When Worlds Finally Collide

By Aaron Hull / Wah Stories

Published on Nov 23, 2017



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I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I haven't had time to write something like this in forever so it was pretty fun. If you do enjoy reading this, you can contact me at wah.stories@yahoo.com.

Other stories by me:

Gay - High School

  • One or the Other

  • My Name is Conner

  • Gavin's Got Game

  • Hayden's Story

  • Shawn's Turn Gay - College

  • Teddy Bear

  • The After Party

  • Not Your Typical Fairytale

Be safe and be responsible! Don't do anything I would do!

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I think I speak for every gay man when I say that gay men, like little girls, are all just waiting for their fairytale to come true. A gay man's fairytale may be a little different from the little girls' fairytales since sometimes ours includes handcuffs and hot wax but you get the point. We're kind of one in the same when we think about our futures.

My name is Matt. When I packed my bags to fly across the country and start anew in college, I left behind my fairytale book and came to the conclusion that if I ever found anyone, it would be some plain, gay jane relationship and I would just be content. Obviously 18 is a young age to give up on something like love but even before I realized that I was gay, I never really felt like I was someone who could be loved by another.

I'm going to skip ahead a few years because my first two years were fun for me but not good enough to make a story. Maybe I'll tell you about it some other time. To summarize all of it, I joined a fraternity for all the wrong reasons and loved it for all the right reasons, I had occasional flings and hook ups but I never got to know someone long enough to learn their last name, I met my best friend Natasha and she literally became my other half, and my mom's death resulted in my step-dad telling me that I was no longer welcome back since his family was no longer attached to me.

I'm starting this story with my junior year of college, which is where my life started to get interested. The fall semester breezed by so we are also going to skip that. The only thing that happened then was that I was elected the president of my fraternity for the following school year. I was really excited for all the opportunities that it would lead me too and I couldn't think of any better stepping stone towards a life of success.

Now let's get to the good stuff. I'm taking you to some day in February. I can't remember the exact day but just know it was cold as fuck outside and I was not in a good mood. At the time I was in the library reading a book for my ethics in sciences course that I was taking. My goal in life was to move to DC and make changes in both the scientific and social worlds in America. The book wasn't the best read and that made it even harder to read when I heard the table of baboons howling just a few tables down from me.

I placed my book down and look up to see them all in their ball shorts and ripped tank tops all adorned with their Greek organization. I snicker to myself a little bit because these guys are known for being idiots; I am surprised they are still an organization on campus. The only person in their entire fraternity who is smarter than a dead racoon is their president, Kody Michaelson.

Kody and I were actually from the same high school all the way across the country. In high school, the two of us never talked. We both took as many advanced courses as we could so we saw each other a lot but the fact that I was a nerd and that he was a jock still kept us from ever saying a word to each other.

The first time we talked was when I was sitting on the plane and I looked up to meet his eyes as he asked me if this was Row 12. The answer was yes. Both of us apparently received full-ride scholarship to the university, him for baseball and me for tennis. Although tennis is a sport, it was the nerd sport at my school so I was never allowed to be a jock. I never wanted to be a jock but it was very insulting to me that they wouldn't even acknowledged my physical prowess when I could easily outrun and maybe out-bench some of them.

The athletics department booked our tickets together since that would be cheaper. It was also cheaper for them to give us four layovers that lasted a total of 12 hours together instead of letting us fly direct. That whole situation essentially forced us to talk to each other along the way.

Before that trip, I never really thought about Kody. Yes we had a lot of classes together but he was always just someone in the background; I never stopped to look at him as my eyes scanned the classroom, I never spoke his name when I was with my friends and we were talking about some of the people in our classes, I also never learned his last name. I knew it was somewhere in the middle of the alphabet because in all the classes that had assigned seats, he was usually towards the middle of the class.

