Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 6, 2002


Ok, my name is Luciana de Jesus but you can call me Luciana Littrell, I don't mind. LOL You can e-mail me either at lucianapopstar@hotmail.com or lionessy@hotmail.com

This another of my stories, and just like We Went Crazy, Dude!, I Am Here For You, and A Dare Made Me See The Truth, this story is also a Brian and Nick slash created by me.

Disclaimer: Pure Fiction, people! I don't know the Backstreet Boys, and I know nothing besides what they tell us about their sexuality, which means they are straight. Thats what they say and I don't have any further information. So, this is all from my own pervert mind! LOL NOT REAL!!!



Brian Thomas Littrell was the last guy to join the Backstreet Boys team. Brought together by his cousin Kevin Richardson when he was only 18 years old, Brian got to know three of the most important people in his life: Alexander James Mclean - AJ - , Howie D. and the youngest member, Nickolas Carter - Nick.

Nick was only 13, and at first Brian was shocked and kind of angry with having to bear with a child in the group, but as soon as he heard the kid singing he had to change his mind. He was too talented for such a small boy.

Brian got along with all the other members, he got to know that AJ and Howie D knew each other before the group and later they ran into Nick in one of their performings afternoons in Florida. Both guys were awsome, AJ was the freakiest man Brian had ever seen and Howie was much of a nice person to talk to. But Nick... well, Brian had always been good in knowing people, and he knew that little boy was scared with all of the things going on. Nick didn't seem to feel comfortable with them, as much as he tried, and almost all the time he was spacing off. As if he didn't belong there. He was shy, so deeply shy that Brian couldn't help but having special feelings towards him. Something like an older brother, and since he realized how unique this little talented boy should be he decided to be his friend.

What Brian didn't expected was that they would eventualy become best friends. Management got the five of them to live together to get used to each other and soon they began to travel around Europe to make small concerts and devolope their careers. Spending time together made them all parts of a big family.

Living together they learnt much more about each other. Little by little Nick Carter began to find in Brian the true first friend he had always had and he was amuzed at how easy it was to talk to him. And having Brian as a friend was the bridge to get along with the other boys. Kevin soon turned out to be kind of a father to Nick, once they were an ocean away from their real family. Howie and Nick were always having long conversations and AJ, well... Nick loved that guy, but sometimes AJ would piss Nick off. While Kevin treated Nick like a kid as a parental figure AJ wouldn't stop teasing on Nick for being the "Backstreet Baby". And, oh... Nick wasn't much of a patience boy.

He suffered so much without saying a word. He had to be strong, although he missed his family to death he had always been strong, he didn't allow himself to cry in front of anyone. And the only witeness of his sorrow was his pillow at night.

Now, two years since the boys met Brian was 20 years old. And he reminded perfectly the night that was probably responsible to make him and Nick best friends.

It was in Miami, a city from Florida the guys went to perform some covers. Nick was yet thirteen and it had been six months the group had joined together. After the long tiring day they had spent it happened to be a very unpleasent night. Miami was being hit by a furious storm and each guy in their own room at a cheap hotel was scared to death. The wind was so powerful that while blowing it'd get the windows to shake is if they were about to break in thousand pieces of glass. The rain never stopped, being more and more strong making it impossible for anyone to sleep.

Brian had it very clear in his mind the moment someone knocked on his bedroom's door. It had been Nick. He wasn't crying, but the look he had on his face could melt anyone's heart. He was just a child, a scared boy away from his home and not being able to sleep.

"Can I sleep with you?" - he had whispered as if apologizing. "Of course you can, Nick." "I don't wanna bother you, its just..." "Shiiiii. Its ok."

Nick had a humilieted look in his face and Brian just knew the right words for him. "I'm glad I won't be alone. This whole storm was getting me scared stiff!"

Nick's eyes had met his friend's and he smiled. A few minutes later Nick was fast alseep on Brian's bed, while he had his arms wrapped on him. From that moment on they both knew it. They were going to be the best friends ever.

"Will it take much more to get to the damn hotel?" - Nick asked.

"Hm, dunno. I think more a couple of hours." - Brian answered.

