Where Are You

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 10, 2020


HOLA PEEPS!! It's the chapter you all have been waiting for... that's all I'm saying... Hope you enjoy it, as much as I did in writing it. Wanna chat? Feel free! liciousryan@gmail.com

Stay safe, Ryan


Do you ever sometimes feel like you KNOW that you're in the middle of a dream? Where you have experienced it before, but it always happens the same, time and again?

Well, for Tyler, it was one of those nights yet again where he was tossing and turning around in his sleep, sweat sprouting from his brow, his eyelids quivering with seeing what only he could...

It happened like it always does...the dream started where Paxton and Tipp bullying little Zachary Palmer... Zachary kicking Pax in the balls and running away to what he thought was safety...instead running straight towards Tyler...the little boy begging Tyler to help him get away from those mean boys...

Inside his subconscious, Tyler knew what came next, what always came next. Zachary attacking him and he pushes the boy violently backwards, making him trip over his own feet and falling headfirst onto the solid concrete pavement...blood streaming from his skull...

But this time, expecting a full on blow by blow, Tyler was surprised, when inside his dream, little Zachary did NOT pounce on him as he usually did.

Instead, the little boy simply walked over towards him, and looked him full in the eyes...

"I'm closer than you think..."

The next thing Tyler knew, he saw the ocean, as his dream completely changed its location, the first time ever it had occurred. He saw the waves smashing against rocks, he saw the tide coming and going, he saw dolphins jumping through the cascades majestically...it seemed like they were...Flapping about...

Again, the scenery changed. He was on the soccer pitch at school. Lenny passed him the ball from midfield and he gave chase. He was near the goal post and was about to square it to their centre forward, Kyle...but then Tyler tripped. He looked up and saw that little Zachary Palmer had intercepted him. That little thirteen year old boy was on his way to the goal, with a mountain of the opposing team's defence chasing him.

As Zachary and his blistering speed neared the goal, he kicked the ball heroically into the net, but in turn, was smashed by the sheer weight oncoming players...

"NOOOO!!!" Tyler yelled as he saw the same consequence with what his dream usually ended. Only this time, Zachary's words echoed through his brain...

"I'm closer than you think...I'm closer than you think..."


"Bro's...to think this time last week I was playing games on my XBOX and now we have an hour of History next..." Kyle moaned as he took another secret puff off his cigarette.

Those stuff wasn't allowed on the school grounds but somehow they always found ways to get some nicotine in their systems before class. Especially before History, my God.

"...and I was busy fucking my girl..." Lenny smirked and took the remaining of the cigarette from Kyle, careful not to have anyone see him.

"Where? In your dreams?" Zack said and Tyler doubled over in sheer laughter.

In these weeks that followed ever since himself and Zach had bonded and cemented their friendship before the school began, they had been quite inseparable. Even Kyle, Tyler's supposed best friend, mentioned to Tyler that he was spending a lot of time with the new kid and how unfair it was.

"You can have loads of buds, but you only have one best bud. Last time I checked, that was me!"

Although in all fairness, Kyle was drunk when he texted that to Tyler. Go figure.

Of course, Tyler would have loved if his friendship with Zack could have evolved into much, much more but it would literally be a cold day in hell before he'll ever admit that to him.

Since it was the first day of school, it was also the first soccer practice of the term later that afternoon, and the chance to see the hot stud Zack Garrett naked afterwards in the showers, was inflicting Tyler with excitement as well as angst.

Since Zack was a new addition to the team, the team hadn't seen the boy naked het. Fucking hell, I wonder what his cock looks like...wonder if it's big like him...wonder how it will taste...how big his balls are...are they hung and fulI of cum...I wanna touch that sexy bastard all over...

"Hey Tyler! Hellooo? Anyone home?"

Tyler hastily snapped out of it as Kyle banged his fist onto the table they were sitting at inside the cafeteria.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just didn't sleep well."

"Save your sleeping for History, the bell just rang," Lenny replied and finished the rest of his cigarette before throwing it onto the floor and smashing it with his feet.

Since the cafeteria was still more than half full and several people were still queuing to buy last minute lunches and snacks, no one saw what he had done.