It was on the fourth flight we had together that I really started thinking about Kody. I woke up from a deep slumber because I heard a noise that I initially thought was an engine blowing. It turned out to be Kody snoring. The initial fright kept me from noticing something but once I calmed down, I noticed why his snoring was way too loud to be true. Kody's head was resting on my shoulder. Not only that, but he was curled up in his seat and his arms were wrapped around my left arm. I was in utter shock. I knew our closeness was probably just something that happened because he was asleep but it felt different. A good different. I realized that I liked having him so close. I realized I liked him.

The second the taxi dropped us off on campus, we never spoke again. We would nod at each other when we saw each other on campus and we even smiled at each other when we saw each other at the Greek presidents meeting in January. My crush for him never faded.

As I sat their staring at him and his posse of idiots, I still couldn't help but remember how great it felt to have him cling to me while he slept. Natasha is the only one that knows how much I like Kody. I made her promise that she would take it to the grave with her, no matter how old the bitch grew to be. My life was finally going right and I didn't need rumors flying around now that he and I are both presidents of well-known Greek organizations on campus.

My train of thought was suddenly broken when a hand waved in front of my face. "Hey Matt? Is it okay if I sit down? I wanna ask you something."

I looked up and it was Kody. Kody fucking Michaelson. "Oh! Umm...yeah sure. Sit down. How are you?"

Kody pulled the chair out and sat down. "I've been good. Being the president is weird but I like it so far. I'm trying to help my brothers out and keep us out of the shitter with the administration. And that's why I wanted to talk to you."

I was kinda confused but honestly I was still too shocked that he was talking to me. I didn't say anything and sorta jus stared at him quizzically.

"You guys are the best on campus," Kody continued. "I was wondering if we could meet and just like talk and you could help me help my brothers? Obviously we are not going to be anywhere close to you guys in the near future so please don't think of this as betraying your brothers. I just need help. I want to come back in twenty years and see that we are still alive. With your help, I think I can finally lead my guys in the right direction. What do you say?"

I got distracted again because of his milk chocolate eyes and how they were shimmering in the light. When Kody ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair I became even more distracted. I wanted nothing more than to have his head lay next to mine again. That sounds a little creepy but that's what I was thinking about at the time.

"Oh!" I broke the trance when I felt his foot grace mine. "Yes! I mean...I can help you. It's the least I can do. Maybe I can count think as community service hours. Ya know, helping the homeless. Or would it be helping those who smell like they could be homeless."

He smiles wide and rolls his eyes. "I guess we deserve that. But this man smell drives some people crazy in the right way if you know what I mean." The fact that he winked after he said that made me want to faint right there but I was able to keep my composure. "Stick your hand out."

I didn't even question his demand. I stuck my hand out immediately like an obedient servant. And you can ask anyone in my fraternity or even Natasha, I don't listen to anyone's rules but mine. And now I guess Kody's.

I had distracted myself yet again and this time I didn't even realize that Kody was writing something on my hand with a pen. It was his cellphone number.

"This Friday all of my brothers are going to our formal a few hours away and staying there for the weekend. I can't go because I made a prior commitment with a friend a few months back and will be busy this Saturday. So you can come over to my frat house Friday night and we can talk. I'm sure you've been to our house for one of the parties we've had. Would eight o'clock work for you?"

I just nod.

"Good! It's a date!" He then got up from the table and left.

My chest was in so much pain because of how fast my heart was beating. I had been carrying a torch for this guy for three years and all of a sudden he and I are going to be alone in a house together on what he called a "date." I know it is not actually that but I was still going to think of it as so.

Maybe I should dig through my stuff to find that old fairytale book I threw away.

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Every time I read a story of Nifty, I never read the top part, so just in case you are like me and only read the bottom portion if you liked the story, here is my email again: wah.stories@yahoo.com. If you email me, please state what story you're referring to. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a fantastic day. :)

Please donate to Nifty.org! Your donations keep this amazing website running and gives us a place to escape from reality every now and then. If you donate, the likelihood of me falling in love with you increases tenfold so please consider it!

Other stories by me:

Gay - High School

  • One or the Other

  • My Name is Conner

  • Gavin's Got Game

  • Hayden's Story

  • Shawn's Turn

Gay - College

  • Teddy Bear

  • The After Party

  • Not Your Typical Fairytale

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