Where Buffalo Roam

By John Parker

Published on Jan 2, 2022


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I stayed with Chuck Granger for almost ten years. We won WWII, but who ever wins a war, it's just who loses less. Truman and the bomb really changed the balance. Germany had one also, but never had the chance to use it. The US was in another war now, Korea. They didn't call it a war, but when men are killing men it's a war.

I had firmly established an identity as Bill Granger and had a birth certificate and my own social security number to prove it. According to the birth certificate I was one year older than I really am, but who cares.

I woke Chuck up with a slow sweet blowjob. "Really nice, Bill."

"Chuck, I've got to go home."

"Knew it would happen, Bill, sooner or later. I've been ready for it since the day you moved in."

"Will you be okay, you're not much up to hunting and trapping anymore." I said.

"I've got friends, you've met them. There's a wooden box under the dresser, bring it here."

"Open it."

"What the fuck, Chuck, did you rob a bank?" I asked.

"Made a lot, spent little. Take what you need for your trip home."

"I'm set up okay. How much is in here?"

"All I'll ever need, and more."

"I'll make you breakfast, then go."

"Don't, I don't have much of an appetite right now."

"I'll miss you, Chuck." We hugged a lot and kissed deeply.

It was very hard, the choice between leaving Chuck and going home weighed heavily on me, but someday I had to go home. The ranch would be mine or put up for sale, it's been in the family for over a hundred years.

It was going to be a long trip, about a year, Heather was heathy, but getting on in years.

When I came West, horse travel was common, today not so much with highways and cars, but still possible. West of the Mississippi it was pretty easy, except for finding stables. In Omaha I found one and a good one at an Inn. I turned Heather in to the stable and went into the Inn, no rooms. I went into the bar/restaurant and grabbed a beer. Despite the Inn was sold out (small, twenty rooms) there were only two other people in the bar.

A man came and sat next to me, about my age. "I'm Rick."


"You staying here Bill?"

"Can't, no rooms, got to sleep in a bunk in the stable."

"We'll talk about that. Want some dinner?"

"Yeah, but don't know where to go."

"Here's pretty good, but a limited menu, and reasonably priced. You're in Omaha you have to have a steak."

We had dinner with the typical banter, then he said, "You don't have to stay in the stable, I have a room we can share."

"What about the meal check," I asked?

"It's all taken care of." I had the feeling I'd just sold my ass again. I didn't care.

We turned in. Rick said, "I sleep naked if it's okay with you."

"Yeah, I do too."

If he was going to fuck me I would prefer to strip him myself, but I couldn't ask. We both got naked and crawled in the double bed. Rick was a handsome man with a nice body, all of it.

He didn't make a move on me, but I did on him. After a short while I cupped his man parts in my hand, what would fit.

"Do you have plans for that," he asked, half asleep?

"Yeah, if it's okay with you."

"Enjoy yourself." I took that as a go.

I had my hands all over his beautiful body, sucking his nipples, kissing his abs, all the while gently pounding his cock. I was going to get there, but I wanted to suck his balls first. Too big to take both, I had to alternate. Then I gave him a deep but really slow blowjob, letting his knob slip out my lips then going muff deep. Having been playing as much with his whole body it didn't take him long to coat my mouth with cum.

"Thank you, Bill, but you didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I did it because I wanted to." I put my head on his shoulder, he accepted it,

We went to sleep. I was on his shoulder or he was on mine for the next eight months.

I played with him for a couple of weeks, then he started to actively participate. I pretty much enjoy every part of a man, Rick had distinct preferences. He loved to play in my arm pits, often slept with his face in them. Not something I wanted to do, but he liked it and it felt good. Then he was big time in sucking balls. He'd jack me while he did it. He was very rough with them, both cock and balls, but I liked it.

Eventually he fucked me, but wouldn't let me fuck him. I didn't care.

We didn't have a cross country orgy, but once or twice a week we intimately enjoyed each other, either in the wild or at an inn. Rick would never let me pay. "How come you never get a bill?"

"I give them my bank number, it takes care of it all."

"Why won't you let me pay my share?"

"Because I don't think you can, Bill, and I can."

We pulled into a wooded area between Columbia Missouri and Saint Louis. It was public land but private and had a nice lake. We made camp then went for a swim. The water was cool but nice. We played like teenagers though we were both near thirty. I'd never cum under water, but we jacked each other off. Really different. The feeling was the same but the look surprised me. White ropes of cum wrapping around each other and mixing together in the water, then floating off. Our cum was almost as intimate as we were.