Both Lenny and Kyle grabbed their backpacks and left talking excitedly about the newest cheerleader on that squad, before Tyler felt an arm around him, in typical bromance fashion.

It was a pure friendship gesture, but sometimes it got too much, especially knowing how he felt about Zack, and that nothing could ever happen between them. How was he supposed to tell him to stop being so affectionate? He didn't even want to. Still...

"What up, bud? You okay?"

Oh geez...Zack's voice was like velvet to his ears. His arm around him...boy oh boy, and the dude smelled SO good!

He turned around and saw the friendly, handsome, and cheeky chappy face of the boy he was so attracted to. A stirring inside his school trousers alerted him that he had to be careful. If Zack knew his secret, their friendship would surely be over.

"Nothing, really. I just didn't sleep well," he said as he made his way out, with Zack close behind.

"Hey Tyler..."

Tyler stopped. There were very few kids inside the corridor at the moment. Zack took a deep breath and flicked those beautiful green eyes.

"If you...I mean...if you ever wanna talk ...just remember I'm here. Okay? Anytime."

Tyler's heart warmed up with the speed of a F1 race car. God...why did Zack...why did he have to be so fucking ...perfect? Like, all the time?

"Thanks Zack," he whispered as both boys made their way into the, oh so exciting, History lesson.


"Pass it! Come on, Lenny, pass it! Lenny, I'm open! Fucking hell, what was that?"

Tyler pumped out his chest and angrily marched over towards Lenny who was laying on the pitch in agony after being tackled by the `opposition' player.

In practise, they usually played in Shirts and Shorts, meaning one team played bare chested, and one team left their shirts on as to differentiate between the two.

Inside the corner of his eye, he saw Zack running, and coming to a standstill, his muscled bare upper body dwarfing that of anyone on the team in terms of metabolism and strength.

"Lenny, what the hell is wrong with you? I told you to pass it! I could have squared or nut-megged it towards Kyle and it would have been a goal! What if this was a official match? I'm your damn captain, or is that just a word to you?"

"Hey, calm down bud..." Zack said with his angelic voice, once more, placing a supportive arm around his friend, but Tyler was having none of it.

In that moment, Zack's beautiful body before him...it all just went to shit.

"Get off me, Zack! Why are you always touching me? Are you a faggot or what?"

The words were out before Tyler could stop himself.

"Fuck about, Tyler, that ain't cool, man!" Kyle said, pushing the former violently backwards.

Tyler looked at Zack, who was just standing there, still exhausted from practise, simply staring at Tyler in sheer disbelief.

Tyler looked away, the hurt on Zack's face like a knife through his young heart.

"I'm...I'm sorry, fuck...I haven't been sleeping well and..."

"And that's a reason to call Zack a faggot?" Lenny asked, dumbfounded.

"I...I don't know what to say..." Tyler whispered, not knowing where to look. The irony...calling Zack a faggot when he was the one lusting over him...

It was only then, that he had dared to cast an eye towards Zack himself...who was walking off the pitch.

"Dude! What the hell were you thinking? We love girls to hell and back, but we're not homophobes!" Kyle hissed at his team captain.

Tyler swallowed and a steely determination flooded his eyes.

"You guys train. Go on without us. I messed up, I have to fix this," he said, his voice as cold as ice.


Tyler entered the locker room only to see Zack sit on the bench with his head inside his hands, still dressed in his soccer uniform. The big, muscled, beautiful lad was shaking with...was it anger? Fear? Emotion?

As Tyler saw him lean forward, he cringed inwardly as he saw tears falling from Zack's cheeks, onto the cold locker room floor.


The other boy looked upwards, and at that moment, Tyler was frozen in his tracks...now where...where has he seen eyes like those before?

Eyes so sad, so intensely frightened, so incredibly unhappy?

He shook his head. He'll figured it out later. There was more important things to take care of now.

"Zack...I am so, so sorry. I just...I just snapped. There are so many things I don't talk about, like ever, to anyone. Things that if you knew about, you would run a mile and never look back. Please, please forgive me?"

