Where Buffalo Roam

By John Parker

Published on Dec 28, 2021


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June 6, 1944 Normandy Beach, France

I'm Robert Morris, my older brother Frank and I were among the first to storm Normandy Beach. We were among the first landing craft. He was on one, I was on another. His took a mortar shell, everyone on his craft was killed. I went berserk, I forged ahead, killing everything in a German uniform, I didn't care. It wasn't war any more it was vengeance. I had to get out.

I stole clothes, made my way to Bordeaux and begged passage on a cargo ship to the USA.

"What you up to, mister?"

"Anything, I have no choice."

"Ever had sex with a man?"

"Never had sex with anybody."

"Are you okay with it?'

"The whole crew" I asked?" Like I had a choice.

"No, just me and the bridge crew, four of us if I let them. The rest of the men do their own thing all the time."

"I've got no choice, sir."

"You better mean it or you're off the ship before we hit the Atlantic."

I didn't have a passport, just dog tags. But those would get me arrested. The captain got me on board. I shared the captain's cabin, but also shared the captain. As we set sail out of Bordeaux up the Garonne, River he said, "Take all your clothes off, mister, and don't put them back on until I tell you, and that's going to be a while." "On your knees, mister." He put his cock in my mouth and taught me how to suck it. It really wasn't all that bad. It was kind of fun. The captain wasn't any bigger than me, but thicker. I sucked on his big cock head, it was fun. "All the way boy." (I was boy or mister, no names for anyone.) He grabbed my head and pushed me on to him, all the way. He used my head to jack him off.

"Just keep doing that. You'll know when to stop."

Cocks are fun to play with. Wish I'd known this years ago.

"Yuck!" The captain came in my mouth, bitter, salty, slimy. I swallowed it. I had no choice.

"You can stop now, are you okay? That's what your life's going to be like for the next couple of weeks."

"I'm fine. As I said, I have no choice."

The pilot took us out to the ocean along the Garonne River. I didn't know anything about maritime rules but large commercial ships had to be piloted. He knew the river better than he did his dick, then he left the ship. I stayed in the captain's cabin for three days then said, what the hell. I strolled the bridge naked. Everyone on the ship knew and eventually everyone on the bridge used me at least once.

They moved a bed into the captain's cabin for me, but I rarely got to use it. Every night he fucked me before going to sleep, and every morning I woke him with a blow job. It really wasn't all that bad; all new, but I kind of liked it, except the cum part. The first time he fucked me it wasn't all that much fun, but again not all that bad. The penetration wasn't fun but it got better, he was a slow fuck but a long one, it really felt good.

"Can we go to your cabin, captain?" the first mate said.

"Yes, I'll take the helm for an hour. Don't hurt him or you'll pay."

The navigator and first officer came in. I was sitting in my bed reading Moby Dick. "Want to have some fun?" "Ain't my choice," I answered. They took their pants off, one fucked me in the ass while the other face fucked me, skewered like a pig, which I guess is what I was. I was so used to this by now, I didn't care.

"Want to get back to the bridge?"

"Not yet."

The Navigator left, the first mate stayed. "You made us happy; I want to make you feel good." No one ever cared.

On your cot, mister. He forced a kiss on me, it was nice. Never ever kissed anyone, let alone a man like that. He played with my body nice. He sucked and nibbled on my nipples then sucked on my balls and then gave me a blow job. I had cum before but this was the first time anyone ever did it for me on purpose.

They both had me again, once together and once each alone.

I was always in the captain's quarters when the cook brought in dinner, still naked. I ate what the captain ate, pretty good, but I also ate the captain. "Did they hurt you?"

"No, they were really nice. They fucked me, you know that, but didn't hurt me. It was even kind of fun, the first mate likes to play."

"I'll let them play with you, but if any of them hurt you, tell me. It won't go well for them."

