When Souls Fly Free

By moc.loa@58hairaMmaJfeD

Published on Jan 31, 2004


When Souls Fly Free chpt 5

Terell quickly put on his shoes and headed towards his window.

"Damn, how am I gonna get down?" he thought to himself. But no sooner than he approached the glass he saw the tip of a ladder begin to rest itself to the left. He looked down as he took in the sight of Marcus planting the ladder securely in place.

"You ready?" Marcus asked.

"Yep!" Terell said placing his right foot on the top rung of the ladder. Marcus held it at the bottom and couldn't help but look up and take a peek at Terell and couldn't wait for him to reach the bottom. Terell soon hopped off the ladder and stood beside Marcus.

"So where are we goin?" Terell asked curiously.

"Oh you'll see.." Marcus said with a mischievous smile.

Marcus directed as they both went behind the Grenier property to a back field of weeds, then a dirt side road that went into a woodsy area.

"I used to come here all the time as a little kid" Marcus exclaimed "I just thought since we've become friends I'd show it to you since it's special to me"

"Wow...I've never been here before" Terell said wide eyed as he looked over the woodsy area they were about to enter.

"Come on in" Marcus pointed the way as Terell followed excitedly, he was about to be alone with a guy he had a crush on, he was in heaven. They walked through narrow pathways, passing though clean forest-like air and tiny shrubs and bushes with wild berries on them. Marcus stopped suddenly before a turn in the pathway.

"Well. we're here, this is what I was going to show you". Marcus said leading Terell around the corner...then with his left hand he brushed Aside some shrubbery that had obviously grown there in the years Marcus hadn't visited. Behind the shrubbery revealed the pleasant sight of a small pond, with water clear as day.

"Holy moly.." Terell exclaimed at the beauty looking around.

"Isn't it amazing?. This was my secret hiding spot, not even my parents know about it to this day." Marcus said

"You are just full of surprises Mr." Terrell affectionately said as he playfully punched Marcus in his shoulder.

"Haha, well... I guess" Marcus said shyly. He pointed to giant rock "that's where I used to sit, believe me it's more comfortable than it looks..wanna try it?" Marcus asked.

"Sure, I could use rest after the fight my mom and I were just into". Terell said. They both sat down on the rock which just conveniently seemed to have room for both of them. Moments of awkward tranquility passed over them as they took in the sights of their surroundings.

"So what happened with your mom?" Marcus asked concerned

"Well, I might as well tell you... she told me how you came over looking for me, she doesn't want us hanging out anymore...I think you know why.. but I don't listen to her...you have no idea how stubborn she can be, she stresses me out so much sometimes" Terell said with a solemn look on his face. Marcus put his arm around Terell...at this point Terell was beginning to let his guard down.

"Yeah, we're gonna have to be careful about her, I don't know your mom that well man..so" Marcus replied.

"Let's just forget about her..., man this place is so cool, you must have had a lot of great memories here" Terell said with a smile on his face. Marcus was touched my Terells remark.

"You bet I did...man alots happened in these past few days...I'm glad I came home, I needed a break from work" Marcus sighed

"I'm glad you came home too...I don't know about you...but does it feel like we were kinda meant to meet?" Terell asked feeling Marcus's energy.

"Yeah it does kinda feel that way" Marcus muttered.

Terell couldn't hold it back any longer...

"Can I tell you something?" Terell asked nervously.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well....you're the 1st guy I've ever asked this but....well 1st of all....you like fellas right?" Terell asked in his thickest southern accent as he became more aroused.

"Well yeah it's obvious by now" Marcus replied with a sexy smile.

Terell sighed happily as he started his next sentence.

" I think I like you man....I think you know what I mean" Terell said running his hand up Marcus's back.

"It's about time you admitted it" Marcus said as he leaned in to passionately kiss Terells full lips. A surge of energy ran through Terell as he felt Marcus begin To unbutton his jeans and reach inside to feel Terell's rapidly rising manhood. Marcus pulled back for a minute, then begin to lick the side of Terell's neck going all the way up to his earlobe then seductively beginning to suck on it. The excitement was almost too much for Terell.

"Ah..stop stop" Terell took Marcus's hand away from his private area " I'm not good at this..I almost...um...ya know" Terell sighed...showing his inexperience.

"That's alright" Marcus paused then stood back a little. "Lets get you more comfortable" Marcus mischievously said as he slowly removed Terells shirt revealing his godly figure. "DAMN" he said out loud.

