Where a Bike Ride Can Take You

By Patrick Kelso

Published on Jan 30, 2006



As you probably know from where you are opening this file from, it is porn. So if you don't like that kind of thing, I suggest you don't read it. Or if you should happen to live somewhere that doesn't allow this sort of thing, or are under 18, make sure nobody catches you, and know that I don't condone your actions.

The author, also reserves all copyrights to this text and require personal permission for any editing or reproduction except by the webmaster to which I submitted it.

Hope you enjoy.

One last thing, thank you to Jeff who helped me stay focused on getting this readable.

Sex is one thing that I think about a lot. But not just sex, I think about making love, cuddling afterward, and waking up with his morning wood resting on my ass. I think about all of my friends finding the loves of their lives, and getting engaged, and then married. Falling in love with love. I sound like a hopeless romantic right now, but I think I have always been one. My name is Patrick, I am 20 years old and I have been studying at a university in France for the past six months during my third year at university. Let me tell you this; when you have been living in the US your entire life, and then you come to the other side of the pond, it is a totally different experience. Let me explain. European culture is very different from that in the states. It is much more open and accepting. If you know anyone that is Italian, they are one of the best examples of being comfortable with touching their friends and family. For instance saying hello is never just a wave or a nod of the head, but kisses on the cheeks, or a handshake between men. However, if you know someone for a long time, regardless of sex, you kiss on the cheeks, guys too. The way people dress and talk is different too. It seems as if a GQ magazine was walking all around the city. And when you mix the clothes, and the culture, you get situations that can be in the heart of gray area. For example, one of my French friends was talking to some American girls and after a half an hour or so, one of the girls blurted out, "Are you gay?" and completely unfazed my friend said "No, I'm not gay, I'm French."

It just makes life more difficult but with a lot more eye candy. Take SoHo and 42nd street after a matinee in NYC and that is what all of Europe is like. Back in the states, I was never one to make the first move on a guy, I would open the door but he would need to step through. Here in France, it seems that every door is open and I don't know where to take the first step.

The guy I want to tell you about, Jaime, (pronounced Hi-may), has been part of my fantasies for the past semester. He and I hung out a lot and often go out drinking. When I'm in bed at night and horny, which lately seems to be every night, I ask myself, `given the chance, what would I do?' The answer is: Jaime, me, then me again, then Jaime, then me and Jaime... Well, you get the idea.

Jaime is 23 and Spanish. He is about 5'10" and thin, he doesn't have a huge frame but he has a really trim and "Latin" body, for lack of a better word. He has a strong chin and cheekbones so he always has that little indent on his cheeks. When he smiles, he has a smile that melts many hearts (needless to say, most of my friends, girls by the way, all want him.) I haven't told you I was gay yet, but I've always had problems with labels, and especially since arriving in France, I've had a harder time subscribing to one or the other. I guess what I am most at ease with is bi. Whenever I think about sex, that animalistic fuck me now feeling, I always imagine myself with a guy, but when it comes to love and spending time with someone, there are guys and girls alike that I just find beautiful.

So now on to my fantasy, it is based on something that really happened but I want to take it a little farther and hopefully maybe one day soon it will happen.

It was Friday afternoon, the last day before Christmas vacation. Jaime and I were walking out of the University to where we parked our bikes and we were talking about his plans for a big Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Goodbye Party for those who were leaving. Then we ran into some friends that didn't drink at all, and well, one problem led to another and soon enough, by that evening, the dinner was scratched. We didn't see a lot of the people other than out at the bars. Jaime and I ended up seeing each other a few times out that weekend and Saturday night at the bar, we got to talking.

We were talking about what we were going to be doing for the break, and when we were going to leave and things like that. My brother decided to come to France for Christmas and spend some time traveling around with me. Jaime and I were talking about what sites my brother and I should visit. Jaime was going to be going back to Spain to spend the holidays with his family.

The kicker: Jaime and I were going to be the only ones from our group of friends who were going to be staying in the city until the middle of the week. We decided that we would get together for meals so that we weren't eating alone. Typically, Jaime and I eat lunch together with our group of friends; there are usually eight of us. We also have dinner together a couple of times a week and go out every weekend. So it wasn't odd for these kinds of plans to be made in advance, but it would be the first time for just the two of us.