Zack listened to Tyler's speech and for a few seconds, it seemed that everything was going to be fine...however, he picked up his backpack next to him and he stood up.

What was a sad, innocent, fragile look on the boy's face just a few minutes earlier had suddenly evolved into a right bad ass confidant composure.

He stared at Tyler with his fists clenched.

"No one. No one says that to me. Ever. Stuff your friendship. Stuff your team. And stuff you."

"Zack, wait please! I'm sorry, okay? Please! Gimme another chance!"

Zack flung his body towards Tyler in a vicious manner.

"I trusted you! You were my BEST FUCKING FRIEND! I even told you about my epilepsy! And this is how you treat me? I WILL NEVER, EVER BE A VICTIM AGAIN!"

At that moment Tyler was starting to be just a tad frightened...this wasn't like Zack. This wasn't the gentle, friendly, adventurous guy he had met and gotten so well along with...the boy he had fantasized about at nights when he jacked off...


"No Tyler! I thought you were a friend. I thought you would never hurt me. I thought we could..."

There is was again! That innocent look...that completely broken look, those features that was so unlike Zack...where on God's earth has seen those eyes before?

"Stay away from me. Don't talk to me again."

Zack was on his way out of the locker room. He was pacing furiously. Tyler knew he had to somehow fix this, and the only way he could possibly think to do so, was...

"Zack, I'm gay!"

That damn well stopped the boy. Like a solid block of concrete.

"What did you say?"

Tyler saw Zack's cold eyes as he turned around and slowly walked back towards him.

He trembled. This was it. He had actually said it.

For the first time in his young life, Tyler knew he had to be honest. He needed Zack in his life. He couldn't stand losing him.

"I'm not lying, Zack. I'm gay. I'm the gay one, dude. I don't even know why I said it to you out there. I had no sleep for days now, I couldn't concentrate in class, and I had no energy left to play soccer. I guess, when Lenny didn't do what I told him, I just lost it. It had NOTHING to do with you! You've been amazing these four weeks. I can't imagine my life without you now. We have a connection, Zack. I...dunno what else to do, to say sorry..."

This time, it was Tyler's eyes, who performed the waterworks. His pupils were swimming inside unshed tears until a few of them crashed over his eyelids and onto his face.

"I'm sorry...I'm so, so sorry..." He whispered, never taking his eyes off Zack.

The latter boy didn't make a move. It was like he was frozen in one space.

"You don't have to forgive me. I know I hurt you. You didn't deserve it. I'll just go..."

Angrily wiping his tears at the knowledge that he had fucked up possibly the closest friendship he ever had with another person, Tyler sighed and slowly made his way out of the locker room...but he was pulled back suddenly in shocking fashion.

Zack clung onto his arm, like butter on popcorn.

"Tyler. Don't go..." he whispered.

Tyler's watery eyes glanced their way from Zack's hand on his arm, towards the boy's naked chest and finally, his beautiful, yet sad face.

"Why not? I'm scum..." Tyler whispered.

Zack leaned forward and placed both of his hands on Tyler's shuddering shoulders.

"I'm closer than you think...I'm gay as well ..."

Tyler's mouth flew open. He couldn't quite believe what Zack was saying...somewhere in the back of his mind those words seemed to register but again, he couldn't remember where he had heard them before.

"You don't need to do this, there is no way you can be gay...I mean, look at you..."

Zack smiled, slightly. He licked his lips slowly.

"Maybe...this, will convince you..."

Tyler frowned...why was Zack's face and even more importantly, his lips coming closer...

"Wha...what are you doing?" he croaked...fully knowing the answer, but refusing to believe it.

Zack's fragile smile, turned into a full on grin, the warmest a smile as Tyler had ever seen.

"Something I should have done a long time ago ..."

And then, it happened. It finally happened.

The kiss was powerful, strong, luscious, passionate, everything you would have expected that it would be like.

Tyler melted into Zack, his buddy, his friend, his soulmate.

Zack reached up and lovingly held the side of his face. Tyler moaned softly as he felt Zack's tongue searching, demanding entry and eventually gaining it.