"Well...playing football pays off" Terell said "now let's get YOU more comfortable" he reached forward and unbuttoned Marcus jeans to reveal his white briefs. Marcus answered by standing up. Terells natural instincts took over as he pulled down the jeans to reveal Marcus's growing bulge. With his teeth, Terell tugged at the elastic in front while pulling with his hands in the back, going down to expose Marcus. He looked up at Marcus to see his reaction.

"Go ahead babe" Marcus said.

Terell looked at Marcus's beautiful 7.5 inch cut dick...savoring the moment, realizing He's about to suck his 1st guy off. He hungrily dived in wrapping his full lips around his Dick. Marcus let out a sigh of ecstasy as he felt the warmthness of Terells mouth pleasure him. Terell gagged a bit at 1st but soon learned to get used to it, he grabbed Marcus's buttocks and pulled him in with each thrust. He was getting to know the taste of what a dick felt like...not to mention...he was falling in love. Marcus's grunts got louder as he came closer to cumming.

"Oh god man I'm gonna cum.....AHHHHHHHH" Marcus screamed as he shot load after hot load into Terells' hungry mouth...swallowing every ounce of what Marcus had. As they wound down...Marcus pulled back.

"It's your turn..." he said without hesitation. Pulling Terells body towards Him, this time. Pulling his jeans entirely off. "You just relax and let me take over man". Terell gave no hestation as he let Marcus get behind him. Marcus began to reach his hands underneath Terells arms and grab his pecs while sucking on his earlobe. Then slowly, he ran his hands down...over his chiseled abs , then down to the tip oh his pubic hair. Marcus liked the different feel of Terells hair...coarse and curly. Terell tensed his body in pleasure as Marcus grabbed his erect penis and began to stroke lightly.

"Goddd damn" Terell exclaimed. Marcus slowly began to stroke harder and longer as the heat of the moment intensified. It was long until Terell began to shout in ecstasy as his orgasm made him shoot 2ft of cum onto the ground in front of him..spurt after spurt. The last droplets remained on Marcus's fingers as Terell slowed down and went limp. They both stood there, Marcus still holding Terell..

" I think we just made some more great memories for this place...can I call you babe?" Terell asked with his eyes closed and slightly smiling.

"You better" Marcus whispered giggling in his ear.

Suddenly, the sound of the local church bell sounded loudly throughout the town.

"Aw shit we better get going" Terell said trying to get his clothes on.

"Yeah, my folks will be getting worried soon" Marcus replied pulling his pants back up.

"We gotta come back here more often" Terell said winking

"Hehehehe...."Marcus giggled.

The two young men rushed out of the forest and reached the side road and began running back to their houses with Terell playfully punching Marcus along the way.

"Hey watch it now!" Marcus yelped.

"You city boys are too soft" Terell laughed.

"Whatever" Marcus rebutted.

They reached the back end of the Grenier property and found the ladder towards Terell's room. They paused for a moment.

"Thanks for the..uh....adventure" Terell said with a sly grin.

"It was...my pleasure hehe....hey....you're welcome over at my house anytime...If you can get a chance I mean" Marcus hinted..meaning "If your bitchy mother doesn't lock you up in your room" kinda thing.

"Don't worry about her...she can't run my life...I'd love to come over and see your room, well..I'm up to the dungeon now" Terell said as he began to ascend the ladder.

"See ya later man." Marcus waved..carefully not saying "babe" out loud where neighbors could hear. He headed for his house and stepped in the front door. His folks were already sitting down and eating dinner.

"Boy where in the dickens have you been?!" Mrs. Grenier looked up from her plate. "We were just about worried sick about you, we've got supper ready here!" "I apologize mama, I have to be honest, I was with the boy next door...just hangin out But I lost track of time..we were uh...getting to know each other" Marcus carefully dodged the total truth

"That ain't like you son" Mr. Grenier said "You're always on time for supper"

"I know I know, I'm sorry..."

Marcus sat down and had dinner. His parents lectured him about Mrs. Jackson and to watch out about hanging out with Terell and the whole deal. Marcus mostly tuned them out as he finished his supper and said goodnight to his parents. He quickly ran upstairs to his room, changed into some boxers and flopped down on his bed, lighthearted. He thought about how Terell seemed to hang on his every word...the stories about traveling Europe. He thought about Terrell's beautiful chocolate brown eyes...he was sure of the feeling he's found more than a friend in Terell...he wasn't sure if it was love yet. He was at a point where he needed someone new in his life but wasn't totally sold on the idea of being attached to someone after so much time of being independent and traveling the world. Little did he know..that was to be the least of his confusion.....

**Well guys, sorry this one took so long...I hope it was worth it...you know what to do! Email me at DefJamMariah85@aol.com for feedback **

Next: Chapter 6

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