Sunday and Monday came and we didn't see each other at all. Tuesday I sent Jaime a text message asking him if he wanted to do something for dinner that night. He sent me one back letting me know that one of his Spanish friends had invited him to her house for dinner that night with some of her friends as a little Christmas party, so he couldn't meet me. So instead, we planned to get together Wednesday and meet up at a cafe for coffee in the early afternoon. I really liked that idea. We would be meeting up, just the two of us.

So the next day, around four he got to the cafe. I don't think I will ever forget how he looked. He wasn't wearing anything spectacular; it was just being able to watch him from a distance walking toward the cafe that made the pit in my stomach drop. Watching him walking in, then standing and looking around. The cafe we go to is an internet cafe too, so it's really big and there is an upper section that has a balcony that looks out over the main section downstairs.

He walked in wearing a white cotton collared shirt with jeans and a canvas-suit-coat-style jacket, the ones that only look good on a male model, well^Å that is Jaime. He walked in and found me. The cafe was crowded. So, once again, as fate would have it, the only table I could get was a table for two. It was one of those small square tables that can only hold two cups of coffee and an ashtray. So while we were sitting with our coffee our knees would brush together occasionally. At that point, I decided that I wasn't going to move if we accidentally touched. I'm not sure if he noticed then, but I didn't really mind. I like it when you can touch someone and not only think of sex. I think that's why I enjoy Europe so much, there is a lot more touching and patting of backs, and leaving your hand on the back of a friend after you say hello, for both guys and girls. Every time we touched, I could feel him warmth. I have never thought of knees as very sensual, but that day I think there was a direct line from my knees to my dick.

Well I have to admit, I don't remember what all we talked about at the cafe but it included both our families and where we were from. He has been all over the world, from studying in the States, coincidentally the same state I live in. He had been to Rome, Bahrain, Iran, Istanbul, and probably just about everywhere in Western Europe. He told me about how he was studying to go into international politics for Spain and like me, wanted to be an Ambassador in the future.

We sat at the cafe for about 2 hours talking, we moved onto politics and we disagreed a little, which was nice because when we argued, it wasn't the normal banter that people have when they have no idea why decisions are made. We have both read a lot and he changed my mind about a few points and I explained why Americans tend to have a superiority complex and he was okay with that. I liked that he was so open-minded. It made me smile. And whenever someone is smiling, so is Jaime.

I still remember sitting there watching him and some times I forgot to listen to what he was saying. I would just stare into his eyes. They are warm, brown, and when he is speaks his `Spanish side' really comes out and his face is really expressive. I lost myself a few times in those eyes. There might have been one or two times he caught me gazing, but I have gotten pretty good at covering myself. I normally just stare back and hopefully remember to start paying attention again. Every time I forgot to pay more attention to the words coming out of his mouth, than his mouth itself, my heart started pounding faster and harder. There were a few times that I saw his hand sitting on the table, I wanted to take it and never let it go.

As the coffee ran out the topic changed to dinner. He told me he wanted to go out but he wanted to read a little bit first so that he didn't have to take his schoolbooks home with him. We decided on a restaurant and we were going to meet at 8:30 at a nice little place that has some of the best crepes I have ever had. I was almost bouncing off walls that we were really going out to dinner together. Even if I was the only one who thought it was a date.

He sent me a text message a little later telling me that he didn't feel like crepes but wanted to make dinner. He wanted to make dinner at his house. HE wanted to make ME dinner. That was the only thing I thought of for a good full minute. Not one of those eternal seconds, but a full minute, I stared at the text message. I then read the rest of the message and he asked me to bring some wine from a little shop that I live next to, and he would make everything else. I decided I would stop and bring some dessert too, nothing fancy just some tarts from a little bakery on the way.

I had 2 hours before I had to leave and started thinking about what was going to happen. I realized that he and I would be sitting and talking and eating and looking at each other for hours that night. One thought passed through my head. I need to take care of my boner now before it becomes a problem later. I was going to shower before I left anyways, so, I took off my clothes and jumped in bed. I was going to put on some porn, and then realized I didn't really need any more stimulation.

