Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 30, 2002


The boys performed in LA during a whole week, they were now in a small break. If you could call it a break, coz they were about to make the video for As Long As You Love Me. This would be their last single, and it was more than on time for the video to come out with the tour going on.

"You all get ready to go to the set, they are waiting for us now!" - Kevin yelled at AJ in the hotel.

"Can you please forget a little about the damn time, Kev?"

"No, AJ. Ya know that if we are late I'll be the one to be told off."

"All right, all right. D?"

"Yes, I'm ready, Bri?"

"Right here."

"Nick? Wheres Nick?" - Kevin asked. - "Why does he always have to be late? I swear one day we'll go and leave him behind."

"I'll get him."

"You guys better be back down here in five damn minutes, get it? I don't care what Nick is doing, we have no fucking time!"

"Hey, cuz, calm down ok?" - Brian said with a laughter. - "We'll be right here, go take some anti stress pills otherwise you'll blow during a whole day in studio!"

"He is right, Kevin." - Howie said. - "We'd better sit down and wait, coz seeing you stand up like that is already making me nervous."

"Ok." - Kevin gave in. - "Brian, four minutes and fifty seconds, ok?" - he said before Brian leave.

'Wow, someone had a bad night!', Brian thought to himself while taking the elevator to Nick's room.

"Frack, you are late!" - he said a little breathless for the rush as soon as he steped into his friend's room.

"I know." - Nick said with his head down.

"What are you doing? Why are you standing still like that? Whaz the matter?" - Brian sounded worried.

"Huh? Nothing. I was trying to figure where I left my glasses. I was reading last night..."

"You reading?!"

Nick gave him a funny but frozen look.

"I'm sorry, go on..."

"No problem, Brian. You are right. I was actually reading Playboy, which is rare."

"Oh, God, why didn't I see that coming?"

"The thing is... I have no idea where did I left them... What?" - Nick asked as Brian stood still.

"Nutting. I didn't know Playboy had a reading part."

"What?! Haven't you ever got one, Bri?" - Nick made fun of him.

"Of course I did! I just never paid attention to things that weren't pictures."

"Oh." - 'Damn, he got me!', Nick thought to himself.

"Anyway, Nick, I came here coz you probably know Kevin is turning into a bitch downstairs waiting for you to go the studio."

"Oh, Kevin! The love of my life..." - Nick said with a jeer, serious and low voice while keeping his head down to look for his glasses.

'Oh, God', Brian thought to himself.

"Nick, did you look in the mirror today?"

"Not yet, why?"

'Geez, he could be so absent minded sometimes!'

Brian approached him and reached out his hand to his neck.

"Your glasses." - he said. - "They are around your own neck!"

"Oh, fuck! Can't believe I didn't realize! Shit!"

"Yes! Me neither! You might have slept with them." - Brian began to laugh. - "Ok, that was all?"

"What you mean?" - Nick said putting his glasses back in the casebox.

"The glasses! Was it all you needed? Coz Kev is still down there!"

"Oh, right! Yeah, that was all, thanx Frick." - Nick said smiling.

"Its kay."

"Oh, what would I do without you, my hero?" - Nick said rolling his eyes and laughing.

In response Brian gave him a quick kiss in the lips, but before he could step away again Nick deepened the kiss by pushing his tongue against Brian's lips. Oh, how was he supposed to go when Nick was doing that? They kept kissing for a whole minute till Brian realized Kevin could come up to check them.

"As much as I hate letting go, we really gotta go Frack."

"Ok." - Nick agreed still smiling largely and taking his luggage. - "Let us go then!"

They smiled again and headed to the elevator.

"What do you think of her?" - Brian whispered to Nick as they were both at a private area inside the studio.


"The blond."

"Which blond?"

"The one with black glasses and a phone in her hand."

"Oh! That one..." - Nick looked at the woman carefuly for a while. Geez, she was old to Brian. - "Hm... he is pretty hot. Why?"

"I don't know... I was talking to her, she is really nice. I wish I could ask her out but I'm too damn shy!"

"C'mon, Brian! Just give it a go..."

"I don't know, Nick. I caught AJ checking her out lots of times. I mean, if he likes her then I have to chance at all... you know how AJ is the "cool guy"."

"Hey, Brian! You gotta give yourself more credit, ok? Maybe she likes your type of guy, the good caring one."

Brian smiled.

"By the way, whatz her name?" - Nick asked.

"Leighanne Wallace."

Brian was right. AJ had really got the hots for Leighanne. He was hitting on her during all the time, but the woman didn't seem to like him as much as Brian. She kept the stare everytime she caught Brian with his eyes on her.

