nick closed his eyes. What was that? Why did it feel so... right? Later Nick also buried his head to smell Brian's neck, and again he ran his tongue tasting his skin.

They both felt it. Something was different and it was getting weird. It scared them making them pull off. They had limits. No matter what they couldn't ruin their friendship, they couldn't get carried away with their fooling around. Making out was ok. Nothing but that. They didn't want anything but that! They didn't, did they?

No, coz they they both felt when it was time to stop. A mental note: don't let things get this hot when theres no one around.

"Nick, I..."

"Shhh" - Nick said placing a finger on his lips. - "Its ok, let's swim, huh?"

"Yes!" - they smiled again.

During an hour and a half they played it hard not to get too close again. If they did they would only kiss a little, play with tongues a little, no touching. Coz, ya know, making out was definitely on their plans! That was one of the reasons they decided to go there alone.

When they got tired they sat on the pool board and dried themselves off with the towels they had brought.

"What do you think was that?"

"That when we were so close in the pool?"

"Yeah, that feeling. I mean, you did feel it, didn't you?"

"Hell, yes!"

"So, what you think."

"I dunno." - Nick said like a child. He grabbed Brian's hand on his and looked at him.

Brian smiled.

"Its ok, right? I mean, everything is fine..."

Nick quickly kissed his neck.

"Yes, it is Bri. We are still friends. Thats all its all about."

Brian nodded and pulled Nick into a passionate kiss.

"Shall we go up now?" - he asked.

"Yepers!" - Nick smiled widely.

Ok, so this was a short chapter, but its just that I haven't been getting feedback so I'm not too eager to write it.

Any comments or ideas: lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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