While I was jacking, I started thinking about everyone I had ever jerked off to before, both who I had fucked and only wished I had. I didn't want to jerk off to him because then the only thing I would be able to think about all night would be him. (Sometimes I like to try to fool myself^Åas if I wouldn't be thinking of him anyways.) But every time they turned into Jaime. I gave up after a while, and just jacked thinking about him.

As I was reaching the climax, I let my subconscious run wild; I no longer tried to think about certain things I wanted to do with him... As I leaned into kiss him in my head, I shot a huge load all over myself. I didn't even realize I was cumming until some of my cum got caught on my hand and started lubing up my dick. My orgasm was powerful, but the image of kissing Jaime stayed with me. It was absolutely amazing. I cleaned up and took a cold shower, a very cold shower. I shaved, and did my hair with just the right amount of wax and then looked at myself in the mirror and started laughing aloud. I had just realized how much work I was putting into dinner with a friend. But that was it, I didn't want him to be just my friend anymore.

He sent me another text with the directions to his house and that was it. He was going to make me dinner. I had thoughts running through my head the whole time I was biking there, from what I wanted to do to him, to what I wanted him to do to me, and every once in a while, what we would eat, well for dinner too.

I live what should be about a 20-minute bike ride from Jaime's, but with his directions, and my state of mind, it took 40. I had to call him a few times and explain where I was. He thought it was hilarious that I kept getting lost. He smiled at me when I walked in. It was a, `geez, cant you follow directions', kind of smile, but also with a warm side. Almost a "It's really great to see you" smile. I was getting weak in the knees. The shower had worn off.

Then my heart jumped a little. But not the good kind. His roommate, a Chinese exchange girl in the same program as us, just in a much lower level, just walked in. She was going to be eating with us too. Not just the two of us. I was disappointed until we sat down for dinner. She turned out to be a real entertainment for Jaime and me.

I brought out the bottle of wine, a Chateau Margaux for anyone who knows wine. I would say I have a pretty nice connection at the Wine Shop. I think the son of the owner had a little thing for me, or at least he did before going off to Chile to study wine, but I digress.

So I offered the bottle of wine and I'm pretty sure Jaime recognized it. He just looked up and smiled and shook his head at me, one of those, did you really bring that for us to drink? Then my modest/embarrassed streak came out and I said something like, "oh is that a really nice one?"

He had made a pasta dish he learned to make while he was studying in Italy, and I have to say, the boy can cook. He served out the pasta, and I poured the wine for the three of us. I started checking him out as we were walking around each other. He was still in a wrinkled, white cotton button-down, with old blue jeans on. He looked like he was so comfortable with everything he did; it started putting me at ease. Well one part of me was at ease, the other was starting to perk up.

Jaime's roommate provided all the observable entertainment during dinner. She could speak about 10 words of English and maybe 2 words of French. Jaime and I would include her in the questions we were asking each other. But her answers were so mixed and drawn-out that Jaime and I thought she was on crack. Jaime and I would just look at each other and without saying anything, we would understand what the other was thinking.

I should say that Jaime and I have almost a brotherly relationship when it comes to things like that. Normally only after you know someone for a long time can you read their eyes, but Jaime and I could. I should admit that a lot of that happened because I can't get enough of his eyes. They can draw you in and make you forget the world.

I am sure a few times during dinner I was caught looking, ok staring. But he told me later that I covered it well by laughing, or keeping my eyes on him (as in not looking away as soon as he looked at me.)

The subject turned back to his roommate and I thought, "I'm lucky that his roommate is here, otherwise I would jump over the table and throw myself on him." However, thinking that would throw him over the edge, I restrained.