The boys were now in France, heading to the hotel they would stay in for the next two weeks. Brian and Nick were side by side and had been talking and goofing off all day long, which had almost driven Kevin insane. Wouldn't Nick please shut up and calm down? The kid was such a bundle of energy!

Finally it was getting late and little by little Nick began to give in to his restless state. He was sleepy and tired.

"Brian, you wake me up when we get there?" - he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Sure, Nick. You can sleep." "Thanks."

Just as Brian had said, two hours later they were arriving to their hotel. >From the five Backstreet Boys you couldn't say which was more exausted. The whole day spent inside the bus had really gotten to them and right now they weren't even in the mood to talk.

Howie and AJ grabbed hold of their carry ons and headed to their rooms.

"Nick, we arrived. Nick..." - Brian whispered close to the boy.

But Nick neither opened his eyes nor emited any sound. He was deeply asleep.

Kevin looked at the scene and was now side by side with his cousin. "C'mon, Brian. You gotta wake him up! He can sleep in the room." "No... wait." - Brian just couldn't make Nick wake up and carry his stuff to his room. Their room, it had been two years they shared rooms almost everytime. - "I'll take him, you take his stuff and mine." "Ok. You know better."

Kevin did what Brian told him to while his cousin took Nick in his arms and headed to the hotel room.

Once inside Brian and Nick's room Kevin put their stuff on the floor while Brian laid Nick in the bed. "Thanks, cuz." - Brian said back in the living room.

"Welcome, Bri. I just think you spoil this kid way too much." "Oh, Kev... C'mon! As you said, he is just a kid miles away from his family and having only us as friends... And he has to be strong coz the boys are always teasing on him for being the youngest one!" "Ok, ok! You are right. Just go get some sleep coz tomorrow we have a busy day, ok?" "No problem. Night, Kevin." "Good night, Brian." - Kevin said and walked away towards him own room.

Brian went back to the bedroom and watched Nick sleep in the large bed. He looked so peaceful. During the day he could be all willful and strong and active, but while alseep he was just a 15 years old boy, he was just an angel.

Brian changed cloths and jumped in the bed too. He leaned on to kiss Nick's forehead and smiling he turned around and closed his eyes. He could really use some sleep.

Later on that day all the boys were hanging out after a photo section. They were now playing basketball. Nick and Brian against Kevin, AJ and Howie, and even being with one more person, Kevin's team was losing bad to Brian and Nick's. "Haha! You guys suck, know that?" - Nick teased Kevin. "Oh, maybe I'm not as good as you coz I don't play this stupid game 24-7!" - Kevin yelled. "Oh, now its stupid Kevin? I thought this had been your idea...." - Brian pushed. "Hey, we ain't done! We are so gonna beat you guys!" - AJ screamed. "Yeah. Lets begin again. After this you and Nick will hide in shame!"

Nick and Brian glanced at each other with a jeer smile. "What you say, Bri? Lets beat them up?" "Oh, yes, Nick! Lets go!"

They both smiled and spent the whole afternoon playing. After that AJ, Howie and Kevin decided they wouldn't play ball with them any soon.

When going back to the hotel Nick and Brian just wouldn't stop making fun of their three friends, and it was getting on their nerves. "Hey, can you two stop? Ok, you guys won, whats the big deal?" - Howie stated. "C'mon Howie... You guys had one more person in the team! What a shame!" - Nick laughed. "Well, we lost coz we ain't freaks as you guys." "Are we freaks?" - Brian asked mocking an innocent face. "Yes, you are both freaking people." - Kevin said laughing too. "Say, you and Nick together can cause a big mess with your little pricks." "Oh, whaz the matter AJ? Still didn't recover from our little mistake?" - Brian asked.

Nick bursted out laughing. "Yeah, you guys changed me and AJ's luggage. I can't believe I had to wear his boxers!" - complained Howie. "Hahah! C'mon D, we didn't mean... it was an accident." - once again Nick and Brian were laughing till tears. "See cuz, I'm happy you finally found someone as crazy as you." - Kevin said.

Brian looked into Nick's eyes and smiled. "Ya know how you are always together, always goofing off and messing around?" - Howie began. "Yeppers." - Nick agreed. "Well, I think I'm gonna call you guys Frick and Frack." "What?" - Nick was laughing again. "Yeah... Sounds good." - AJ and Kevin said. "I like it!" - Brian said with a huge grin. - "Hey Nick, I'm Frick and you are Frack, ok?" "Sure, Frick."