Tyler had never felt anything so emotional in his life. Sure, he had kissed girls before, but nothing, nothing even came close to being kissed by Zack.

Their tongues continued to mingle and thrash against the other, as Tyler pulled Zack closer, both their teenage cocks by now, straining and stretching inside their soccer shorts, not leaving much to the imagination.

It was Zack, who eventually, after another mind blowing kiss, placed his hand on Tyler's heaving chest and rested his forehead against his own.

"You...you believe me now?" He whispered, his voice thick with pent up emotion.

Tyler, in turn, nuzzled his face against his buddy's and kissed his nose lovingly.

"I wanted to do that the moment I first saw you in coach's office, man..." he replied, pulling Zack into him for a bro hug.

Zack held him tight, and Tyler could hear him sigh in utter and sheer content.

"Why didn't we do this long ago...we wasted so much damn time..." Zack whispered, softly kissing Tyler's neck.

"Are you sure though? I mean...there are other dudes in school who are much more good looking than me..."

Tyler felt his body being embraced even more, and he shuddered as Zack gently caressed his back.

"Right now, I don't want anyone else. I need you, if you'd have me..."

Tyler smiled, his heart so joyous and so full of life and happiness. He clung to Zack, afraid that he would lose him, if he let him go.

The two teenagers inside the school locker room where at the beginning of a beautiful relationship...and it showed.


In the weeks that followed, Tyler and Zack did their best to hide their new found love and lust.

Neither boy had said those three special little words to the other as yet, but they knew it, felt it, and experienced it every single time their lips, touched that of the other.

Eventually, they knew, and they felt, that they wanted to take their relationship to the next level. If they were a mere boy and a girl going out, they would have had sex a long time ago...however, with two strict sets of parents, this wasn't gonna be possible, as easy as it could have been.

It was the afternoon of their first game of the new term, that Zack took the initiative, as his parents were going to visit some friends they had met during their honeymoon years ago, and each year they made the effort to see the other couple, as a way to celebrate the "anniversary" of their friendship.

With them gone...there was no one home to stop them being together...

Tyler jumped onto Zack's back as the latter scored his second goal of the game, in celebration, and yet again, it was insane how blistering fast Zack was. His speed really caused the opposing school heaps of trouble, they were out of ideas on how to handle him.

No one, probably because they were all celebrating the goal, noticed how Tyler longingly held his arms around Zack's neck, and how Zack, held those arms tightly, whilst never losing his killer smile.

The end result was 2-0. Both Lenny and Kyle invited Tyler and Zack over to the cinema to see the new Megan Fox movie, but of course, they declined.

"Damn...if I didn't know better I'd swear you two were a couple!" Kyle said, and Tyler's blood suddenly ran cold.

Making light of the situation, Zack came to his rescue when he jokingly planted a kiss on Tyler's cheek.

"You guys also want one?" he asked, messing with both of them, and suddenly Kyle retreated.

"Not against it, but don't want it! See you guys tomorrow at school!" he shouted as he and Lenny got into Kyle's car and drove off.

Putting his arm around Tyler's shoulders, Zack kept his smile.

"You still wanna do this? I ain't putting no pressure on you. I want you to be okay with this."

Tyler looked around if anyone was still inside the school parking lot...and it seemed there wasn't. He gently placed his arm around Zack's midriff and gave him a quick, but firm and rough kiss. The boy's lips tasted of peppermint.

"I've dreamt of this for so long. Please don't take it away from me..." he whispered.

Zack's blonde hair flapped around in a sudden wind that blew across the parking lot. He took hold of Tyler's hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"You're so on..." he whispered back as the two boys shared another soul searching kiss.


They weren't even properly inside of Zack's home yet, before they started passionately making out. It was like they couldn't get enough of each other.

Clothes were ripped off and kisses, as well as generous licks and bites were given to skins, necks, mouths, lips, and of course, abs.

Tyler glided his fingers over the washboard pectorals that Zack had possessed, each block of the six as rock hard as the other. He smashed his face into Zack's neck, showing the boy he loved, just how much he really did.