As we ate, we both had a few glasses of wine, and two full plates of pasta in the time his roommate had half a plate and two sips of wine. She got up from dinner as we were finishing and I reminded Jaime that I brought tarts too. She told us that she had to run to a study date she had with one of her friends. Well she couldn't really tell us so much as she laughed and stumbled her way through trying to tell us until we guessed. She grabbed her books and ran out faster than I thought was normal. I asked Jaime, and he just said that it was normal. She never stayed to clean up. He said this as I brought the dishes in to him in the kitchen. Then he laughed because I was already helping. Along with the laughing came that deadly smile again. My knees also went weak again. That was when we started talking about our upbringings. He told me about he was brought up to be hospitable and conscientious, especially around guests. He said that he found that to be one of the qualities of a mate that he found most attractive. When he said that, he looked straight at me and smirked. He didn't smile his normal grin; it was somehow different, almost as if he wanted me to read into it. I also noticed he said mate, and not wife, or girlfriend. It got me thinking, and not just with the brain in my head. He was giving me a run for the money, and I felt my dick getting so hard through the night that I was afraid it would break off.

We kept talking until the dishes were done then went and sat in the living room to eat the tarts. I sat on the little couch, it was more of a loveseat than a couch. Then he walked in and sat on the chair facing the couch. He went to turn on the TV, but then decided on music instead. I liked that he wanted to keep talking instead of watch television. He said he would put on some of his favorite Spanish music that was really good. For the first few songs it was upbeat and almost poppy but in a very down-home latin sort of way. We kept talking about where life was leading us and what we were hoping to do once we finished university. We must have been talking for at least an hour, rarely breaking eye contact. We never stopped talking. Then he brought up the pub crawl that we had just went on together. He told me that he had taken a bunch of pictures and asked if I wanted to see them. I told him I did, that I was not able to take any because my camera was broken. That was a lie, but I was hoping he had a desktop and that we would move up to his room. He said to hold on that he would bring his laptop down. He came back down and brought a bottle of Spanish wine with the computer. He said he was saving it for a nice night, and thought why not tonight. While the computer was booting up he went and got some glasses and poured us each a glass. I was starting to get more and more comfortable with him, and I think him with me, as well. He put the laptop down on the coffee table and sat next to me on the couch.

A few minutes into the slideshow, the people were slowing getting more and more drunk. I don't know if it was the wine that was building my confidence or my dick talking to my brain, but I decided to move closer and take a chance. I moved, and we were right next to each other. Shoulders practically touching. Thighs and hips right next to each other. I thought I should test the waters first. He just kept talking as we were remembering the night a few weeks before.

Then the slideshow ended, and he turned to me and asked "What do you think?"

It took me about a millisecond to decide what to do, and then almost a minute to actually do it, I leaned in and kissed him. It was just a light brushing of lips, no tongue or passion, but for me it was electric. Then I said, "That's what I think." I think I must have raised my eyebrows like I was asking permission, or looking for a response, when he just kind of smirked and cocked his head a little, just enough to let the light cast a small shadow on his face. I think he was almost embarrassed, but he didn't say a word, he grinned again, just like while he was washing dishes.

I took that as a good sign, and I moved my hand around his back and started to lean in again, but I didn't go all the way, I wanted him to meet me, I think the Hitch "you go 90, they go 10" thing was in my head, but it worked. He looked me straight in the eye, raised his hands up to my head, leaned in, and kissed me back. I was surprised how soft his lips were, they were not huge but not small and thin either. They were very receptive and welcoming. I started leaning into him and he leaned back on the couch so I was on top of him. At first the kissing was really slow and just little kisses, until I paused and about an inch away from his face I stared into his eyes. I was running my hands through his hair, it isn't long, but enough to get a fistful when you grab it. I wanted to tell him something, anything about how much I liked him. But the words didn't come, just the yearning in his eyes. I leaned in again and started pushing my tongue against his lips, when he opened his mouth and we started really making out for a while. After a few minutes, he got much more comfortable with it and started being more assertive. He started pulling my face into his and kissing me with more passion then I have kissed anyone before.

He also started pulling me down on top of him. He would pull on my ass so that our crotches were pressed against each other. Then we both started humping and rubbing passionately. It was never too hard, or fast. It started as a small flame then transformed into a burning desire.

