When You Least Expect It

By loste Lasfa

Published on Jan 10, 2021


Disclaimer: First and foremost I have to say that this story is work of fan fiction. I don't have rights to Supernatural, Lost Girl, Arrow or any of the characters in these shows. I do not mean to imply anything about the characters/actors sexualities. Secondly I should not that this is an ADULT work that features graphic male/male sexual encounters. We're still not to the smut yet, but it's building ;)

Note: I welcome any and all feedback. You can find me at fanboi214@yahoo.com or on Twitter @fanboi214 (https://twitter.com/fanboi214). I plan on running some polls there so if you want to influence the shape of things to come keep on eye on it. With no further ado...

"Look at him dressed like a normal person. It's like seeing a penguin on rollerskates, just weird," an unusually bemused Oliver whispered to Diggle. The `he' in question was assistant district attorney Adam Donner, who Laurel drug to Verdant. Adam felt just as uncomfortable, as he appeared, however Laurel had insisted that he take at least one night off and join her. Out of his normal suit and tie, Adam was wearing a simple T-shirt which showcased his all too seldom seen chest quite nicely.

"Focus, Oliver, we're on a mission," Diggle gritted.

"Yeah, a mission to find a possible mad person who is possibly killing people in God only knows what way if he does actually exist," Felicity chimed in over the earpiece hidden in Oliver's ear.

"We have discussed this. Three people murdered the night they leave my club is more than a coincidence, especially in Starling City." Oliver replied swiftly.

"Then this is beyond dangerous. You don't know who you're looking for. You don't know why they killed these people. And you don't know how." Felicity emphasized.

"Diggle and I will be perfectly safe, Felicity. We're just upstairs." Oliver reassured.

Meanwhile Dean and Sam had made their way to the bar. Dean took out his phone and glanced down. "What are you waiting for?" Sam asked confused.

"What?" Dean said nonchalantly.

"You've checked that phone like ten times since we left the hotel," Sam said.

"Just waiting to hear from someone." Dean replied. He had no clue if Bo would respond or if she'd even remember him. So far there'd been no reply.

"Focus on the Incubus, Dean." Sam chastised.

"Fine," Dean said. "How are you supposing we find him?" Dean asked.

"That'll be easy," Sam said "It's whatever guy you're attracted to."

"Come again?"

"Calm down. Incubi and Succubi have a supernatural sexual effect on everyone regardless of your gender or preferences. Which makes it easy for straight guys like us, because the Incubi will be the only man we find sexually appeal."

"You, uh, don't say," Dean said before taking a nice long swig of his drink.

"Don't freak out over it. It's not like some sort of hypnotizing pull. You'll just think he's kind of cute." Sam rolled his eyes. "Listen, I'm going to start in the front of the club. You keep an eye on the back half."

As Sam parted, Roy Harper swung by wiping down the bar and Dean took a long survey of the men in this club. Finding a man he was attracted to in this crowd would be extremely easy, unfortunately that made finding an incubus incredibly difficult.

Oliver and Diggle had made a solid round of the club. While Ollie had spotted many many questionable life choices he hadn't seen anything that really could be responsible for the string of murders. "Have you managed to spot... whatever it is you're looking for," Felicity chirped in their ears. Safely stationed in her normal spot in the `Arrow Cave'

"Maybe," Oliver replied, with a glance back to Diggle. Diggle nodded, hanging back as Oliver made the approach to a rather tall man who was roaming through the club. Sam had a particular look in his eye as he swept the crowd, the kind of steady determined look a person got when they're on a mission.

"Find it?" Oliver called out as he stepped up behind Sam.

"Wh-" Sam was taken completely off guard. He turned on his heels to see the man behind him. Fumbling a bit he spit out "Find what?"

"Whatever it is you're looking for," Ollie replied with a smirk.

"I'm not looking for anything," Sam replied. His eyes flitted over this strange man who had approached him. He could be an incubus, right? Did he feel attracted to this man? The guy was built, that was for sure. His face sexy in a stubbly scruffy man's man kinda way. Yeah, he was hot, and more important than that Sam thought he might even be feeling a little attraction to him.

"Well now you're just lying," Ollie shook his head. "Everyone who comes to a place like this is looking for something."

