When the Lights Go Out

By BardotBoy

Published on Jun 18, 2000


When the lights Go Out - Chapter One. Written by BardotBoy bardot@ausi.com

Hey u lot - thanks for the unreal response on "5IVE ON ONE" - It was great to hear you lot wanted more five stuff! So, i decided to start a more serious - still sexy, but longer also, series of 5IVE stories - which i've titled "When the lights go out". It has no connection whatsoever with the last story I wrote, 5IVE ON ONE, but it still based on the guys from 5IVE.

All the usual legal disclaimers go here, if you're under 18, skitatle away from here. If you're offended by homosexual content - then you shouldn't read on. I am not in anyway connected with 5IVE, J, Scott, Abs, Rich, Sean or their management, or any other person/s mentioned in this story - it is a completely fictional story - and I am not implying that any of the guys are indeed homosexuals - it's just a fictional fantasy.

Now that that's outta the way - on with the story!

When the lights go out CHAPTER ONE

It was 10.34pm. J was sitting near the fireplace, eating a bowl of popcorn. The other guys had gone out for dinner, then the movies, and then Clubbing. J, who would usualy be the first to jump on the bandwagon of a huge night, declined the opportunity and told the guys he was feeling a little sick, and wanted to stay at home.

He had a huge checkered blanket covering him, all huddled up near the warmth. It was freezing outside - suprisingly too cold concidering they were in Sydney, Australia. J couldn't help but notice the photo of Scott on the table. How long he had yearned for Scott. Ever since Scott's break up with his girlfriend - J has thought he had more of a chance to be with him, but J - who was still coming to terms with his sexuality himself, was too scared to say or do anything. All he could do was fantasise.

As he stared longer at the photograph, he started to sweat. He wasn't sure whether it was because the fireplace was too hot for him, or that the photo of Scott was too hot for him. He got his answer when he realised his cock had gone hard just at the sight of Scott. J Tried to ignore the hard on, and snuggled up against the couch next to the fireplace. As he thought more of Scott, he fell asleep, rugged up, all alone in the 3 room appartment.

DOOF! DOOF! DOOF! DOOF! "Hey J - Buddy - get up man - before Abs shoves a speaker in your ear". J opened his eyes and awoke to the site of Rich. He was hoping it was Scott. "Thanks man - hey what time is it?" said J, and got up from the floor, where he had obviously slumbered the night. "9.16am buddy - Australian Time!!!" responded Rich, a little too loudly for the morning.

"How'd it go last night" J queried Rich. Abs and Sean entered the room. "Hey J" "Hey J" "Hey guys" "Well" started Rich, "It was goin' great until Scott got all mushy with some girl" Abs butted in..."And then, ouut of the blue, out comes this girls boyfriend, throws Scott a punch in the face and ends our night of fun and drunkeness by slamming the guys head into a wall!" J froze. He felt like his ears stopped operating after Rich said "mushy with some girl". But they didn't. He wish'd they had though.

As he walked into Scott's room, he could see the big bruise on his eye. There he was, sweet and innocent looking. The love of his life had a big bruise messing up his beautiful face. J didn't care. He shut the door, and walked up to the bed. As he knelt down to look more closely at Scott's bruise - he diverted himself to Scotts forhead - and lightly kissed him. Scott moved around a little bit, but didn't wake up. J then sat down, and grabbed Scott's hand. Scott responded - still sleeping - by holding onto J's hand. J simply sat and watched Scott sleeping - and breathing deeply.

"Hey buddy" said J, as Scott awoke. It was 11.45am - J had sat watching Scott for over 2 hours - it felt like 2 minutes. He wanted him to fall back asleep - but couldn't help wishing him a good morning. "Oh man - i fell like shit- and i bet i look like shit too!" Scott said, starting to manouver his way out of bed. "Nah man - you could never look like shit" said J - realising that he had just spoken his thoughts out aloud. "Gee, shucks man! You're the best!" Scott said, as he moved over to the mirror.

OH FUCK!!!!! The two words echoed throughout the whole apartment. Scott had gotten a geezer at his massive bruise on his eye. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Godamit man! That bloody bast.." J cut in. "You shouldn't have messed with that guys Gal - you wouldn't have gotten into all this trouble now, eh?"

Scott looked at him for a brief moment. Then he just smiled. He realised that J was right. "I dunno mate - lately i've been thinkin' that maybe these bird's aren't worth the hassle" Scott said - stunning J. "They're not mate" was all J could say in response. They both looked at each other - the silence in the room was unbelievable. They just stared at each other. Gazing into each others eyes from across the room. Then, just as one of them thought the other would say something, thump "Hey guys - me, rich and sean are goin' soundcheck. We don't need you guys for another 4 or 5 hours - so don't go out - k?" said Abs, who was already dressed in his bright yellow Adidas tracksuite, revved up for the concert rehearsals. "God man - what are you wearing?" asked J. "It looks like something i drank last night....... .....and then threw up" said Scott. J laughed like a gallah. Abs didn't get the joke, and said his goodbyes. As Abs walked out, J quickly made an escape.

He didn't know what to make of what had just happened. The dead silence in the room. The tension between the look in their eyes. The...sexual tension? No, it couldn't have been, but was it? That was all J could think about. As J sat down on the sofa, Scott came out of the room and into the lounge are wearing nothing but a pair of white boxer briefs. J just wanted to get up and rip them right off Scott's firm ass. He quickly looked away, hoping Scott didn't notice the glance or the woody in his pants.

"You don't have to hide it you know." Said Scott, just as J was covering his crotch area with a pillow. J froze. "What?" he said. "Y'know what! You're bulging tent you've got pitched up in your pants. It happens to the best of us bud - you don't have to hide it." J went red as Scott was talking. "And anyway" Scott continued, "You especialy don't have to hide it if that tent's been picthed up coz im around". J froze again. He didn't know what was going on. Were his eyes and ears decieving him? Was he dreaming? J Looked up at Scott and saw him smiling. "What's that supposed to mean Scott?" asked J. Scott sat down on the sofa right next to J. He looked deep into J's eyes and proceeded to talk "I've been watching you J... watching me...and you know you have been. And I can't help but feel a little flattered by it. I would never have thought of all people, you would find me attractive. I mean, I always thought you were one of those guys who'd go for the big beefy ones - I mean, that's why I've always thought you were attractive". J was stunned. He didn't know what was going on.

As J was about to open his mouth to speak, Scott raised up his pinky finger and placed it on J's mouth. "Don't speak" said Scott. "It'll ruin the moment". And as Scott said this, he removed his finger from J's lips - moved in closer to J - and replaced his finger...with his lips. As Scott slowly and sensualy kissed J - J nearly blacked out. He couldn't believe it. Scott's warm, beautiful and sensual lips were pressed softly against his own. His dream was becoming a reality.


Hope you enjoyed it - this one's gonna be a little longer than 5IVE IN ONE, but, don't worry, Im sure it'll be just as good! Next time, we find out what will happen now that Scott and J, now all alone in their apartment, and are kissing on the sofa! You'll have to wait and C!

-BardotBoy, aka: Adem.

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