What he did next amazed me. He started pushing me up and onto my back so that he was on top and started kissing down my neck and nibbling. I was surprised by his forwardness, and I must have hesitated for a moment. He paused and looked at me. I asked him, with a smile on my face, "Ok, who is making moves on who?" He responded with a smile and said, "You were just a little quicker than I was." He then moved one hand up to my cheek and rested it there as he grabbed my basket with his other hand. I leaned into his hand on my cheek and took a finger into my mouth. He then leaned down and started kissing down my neck again. When he got to the collar, he, reluctantly, took his hands and undid the top few button of my shirt. Once it was open he started nibbling on my collarbone and upper shoulders.

Oh, how I love it when people bite, especially around the collarbone and that tendon/ligament everyone massaged when they get a shoulder massage. He then started kissing down my chest and as he was getting to my belly-button, I pulled him back up and pulled his shirt straight over his head and into the hottest longest Hollywood kiss. When we broke from the kiss we were both out of breath and huffing and puffing a little. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I could see something happening behind his eyes and asked him what he was thinking.

He laughed at me and told me that he was wondering how long I had wanted to do that. I smiled at him and told him I didn't know. He really didn't believe me, and really wanted to know when was the first time I wanted to kiss him. I told him that since the first time I saw him smile I knew I wanted to kiss him. He got extremely quiet at this point and played with the last few buttons on my shirt. I asked him about what he was thinking. He told me, slowly, that from the first time he really looked in my eyes he knew^Å and let his voice trail off.

"What did you know?" I asked. "That I could do this."

"Do what?" "Fall in love with you."

That was the first time in my life I had ever heard those words directed at me. I was choked up and for a second or two I wasn't sure what to do. I looked him straight in the eyes, his were also getting a little misty, I think. I reached out and with one hand on the back of the neck, in just that right spot, and my other had on his cheek and brought him to me. We kissed for a long time until I noticed how much hornier we both were after that little conversation.

During a short breathing break, I asked him how long we had until his roommate would be back. He said that we wouldn't have to worry at all. She always sleeps over her friend's house when she studies after dinner.

I suggested that we go up to his room and get a little bit more comfortable. He flashed me one of his smiles and the energy in the room was palpable. He took me by the hand and led me to his room.

Once we reached his room, I sat on the bed and pulled him towards me still standing up. I took hold of his belt and opened it. Pulling him even closer, I started unbuttoning his jeans and kissing as I went down. Being Spanish, he has a thin dark patch of hair that starts between his nipples and stretches into his treasure trail. It looked like it was kept trimmed regularly, especially his bush. As I opened his jeans further I could see the base of his cock. I kept kissing as I went lower until his pants were around his knees. He wasn't wearing underwear so as soon as his pants came down his plump cock bounced out. He wasn't really hard yet, but it was a nice size, and thick. We never got around to measuring but I think it what about 6.5" long.

I took his dick in my mouth and gave him the best warm up of his life. I pulled out all of the tricks I had ever learned, and at one point, he even started whimpering at one point. I had him fully hard and ready to go in a matter of minutes.

I stopped sucking on his dick to move up to kiss him. He rolled my on my back and moved down to kiss my chest. He reached my jeans and without any preamble opened and pulled them right off. Then he stood there looking at me. I reached out and pulled him down to me into an embrace with some more intense kissing. We made out more, and I worked my way back down to his cock and sucked until my jaw starting to hurt. It had been a while since my last blowjob.

After minutes of sucking and kissing I told him I wanted him to fuck me. I saw him get nervous for a flash of an instant, and realized something. I asked him if he had ever been with a boy before. He said no, but had fantasized about it for years. I thought there was more, so I pulled him in close to me and with his head on my chest. I wanted him to feel comfortable with me, and talk to me. "What are you nervous about?" I asked him. "How did you know I was nervous?" "Your eyes." "Well, you hit it more than you know. I have never felt like this before and I don't want to rush into anything that I'm not ready for." I don't think I had ever found him hotter than I did at that instant. He had a certain vulnerability that was abnormal for him. I asked him what he had thought about doing, and told him that I would never do anything he wasn't sure about. He told me he thought about doing everything, from sucking to fucking, to being fucked and everything in between. Then he said that he had always thought about it being a friend, and messing around. He was afraid of love making. My heart melted, and contrarily, my dick gave a little leap and he felt it.