"Want to do that again," I asked?

"Yes," said Rick, "but not in here. I like it a lot better dry and horizontal."

"Don't care about the angle, just so it's you," I answered. We dried off in the warm air then, after a few kisses and hugs, we did a 69. We had done so many and I tried to keep them varied, but a cock in your mouth is a cock in your mouth. Sometimes we paced ourselves together, this time we just sucked on the damn things.

As we approached Lexington, Kentucky Rick asked, "Where are you actually going?

"Do you know the Morris Ranch?"

"In Covington, the big one, the racing stable, yeah, you going to work there?"

"No, Rick, I pretty much fucking own it, or will"

"Holy shit, Bill!"

"The money isn't mine, but it will be."

"But you're Bill Granger."

"Let sleeping dogs lie, Rick.

I spent the night with Rick and his family in Lexington. They were very accommodating but didn't know what went on behind that door. I didn't intend for this to be the last time together, but I intended to make it good for Rick.

"Do you remember the first time, Rick?"

"Yeah, no one forgets the first time."

"Well, this is going to be just like that. It's my party and you're my guest. When I'm done, you can play if you still can." I played with his body from lips, to nipples to nuts (and cock, I knew my way around it all, been there many times) until he was shaking, then I had him fuck me. He was out of play, he just slept on top of me.

It's a push from Lexington to Covington, about sixty miles, a strong horse can do it in a day.

I pulled into the ranch late, went to the stable and berthed and fed Heather.

Rowdy came out to the stable, naked, because of the noise. "Robbie ..." I shut him up. "I'm Bill Granger, Robert Morris doesn't exist anymore." We hugged and kissed.

Can I sleep with you tonight in the bunk house, same rules."

He just smiled, turned and walked back into the bunkhouse. I was near thirty, he was in his forties, but still a beautiful man in every way and it was all there in front of me.

"Jimmy, get your ass in bed with Mike." Jimmy was in Rowdy's bed.

"Shall we take up where we left off, in the shower? You kind of need one."

I stripped.

"You took care of yourself ..,"

I interrupted, "Bill."

"Where I was, Rowdy, if you didn't, you'd die. Don't ask."

We walked to the shower in each other's arms, hugging and kissing as we went. I don't think Jimmy or Mike noticed. They were doing their own thing; really each others.

Rowdy and I lathered up then lathered each other up. We ended up on the floor again under the hot water. Hugging and kissing.

"Do you want to fuck me, Rowdy."

"Badly, but I've missed you, ... Bill, more than your ass. Let's leave it for a day or so. We'll get back."

We crawled into Rowdy's bed.

"I've missed you so much, Bill."

"I've missed you too, Rowdy." It's been an awfully long time." We whispered. We hugged and kissed.

Jimmy piped up, "I guess you guys know each other."

Rowdy answered, "Never heard this man's name in my life." Knowing Rowdy, that insubordinate comment would get paid back.

Rowdy got up to make breakfast, he was a pretty good cook. Teenage strikers could barely make a cheese sandwich. The four of us ate naked, Jimmy and Mike were nice looking and buff for their age (Rowdy wouldn't hire less), eye candy but not playmates for me; Rowdy, yeah, but he'd been doing "babies" for twenty years, since before me, and he had a payroll. I liked men my age, like Rick, or older; wasn't in for young guys, never really had one.

We all got dressed. The boys cleaned up then went out to take care of the horses.

Let me handle of this, ...Bill. Your mother is pretty much bedridden and has a live-in nurse. She's fragile, we'll have to do this right. "Okay, you are a whole lot better at keeping things smooth, my life has been rugged for ten years."

"Alice, will you go get yourself a cup of tea or something? I have to talk to Grace in private."

"Is something wrong, Rowdy?"

"Couldn't be further from the truth," he answered.

"Grace, I want you to meet a man, you have to, his name is Bill Granger, remember that, remember that. Say it to me, Grace." She did. "Say it again, Grace." Why?" "Just say it."

I brought her son in, he was ten years older with a beard and a mustache but she knew who he was. "I never ever thought I'd ever see you again, s..."

"Can't say that Grace as I put a finger to her lips. What's my name, Grace?" Her answer, "I love you, Bill, more than life itself." I wanted to say mom, but that was over. We hugged, kissed and cried a lot.