"Get your clothes on, mister." The captain gave me ten dollars, a lot less than the rest of the crew was going to get but I put out a lot more. I was a cheap whore, less than a quarter for a fuck for the last eleven days, but I was almost home.

I was standing on the deck when the ship hit a shoal off Savannah at low tide. It heaved to starboard and I was thrown overboard along with several crates. Fortunately, the crates didn't hit me but a life preserver ring did. No one on board knew I was on deck, but they wouldn't have given a shit anyway. I was fuck fodder for the bridge, everybody knew it, useless in a couple of hours if not now and a nuisance. The current took me North. I was picked up by a commercial fishing boat and taken to Charleston, South Carolina. I thanked them and said I'd make my way back to Savannah to meet the ship, which I didn't.

The weather was hot. I dried out quickly. I had to get through the Appalations to Cincinnati, Covington Kentucky actually. I hiked or hitched to Knoxville, Tennessee. I avoided city centers.

South of Knoxville a Parson, at least by clothing, rode by me on horseback. "You look like you need a good meal and a bed, hop on."

"Gretchen. This young man is going to stay with us a while, do you have enough to feed him?'

"More than enough. I'll be back in the morning for breakfast."

There was only one bed which we shared. He played with my body, all of it. Have at it, I thought, what the fuck. He sucked my fingers and toes, new, different. He didn't want me to touch him. I was still being use, but it wasn't bad. When I rolled over to go to sleep, his tongue and nose ended up in my ass crack. In the morning he did fuck me, waking me up when he did it.

I left in the morning after breakfast. He gave me three dollars; the value of my ass had gone up.

I headed North. A man in a loaded buckboard stopped and asked me where I was headed. "Covington," I said.

"I'm headed to Cincinnati, hop on." We got to Lexington, Ky. "We've got to pull over, ain't going to make it to Cincinnati tonight." We pulled into an inn. He bought dinner, wouldn't let me pay my fare. We shared a room. I thought my ass was on the block again. We shared a bed, naked, but he didn't touch me other than what two people in a double bed can't avoid.

We got to Covington. "Can I take you somewhere?"

"Not a good idea, sir. It would be better if you forget you ever saw me. I don't know how to thank you."

"You know," he said, "the world is full of men like you, find a couple and lift them up when you can." I wanted to hug and kiss him, but I didn't think he was open to it. u

I got home to Covington, a five mile hike from the Cincinnati Ferry to the horse ranch. I headed in the wrong direction so that the man wouldn't know where I was going, then circled around. My family bred race horses, won several major trophies and one triple crown. Money? A lot.

I met Rowdy at the entrance to the ranch. "Will you tell Mom I'm here?"

Mom came out as I approached the house.

"Oh god, Robbie, I never thought I'd see you again. You can't stay, they've already been here twice looking for you. You're going to have to stay with Rowdy, they search the house. I'll give you some of your dad's clothes. They know where your stuff is, and have been through it all. " Can't let Helga (cook/maid) or Michael (maintenance/handy man) see you.

"Rowdy will get you set up," mom said. Rowdy was the stable manager, the only one until the mares foaled in the spring. I'd seen him working with his shirt off, really buff. Never saw the lower half.

"Rowdy," (his name was Robert too.) "Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Why you asking?"

"Please, just answer."

"Okay. That bunk house ain't for just sleeping."

"Will you have sex with me?"

"Are you kidding?"

I dropped my pants to my ankles sporting a full boner. "Does this look like I'm kidding? I've been fuck fodder for a half dozen men for three weeks, Rowdy. Don't know how I'm going to live without it anymore."

"Pull your pants up or take them off and follow me."

We went into the bunk house from the stable. Rowdy undressed. The part I'd seen before was incredible, the part I hadn't seen was better. He had strong muscular legs and what he had between them was very nice, maybe six or a bit more inches, but really thick and cut. He was up and as ready as I was.

"What do you want to do Robbie."

"Just use me," I answered.

"Those days are over, Robbie. Use me or we just enjoy each other."