In turn, Zack gave as good back as he got. His hands cascaded all over Tyler's slender, yet well muscled body, he squeezed his boy's ass cheeks in appreciation. He roughly pulled Tyler's face from his neck and pushed him onto the bed in his bedroom.

He attacked Tyler with everything he had, he left countless kisses on the boy's face, neck, collarbone...everywhere he could literally reach. He kissed his way gently alongside Tyler's six pack, his cock getting harder and harder with every moan and groan that came out of the boy's perfect mouth.

Zack finally reached the waistband of the shorts that Tyler still had on. He gave a gentle, loving kiss on the area above the boy's pubic hair, and looked upwards towards his prey...

Tyler was positively drooling with anticipation.

"Last chance...you want this?" Zack asked hoarsely his hormones flooding through him like electricity through water.

"Fuck yeah...please..." Tyler croaked, his fingers reaching down and caressing Zack's perfect blond hair.

Zack hissed as he saw the goods hidden inside Tyler's Magic Music bag...it was a perfect, six inch teenage penis.

For so long he had craved doing this with his new found best friend, like how did Tyler not realise what a catch he really was...Zack felt as lucky as he ever could to have Tyler in his life.

With a swipe of his tongue, he felt Tyler's body become rigid as the blowjob became a reality. He took another taste...clean as whistle, the sweet and sour taste combining into a overpowering stealthy favour and steady stream of pre cum from the team captain.

Tyler felt like his body was on fire...he knew what was coming and sure, he had received blowjobs before but never from another guy ...especially one that he cared for so much.

His cock was gently attacked by little licks and flicks from Zack's tongue, and then...the crowning moment...when the latter's mouth opened and he engulfed the entire seventeen year old penis...

"OOOOOOOH SHIT!" Tyler hissed as his cock was transformed into a solid steel spike...Zack surely has done this before, what he was doing was way too surreal not to have...he grabbed the duvet from Zack's bed with both hands and gripped it inside his clenched fists as his teen dick was sucked, slurped and milked over and over and OVER...

Zack's talented tongue made its way towards the quivering piss slit...he held the sheer iron hard organ inside his hand and gently pierced the hole at the top of the cockhead...

"Gggg...you're killing me...oh geez...do it again! Do it again!" Tyler gasped, his fingers a maze inside Zack's hair.

He pushed his groin further into his buddy's mouth, with the latter only too happy to comply. Tyler's dick was everything Zack had dreamed, imagined and hoped for. Not too big, just delicious and hard as stone.

His tongue and lips generously lashed over the entirety of the teen penis, he positively made love to every inch of length that Tyler had to offer. He jacked the bottom half off with ferocious effort whilst urgently sucking just from the cock head.

"I'm gonna..."

No time for a warning. Tyler's balls simply couldn't take anymore.

A flood of torrent cum burst into Zack's unexpected mouth. Because he wasn't expecting the boy to cum so soon, he just swallowed what he could, determined not to let the delicious, potent teenage cum get away.

A few drops of the thick cream stuck to his lips as he continued to drain Tyler's now, red, spent penis.

Tyler was done, his body had given in. His dick felt like life had just been taken from it. He closed his eyes in sheer exhaustion.

He smelled the familiar deodorant that he loved so much. Suddenly Zack was right next to him, his smile as wide as could be. He gently kissed Tyler's bare chest, and caressed his face.

"You taste better than pizza. Did I do good?" Zack whispered, half blushing as he did.

Tyler slowly pulled Zack's face towards his own and kissed the boy softly. Their tongues united for the utmost time that night, and it still wasn't quite enough.

Tyler felt he had to...it was the right time...

"I love you..."

Like a few days ago on the soccer pitch, the words were out before Tyler even noticed he had said them.

This time however, it had the opposite effect.

Zack laid his head down on Tyler's chest.

"All my life I've waited for someone like you. I feel like, I dunno, were supposed to meet, like I've known you all my life. I was way too scared to say this, but now that you have...I love you too, Tyler Johnson. Fuck...feels good saying it" Zack laughed his beautiful cackle as he reached out his arms to hug his boy.