They were now at the hotel and heading to their rooms to take a shower before having dinner.

In their shared room Brian said: "I go first, you take way too much time in the shower, Frack."

Nick smiled as Brian called him Frack. "Well, I like to be clean..." - Nick said with a small grin. "Yeah, I know better what you like to do in the shower..." - Brian said with a smirk. "Whoa!" - Nick's babe face blushed and Brian couldn't help but laughing at him. "Its ok, Nick. You are only 15. Its no big deal." "Of course, you have Samantha, your girlfriend. I have nothing but my hand to deal with my hormones..."

Both guys laughed as Brian entered in the shower. "You go, Frack..."

Nick smiled and jumped on the bed to wait for his turn to take a shower.

It was late at night and Nick and Brian were still up at 1:30am in their bedroom. Right now their were both lying on the bed having one of that amazing talks about life, family, love, girls and sex that used to go on for hours and hours. "I hate being a virgin." - Nick suddenly sighed causing Brian to smile. "Hey, you are just so young, its not that bad!"

"I know, I know... But still, I can't think of anything else besides having sex! Ya know that girl from Tampa, Janice?" "Is she the one that is always calling for you and stuff?" "Yeah. Well, I think I'll go with her... ya know. She's hot."

"Hm, yeah, she is. But Nick... You are my friend, I care so much for you, I don't want you to go with some girl only because she is hot or because you can't stand being a virgin! Its not like you are gonna be one forever! I lost my virginity with Samantha when I was 16 and it was just perfect! Because I loved her and she loved me... Thats what I want for you, see? I want your first time to be special. With a girl that you care about, that makes you feel good inside, you know?" "Yeah..." - Nick sighed.

"Coz, man, you are gonna remember your first time forever! You know what they say about not having sex, but making love? Well, I do believe in this but c'mon, lets face it: now a days people don't do that very often. And I'm not saying you have to do it always... Its just the first time, Nick. It has got to be with someone you love, care about and respect. Later on I'm sure you'd like to just go and enjoy life, its fair."

"Oh, you are so right, Brian. Honestly, I want it to be with someone I love, I've always wanted. Guess I'm just saying this stuff coz its hard to be a 16 years old virgin!"

They both laughed.

"Well, I'm sure you will find a wonderful girl sooner or later."

"Yeah..." - Nick sighed. - "Lately I've been dating so many girls, just fooling around, making out, its so great!"

"Hahaha! Yeah... that little shy boy is growing up."

Nick nodded with a smile.

"Ya know, I wanna find the one and someday have a big family. Like, I wanna have five children!"

"Whoa! We better keep working then!"

Nick laughed at Brian's remark.

"Me too." - Brian continued. - "I don't know if that girl is Samantha, but I wanna have babies, ya know... My mom loves children and I'd love to give her grandchildren."

"Doesn't your brother have a little girl?"

"Yes, but each son is different, Nick."

"Oh, I see."

They both smiled.

"Well, we better sleep, if Kevin sees we are still up..."

"No, Brian! Don't even say his name! He may listen to you!"

Brian laughed.

"Besides, I don't wanna sleep. I wanna watch a movie."

"Oh, fine then. But you'd better keep your voice down coz the way we are talking I bet Kevin will catch us and damn! It'll be bad."

Nick smiled.

"Do you think there's any porn on air?"


"Hey! I'm sorry... " - he was laughing. - "I'm just a teen guy, ok?" - Brian was laughing too. - "Hey! What about Pamela's playboy?? I know you have it!"

"Shiiii!" - Brian couldn't help but laughing. Yeah, Nick caught him. - "Lets drop it, ok?"

"You say, Bri. Ok, lets go with some horror movie."

"Yeah, this will be better!"

Nick smiled again and they both lied on bed to watch TV. Luckly Kevin was really tired and didn't hear them playing wrestling and making fun of each other. The movie? Oh, it must have been great, if only they had watched it.

So, like it? Wanna hear more? Any comments or suggestions: lionessy@hotmail.com

Sorry about the bad spelling, I'm Brazilian!

Next: Chapter 2

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