As a good business girl, Leighanne had read about all the five boys before being a part of their video. The Backstreet Boys were a phenomenon, if she got to be their friend, to maybe date one of that boys her career would finally take off. Only rumors would make her known all over the country. Oh, yes, she was a good player and that was her chance. She could use all her charm to make it happen. Blond, blue eyes and big breasts. Yeah, Brian would fall for her.

Wow, AJ did too! Both were attracted to her! Hey, she was beign lucky. But she wanted Brian. She made the right choice. AJ was a flerter. Always running after some chick. If she went for him it would be probably only a one night stand thing and she didn't need that. But Brian... oh, he was the traditional boy. He was a family/church good guy. Yeah, she had more chances with him. More chances to hit sucess.

Brian asked her number and one week after they met they were going out on a date. Yeah, AJ got a little disapointed when he found out two months later Brian and Leighanne were dating each other.

Nick was at his hotel room playing the Nintendo by himself. They were somewhere around Maine, he didn't know for sure the name of that city, and honetly he didn't care. Nick had just had an argument with Kevin about his messy room. Couldn't he just leave him alone? All Nick wanted was to play some video game and forget about the stress.

"Hey, budy, can I play with you?"

"Bri!" - Nick looked at his friend standind on the door. - "Come in. Sure you can. But I thought you would spend all day with Leigh..."

"Yes, but she didn't feel ok. She wanted to go home and rest, besides, she had this job interview for some important photos and stuff, she decided to go back to Atlanta."

"Oh, I see."

Brian sat down on the bed next to Nick.

"Nick, you aren't mad that I'm with her, are you? I mean, I know we haven't been hanging out a lot, but I want you to know that you'll always be my best friend."

"Its ok, Brian! Honestly, we are ok. I have nothing agaisnt you having a girlfriend. I just... oh, forget it."

"No, say it."

"Nah... its ok, Bri."

"C'mon, Nick. Tell me."

Nick sighed.

"I don't like her."


"I don't know, don't ask me. I can't explain. She just seems decieving. And she is so older than you and, hm.... I just think you should be with a sweeter girl, more like Samantha."

"Oh, the one who wrote a book telling out ours deepest secrets? Yeah, what a wonderful friend she turned out to be."

"I'm sorry, Brian."

"Oh, no! Don't be sorry. I understand what you think."

"Its not the fact of you having a girfriend, please understand that."

"Its ok, Nick. I'm glad you told me this. I'll keep my eyes wide open."

Nick smiled and let go of the TV screen for a moment.

Brian placed his hand behind Nick's neck, surprising the boy. They hadn't done anything like this in a long while. Nick thought it was over. Of course he wasn't happy with this being over, but also he was ok with it.

Now Brian came close to Nick to press his lips against his. Nick let go comletely of the video game and responded the kiss by putting his hand on the back of Brian's head.

Brian didn't waste time before pushing his tongue and forcing Nick to open his mouth. And Nick didn't offer resistence to that. He allowed Brian's tongue to enter his mouth and play with his own. But suddently once again their tongues were fighting for dominance, after a little wrestling Brian let Nick win and take control over the kiss.

They kept kissing for a long time before smoothly pull apart.

"Its way better." - Brian said.


"Kissing you. I think no one will ever kiss as good as we do together."

Nick blushed.

"I thought we wouldn't do this anymore."

"But we are still best friends!"

Nick looked at him.

"Best friends with benifits." - Brian said and they both laughed.

Later he stood up and closed the door of the room, coming up to sit next to Nick when he was done.

They kept looking into each other's eyes for long minutes, no one saying a thing.

Brian sighed and smiled at Nick, making him do the same. The following moment Nick leaned over to Brian and they kissed again. Now they had all the time in the world for some tasting. Nick licked Brian's tongue and sucked on his lips. Brian only enjoyed the fealing of Nick's tongue inside his mouth, and once in a while he'd slide his tongue into Nick's warm mouth.

Nick broke the kiss but didn't lean back. He kissed Brian's cheek and began to give him butterfly kisses until he reached the skin on his neck. Brian felt Nick's wet lips kissing him there and later he felt Nick's tongue exploring and licking all over his neck.

"Oh, Nick..." - Brian moaned. He didn't want Nick to stop, it felt so good!

But Nick pulled away and smiled at Brian.

"I'm sleepy." - he said.

Brian ran his hand through Nick's hair and they both collapsed in the big bed. Before they fall asleep they locked eyes in each other silently and felt so thankful for their friendship. So thankful for this wonderful life.

Hm... so... will this friendship ever cross "the line"? One day these boys won't be able to keep themselves, thats what i'm saying! :o) Pretty please, if there is anyone reading let me know, i'm so hopless! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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