He looked up at me, with his face still on my chest and started kissing his way down my stomach until he got to my dick. He looked up at me with a "now or never" kind of face. I told him, "you can do anything you want, but nothing that you are not sure of." He smiled at me and went down on my dick. I stopped him before he tried taking it all in at once, now I am not hung like a porn star, but it is a good 6 inches, 6.5 on a good night. I told him to go slow and do what he liked being done to him. It was not the best blowjob I have ever had physically, but the passion with which he moved was overwhelming.

He blew me for only a few minutes and I needed him to back off. The combination of lust and love was overwhelming me. I had him lay down on the bed on his back and starting with his neck and shoulders I kissed down his chest. I paused by his nipples getting each hard and perky. I kissed down him arms, and took his fingers in my mouth one by one. I then moved down to the bottom of his legs, kissed, and licked my way up, alternating between one and the other. I didn't let a part go untouched until I got to his cock. I never touched it once until that was all that was left. He was rock hard and I could see it pulsating with his heartbeat.

I took it in my mouth and slowly brought him close to climax, I moved to his balls and let him calm down, then repeated bringing him up, then letting him cool down. I went back to his dick for a third time until I heard his breathing getting too heavy. I looked at him. He gave me a look that clearly read, "if you let me relax one more time I'm going to explode!" I smiled and started sucking furiously, vigorously until he was moaning and screaming that he was going to cum.

He started telling me that he was close and that I should move my head. I pushed as deep as I could go, with his pubes in my nose. As I did that, he let loose. He was pumping load after milky load into my mouth which happily swallowed all he gave. I could feel 5 good shots hitting the back of my throat as I breathed in his scent as deep as I could. I kept him in my mouth as the last few drops dribbled out of his dick. Then as he softened in my mouth I moved up and kissed him again. I forgot to swallow all of his cum, and when out tongues met he hesitated for an instant. Then he kissed back full force.

We broke off the kisses when I asked him what he wanted to do next. He said he wanted to watch me jerk off, and then just as I was about to cum he wanted to blow me so that he could taste my cum.

I thought that was really hot. No one had ever watched me before. I laid down next to him and started pumping. I was no more than a minute by the time I was fully hard and getting into it. I could feel his body heat next to me, and his warm breath on my neck. I asked him if he wanted to help and he took my dick in his hands and went to work. As I was about to cum, I told him, and he started licking the underside of my head. I started shooting and the first shot hit him in the nose just as he was putting his mouth around my dick. He caught the rest of my load, but didn't swallow fast enough. By the end he was getting choked up and almost coughing. I grinned at him as he looked up at me. It was a face of complete satisfaction.

He came up and lay next to me on his bed and we continued kissing until we had both fully caught our breath. I looked aver at the clock and saw that it was about 2:30 in the morning. I asked him what he wanted to do. He said, "Lay here; I want to lay here and be with you." I turned my back towards him, and snuggled into him arms where we fell asleep, arms and legs intertwined.

I woke up early that morning, around 8am, and much to my pleasure, his morning hard-on was resting peacefully in the crack of my ass. He woke up shortly after I did, probably from the "unconscious" gyrating of my hips. He had to catch a train in a few hours and, I needed to catch another train at a different train station. We didn't really say anything as we were waking, nor getting out of bed. We both went to the bathroom, and took a shower together. It never seemed to get sexual, there was no kissing or getting each other horny. We just wanted to be close to each other.

We went downstairs and made some coffee after we got dressed. I got up and started putting on my coat as he came over and hugged me from behind. He whispered in my ear, "Have a great Christmas, and keep your phone on. I don't want to pass the holidays without talking to you."

I turned and told him, "Don't worry about that. You won't."

With that I leaned in and kissed him one last time before I left. He walked me to the door and just as I was walking out he pulled me back in. He looked at me and kissed me one more time before I could leave. I unlocked my bike and looked back to the door. He was still standing there watching me. I smiled at him as I got on my bike. I waved as I started down the street, and he turned and went inside.

That's all for now, unless things should happen.

Let me know if you liked it, you can email me at spkelso@yahoo.fr

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