Roy Harper cast a sideways glance down the bar as he wiped it clean. With as much subtlety as he could manage, Roy tried to get a read on the man at the end of the bar. Even without really interacting with him, Roy could tell he was an unusual and yet intensely interesting guy. Roy would place him somewhere in his mid-thirties but he had the rough world worn look of a much older man oozing with masculinity and confidence. Roy could swear that the man was checking him out. Try as he might he couldn't catch the man staring though, it was almost as if he was intentionally drawing Roy in to see if Roy would hit on him. He cocked his head to the side with a ghost of a smile and looked over at Roy... or past Roy as he downed his scotch. Fuck this dude was hot, and judging from that ridiculous hair he was gay or at least curious.

As Dean slammed his drink on the bar, the cute barback made his way over, with a bit too much pep in his step. "I'll take that from you," Roy offered before lifting the glass and wiping down the counter beneath it. Dean still wasn't sure whether the kid was an incubus or just unreasonably attractive, but he'd gotten him to engage which was the first part of figuring out the answer to that question.

"Should I let you touch that. I don't want to get in trouble for giving alcohol to minors," Dean quipped with a grin.

"Don't worry," Roy replied. "Looks like you managed to down every last drop."

"So you are a minor?"

"I'm eighteen," Roy said retorted somewhat defensively.

"Thank, God," Dean chuckled "Otherwise I'd have to feel awfully guilty about the thoughts I was having watching you back there."

That brought a smile to Roy's face. Leaning on the bar he raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And just what kind of thoughts might those be?"

"You know, they're kind of hard to explain, but if you want I think I can show you." Dean teased.

"And my girlfriend, would she be allowed to view this demonstration?" Roy said with a wink.

"Girlfriend?" Dean looked surprised. "And here I thought we played for the same team."

"Who says that we don't?" Roy smirked. "You seem like a man of... diverse tastes."

Dean chuckled, mentally reminding himself that this man was possibly a demon sex murderer. It was then he heard a high pitch squeal, "Dean Winchester?"

He turned in his seat to find a petite girl with jet black hair and heavy eye liner. "Do I know you?" To his surprise he was met with a swift slap across the face.

"That is for lying to Bo-bo." Kenzie mouthed off.

Dean didn't have a minute to process what she said. His face still stinging from the slap as his eyes drifted up to notice the woman behind her. Gorgeous as ever the succubus had a grin from ear to ear. "You're looking awfully spry for a dead guy," Bo said plopping down next to him at the bar.

"Well a good resurrection or three will do that to you," Dean said still nursing his cheek a bit and giving Kenzie a glare.

Roy stood there slackjawed with the momentarily dazed look a man tends to get when they first set their eyes on a succubus. He didn't look like he really absorbed any of the commentary, which was good. Dean wondered if an incubus would have this kind of reaction to a succubus. Maybe the hot guy was just a hot guy. When Roy finally blinked back to reality he just looked from Bo to Dean. "You and her..."

Dean gave him a wink. "What can I say? Guess I am a... how did you put it man of diverse tastes."

Over by the doorway, John Diggle maintained his location. He kept a careful eye on Ollie's discussion with the unknown man he was interrogating. So far he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. However his guard position was soon put in jeopardy, as a rather enchanting woman in her late twenties made her way over to him. Without a word she began dancing on him, John tried to tactfully excuse himself from the situation, but his admirer was quite persistent. As she ground against him her face lining up to his own, Diggle cleared his throat. "Excuse me, I can't..."

"Come on," she moaned "You're hot and I'm sooo horny,"

Diggle was shocked by her brazenness, but quickly distracted. His whole body felt a jolt of arousal hit him at once. His heart raced, his breathing increased and the bulge in his pants suddenly got a lot tighter. Diggle couldn't help but notice how amazing this woman felt pressed to him or how pretty the eyes were batting up at him. "I can't..." he panted trying to remind himself he was here to watch Oliver's back.

"Go for it man," There was a soft whisper in his ear "I know you want to." It was a voice that Diggle barely even registered. Had he been paying more attention he might've noticed he had heard it before. He might have felt the brush of fingertips on his neck before his burst of arousal. But he didn't. He couldn't control his impulses, and as he let this woman drag him out on to the dance floor he certainly didn't notice the `deceased' Tommy Merlyn slip out the door he was supposed to be guarding.

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