Tyler held Zack in his arms, and wished for this moment never to be over. If only they could freeze time, and stay like this forever.

"Believe me, Zack Garrett, because I meant every word," he said before Zack's tummy rumbled.

"Uh oh...is someone hungry?" Tyler chucked as he felt Zack get up from him.

"Damn, I didn't even think about food. I am kinda wanting that pizza though. Babe, relax, we have all night..." Zack said as he put on his shirt and saw Tyler's disappointed reflection in the mirror.

"You seriously just called me `babe'? We're doing that now?" Tyler teased.

"Why not...babe?" Zack teased right back.

They were so in sync, it was frightening.

"You want some money for the pizza? There's some in my wallet if you wanna order us a pepperoni cheese? My treat!" Tyler said. He couldn't believe he was so happy, as he was right now.

"It's cool, babe. I can take care of my man," Zack smirked as he reached out for his wallet which was inside of his jacket. In the struggle to get it out, it fell out, and hit the ground hard, with multiple cards and trinkets, as well as coins and cash notes splattering everywhere.

"I'll help, don't worry, I won't steal your money, rich boy!" Tyler joked as he reached for the coins that rolled underneath the bed, but couldn't quite reach.

Getting out, he leaned down and grabbed them, and also saw another card laying a few feet away.

"This your driver's licence?" Tyler said before actually looking at the card.

"Yeah, only got it last year. My dad will kill me if I lose that," Zack said relieved, holding out his hand for the licence.

He received no reaction. His boyfriend was as white as a sheet.

"Tyler? What's wrong?"

Tyler was trying to make sense of what his eyes were seeing. His brain told him, no...it couldn't be true. It couldn't possibly be...

The name on the driver's license though, was very clear.


"Tyler? Hey...you're freaking me out here..."

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Tyler screamed, finally regaining his ability to speak.

"What? What did I do?" a stunned Zack shouted in confusion but Tyler was already getting dressed.

Once he had his socks and trousers on, he frantically grabbed his shirt and stormed out of the room.

"Tyler! What the hell?"

Tyler jogged the stairs two by two, down to the living room, God knows he had to get out of there as soon as humanly possible.

He was seriously gonna lose his shit. He was shaking as he searched for the front door, fucking hell, they came in here all loved up and kissing the crap out of each other, he had no time to familiarize himself with what was where in Zack's home...

Oh. My. God.


Nah uh...

As if inside a dream, Tyler walked over to the TV inside said living room. Next to the TV, was a whole bunch of photographs placed in a row, on an old fashioned sideboard.

First one, was a photo of a thirteen year old boy, who had his arm around another thirteen year old girl. Both were smiling, clearly having a good time. They were wearing "best friends" necklaces.

Another photo was next to that one...this time, one of the little boy in a school uniform, his smile as evident as could be.

Another jammed in at the end of the sideboard it was stood on...this time, a picture of an entire seventh grade class...

Recognition in Tyler's brain immediately went haywire as he was transported back in time...there was Paxton in the front...right at the back was Tipp...the little girl in the first photo, Paxton's girlfriend Beyonce...and finally, in the middle of the picture...

...was Tyler himself.

He heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Tyler...please tell me what's wrong? Did I do it wrong? Did I hurt you...?"

Tyler turned around and finally realised the awful truth that had been staring him in the face this whole time, only he had been too dense to make the connection.

"You're...okay...you're alive...you're...so beautiful...all this time...oh my god, you're really okay..."

Tears dripped from Tyler's face as he finally had some peace inside his heart. The guilt these last four years, the sheer worry, the utter damnation over what he had done accidentally four years ago, was over, at last.

But as Tyler made the connection, so did Zack...or Zachary, as he was called in his previous life.

"Why were you looking at those photos? And why did you say, thank god, I'm alive?"

Tyler swallowed heavily. Zack did too.

"Did you know me, from before? From the time I can't remember? Tell me, Tyler. Tell me!"


FINALLY IT HAPPENED! Zack Garrett is actually Zachary Palmer! Like y'all didn't know hahaha.

Want more? Lemme know!


Next: Chapter 4

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