A week later I went into her suite, it wasn't exactly just a bedroom, she had more space and amenities than Chuck did in his whole house, except for a kitchen. There were three men there with her, along with Rowdy and Alice.

"Weird party, Grace," I commented.

"Weirder than you think, s..."

"NO! Bill."

An hour later I, Bill Granger, owned the whole fucking thing. The men were lawyers, Robert Morris was hidden deeply in the privileged paper work. I owned a million-dollar business and untold assets. I didn't know how to run it, but Rowdy did.

Once the dust settled and I met a dozen times or more with lawyers, bankers and accountants, I walked in to Mom's suite. "Is this all really mine, I can do what I want?"

"Yes, b-Bill; anything but sell it."

"Okay, you ready? We're going to grow the business. Not only are we going to train our own horses, we are going to become a commercial trainer for other stables. It's nice when our horses win, but why not have a piece of the action when others do? We've got to redo the stable, bunkhouse and corral a lot and I know we have the money to do it. Rowdy is moving in to the main house. He was damn near family, sorry, when Robert left. He's got to be more now. I need him in here with me. He needs an experienced trainer beside him. It can only get better. I know one, spent ten months of my life with him. His family has a training ranch in Lexington. Rowdy is on his way there now to check him out."

"Trained at Morris Stables," will become an industry landmark announced daily many times at every racetrack east of the Mississippi.

"If you'd made all these plans, why did you ask me, Bill?"

"Because even though it's mine, it's yours."

"I'm totally happy with it. I'm too old to do it and Rowdy doesn't have the authority. Your father built the business, I'm sure he'd be in bed with you on this." I smiled, would he really.

I'd sent Rowdy to Lexington, told him that I that I believed Rick knew his stuff and that after hours he was fun. Rowdy did come back with Rick. Rick and I hugged and kissed; Rowdy didn't look too happy about that. "I'm yours now," Rick said. "No, you're not I need you more than you need me."

The three of us walked into mom's room. "This is Rick Mason, Grace; the trainer Rowdy hired."

"You look so much like Frank." He didn't understand: I did. "Welcome to Morris Ranch, young man, this is a fun place to work."

That night we all worked late on plans, then I told Rowdy I wanted to sleep with Rick. He was pissed, but didn't say anything.

Rick and I went to bed together and relived old times.

"Does Rowdy do this?"

`Oh boy, does he."

"Then he belongs in here with us."

"I wanted this to be us, but we can get him, but he's probably out in the bunk house slamming the asses of two hired boys. Go get him."

"Like this?"

"Everyone is asleep."

Rick went out to the bunk house naked and told Rowdy I needed him.

"You guys have to finish this yourselves, you can have he big bed; I've got to go to work."

Rowdy reached for his Jeans and shirt. "Don't think you'll be needing those," Rick said.

They came in together, both naked but not touching each other.

"There's a reason why we're all in here naked. I've had a lot of sex with both of you, more with Rick than Rowdy. Are we all going to do this together or not? You guys get it on together, I want to watch. They were briefly hesitant, but that didn't last long. They kissed and hugged and had their hands and mouths all over each other's body.

"There's another horny man in here, guys." They both jumped into my bed at the same time, one on each side of me. They almost wrestled to get to me, it was great. Shortly we got into an erotic rhythm, moving across each other's bodies. I'd been in bed with both of them, but this was really special.

"We going to fuck?" Rowdy asked.

"Rick won't let you fuck him."

"I think I will, Bill, but not with this thing." He had his hand on Rowdy's cock.

"That one's mine, Rick, this one is yours."

We did a double rimming then I lubed up with mineral oil and slowly entered Rick. "Oh geeze, Bill."

"Relax, Rick, it may hurt a little now but it's going to get a whole lot better.

Rowdy lubed up and entered me. Damn, I forgot how fucking big he was in there, but it was good. It was a nice mutual fuck.

We woke to the cook knocking on doors. Mr. Rick, breakfast in half an hour. Mister Rowdy, breakfast in half an hour. Mister Bill, breakfast in a half an hour. She didn't know we were all in the same room. We untangled our bodies, then retangled them.

Rick asked, "Are we going to do this again?"

Rowdy and I said together, "ALL THE TIME!"

If you liked this story, I'd like to hear from you. If you didn't I need to.

Next: Chapter 4

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