We did a nice slow 69. He'd been here many more times than I had. His technique was really good. He sucked my knob a while then took me all in. I copied him. It felt like an hour but was probably only twenty minutes or so. I came first, then Rowdy. I'd eaten a lot of cum, but nothing like Rowdy's. His was kind of thin, but as sweet as pudding.

"You got another one in there to fuck me, Rowdy?"

"You sure, this guy is big, but I always keep it loaded."

"My ass is so stretched I could take a horse."

He was as gentle with the fuck as he was with the blow job. Penetration was rough, but once in there it was really nice. He kept changing his rhythm, slow then pounding my ass hard. It was missionary so I could play with his chest while he did it.

"I'm cumming Robbie," he laid on my chest and kissed me deeply as I felt his warmth shoot in my ass, I shot another warm load between our abs.

"Do you want to fuck me, Robbie?"


"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to."

"He sucked me to hard again, and sat on me cowboy."

"Do what feels good to you, Robbie, I'll do the same."

I've been fucked a lot, but never fucked another man. I figured it out pretty fast. This time we came together. I don't know where he gets it, but Rowdy painted my gut.

"We need to clean this stuff up," said Rowdy. The bunk house was a fully equipped house, gang showers, bathrooms (no doors, take a shit and everyone knows it. Wank one off and I think you'd be offered help.) and a kitchen. No real living area, but a fireplace. There were three bunk beds and Rowdy's double. I'm sure a lot of strappers shared it with him. We went into the shower and soaped up, he's such a gorgeous man, I was on my knees sucking him again. We ended up laying on the shower floor in a 69 with the warm waters running over us like a waterfall.

"You think you're done with this now," he asked?

"Not sure," I answered.

"You are. Lets get us something to eat and we have to get to bed."

"Bed," I said?

"To sleep," he answered. You've got to get out of here shortly after sunrise before anyone sees you.

We ate naked. Done it a lot, but not with another man, let alone a man like Rowdy.

Rowdy was up and making breakfast when I got up. "Rowdy, if I'd known about this, we would have done this years ago."

"Wouldn't have let you, and your dad would have killed me."

Eat up and get dressed, I'm going to go and get your mother. Rowdy was allowed in the house when needed, but in those days everyone had his place. Rowdy had a very important place in our lives, but not family.

He knocked on mom's door. "Leaving, Grace" is all he said. Mom came out to the bunkhouse in a house coat crying. "I've lost both my sons, at least you're still alive. Take this, she gave me $200 dollars, It's all I have in the house. I'd give you more but if I went to the bank they'd know." "Do you know where you're going?" "West but I can't tell you where, and I've got a new name, can't tell you that either." She hugged me for a long time then left crying.

Rowdy took me out to the corral. Heather, a range horse not a racer, was all set up for me with saddle bags, bedroll, and rifle sheath.

"This war will be over before long, people will forget. Someday you will own all of this, whoever you are now, and you'll have enough money to hire lawyers to keep the army off your back for years. You'll be my boss."

"No I won't, this is your territory and you will be in charge of the ranch, totally. Dad taught Frank, didn't teach me."

"If I do get back, can we still do that?"

"All day every day, fuck buddy."

"Planning on neglecting your job?"

"Nope, I'm in charge now."

We hugged for a long time and kissed deeply. "I'll miss you, Rowdy." "I'll miss you too, whoever you are now." He gave me another fifty bucks.

I mounted Heather and left out of the back side of the ranch, Rowdy rode with me. Kissing and hugging on horseback isn't easy, but we did it. I don't know what he was doing, but I was crying my eyes out as I left.

Cody, Wyoming, October, 1944.

There were two buildings up ahead, I'd call them cabins but they aren't. They're stone walled structures. There are plenty of trees out here, but a lot more rocks.

If you liked this story I'd like to hear from you, if you didn't I need to.

Next: Chapter 3

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