When Souls Fly Free

By moc.loa@58hairaMmaJfeD

Published on May 15, 2005


Three days have passed and Mrs. Grenier was admitted to the hospital for her surgery. The family, including Terell had attended. in the waiting room, Marcus and Terell sat while Mr. Grenier talked to a doctor on hand. Terell kept the experience of contacting his father to himself for the time being as he placed his hand upon Marcus's back.

"It's gonna be alright babe, I'm sure it's not that serious" Terell said "you're mom is a strong lady" Marcus smiled and with weary eyes he leaned over towards Terell and gave him an air kiss as of course...nobody was around to see them. Mr. Grenier came back and delivered an update.

"Well, she's gone into surgery..."

The boys lay quiet for a few moments. Mr. Grenier sat down beside them and told them a few stories about his hunting expeditions. They both laughed at the antedotes and humorous tales...they needed it. The hours crept by as they waited for Mrs. Grenier to come out of surgery.

Finally, the staff told them she was out, and by the following day she was released. As they transported Mrs. Grenier back home...she predictably asked how her roses were doing.

"Just fine" Marcus reassured.

As they arrived home......They arranged her bedroom and settled her into position.

"Now mama, you need anything you just ring that bell and holler alright?" Marcus said.

"Oh...alright" Mrs. Grenier said.

Downstairs, Marcus and Terell decided to stay on through the night in case his mother needed something. They decided to invite Marcus's friend Jess over to visit for a while. A knock on the door rang throughout the living room. Marcus answered the door,


"Heey!" Jess said coming through the doorway like the true diva she is. She and Marcus hugged. "Here I brought this for your mom" Jess said handing Marcus a bowl of chicken soup. "I tried to keep it as warm as possible" Marcus thanked her and took the bowl to the kitchen.

"Hey Terell! how are ya sweetie?" Jess said smiling.

"Fine thanks" Terell waved back. Marcus came back from the kitchen and joined the two in the living room.

"Howd the surgery go?" Jess asked.

"It looks like they got it all out" Marcus replied. Terell went over and sat next to him and put his arm around him and then retracted it as he forgot Jess was looking. "Babe it's ok...Jess is cool!" Marcus reassured.

"Oh...hehe..." Terell said shyly looking at Jess

"Oh come on you two......spill!...oh my god where are my manners, this isn't the time...sorry" Jess said embarrassed. "Oh by the way my dad told me to send his love over your way"

"Tell your dad we said thanks," Marcus replied. Terell squirmed in his space a bit...uncomfortable at the "d" word. "You ok babe?"

"Yeah I'm fine...just worried about your mom that's all she been awful quiet..." Terell replied...lying convincingly..and it worked. Being saved by Mrs. Greniers bell...Marcus ran upstairs and tended to his mother. Meanwhile, Jess could tell something else was wrong.

"Terrell, what's wrong?...somethings bothering you...and I know it's something else" Jess stated, she was very intuitive.

"Well...you promise not to tell?..."

"Of course" Jess said

"Jess......I actually called my dad the other day...I actually heard his voice" Terell confessed

"You're shittin me..." Jess replied in shock

"No I aint...Jess...I'm a mess......I'm actually thinking of talking to him......I don't wanna tell Marcus about this, he's got enough worries right now". Terell said silently" Jess if you don't mind I gotta go outside for a mintute..." Terell said excusing himself from the living room. He opened the door to the front porch and shut the door behind him. He looked out into the Alabama night sky and let his feelings come. He took one deep breath and let the tears roll down his cheeks...feelings of frogiveness waved through him as he sobbed. He jerked his head up and turned around at the sound of Marcus opening the door. He tried to wipe his tears quickly...but Marcus saw them anyways.

"Babe whats wrong?" Marcus asked "Jess told me you were out here"

"Oh nothing, just got a cold that's all" Terell said wiping his nose.

"Terell stop lying, look...I'm ok...mama will be alright...what's wrong, I aint having you cry, not in front of me" Marcus said approaching Terell.

"Marcus, I talked to my dad...I called the number on the letter,...Marcus...I heard his voice...I actually heard his voice!!!!" Terell said sobbing.

"Oh babe...why didn't u tell me?" Marcus said wrapping his arms round Terells waist.

"I didn't wanna worry you..." Terell said quickly pulling away " Marcus...I think It's about time I forgave him"

"Yes hon, you gotta forgive him for YOU" Marcus said pointing his index finger at Terell.

"Now if I could just forgive my mom when she's a bitch...anyways..."...Terell said placing his hands on Marcus's face " The next ring is on me ok?......you sit down and rest"

Marcus sighed and giggled while Terell went back inside the house. As he promised...the next ring was his...in fact the next 5 rings were his. Terell considered Mrs. Grenier family now.........

Two weeks had passed and Mrs. Grenier made a full recovery and was back in her rose garden as usual. Marcus watched her from the kitchen window to make sure she was ok. He was expecting Terell to visit sometime soon...everything seemed to have calmed down for a while. Soon Terell arrived and graced Marcus with his beautiful presence. And for that afternoon they shared one happy experience.

Mrs. Jackson tromped up the stairs in her hurried attempt to get the household laundry done. As she arrived at Terells room. She sifted through the dirty clothes on the floor and gathered herself a nice bundle in her arms, up to her face in fact. It was so far up, it blocked her from seeing the edge of Terells mattress. Her right hip eventually bumped up against it and sent the clothes tumbling to the floor, not to mention...budging the mattress out of kilter.

"DAMNIT!!" Mrs. Grenier exclaimed. She took a deep breath as she attempted to re-adjust the mattress, but something caught her eye. A piece of paper protruded from underneath the mattress. Curiosity got the better of her as she opened it. The whites of her eyes became red with rage as she read on. It was the love letter Marcus had written to Terell.

"DAMN THAT MARCUS I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT BOY.. Ugh I can't believe this!!! not my son!!!!!!!...oh theres gonna be hell to pay..." Mrs. Jackson fumed as she turned her head towards the Grenier house.

WHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEW!!!!!! I know it's been a really long time since I last added a chapter but......things have been crazy lately......I almost gave up on this story. I hope this chapter didn't sound to watered down... HOLLA ar me!!!!! DefJamMariah85@aol.com!!

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